The Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-12-23, Page 10• PAGE TEN The. Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow; %Ontario • THURS. DECEMBER 23rd, 1943 ` • May Your Christmas this year Be 'a .day of delight With good cheer .and gladness From morning night.:.... Andwhen it is Over, . May. ,the ineui'ries still stay .And $ring Added 'Happiness. Day. After Day. L LITTLE ELECTION OBITUARY - TA LI( DITUARY-TALK HEARD MRS. JOHN JOHNSTON One of Ashfield Township's N east Monday night, Decerhber oldest pioneers, Mrs. John John - sten, passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Albert Camp- bell or Amberley on Sunday, De- cember 12th She was 85 years 'of age, and had .been ill only a few days. Mrs. Johnston took ill with the 'flit the previous -Wednesday, but .,was making. a favorable re- covery when stricken with a sev- ere paralytic :seizure. She was formerly Sarah Mac- Donald, a daughter of the late Jaynes MacDonald and . Isabel Munroe, land was born on the 12th Concession of Ashfield in 4 1 which community she lived" her entire life, knowing fullwell the Village but so far the approach- ing event appears*to be causing very little municipal stir. There is certain to . be .one va- cancy on the Council' Board. John Kilpatrick fells he must tender his resignation as his 'appointi'nent to the position of ,Massey -Harris blockman:' requires. his absence from town most4 of the time. Whether this vacancy will be filled by aeclarr,Yatio.nr or -lead to .an, election "remains :to bd,seen. The' Board is at present corn - prised ..of Reeve J. W. Joynt and B GREETINGS ... i CHRISTMASTIDE is upon g 'us -=• the. time of year when a _ most of us ..pause to 'think 4 of the other fellow and to l more fully- recognize . and . appreciate the friendships % that make life worthwhile. ti WITH THESE THOUGHTS. 2 in mind we are prompted 2 tr tt. express our genuine ap-. t4• preciation, of your good ti 2 will and patronage and to '6 g extend to one and all sin- cern best wishes that yours May be a. very .Merry 2 ' Christmas and that the—ti ft New Year may bring ti . Peace; Happiness and. Pros . perity. o . ' g ta THOMPSOWS r • 'PHONE 82 WE DELIVER Skating ,Tuesday With cold weather there should be a good sheet of iceat the -44 arena • for Christmas. Pre teen ill.age lads were the first to get the gliders. on last Thursday. Since then there'' has been a few hockey "Skirmishes", with skating "of- fically" opened on Tuesday night. Councillors. Austin S.olomon,_-John trials and. hardShips-of the i.early pioneers. . Mr. Johnston predeceased his wife • over seven . years ' ago and since then she has made her• horrie with . Mr. - °and Mrs. Camp- bell, .where. a 'Private funeral ser- vice was held last Wednesday, conducted by Rev. J •C: Nichol- son of Pine River, followed by a largely. .attended public service t " in Ashfield Presbyterian church, conducted by Dr. W. • O. )3,ha,ad, assisted. by Rev: Nicholson. In- terment was in Kintail:Cemetery' with six grandsons acting as pall- bearers,., Allan Culbert, Gordon ower, oy. ac-,ona.., MacDonald, Bill Campbell and Kilpatrick, Thomas Boyes and Temple Clark. In addition three members of thea Board 'of Education automat •• ically retire, but are elegible for re-election. They are J. L. Mac- Millan, Mrs. Morgan Henderson and T. W; Smith. Mrs:: W. V. Johnston Mead Of Women's Association At a ,meeting of the three groups of the WDmen's Associa- tion of the United Church, held` last Wednesday, Mrs. W. V. John- ston was elected president, suc- ceeding Mrs. L. C. Thompson. It was reported that over $60.00 had been raised by the . Associa- tion al the bazaar held at the Pall Fair,.. the proceeds of., which were used for sending boxes to the soldiers. Twenty-nine boxes Were packed at an approximate value of $2.00 each. Besides other things, each box contained a pair of sox. NAME .ELECTION OFFICI At the December meeting the Village Council named' election officials who will conduct the ballotingin event, of an election. They are: Orange Hall, Welling- ton McCoy, deputy; Marshall. Graham, poll clerk. Reids: Rich- ard Webster,; deputy; ' Philip Ste wart; poll clerk, Town Hall:- E. H: Agnew, deputy;' D. M. Thomp- son, poll clerk. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS HOME FOR HOLIDAYS ° Students at Toronto University who are home for the holidays include Catherine Johnston,. Catherine Prest; John Mowbray, Lloyd 'Ackert . and Morris Pearl- man. All but the latter are first year students. Before coming home Morris wrote his third year den- tal •examinations. John is study- ing medicine and Lloyd is study- ing for the ministry. Catherine Johnston is taking a household economics course and Catherine Prest an arts. course. JACK WEBgTER DIED AT LONDON MONDAY The death of John Henry 1eb- sterNoccu'rred in London on Mon- day. He was in his 68th year, and was best known in the ,com- munity as "Irish Jack". The funeral service will be held at Davison's Funeral Parlors this afternoon (Thursday) at 2 o'clock with interment in Greenhill Cem- etery: • A sister, Mrs. George Gibson of Ashfield, predeceased her bro- ther just two weeks previous. all .+,Y , N ref ,nv ,,s(, ,er T r i , r •s„y GREETINGS;. •. • It's Christmas Again And 'May It Anew Bring Gladness and Peace To Your Home and You. •-4111 THE FORD GARAGE an Garfield Ostrander, Prop. LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. W. Stewart, B.A., B.D. I. Pastor SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26 11 a.m.—"The' Forgotten Man of Christmas". Story -"Whose Birthday is • Christmas?" Junior . Church. • 3.00 p.m. ,Sunday ,School.' 7.00 p.m. --A Christmas Can- tata, "The Birth of Jesus will be given by the two .choirs and others. Lyall ;Campbell Mrs. Johnston. is .survived by seven daughters, Mrs. Jas. Mac- Donald (Belle) of Ashfield; Mrs. John B. DeCou .(Ella), Detroit; 1 Mrs. ;Alex 'MacDonald :(Annie);• Ashfield;. Mrs. Andrew) Culbert '(Effie), Ashfield; .Mrs. Harty Fowler (Emma), Clinton;- Mrs. Albert Campbell '(Mabel) , Arra berley, Mrs. Frank Griffin (Jean) Detroit. .Two sons . Predeceased Mrs. Johnston. William died ' in the West, and Jimmie, twinbro- ther of Mrs. Alex` MacDonald. died at' the ager of 17. Mrs. Johnston is also survived by a full _sister,,_Mrs. Emma Mac- Donald of Amberley, two half- sisters, Mrs_. Florence Farrish and Mrs. Robert Nelson of Ashfield and a half brother, Mr. Roderick MacDonald .of Amberley. Another half-brother, John; predeceased her several months ago. Surviving also are forty-one grandchildren, twenty-six great- grandchildren and one great - great grandchild DAVID FORSTER - Mr. James Forster of West Wawanosh received word' this week :of the death of his bro-' ther, . Mr. David Forster, which occurred . in Vancouver on Fri- day, and where funeral services• were held on Tuesday. Mr. For- ster was ,in his 82nd year and had been ill. only a short . time. A son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Forster, he was born near Beamsville, coming tto .. West Wa- wanosh with his parents as a child. As .a young man he was as- Theatre s PRESENTS 1Friday, Sat., Mondayli CHRISTMAS EVE, ° i ' CHRISTMAS DAY 2 & BOXING DAY FRANCHOT TONE JOAN,DENNETT ALLYN JOSLYN 'Wife Takses a Flier" (A Comedy) sociated. withthe firm of Cliv 2 ALSO t Technicolor Travelogue And NEWS 6 5SPECIA.L 2 WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY„ - DECEMBER 29 \ & 30 RI Ray Milland, Ginger Rogers "The; `Major and the.. 4 \ ' , . , Minor" S:h�wi . Also A Popeye Cartoon ti Neat Friday, Saturday . December 31st, January 1st Bing :Crosby, Bob Hope; Dorothy Lamour : in. "Road to Morroceo Also SPORT SHORT. • And NEWS Closed The Schools Schools in Ripley and Huron were ordered closed on Monday • of last week, ,due to the preval- ence of the 'flu. Aged Village Resident Confined To His Room. Mr. G. S. 'Robertson has been confined to bed with the cold, but in spite o his age is "throw- ing it off". MY. Robertson will be 89 early in the new year. and 'Forster in operating the. Lueknow Furniture Factory. Mr. Forster went West upwards to forty years ago. Mr. Forster is survived by one son, ' Dr. David Forster . whose mother, formerly Annie Stewart, -' died many years. ago. Mr. For- ster or-ster later married Catherine (Kate) 1V.1cIay wha survives, with' two daughters, Jean. and Clara. ,Mr: Forster is also survived by, one brother James and. by three sisters, Mrs. James McQuillin, Mrs. Minnie Cliff, and Mrs. An drew Moriisop of Minneapolis. : Kia • J.; jt • o wo o vRaan>ogioa ionegiugtio nr ivu aevo d egnaineouottaoi.np mwovooaiR4alln non n foovi r egoommerwoi numla n,moors CHRISTMA-S SALE THERE ARE LOTS OF ITEMS IN STOCK OF WHICH WE HAVE TOO MANY. YOU CAN. GE -T BARGAINS AT The StoreWitie The Stock Luckn� WISHING ONE AND ALL A VERY MERRY -CHRISTMAS. qio onto okoero n 000 ogoto o o oro rgiumwoao oivo Bien zo o&a a o 000eonerortaioo, o, o, uon o o o e a n,to aeo •