The Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-07-27, Page 8lot Tots Early To Big tt
lest for overseas knitting, for sweaters, socks, scarfs and
gloves. Navy, black, Airforce, Khaki and 4 -Medium . grey.
Five ounce balls gse
FANCY KNITTING TARN (Cortacelli): A favorite yarn for
sweaters, 'gloves.. A nide range of colors. ' 1 oz, hall 2
BABY SHEEN—For baby's tbmgs, especially designed for
baby's garments. Colorewhite, pink &•blue 25e skein
GLORIOUS. LIGHTWEIGHT YARN --(All` cotton) for' -
ting and creche ti -Boi'lproof. Skein
VANADIAN WHEELING TARN - A sturdy inexpensive
knitting. yarn .m.' which . q nality and cicanlinesi have been
naintained. Two and " three ply Skein 39e
empleton & Co.
Mon.' Jae' G Gator, mini-
ster of Agriculture, announced
July 14 that negotiations . have
been completed for a contract to
supply the United Kingdom with
-$ minimum', quantity of one hun-
dred million pounds of beef dur-
ing'the two-year period 1944 and
4945,and in addition to this min-
imum quantity all furthersur-
- of beef as they. 'become
available. The negotiation of this
contract has the effect ofassur-
ing ng'. floor ' prices for bee on 'a
,lhe case of ficial ("Red
Brand") beef and Commercial
beef_ Of 'Blue 'Bran- d" • , the
• I
You can't .buy better at
anywbtee neer .the Price -
riceReta its body at
extremes of either hot
or cold.
Quart,29c Gallon $1.14
Canadine Tire Corp.
- Campbell's
Winghaan, 'Phone 184
LIBERAL Moved To Clinton
CEXECUTIVE E Revs and Mrs. D J. Lan have
Meat .Board 'will purchase for ex-
port to: the United Kingdom an
agreed quantity at prices 25 cents
below their respecfive ceilings-:
If .further .surplus quantities of
'Red" and`Mitre" brand beef a.
offered to .the Meat Board, the
Board willpurchase all gulch ad-
ditional quantities at ,prices 50
cents below the ceiling:.
SDA,gi3I3110T rilh, 1944
moved from Goderich to Clinton Pres
where he is minister of the - moor
William Eldridge of SouthamP- byterian church, Rev: Lane also _ .
ton, , elected •president of the served as'- chaplain . at _.. F '
Liberal Association feller- bor until this Flying Training
al riding, at the annual meeting
held in the Town Hall at Port
Elgin on Wednesday evening, last
week, succeeding Gideon Kist:.
ner, of Wiarton, whose resigna-
tion ' was accepted after having
served in that position for many
years, but whose health will _not
permit him to carry on. Ken
Symon of Wiarton, was. elected
secretary-treasurerto succeed
Alex. McKay of Underwood, and
Jobe : McNab of Lucknow, was
elected vice-president
The, meeting ; which. was atteaa
'ded by about 60 from all sections
of the riding =was presided over
by Thos. Duff, member of the
Ontario Legislature for Bruce,
and the chief speaker of . the ev-
ening was Russell Farrow of
Windsor, president of the West-
ern Ontario, Liberal Association.
There was some disappointment
over the failure of Hon. .'Colin
Gibson, Minister of National Re-
venue to attend, but it was
plained' that his parlianetary
duties would not permit his leav-
ing Ottawa at this time ,especial-
as his estimates were being
In addition to the officers nam-
ed above a number of the vice-
presidents of the variaius Muni
cipalties were named, bta this
list was not completed . and will
not be until meetings have been
helk after which the secretary
wlil be notified. The Meeting on
Wednesday night was designed
for orga nation purposes and to
make preparations for the Fed-
eral election' which is expected
to be held either late this fall,
of early: next Yeer.
tyf .near
>„ n wer'e...a riu 1 .,
inations for the presidency, but
all declined the honor with the
exception of Mr. Eldridge of
Other qualities of beef -NMI be.
purchased on the following basis:
Choice of good :qty cows -
75 cents below the .ceiling- .
Connmerrial quality not qual-
ifying for. "blue" brand $125
below the ceiling. ' `
Accumulations of beef of lower.
twenntieswill be avoided :by in-
clusion in the exports of sub-
stantial quantities of boneless
The above prices constitute in
effect floor prices since the Meat
Board will be prepared to buy
School was dosed this monist-
Both Rev. and Mrs. Lane will be
much missed in Goderich where
they ' were very activeti in civic
and war work activities in addi-
tion, to their church duties -
Kinnon„ who is a Bruce boy,, now
Minister of Trnde`and Commerce
would also visit :the "riding, and
it was the intention -of the Prime
rMinister in his 'sweep across the
country ,to visit Western Ontario.
all' .quantities offered to it -Southampton,. who accepted and
-If.-present .ti�ds.ofmarketr � _took has seat u the platform -
continue and if high quality tat- - Following. the forma part of
the meeting, ' winch • 'was . brief,
Mr. Farrow was introduced and
addressed the gathering for . a
short time. He brought greetings waded to by threet socia after mayyears of
Kinfrom primemoister he had had visited Mackenzie hearty cheers, and there was 3l-1 sp/P1141d ser®iee '
��, whom e /,
Ottawa on Tuesday, and who had
remarked on . the valued service
rendered to Bruce County by the?
late Hon. James' Maleolrn, whose
memory he revered. Mr_ Farrow
stated ted that the Prime Mmister
appeared to be in excellent
health at the present time and
aged hirer that there would
be a definite and progressivepro-
gram for the next election.
Mr. Farrow, after expressing
his pleasure at being present,
stated Haat he was glad this was
not a joint annual and nominat-
ion meeting, as the latter, when
held, should be properly constit-
onstituted, 'with ac ted delegates,
t 25 �. -
.mer. ani autumn- mouth'-.,o...;�., -end wo,,�3.,0# �p-e�msa�*.
cents below the ceiling in the' late At this point he introduced to "the
sprung' and early summer months- _ meeting Chas. Hayes, Liberal er-
.The new floor prates will gani2er
He` pointed' out that Mr: King
intended, to follow: ,his plan of not
extending the life of. Parliament.,
and predicted that the election
would be held . either late the
coining fall 'or. early in the spring.
He urged the Bruce Liberal . As-
sociation to hold theirconvention
for the selection of their candi-
date not later than September
6th in any event
"The: Liberal party is definite-
ly an the march", said 'Mr_ Far-
row, and he expressed the belief
that the Liberals would again
sweep the country "You can
make eer Rin there wil be no al-
liance with any .other party, and
that +every lster of the gov-
ernment 'wonld run in his own
riding and the Prime mister
would run in, Prince Albert rad-
ing iondiang what had
appeared in a Toronto lam ,
believe that Mr_ Mg will go
down in history as the . greatest
Canadian of all time',decla ed_
Mr.. Fargo
' He .declares that the :C: C. F
would' provide__did ire opponition
as they had no responsibility and
would pose anything in order
to -get-vet He -said. its:leadeas
would neverbe able to control�
the radical element, and -that the
greater part of their ,
would be in the 'mal cen-
tres, where they am well organ
trod. ,
Before the meeting dosed there
was 'a vote cal confidence in the
administration of Prime Minister
tle.come to market inan orderly'.
Manner it . is expected . that the
nninimum quantities .provided .for
iia . the United Kingdom contract
wall maintain the prices of "Red"
and "Blue" brand beef at a point
not lower than 25 cents below the
ceiling. Inany case, however, no
matter how heavy or . irregular
the marketings may be, the pro-
duce'. of `died" and "Blue"
bid beef will have the com-
plete assurance of the protection
of floor prices at not less than
50 cents below.the ceiling,.
These new floor price arrange-
ments will come into effect on
August 21, 1944, and will replace
the variable and graduated floors
which have been in effect during
the 1943-44 season.. Under last
year's arrangements, the floor
prices ranged from $225 below
the ceiling during the late - u n -
Fri., . Sat. & Monday
Two Shows—'7.30 A 9.30 .
Starring' - - -
Who has everything ..,: from
tier topffmtoatug atyour
ham!! He sings!. Dancer
Ctawnsa lloman ces°• - -
year's ' padre surprise : Mitt
Gloria. Jean, Peggy ` Ryan.
"Mister Big", the slow of
jive -crazy
a e -crazy gang et kids de-
termined to sing and dance,
but -handicapped by aclassical
school of the theatre, is one
of the breeziest items of movie
diversion to came from Holly-
wood in many ins.
Short Subje
Ms* cartoon
Friday,Saiaiday & Modula
':D yF,
'S..:A _ GREAT
(Blendie and f
so paSsed a resoluttan ofthanks
. .
and appreciation to Gideon Imo-
n er of Wiarton, %AM was sOitillIg
from the pr 1e1 of -the As.
level throughout the year. would gave remain
them every assistance
in their organizesto on_•
The speaker then explained the
absence of Col_ Gibson, whoa was
to have been present at this
meeting, but whose parliament-
ary duties kept him at home.. He.
said he had premised to come to
Bruce at a later date, and in -
let us keep the feast" 1 Cor. 5:8. uated also that Hon. James Mc -
in Western
Ontario, who
On Sunday, July 30th, the Sac-
rarent of the Lord's Supper will
be observed at Blakees Church on
the Ashfield Circuit_ "Therefore
arig SALE
de Shoes
All .'Rite, White and Brown Trim
hit and I ow Heels
$1.98 and $2..49
Summer Shoes
Variety of colors to choose from, $2.49_
Men's and Boys' Work Clothing
Overalls, Pants, Sox,
hid: and Underwear°: