The Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-12-02, Page 5THURS., DECEMBER 2nd,. 1943 Lyceum Theatre W I NGHAM Two Showo Saturday Night •Thursday, Friday, Saturday December . 2, 3, 4 . ANN' MILLER WILLIAM-WRIGHT "REVEILLE IW th.: BEVERLY'' . A musical comedy: Also "Short Subjects Matinee Sat. afternoon at 2.30• Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday December 6, 7, 8 PAULETTE GODDARD RAY MILL AND :r; m mss: `The` CYRSTAL: BALL' A romantic comedy. • Also "Short Subjects" 0 r1A4' 1}w1 1 f ur 1' 1X"1Xr BANK OF MONTREAL DEPOSITS SET RECORD Reflecting increased business in. practically every department — with - • outstanding expansion in holdings of Dominion Govern- ment bonds indicating wider par ticipation in the nation's war ef- fort -the 126th annual report o . • the Bank of Montreal shows to- tal assets at an all-time • high of $1,313,000,000 and may beregard- - edas. 'an . impressive .exhibit of the economic strength and stab- ilityof the Country in this fifth year of war. Profits for the year which end- ed October 30, after deduction of . taxes payable to the Dominion Government, amounted to $3,3024- 834,. showing an increase of, $19,- 816 over the previous year, this representing' a return of 4.30 -per cent on the •shareholders',, equity, which compares. with 4.31 per cent shown a year ago. ' Deposits—the largest item in the balance 'sheet and one which best shows public confidence in the institution—have shown a marked advance in the 12 -month ,period, • notwithstanding • the - heavy inroads made into surplus funds by subscribers to" Victory Loans. Under the deposit head- ing the bank shows an amount of $1,205,874,000 which is $140,000,- 000 above the figure. for 1942, which constituted a record at that time. As would be expected,' the -bank's holdings of Government and other securities have risen sharply and- now stand at. $. 99,-- 8;8 462,00 compared with $6335,- 000 ra year ago. The bank's in- vestment portfolio, as always, is made up in large measure .of' Do-. minion Government and high- grade provincial and municipal Securities which mature at early. dates. "On, the right=form platoon!" roared the sergeant. The recruits carried out some kind of manoeuvre - which left the sergeant speechless'. He looked at them for a mom- ent. Then his, voice returned— and, no 'words can describe the totie-o I" } your, partners ''Ior -the Lancers . THE LUC.KNOVV SENTINEL; LUCKNOW,� _ ONTARIO PAGE FIVE WEDDING BELLS WIBB- - HOLMES On November 19th: in .St.. Thomas rectory, Seaforth, a very happy wedding was solemnized by the rector, the Rev. R. P. D. Hurford, D.D., between John Lorne Wellwood Webb, B.S.A., son of .the ,:late, Mr. and Mrs. George Webb, St. Helens, and Celia _Elizabeth (Bess) • Holmes, daughter of Mr... Uriah, 'Holmes and the fate.'Mrs. Holmes., of Lindsay, Ont. Miss Holmes was a recent graduate of Scott Meme orial Hospital, Seaforth. _ After the ceremony the bride ' and groom left fora trip to Toronto and Lindsay For the present they will reside in Blyth. JOHNSTON=FISHER A quiet wedding took place •on Monday, November 15th, at the Presbyterian manse, Goderich, when Rev. Richard Stewart un- ited in marriage Aidelia`. (Aud- rey) Ruby Fisher, daughter of Mrs: Jas. Greenway and the late Richard Fisher of Goderich, and Francis Wm: Johnston;' ' of the Canadian Navy, son of the late Archibald Johnston and Mrs.. Johnston of Ashfield Township.' Miss deorgina Bell 'and' Kenneth_ Kerr attended the couple: NEIGHBORS AT- LANES MADE PRESENTATION Before leaving recently --for_ Goderich, Mr. and Mrs: Thomas Ferguson of the Lanes neighbor- hood in Ashfield, were presented with a purse of money by Messrs. Robert Ritchie and. Cyril Camp- bell., " Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson were held in high esteem in the com ;munity, where they' were kind and helpful neighbors. They took an active part in Church work at Lanes . Presbyterian ',church, and later became valued members of the 1 ucknow Presbyterian church. KINLOUGH Mr. and Mrs. George k1unkley; of Putnam spent last Friday with Mrs. Wrn. Kaake and Mr. Hugh Lane. Mr. John MacFarlane of Kin- cardine . visited last week ' with friends here. Mr. and Mrs: Bert MacLean . and Mr. George Haldenby mot- ored to Toronto last week. Mr. Fred Hodgins had • a suG.- cessful auction ' sale on Tuesday afternoon. Hiss Marion ,MacKay of ,Ripley visited on" Wednesday with Miss- es Edna and May Boyle. Mr. John Hodgins is not enjoy-" frig as good' health as his many friends would like to4,'see. Miss Betty Gillespie, 'spent'. the week -end at Kincardine.. Mr. and Mrs. Harold . Percy and Billy were recent visitors With Mr. and Mrs. John Currie of Wingham. congratulations to -Mr. iS' Mrs., Arthur Phillips of Galt (nee Jean Lane) on the arrival of a baby girl. A Red Cross social was held; in the .school on :Wednesday ev- ening. The main feature on the. nrngralYl_ aS a -debate !lie dived Dance and Prize Draw In Aid: of The Hollyman-Johnston Overseas Cigarette Fund: In The Town Hall, Lucknow FRIDAY, "DECEMBER 3� at 9.30 sharp. CARRUTHERS ORCHESTRA - LUNCH COUNTER GENERAL `ADMISSION, 35c F ' DOOR PRIZE, $5. War Savings _Certificate ,FEATURING Dance Specialties with War ,Savings Stamp Prizes. PRIZE DRAW For a 55 -piece Set of Wm.' A. Rogers Silverware in a Tarn- ish ' Proof Walnut Finish Case. — Tickets, 2 for 25.e president, Irlma Hodgins;. sec - treasurer, Mrs. Howard Thomp- son; buying committee, Tena Hodgins, Edna . Boyle, . Ethel Hal denby, Marie .Thompson.. .Con- 'veners for the junior department, Mildred Pinnell and Hele, i Hai - that competition has done more.der by; prayer' partners sec'.y., for the world than co-operation". ' Marion Walsh The meeting clos, The affirmative was taken .by ed with prayer and. lunch was Mr. Malcolm Lane and Mr Jack served by the hostess. Blackwell , while thenegative od-.gwas upheld by Mrs. Perry Hod- gins -and insand` Mrs: Frank Brown: -The- judges were Mrs. Aylmer Ackert Miss Grace MacKinnon and Mr. Alphonse Murray,, who gave their decision in favor= of .the affirma- tive: The next. meeting .will- be held next Monday . evening. The girls W. A. met at the home of Marilyn Boyle, on Sat- urday afternoon. The meeting opened with the ,hymn "Yield not to temptation". Mildred Pinnell. read the scripture which was the story of, the Good Samaritan. This beitig the business ,meeting. the, following 'officers were •el- ected: president .,May; Boyle; vice TEACHERS' X-RAY CLINIC E. J. O'Brien of the tubercu- losis prevention division of the Ontario Department of Health, has, made arrangements . for an x- ra clinic to be held in Mrs." John Lane returned home from visiting With -relatives at Hespeler: Mr. and Mrs. George Haldenby and Ethel visited on: Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard McGuire:, Miss Mary Stinson, R.N. of Rip ley is nursing Mr. John -Hodgins at present. •• • Mr. and Mrs. Ben Logan of Ripley spent Sunday with friends here: • Mr. and Mrs.' W. Lapp and Douglas visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Orr, Langside. Mr. and Mrs. ,Alex' Percy and family were Sunday visitors ,with Mr. and Mrs: Harvey Thompson; dine on Menday for public, sep arate, continuation and high school teachers in the .West Bruce area.. It is expected that more than 150 teachers will be examined at this clinic which is part of the work being carried ' out by the. department to: check and eradi- cate tuberculosis in the .province_ Cottages Broken Into ' It was discovered recently that thieves had broken into cottages owned by ,Rev. T. Harold Ackert at Stoney Island. Purple Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cox and Mrs. Cox, Sr., visited • Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lloyd, Lucknow. .ArrvrI YrI�,r.rl .rI �I ,.r rp.Y�1ra �', �1�I 'rI1 ~ irvI rt vrnrr rI'r-- rs uggesiions o4ales s 4;l4 R For gifts that last, are useful, beautiful and treasured, shop at ... Schmid's.Jewellery ' 'There are 1 few gift problems that can't . be easily and quickly solved when you see our display of . . 'Ladies' Watches 'Military Watches Diamonds and Signet . Rings Chinaware Dinnerware _ . c Cups and Saucers Novelty 'Goods 1 o. Lockets Pictures Chests of Silver Dresser Sets Ask far our l free gift catalogue for , Best and Complete Selections SHOP NOW. r r Only 19 More. Shopping Days a Schmid, Lucknow Colne in and look around, no obligation to buy 5 v ' 1 4; t, I r ' e- fur 4;vw , i� , ; e ife , ._ E�.E� .f t�, .1 t+. , „ d, * ;Ail)1r w • Y,:.. n . S 4 .:s, .