The Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-07-06, Page 7ele THURSDAY, JULY 6th, 1914 The Lucia Sentinel, Luc -1m�%! Ontario tilATII#THE TII0OPS Fred Steward of the - Arrny Postal Corps at Montreal and ,,Mrs. Steward, are visiting with Ihis parents, lat. and Mrs. Chs. Steward. Mr. and 1Irs. James Johnston received word a, few days ago that; their son Clair - is with the Canadian forces . in Franee.: • Section Officer Mary L Philip of the Women's Division of the R.C.AY. at Rockeliffe ,spent last week ' with - her mother, Mrs. Lydia Philip, at. South Kinloss Manse; Round Up Three Prisoners •-• Letters. have : been, received from a number of members of the 99th Wingham Battery who the Royal Canadian Navy, as a are with the invasion . forces in member of the navy band. ' France. Tapper Gray -'-writes that LAC. Jim Henderson of the he. and "Porky" Mitchell had a Howard Johnston with the Canadian Navy at Halifax spent a few days„here this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Johnston. - Joins ,Navy Band Kenneth McKenzie, son f, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McKenzie. of RiP ley, 'left on Thursday. Morning for Toronto where he enlisted in R.C.A.F. at Cape St. James, B.C., is spending a' month's furlough at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jehn, W. Henderson. PO. tuart Collyer who is an R. C. A. F. instructor at Jarvis spent the week -end at the home of his mother,, Mrs. Sarah, Coll- yer. He was accompanied by. Mrs. Collyer and two sow Teddy and • Thommy who are remaining for the week. In 'Same Flight As Jack Bowers • PO. John. K. MacKenzie, •son of Mrs. Wm. MacKenzie of town, who has been overseas with the R.C.A.F. since mid-May, spent a recent furlough in Edinherough, • Scotland and in a letter to his Mother described some of the • highlights of this visit. John is in the saine flight as PO. Jack • Bowers, son of Mr: and Mrs. Garnet- Hehderson • bit of fun. rounding up three Ger- man prisoners.. "Porky" got hit with a few fragrnents 'from- a mortar bomb, but didn't go off duty. Wounded In France Mrs. Garnet Henderson Of town (nee Evelyn Taylor) received , word on Saturday that her hus- band •had been wounded in • France., Garnet suffered a fract- ured jaw caused by -a ex: plosion and Was taken back to • . England for treatment. • He is with the Provost Corps.• , DAUGHTER OF HURON LADY • ARRIVES OVERSEAS • Mks. A. C. Hamilton of Huron Township received word • last • week of ,the arrival overseas Of her daughter Emma, Mrs. John Barrett of Oakville. • Mrs. Barrett is a graduate nurse of quelph General Hospi- tal arid has gone to England tin.- • der arrangements by the British Government, where she will do emergency hospital nursing: Her husband, Capt. John Barrett is With the Canadian forces in Eng- land. Mrs., Barrett's brother, Andre* •' Hamilton. is seeing action in Italy •with the Perth Regiment: • Harold Purves Is , Home From Overseas aelmom..•••••... • Harold Purves- who has .been overseas with the Canadian army for upwards to three years, ar- rived home ten days ago, due to. a lowering of his medical cate- gor-y. Harold is on a thirty -day • leave at the end of which he will • report at London for a medical cheelt-up, which will determine whether or not he will receive his discharge. • 'Harold and Mrs. Purves are visiting here at the home of his • mother, WS.. Essie Purves. Harold Made the return At - Untie crossing on a fast troop 'ship and was at sea only seven days., Asked about receipt of cig- arettes -from-local-organizations...- he said they were certainly ap- •litireciated, and estimated that he had received about fifty per cent of the smokes sent him. English •. cigarettes, which they dori'l fancy cost -them 56 cents, for a package, of 20. , Harold said they were treated very well by 'the people of the Old Country and life there was 121=Fgsli tetheir •Way of ivirg . . • Roy Renwick, son of Mrs. Js. Kirby of Teeswater, has ben promoted to the rank of squadron leader in the R.C.A.F. Roy is at present stationed at Yarmouth, Jim, Stewart who waswith the R.C.A.F. overseas and recently returned home due to a lowering of his, medical category, has re- ceived his discharge from the ser- , Member of Caterpillar Club •Mr.. Ezra Wellwood of White, church , has received word that FADE SEVEN It was learned here on Tues- day that Elliott "Tilly" Webster was in hospital overseas with a leg wound. No details are avail- able as to where or under what circumstances he was wOunded. Harold Hackett, son of Wm. Hackett and the late Mrs. Hack- ett, had' been seeing plenty of action in Italy where he is at- taehed to a Canadian armored tank delivery regiment: He en listed Originally in the Kent Reg- iment. Harold's wife resides, ,in Fergus. •'<7 ' his son Norman,' who is a :pm- Is A .Big FelloW Now . ' oner of war, ' has been made a Mr. and Mrs.' John -T. Carter member of the Caterpillar Club, have received a letter. from "their an international, organization 1134"; LAC. Lloyd:Elliott of Moss - composed solely of -these who have saved their lives by means of parachutes. Mr. Welwood Will ,shortly receive the official in- signia of the . club; which is a small gold lapel pin in the form of a caterpillar, with his name and the date of the emergency jump engraved thereon. ' —. A1 - ,Times. vance bank, Sask., in -Which he says he expects to be posted overseas this fall. Lloyd is now six feet, three inches tall and weighs .190 pOunds. Lloyd recalls his boy- hood days spent with his foster parents, and gives Mr. and Mrs. Carter much praise for the child- hood training and guidance. he received from them. With Invasion Forces Jack MacDonald of town is with the Canadian invasion forces in France according to airmail letters recetired, by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John MacDonald, the latter part -of the week. Jack had little to say about the "big show". He hasn't been in con- tact with any of the boys from home for some time. . . ASHFIELD• NOTES Mrs. Sproul of Goderich visit7 ,. • ed with Mr. , :and Mrs. Albert Ilelin a few days-laSt"Weeki • Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hogan and family of Toronto spent the - week -end with his, parents and brothers hefe. Miss Frances Gilmore, London, •spent the week -end at her . home. Mrs. John Irwin of •the 2nd Con. of Huron and Mrs: A. Heim and Mrs. Sproul visited with Mrs. W. 0. Hunter Saturday afternoon. • Miss Helen, Gilmore of Hamil- ton is spending her vacaticifi at her home. . • • • 1 • F.._ OVERSEAS SERVie •Now that I can go I'm not going to stick around and let the other fellows do it. • Bill and Jack went over la' st week, and Fred's been over there a year. Now it's my chance. It's going to take months of training before I can get fighting -fit, so I'd better get moving 1,1%0CE 194. today. Yes sir! I'm going now, to tell Dad and Mom that I'm on my way to sign up. l • N 1 44, co WEAR !TON YOUR ARM • .".1.:‘ • el • Se