The Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-02-24, Page 5PEORILIARY 24th, 1944 •
The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario
Lyceum Theatre
Thurs., Fri., Sat. Feb. 24, 25,
• , • cannon ims
in Stirring TECHNICOLOR!
Also. "News"‘
Matinee..Saturday afternoon at 2,30
Mon., Tues., Wed., Febrilary 28, 19, March 1
Louise Rainer VVilliam'13endix
A story of the Czech underground from the
best-selling novel by Stefan Heym.{. •
• I
Tuesday, February 29th, is Red Cross Night
and tickets are being sold by The Wingham
Branch of theRed Cross.lUnsold-tickets, if
any, may be purchased Tuesday evening at
• the theatre. There will be two shows at 7.30
p.m. and 9.30 p.m.
LANGSIDE : Mrs. W. A. Taylor visited r&
centlk with Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Ross of. Culross.
Mr. and MI's. Harold 'Johnson
and family of Lucknow spent
Sunday with Mrs. W. Conn: 1
Mr. !Archie Taylor. of North
Bay who has been *visiting with
Mrs. W. A. 'Taylor land. Charlie
the past few weeks has .gone
to Hanover to Visit his 'sister.
Mr. and Mrs: Wallace Conn and
Elaine, Mrs. Johnson Corn and
Ruby spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Hardy qiiiApsortippf Culross.
Last week' esley Tiffin
received a .card from a prisoner
of war' ..,Maurice Abraharn, 'of,
Italy, iharcing her •for a pair
of socks she had knit foil the
Red Cress at Lucknow during
1940-41. This card, -was five and
one-half months from when it
was written till received. This
'goes .to prove that work done for
the, Red 'Cross is being given .to
those in the services.
'Mrs. Eddie Wadel returned!
home troth Wingham hospital on
Friday -last.
• Mr. and. Mrs. Bob Stewart, Eil-
een and Donald spent Sunday
with Mr: and 'Mrs: Lorne McAl-
lister of Culross. •
Mr. and Mrs. George Tiffin land
Coleen' spent Sunday' with rela-
tives at Whitechurch,.__
Mr.' Gordon Wall spent !Sun -2
day with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mof-
The Larigside ,Patriotic Society
held. their Social evening on' Fri-
day last with a crowd of around
•70. Bingo and, dancing was the
entertainment. The t nex.t enter-
' taiihment will be held March 3rd:
when Mr. arid Mrs... Bill Scott
will entertain.. The 'net proceeds
' for the evening was $13.14. Free
music was supplied by' Messrs..
Jim Parks, Jim Moffat, 'Mrs.
Ivan Conley, Mrs. Bill Scott and
Mrs. Johnson Conn.
• Mr. and. Mrs, Fred Tiffin, Char-
lie. Tiffin, Mr. and Mrk Russell
Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ern
erson and Mrs. A. Emerson spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Brown. • .
• Miss Grace.Richardson Of TeeS-
"N water spent the week -end at her
hone ,here.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott of
Ripley spent 'Sundaywith Mr.
and Mrs. ITorn Hill.. .
• ,
Mi -s. Widdi. Douglas and
Marilyn, Miss .,Winni9 and Ken-
. „neth' Donaldson': were Sunday
visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs: John, Richardson.' ,
Mrg. Clark . Johnson of East
Wawanosh spent ' the ‘veek-end
*, with her parents, Mr. and MN.
'Wm. Brown..
The. Red Cross quilting
held last Tuesday .at the heirne
of Mrs. Farish Moffat when a
qpiit \vas quilted and others pre-
, pared.
Mr. Donald MacKenzie return-
. ecl home last week from Wing•
ham hospital where he jbad un.
dergone an operatron for appen-
ALEX B: McKAGUE of Tees -
water has been elected second
vice president of the Ontari6 As;
sociation of Agricultural Societ-
Great axiety 'hung over the
community the first few days
this week, in regards to a case
diagnosed as, 'spinal meningitis,
the victim being Paul Caesar, 15 -
year -old son of Mr. and Mrs. Will
Caesar on the 6th Concession of
Ashfield. The boy was in •a,p-
parent good health up to :SatUr-
lay 'afternoon,- when he took a
bilibus attack•,and towayrds even7
inglapsed into. an unconscious
*te,':Hb' was immediately rush-
ed to. -*Ingham hospital, and af-
ter examination, . a serum .Was
giVen to • check the disease: -Fof
48 hours it could not be deter-
mined if the. results would be
satisfactory which was a great
Strain for his family and friends,
The disease, being,rather unus-
ual and serious and this partic-
ular'type being contagious, the
Dungannon. school, where Paul
attends., was' closed at once . for
the . rentainder of the week at
I least. Tuesday afternoon, reports
.can that his condition seerried
much brighter ,and now hopes are,
'held for. his recovery. • -
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. L. Eedy,
over ' the week -end, had -of their
four sons in war Services,• -three
of them horne,, hamelY: Fit. Sgt':
Thornton. Eedy, Windsor; • Pte
,Irvine Eedy, Hamilton, and AC2
Ross Eedy, Three Rivers,: Que.
Little Ruth Andrews, daughter.
of Mr.. and Mrs.Warner Andrews
of Auburn, is staying a while'
with her grandmother, Mrs. W.
R. Andrews.-
Miss Melba. Fowler ,spent'.last
Thursday in Lonclo.n. • - -
Mrs. 'Minnie jOnez „returnedt
last week after visiting a .month
with , relatives • i'n', Windsor and
Detroit, , . , . " ' •
. Miss..'Fere Alton, Toronto and
Mr. J. C. Alton, ClintOn,. spent
the Week -end with their parents,
Mr. and 'Mrs. Chas. 'Alton:
News of the sudden death :of,
Mr .) -Roy Stonehouse, Goclerieh,
Came as a shock to friends here,
Where he was generally. known,.
Mrs. Jas: Stonehouse here being
an • annt. •
United Church W. A.
The February meeting of. the
United' church. W. A. was held
Friday afternoon in the, 'church
'basement..The executive met be-
fore the meeting arid the pro-
grams for the year were made
out. The meeting Opened with a
hymn followed by the Lord's
brayer and after the 'scripture
lesson read bjr Mrs. Go.. Hodges
prayer was given by* Mrs: Chas.
Alton.Irhe roll. call was 'respori-,:
ded. to by 'a verse Of scripture,
Letters of correspondence. were
read and during, the business
period, it was decided to have
St. Patrick's social, A piano
solo was given by Mrs. Leroi
Stingelf An •article, was read by
MTS. Otto Popp. Mrs. , Jos., Mc.
Whinney. read' "England church,
bells welcome her home". Mrs.
Chas. Alton, who has been tlie
efficient president • for several
years, resigned her office, which
will be carried on 'by Mrs. Otto
Popp for the rest' of the trrn.
Mrs:. Popp who was assistant
secretary, was 'replaced by Mrs.
Geo.• ;Hodges. Mrs. Popp, being
assistant pianist, was 'replaced by
Mrs'. A. Pentland. The meeting'
than closed with prayer by the
minister. r
Death of ffifant yaugliter
Chrporal 'W.' Harvey. Bryans.
.and Mrs. 13Q,atis have been sad-
dened and disapbbinted in 'the
death of their little 'daughter,'
Sonya, ‘vho lived bat a few hour
after the little tot was horn at.
the Goderich Hospital on Friday
AttemoOn, February 18th. A pri-
vate funeral service was held
- • - - • .-•- • - L.,'
L 0. L. No. 428,
Town Hall, Lucknow
it)Irs ay e
Proceeds For Patriotic Purposes
Carruthers' Orchestra Admission 35c
Mr. 'and Mrs. 'Cecil Johnston
visited her parents ih Arkotia
over the, 'week -end.
•Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Thompson
of HolyrOod spent Sunday with
her parents; Mr.. and Mrs. G.
Saunders. ,
Harley, Lorne,. Tom and J. C.
Philips spent i.i.rziay with their
grandmother, Mrs. Thos. Phillips
at Stelens. "One way I can help the war".
: H
MrHerb Cbrran is in Toronto Subject in charge iof Mrs: Ball.
Program, committee, Miss Mary
this wee attending the good
Murray, Mrs. J. Cameron.' Motto
"Look before you leap", by Mrs.
Rice. Hostesses,' - Mrs: -Geo: Stuart,
Mrs. D. Todd. ' •
Private Hugh McCrostie, home
The annual Day of, Prayer will
be observed- on Friday afternoob
at 2.30 at the home of Mrs. W.
I. Miller.; All • the ladies of_the
Community are in1.itd.. -
The March meeting of the Wo-
nien's Institute will be held in'
the community hall on Thursday
afternoon, 4Iareh,...,2',„. Roll call
roads convention.
• The, Young 'Peoples meeting,on.
Thursday' night took the form of
a social ,evening. The pi•oceeds
was $4.30 for the famine 'relief
fund. Lunch was served at the 'on leave from St. John, N. B. was
close of the social activities. The .honoreel at' a gathering in the
W.M.S.. will unite with the "Y. community -hall -on Friday even -
P. U. this Week on Friday night ing. Dancing was enjoyed to
music by Mr. and .Mrs. Chester
Taylor; Miss Doris , Taylor° and ,
. , Mr. George Stuart. After lunch:,
and follow the, program' for :the
World •Day.'of. Prayer:- ..• •
at' the home bf Mr. & Mrs. Thos.
Dickson Sr., parents of Mr. -5.
Bryana. Rev. H. J. Vickerson,
pastor of the Dungannon United
church and Rev. C. E. Taylor,
brdther-in-law,.of Mrs. Bryans,
conducted the. service. 'Rev. Vic-
kerson chose ; for comforting
words, 'Isaiah chapter 40, verse
11: "He shall ‘feed his flock like
a shepherd; he shall gather the
lambs with his arm, and carry,
them in his bosom, and shall
gently lead. those, that are with
young". The remains were 'laid
to rest in Dungannon cemetery.
Relatives from a' distance were
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bryaris, Mr.. &
Mrs. John Bryans,. Brussels and
Rev. C. E. Taylor, Mrs. Taylor
'and daughters, Noreen, Marjorie
and' LavOinne, Thamesfoz d.
Red .CresS Notes •
. .•
A quota received lately is for
40 knitted turtle -neck sweaters
for seamen. The yarn is. avail-
able from Mrs. Robt. Davidson.
Hugh was called -'to the' platforni
Grant Rutherford read an ad-
dress and Peter Campbell made
the presentation Of -a handsome
wrist watch. After Hugh ,had ;ex-
pr•essed. his appreciation all join-
ed in singing "For he's a jolly
good, fellow". Gifts have also
beer sent to Percy Ramage of the
R.C.A.F. and Wilfred Ramage of
the army.
. ,
The following, . engagement:
from' the . Ottawa Citizen is. of •
local- interest:
Mr. and • Mrs. Williano Erley •
have announced the engagement
of their "daughter; Mary.. Emily,
to Paymaster -Lieut. 'Thomas A..1
Douglas, R.C.N.V.A., son Of . Mr.
and Mrs. Robert,',„G. Douglas.- The
marriage is to take place early
in March.
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