The Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-01-20, Page 2PAGE TWO
Established 18.73'
Published Each Thursday Morning
Subscripti° n Rate -- $2.00 A Year In Advance
To United States $2.50 Single Copies 5c.
• M'ember of, The C. W. N. A.
L. C. Thompson, I'ul licher and Proprietor
Tn ,our...issue :of TieGember 30th, we pub-
'.Iished-a letter to -the editor from A M "Sandy" _
Nicholson, C,C.F. Member for the MacKenzie
constituency in Saskatchewan. While we; . differ
with him politically, we always . 'welcome
"Sandy's" contributions 'to The Sentinel, no
:. ' THURS., JANUARY 20th, 194
The L,uckn®w► Sent rel, ur ow, ntar10 •
Lr-- Local and General
None of us like submitting to Government
children, Dick and Franklin, are
visiting in London with her par-
ents. Mr. and Mrs tred Nixon,
,Mr. and Mrs. Richard Elliott` of
Holyrood and Mr. and 'Mrs. Will
is Corigan ,of • Cookstown visited
last week ,with•:Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
•regulations when they are imposed, but often
"Mrs. Kenneth. »ilurdie and two Mrs. Raymohd. Finnigan who; '„
has been quite ill for a t" a with
pneumonia is now , siderably
improved in• health. �t
Billie and Jack Kennedy. a9 "e
spending .this week with their
grandparents, Mr. and. Mrs. Wm..
upon studying the order a different viewpoint
is obtained,. This appears to be the case in the
recent newsprint rationing order, which is
simply oblige weekly publishers. to
, adopt a sound business practise . in the matter
of newspaper circulation — the enforcement of
a paid -in -advance policy. •
All weekly newspapers, have been assign-
ed a quota of newsprint fqr • the year •1944,;
which' must not be exceeded.- If 'this' -Supply ..
does not provide for.the ' needs - of the publica
ten, . an additional quantity may be applied•
but only' wkien"'it is proven to the Administr
tor that the paper, has no subscribers rnpre'than.
three months in arrears.
The newsprint situation is 'very acute, and
the steps taken by the Government will. ,ef-.
the subject. • f�ectively;ourtail any.wasteage of, available stip-
v' ishlishers.. ith-`a-guilt-
• 'It was our editorial, Trying to Glossaps• and yet pro irle p
ter what
Over" • with reference • to . H
paper sufficiently .to pay for it in advance.
. a ..,
• A new high in 'lack of .interest;in;inunicipal
•.affairs was witnessed last week' in Teeswater
when a second nomination meeting' obtained
only one of two candidates to' .complete the
b�oard.•of trustees. Ten persons were . nominated
• for the two • seats.
arold Winch's ,fam- _ ity ample to supply, subscribers. who value the
ous Calgary speech, that caused Mr. Nicholson
to write his December letter. Regarding the
editorial, he said,'"There are several statements'
that should be questioned but I' shall. just men-
tion two".. •
Statement .number. one' from our editorial
was, "They `(C.C.F:)' recognize that their corn-
• munistic ideas . of state 'ownership can be, es-
' After the subject, "they''',. 'it was Mr, .1V ich-
• ol' n who ink ted "(C.C.F)". Had he ',quoted .
Miss Agnes Co ey of ',the
:N.R.; • depot . staff - at Braniptar
spent the week -end' with her par-
. ents, T�{r.. and ' Mrs: Joseph . Con
• ley. l =�
• lbert " McQ. id returned.
to the, Village the first, of the
week: He had spent t spme time
with his • daughter„ Mrs: Warner
Smyth of. 'Culross, after being
confined to Wing nr Hospital
_for a_couple.-of--vee s. inn--the411.-
Mrs. . Eric•; Cox ' has been x11;
with - phlebrtts ori ._ f fined -_
her room ' for two weeks, but is
getting. along nicely and -'open to
be able to get up ,id a few, days.
• Bruce . and, • . Duron Count.
Councils are -in. session this week -
at Walkerton and Goder.cch res
pectively. Representing Lucknow•
and Kinloss are J. W. J.oynt' and
'f ichard Elliott. At Godes icn West
W,awanosh . and Ashfield. are • rei -
resented by Brown Smyth and
A "second nomination meeting
1 will: be held in' the'. Town Hall,
1 Lucknow, :next Monday night,
January 24th,. at 7.30 o'clock for
one hour, to receive., nominations
for two members of the Board
neat- for. ,a----two-Y,
Who. is going to make that impartial de-
cision?' ' And then if an . industry doesn't care -
tear. .
In event of more' :than two
qualifying for the office; and.
an election being' required, it
would . be held • the following
Passed R. N. Exa!ninations
Miss Eliza Cook, daughter of
Mr., and Mrs..Albert Cook of
Paramount recently • passed her
registered ..nurse` examinations.,
Miss Cooly 'is' a graduate., of Owen
Sound Hospital.
"to bee taken over", is that when Mr: Winch
so will bring out the police,and the army, or
the preceding sentence in the same paragraph. : "will a "squeeze .play". be appliogl such .as big
" '' . referred'
it would readily be seen that ' they h�xarrre s 1s constantly °being charged with :at
to that ".element withinthe party ranks". '.
we have more letters . to the
And we repeat' that there are. those ,with-
in the C.C.F. ranks, whether welcomed by the "'
party leader and others or. not, that `are con-
firmed eommunists: Mr. Coldwell has .puplicly:
rejected Tim Buck's communist ,party, , now
bearing the more palatable name, . Labor -Pro•.
gressive, but their votes: have no doubt been Can't see' how you; can have �sacialism for-
a quite. acceptabl,e..and'their influence will have. ,. we- c ,
a very definite' way of making itself felt, we some• and not for others•• --how, you can social-
think. It is not' unheard of • to. have the tail ize "big business" and let the "little capitalist" ,
wag. the, dog. • s.. continue. to function free of state control --how •
•• you can enforce socialism in Toronto and not
What.•Mr. ,Nicholson was .seeking to point out in 'Lucknow or the surrounding rural area.
far the C.C.F. program seems to be one..
of .get -to -power promising, with the Utopian
state ,envisioned after theyget there. We have
no syiri'm
pathy with monopolistic teres s
most definitely exis , nor are we. defending the
present adm• is ation, .which, although it has
accomplished much during' over. four years of
We hope,
editor in this °connec"tion for what we are ,in-
terested in, is. how the C.C.E. proposes to. ac-
complish its 'hit and miss socialization program
without resorting to autocratic and dictatorial
methods, with far greater regimentation than
is , demanded of a nation at. war: But above all,
was that' the C.C.F. was the most democratic
party. in Canada,.and, quote, "we will not
• take power until given. a mandate by the
people of Canada". Mr Nicholson interpreted a t th
Harold Winch's , ,speech, thusly,. "After the
' C.C.F. takes office we will have tomaintain
law and: order by using the police, and army
if the police is challenged.
Statement number two, . which . Mr. Nich- , . war, • has done some very apparent ' muddling,
while at the same time playing the political •
Olson .questions:was, "Socialism can't be' a • with. more enthusiasm than success .it'
half -way measure. It must be totalitarian or'. . gam.e
" nothing" . •
Mr. Nicholson points to the "great measure
of socialism in Canada now". He .refers to the
socialist post office; socialist sidewalk's,' bridges,
roads and fire protection systems.• He alight
have included the "socialist" C.N•R., C.B.C. or
the. H.E.P.C. • •�
' If Lucknow's paved roads, fire. protection.
• syst,em and. such. services and utilities . 'are
"socialist", they' are voted on and paid for' by
Lucknow's "capitalists", those who own their
own business and hordes. No •major expendi-
ture is udertaken without;a vote of the ,rate;
payer. a er against whose . ownings the cost will be
That; is democracy, we think, and the closer,
• New Zealand has been upheld by .C;C.F.
campaigners ' as the ideal socialist stated Far
away pastures look greenest, for the New Zeal:
and Government escaped defeat by the slimest
of margins in a • recent national election. Some
would try the eiiperiment'.here upon no other
reasoning than, "a 'C.C.P. administration can't
be any 'worse than what. we've got".
We do believe that it is the responsibility
of the state to provide those services whereby
the youth of the country may have the fullest
developmeht of mind and body, and upon
reaching maturity so equipped, will. find a
tate free driratittices fri WhiefftlieY bail build'
their awn social. security if they will. But -
every individual must recognize the facf that
the control of such services is kept to the roan he or shy must contribute something worth -
who pays for it, the more 'sane and economical
•.while to society before they" can expect much.
government we will have. Socialism' doesn't ip . retur#�:
operate that way. It demands an ever greater : W:e .cant .see this so _coiled social security
..- cetraliration of power, with ultimate • control frorri the cradletothe grave' by the Govern -
over .everything and everybody in the .state. •
icholson 'contends tha£ to prevent mental extravagance of taking it out of one
Mr. N •pocket and putting it into the other. A party
the greatest depression in Canadian history the that seeks .power on; among other things, the
Government rinust' plan for full employment. • promise of. increased .old age pensions, admits
The banks, .mines, transportation systems and, . its own weakness, or else throws overboard by
all the :large monopolies will have to be'social-' failure to encourage, such virtues as econorrly,
ized. "The test; as to whether an industry thrift and initiative by which. our forbears have
should be "taken over. will be whether it is .
" e rfitit
Sandy, says.
'VetAPI. 1110-1011' 11160
standards of living ill • the world.
'Won' Door 'Prizes
There was a ' good, crowd at the
Fire Company dance • on Friday
night. Two five -dollar bills. were.
awarded as door,,piizes and were
won • by Allan. Graham and Jim
Hariilton. .
Bruce County led all Western
Ontario in • the production` of
creamery , butter in 1943'. accord-
ing .to figures, compiled by the.
Ontario Department -Of Agricul-
ture.. ,
The... County's total . production
for 1943 was 5,701,015 pounds as
•compared. with 5,412,326 pounds
-in 1942. Bruce was 234,245 lbs.
ahead of Perth which stood, in
second . place in • the year's pro-
duction. -
The talent of success is no-
thing more than.. doing: what . you
can do welli and doing well
whatever you ''do, without a
thought • of . , f ar ie.—Longfellow. .
Huron County wasin fourth
place with . a total of 4,691,120
pounds which was a .drop from
5,116,800 pounds produced . in
1942. • _
'The young lovers were. trying
to find some quiet, secluded. spot
for a Tong: 'embrace. But ,..every-
where they went . there •• were ,
people, people, people. And the'
girl 'was sh'y: i .
• Suddenly the ran: had a bright
idea. Triumphant he led ' her to
the railway station,, a , standing
beside the door of a ailway car- '
riage as .though seeing: • her. off,.
kissed her . fondly.: , ,
After the couple • had repeated
the experiment at four. or five
different platforms, .a - sympath-
etic porter • strolled up and whist
peredto, the young man:
"Take 'err round ' to . the bus- .
stop, 'mate. They goes ev'ry three
minutes from there".
I '.
The funeral of Mrs. Alex Hard-
°ing, a lifelong resident of Mt.
Brydges was held last. Wednes-
day. She was a daughter of -the
late James and Sarah Bond. Be-
sides her husband, . three sons
••and a daughter,, three sisters also
survive, Mrs. William Arrnstlrong
of Lucknow; Mrs. Herbert ,Aus-
tan, Tillsonburg; Mrs: Jas. Astles,
London and two brothers, Robert
of London and Burns of Detroit.
Should Have Been $3.80
In the Holyroed Red Cross re-
po"rt last ,.week, collections in'.
Mrs. Karl Boyles g'roup should
have re -ad $3.80. _
Donated The,; Wool
--Ir - December a -draw was made
for two comforters, by Which,;
the Red Cross benefit d by • $100.
The wool for these ,comforters
was donated b Mrs. Robert An-
drew and IVY 11. Mathers.
MEN'S . $s BOYS' underwear,
*oils clothing, sacks; mitts. The
Store with the Stock. The Mar-
ket Store. •
Newlyweds Honored
A reception which had been'i
postponed several times due to
illness in the community, was.
'held recently 'in Blyth ip honor
of Mr: and Mrs. Lorne Webb,:
purse of more
1 a 1
Ch'airnman • and chief - engineer
of the Hydro -Electric Power
Commission of Ontario, who has
_been named . a member of the
Public Utilities Committee set up
by, the Combined Production and
Resources Board of the United
Nations. :Britain, and the United
States.- 'aro also represented on
this committee. which_ wig sup-,..
e• u t i y nee • s o a les na-
tions and liberated countries.