The Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-06-22, Page 8B• 4 • ,. pI.etons Are Ready -For miner Vacation! Are You? SEuto��alcls�alshs��ra closing, 'expertly neatly, several button �.. $3..98 LADIES' BATHING SUITS -Gaily patterned cotton print dressmaker suits,adjustable shoulder ;straps. $1.98 HANDBAGS—Let us show . you the season's smartest in handbags. They are , new and different. this -year. Fabrics, hoinespuns and pigtex, ,envelope and tophandle sttyles; some . wood tops. ' . ' • ' . ' •$2:25 up SIMMER SILK . (RAYON); dress- eS to wear o th h • dassV.98 SOCKEES for Ladies or Children. Be patriotic, wear sock ees (savesilk hose) e.. Just : the hose to wear at .the ' beach, `Price . :: w , 25c '& 35e LADIES GARDEN OR: BEACH STRAW HATS ' 35c eml.iieton 0.0. • Juireniles Get :Crests Crests f�r the jackets presented. to the Juvenile' Hockey team this spring, arrived last week.. They. are attractive red ' and white`. crests withx,the.., lettering "0. M, it, A. semifinals, 1943-44". Going To•'Holmesville ' Pastoral changes m Huron presbytery,of the United Church, include the appointment of . Rev." Campbell Tavener to the Holmes- ' le charge. Rev,' Tavener, a i former minister : on the Ashfield Circuit, is concluding a. fi'veyear pastorate at • Bluevale. ,in, . to:;: a id.4 rdler a#poi STRAINED BABY 'FOODS 8y ,Heinz & Ayner .. I Now :obtainable ,at Thompson's in over 15 varieties of fruits, vegetables and soups. STEEL WOOL—Coarse Package 5c CATELLIS CHEESE-A-RONI 2 packages 35c COLEN[ANS PURE LARD Lb. : ' 15c VICTOR ROLLED WHEAT 5' Ib. bag ll 25c Kennel -King DOG EEFIES Bag 10c Artificial VANILLA Special! 16 oz. bottle Philadelphia CREAM CHEESE Package. 19c 18e• Conserve by Preserving with "FRITIT-HE,PE". No sterilizing, no cooking, , no sugar THOMPSON'S 'PHONE 62• °. WE DELIVER PtdSE RATE FOR HEALTH SCHEMES Huron • County Council • in ses- sion last 'week ,added one-half Economics", Mrs. J. C. Proctor, mill to. the County rate to raise 'Belgrave; "Social Welfare", Mr.'s. ! Lorne' Ivers, Dungannon; "Pub - 07,500.: to be devoted annually, to:. ; hcity, Mrs. R. 'J, Phillips, Au - 'the 'maintenance , and "improve burn; "War Work",.: Mrs. James went of 'hospitals and health t Little, Lucknow, R:R. 3.\The same conveners of standing commit- tees 'were re-elected for the en- suing , year. • fihe election of ' the. ' following district .directors 'was' ratified by the meeing: • Auburn, Mrs: F. Ross; Belgrave, Mrs. C. R. Coul- tes; .Blyth, ,.Mrs _..Colclough; -Glin-.' •tonrMrs J. Mc,inley;' Goderich, Mr ,...0. .--.: Matheson •;-St^•.-Helens;z Mrs McKenzie Webb; Wingham, Mrs Gordon Gannett; • Dungan- non, Mrs. Lorne Ivers; Kintail, ; Mrs. William Johnston. The convener of the nominat=' ing committee presented' the fol ;lowmslatt of officers° who were elected. • Miss E. Kidd, repres-, enting • the .Institutes' Branch of the • Department of Agriculture, Toronto,.. conducted the election: president,. Mrs. W. J. Henderson, Wingham;, . ,1st vice president, Mrs. Charles , Lockhart, Goderich; 2nd vice. president," Mrs. Lorne Ivers; Dungannon; 'sec.-treas., Mrs., Norman Keating,:, Belgrave; Federation representative, • Mrs. W. J. Henderson, Wingham; ' al- ternate, l-ternate,.Mrs. Charles Lockhart, INSTITUTES AT DUGAN N;:!• a • THURSDAY, JliNE 22nd, 1944 The annual meeting. of the - men's Institutes of ..West Huron District was • held in the United church, , l ,ungannon On. Thursday conducted by the president, Mrs. W, J: Henderson of Wingham. -Mrs. .J. M. Reed conducted de-. -votional exercises • and. the utes were .read by the secretary; Mrs. Norman ',Keating of Bel - grave.. A11. brpnches were repre- sented, atthe meeting including Auburn, Belgrave,,' Blyth, Clin- ton, Dtingannon,.. Goderich, tail,Sl.. Helens :and 'Wingharn r •' • .Rev,' H. 'J. Vickerson' extended, w lcorne '•to• the .de -legates. coplimentedk. • theY 'Institutes • of Iiurondistrict on the won- derful work thef are accomplish- ing and encouraged them to-con.... •tinue 'their . worthwhile enter prises: • • The' report; of standing coin- .Kmittees :were presented ' as • fol-.. lows: ``Agriculture, and Canadian Industries"; Mrs. • M. Batkin, ' Clip- ton; "Citizenship", prepared by Mrs.' R. Davidson, .Dungannon; and read by Mrs. F. ' Oster of Blyth owing to Mrs: Davidson'S s. illness; "Historical Research", Miss Gillespie, Blyth';' . ''"Horn.— • schemes -The trend of the debate on the : measure' favored that the half -mill levy for this purpose be .permanent. w . : 0 'This action was followedquick- ly by granting $25,000 out of the. new fund to assist in building' a new $55,000 wing to the Wing- -ham' eneral- Hospitals -$20,000 -is to be,paid.when the building con °tray -;is signed" mid the - remain ing"'$5000 one year later. The •W,i.n g h a m deputation pointed out that the hospital was. constantly overcrowded, • with corridors .being used, as; well as the' third floor, which was con- demned bar the health department ,because of fire hazard. Council • went a step further by adopting a count- w.idd health nursing plan, to be financed out of 'thisnew fund 'which: is to be administered , by a 5=man• health committee. It is planned to start be -raised by a with' three ,nurses stationed • throughout the County" and, in- crease this. number. to fiye as nurses are. available. The estim- ated cost is $12,000 a year''of which the province will pay one- . third. . . Then, County budget provides for . expenditures of $174,218, to 4.5'mill rate. A ': -half mill is earmarked for the sum $ , year, dg h p f O A dg• Maitland' • • war effort. • • . The of 154 200 is .to be s pp ent. on Huron. County roads this according to. the report o the County Road.. Commission. One bridge : over thel River, 'south of Ethel, is to be built. The report states that cur- tailed maintenance and construc- tion since the. war ,started has left most of the grave] roads with insufficient surfacing. The snow road expenditure was much lower, this year, with $6,623.08 spent. Calcium chloride is more easily obtained and it is expected that more , will be.: ap- ° plied this year. • UNITED CHURCH LUCKNOW ReN. J. W. -Stewart, B.A. B.D. Pastor SUNDAY, JUNE 25th, 1944 .10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11: a.m.--Continuni the Doc- trines' of our Chu ch. Story --"Sing It". Junior . Church. Sacrament of . the Lord's Supper: • Evening Service Withdrawn Because of St. Peter's Anniversary. Fridy, Saturday, monday Two Shows Each Night, 7.30 and 9.30 Ronald Coleinan, Jane Wyatt, •Thomas Mitchell; Mar go, J.ol n Howard,•in:the magnificent production• ``Lost Horizon , of Shangri-La" You must . not fail to 'see ' this grand picture: Also "Scree Snapi ots" NEXT FRIDAY, SATURDAY (Dominion Day) One of the "Falcon" detective series, a thrilling story "THE /FALCON STRIKES BACK" .. COMING -- Rochester, \inn Miller "WHAT'S BUZZIN' CUZZIN' THE • RED : CROSS' .'. . HOME NURSING OURSE WILL COMMENCE •I1V THE LUCKNOW HIGH SCHOOL, ON Lectures: Will Be Held In Lucknow Each Tuesday Evening From 8 to 10 O'clock. In : The School. 111111119116011111 1115111101111111111111111 11111110111M1111111 1111111111111111911111. Goderich; auditors, Mrs. E. An- Area convention at London, Mrs, derson and Mrs R. Proctor, both *. J. Henderson; alternate, Mrs. of Belgrave; district delegate, to William Fraser, Wingham. . That, until further notice we cannot accept rush jobs on. repairing until we get caught up with work- we have -on hand. , . • • In all fairness to customers who have had work in our repair sloop over a period of time, we find this is the only conclusion we can come to. Also effective at once all repairs must beon a strictly cash basis. C. Rathwell Son: Sr MVO v . :New Tickings, Sheet, _1',illow__CattonstSets,--� New Cushiong and Pillows CI in Con_ elt01 Rues The Store With The Stock 6