The Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-07-13, Page 8. ' • ,, • . , , r , .' 4-'1'1': •• • •-', '•,,,,r.,'",,,, -=,;:l•-----,..- ''47." '''''''''' " ''''''' r . ,r,•';•-••'",,,,..,/,,,"...,..,•,•,,,,,l,S•4/,•,:.• .• "•,•• .•••=, 0- -4.-• -,,,,,,,,fi.,=•! mi.,. .1,,,,,FP«..",........,"i144V7...,,,,It ...rv.••:,,,,a..•-••••••••,•/•:••:•••••,.4•••,,,,,,Ittr, •”r4,1',‘,44.,..••••••,••••/•vF,, ".,,,,,g•Iv,;:".7 ..x ',It ,'..: ,:::"J.:',','-'4'.*t"?.."V:= .4:C41 '•-•••4,44•4-•'4,4,7" 1.. . • ea ... .. . . , rr . . The liucknow Senitinoll Luglarw, Oietorlo nrcicsa&Y, Julwir *Rh, 1944 , Come in and Let Us Shaw You NEW BLOUSE rurratir SINTERS—Trust a man to notice you're wearing something smart When you top your snit off with a well made blouse•born Templeton's. SWISS Jim-mont lace trimmed,• a blouse you can tub and comes eat mee new. - _ SQVARE NECK, the blouse the teen-age are looking for. STRIPE SHEER in powder bine or red, with white, tuck in style. NEW NECKWEAR in white organdy, frilly jabot, with lace hint, eMbroidered pipe, or the new collar for the sweet- heart neck. Add a new collar to your last year's frock and the' AO* is eolelgetebr el/aimed- WOMEN'S NOSIERIf. Buy mercerized cotton stockings to save year better hose. Seamless foot and • wide stretchy top. Pair 59e •Co .i,:,1,A4*(4LIVIT4 - ' ' • - .11(eld Preeentation I Tun WEEK A joint meeting of federal and iterewriegeni Liberal Jii01341.16.1 14•11JUISOI, 4nrn-Bruce ilI be held m :71/mglialit Town --"..11411 it 8.30-orclock-oMFridak-ev= ening, this' week.- The: guest •• -Spetdrer will be -the Hon. NOrMan McLarty,-Secretary, of State of Canada. ' • ' It is understood. that the mate, ter of a ski igb association for, both federal and 'provincial pur- poses in these two constituencies •will be discussed. • MEN'S & BOYS' Work Sox, Shirts, Etc.: 'The 79, TEACii 4.7r MAPLE NEXT liEAR Jelin Martin, son of Mrs. W. R. Martin of Paraniount, will com- mence the •fall teaching term as principal of the two-roorn school. at Maple, whieh. is four miles west of Richmond Hill. , • For. the past six years John taught at S.S, No. 1 Goderich Township, and for 2 years Prior to that at Crewe. In his- eight years of teaching he has not had an entrance student fail out of a total of 20 pupils. Before the • cloge -of the sc• hool •term the annual picnic was held at ,Kitchigarni Camp which waS attended by abeut, ninety pupil's and ' residents of 'the section. At this time Mr. 4 Martin was• pre- sent with a lovely. O'Brien trav- elling case, and the following 'complimentary address: • Goderich, Ontario, June 22nd, 1944: Mr. J. D. Martin Dear Mr. Martin: , On this, the day of our annual school picnic our usual picnic for Bride -Elect -mood is tempered with -a feeling •••••••••••MNIMMIII of sadness. and impending loss • Prior to.her marriage wed_ as we know we are coining so Miss ma near to the parting of the Ways. n Y,_ Lane, eldest daughter of Mr. and During the six years which you GeeirgetLane, Con, 10, Ash- have spent in our community, as field; was hammed at •a preseatalte.acher of S.S. No. 1, adults and tion at the home a Mr. and Whs. c-bRdren althq, leave found in you cyril campben. a "real friend"- In your school Miss Elmira Alton Made the Itwark you have not .only taught what the school course required presentation of a bemitiful fire- side luncheon 'table and the for. but with it' you have, . each day's regular routine, given your lowing address Was read bY Miss Ina •••• - pupils Valuable training hi court- Dearii;rd;.:-.7" • esy and individual responsibility • For some time •we have felt •—a trainibig which- sbauld be of happy to welcome you home at real value to them in their life holiday time. We ha.ve always ap- work, ' whateyer may be. We wish you every success in Your new sebobI work ma urp will always have many pleasant memories of the years you spent in our community. We ask you •to .accept this travelling case as a slight token Of our good will and e.steem and we hope that .you will quite often pack up the nee.- issarY articles in it. and come back to,visit your friends in S.S. No. I., Goderich Township. Signed on behalf of the' com- munity, , Jack Johnston,. _Wylie Johnston, Earl Cooper. your musieal talent and your E Preekted ,the&mewl's_ use .of STORK • willingness to help in all our hoi- ri le 's Gum our boys overseas sends 29 packages, Post- age paid,: dieeet to anyone -iii Use vaaadian' Overseas - Order your box now Umbel GET "YOUR PRESERVING- NEEDS AT THOMPSON'S CERTO CRYSTALS CERT° LIQUID • RUBBER Rums ziroi4; RtNai PAROWAS MEMBASEALS QUARi DAIS "FRUIF-ICEPE” THOMPSOWS %MOUE 82 • WE DELIVER iday undertakingS.• , New we want to welcome- you home on a very different occas- ion—the launching :of your ship oirthe Sea of matrimony. We hope you Will, have a very.pleasant sail throug,hout your • entire life. At this time we felt that iwe would like to ter into the wit slo of your happiness in some tang- ible way. We ask you to accept this table as a token of the high esteem with which you were held •in our commueity. 4 d behalf .-Signed on of your friends and neighbors, -Ina Cam - Elmira ASHFIELD` Gn.r.. Dimcan MacKay has re- turned to his unit after a brief •visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.. John MacKay of Kintail. LAC. Wm. ,Drennan with his wife and family are spending vacation with his parents, Mr. & Mrs.. Elwood Drennan. Mrs. Kerr of Toronto was the guest of Mrs. Fred McGregor last week. , Misses Helen MacKenzie, Is:li- bel and Betty MacDonald are at- tending the shod course for tea- chers at the London Normal SehooL • - • ,Misses Anna and Lois MacKen- zie of Toronto- are spending their vacation at their home near Kin - tail Miss Ethel MacKenzie of Tor- onto is spending a few days at her home at Kintail beach. EN Under Auspices 'Of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion • ON'THE LAWN. AT MRS. W. B. ANDERSON'S HOME Wednesday July 26 Commencing at 3 o'clock Attractions Such As, The Orange Tree White Elephmt, Table and Fortmle SUPPER sERvgri from 5 to 7. Dance a Bingo • TIIAT NIGHT THE ARENA , Cariuther's Orchestra Refreshinent Booth, PRIZE DRAW At Midnight For An Electric Record Player • And.A Cedar Chest, Presentation Made By Ashfield Section • At the close a school on June. 29, the parents and pupils of S.S. No, 3, Ashfield, presented their izacher, Miss Mabel Hord, Park- hill, with a leather overnight bag. Alma Jean Johnston read the fol- lowing address .and Velma McT Donald made the presentation. ' Dear Miss Hord: We, the children and parents of Section No. 3„, Ashfield, \Huron County, take this opportunity to express our good wishes for the - kindly way you treated the child- ren while teaching here for the past year. 1 Please acceptthis small gift as a token of friend- ship and ,goodwill. • We wish you good luck, • and • good health 1 wherever you may be. Signed by the trustees on be- half of the section,- Hugh McKen- zie, Wm. Johnston, Frank Moran. Miss Hord thanked the parents and pupils for thew co-operation. AT CAMP FOR TWO WEEKS Mr. P. S. MacKenzie of Walk- erton will be at Reserve Arrny camp for two weeks from July 15th, and as a consequence his law office in Lucknow 4will net be open on Wednesday, July 19th or July 26th. • . Passed Music Exant • - Eileen Elliott, a pupil of Mrs. • Wm. Giallo/II of Itolyrood was • successful I passing her Grade IV piano examination. , United Church WM.S. The Silly meeting of the Un- ited Chrch • W.WLS. was held in the church with -Mrs. C. Decker presiding. Mrs. G, Bower read the scripture lesson. The study book chapter was taken by Mrs. T. Alton: Iths. Bothwell gave a reading, "Cancelled Prayer" and , the benediction was pronounced by Mrs. T. Burns. • hl - BUILT BY CRAFTSMEN • FOR MEN. OF DISCRIMINATION Shoes by SCOTT licHALE • Ltd. • STYLE, COMFORT, CHARACTER Two outstanding lasts in- brown calf only, • 'The Bomber", and ,"Winston". Other lasts in black and brown calf. Rathwell & Son ••••.••••••r wow '...mo.••••••••••••• I- • - R0SH�ND-LONTRGUZE1S Boys* IJNbERWEAR AND SOOCS MEN'S AND BOYS' FINE SHIRTS NAM P-INVC" Ili" TS- "i'M -4111,1SPENDM BOYS' SWEATERS AND JERSEYS The Store With The Steck • '•• / I • , , • 4,ipe ".rt'irkke•••••4•0,44, •