The Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-12-02, Page 41). PAGE •FOUR • THE LUCKNOW SENT1 ; N.441 , ONTARIO • iPullets For Sale WE ALSO BUT. Kinds of POULTRY Lorne McLennan Purina Dealer, Lucknow - .LANtS1p1 • Mr. and Mrs. 'John Wraith and family have rented Miss Merger- . ei.,Tayler's house in Lucknow & • '42fil1 move there in the near fut- ure. , , • Mr. Widths, Marylin and. Doug las spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson.._ ° Mrs. A. Emerson and Victor spent, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. -Farrier of Whitechurch. ' Mrs. Wm. Brown spent a few • 1 • • •.. day Mr. Wrn. Bell of Pine River. Mr. Wrri.' .Brown and .Gertie spent Sunday there and 1Virs. Brown • returned home, with them. . 'Rect Cross quiltings were held atthe-: home of •Urs. deo. Hark ness and 'Mrs: Wallace .Conn: on Tuesday last. A nuMber from here attended the St. ,Andrew's ball, on Friday . • evening. Mr.- and Mrs. Bert Harkness, Barbara --arid-Ross-or TorOnte---ac:-- companied" by Mrs.' •Elroy Cur- rie spent Sunday with Mr, arid Mrs. George Harkness. - , Mr: and Mrs. Jim Harkness Jr. and family are with Mr. and Mrs. 'John,: Reid and Mr. Harkness is working with, Mr. Reid at Hew, son's mill, in Wingham, The funeral. of Mrs. Geo. Lay- man of 'Guelph was held •:,•n Sat- urday at Sacred Heart church at TeesWater.- Mrs. Layman was ' formerly Miss Jean Wai3dle. ,This 'community extends syricipathy,to her brothers, Mr. John ancl:-Geo. • Weddle and her sister Mrs. Geo. :Hewis. • Those donating blood for the • third 'time at Teeswater frOm • this community are Bill Smith, Mesdames Harold Currie & Gra- ham Moffat. , • „ *, • BRUCE FEDERATION • PROMOTES FARMFORUMS -Brace County Federation of Agriculture' is paying special 'at- tention to -promoting .the Farm Radio Forum for the' Winter months.. This work is being car - Tied on by a, special Forum com- mittee • spread over the county. An• added feature this year is promoting group forum Meetings. .These meetings. have -the advan- tage of an 'tip.-tollate motion pic- ture Machine which is supplied by the Natiorfal Film Board. The. Pictures --Change ,each Month to serve, as an .added edueational 'feature on the topic being dis- ctisseed. by the forums: Special speakers . will- he proVidee,-. fer community meetings. HENRY momusH who taught school at Westfield • forty years ago, „before moving to Toronto, passed. away, in that city. His wife,. formerly Nettie McClinton, predeceased him. 'BOUNDARY EAST Mr. and- Mrs. Bill Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. Alex- Dawieri .of Lon- dlan and Mr. and Mrs: Clark Mc- Lean cf. Wingham were recent • Mr. and Mrs:. James Forster and 'Mr: and Mrs. Ronald For- ster and babe visited on Thurs- day with •Mr: and Mrs. Walter Forster of • Ripley. • :arid -Boriald-e-,-Fer-ster and Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher .and family. spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. .1. Carruthers. Mr. Roddie spent the week -end in London. • Mral. Wm. MacDonald called on FrarikTMiller-on7Friday-- al-, • ternoon. • ••• • Mr: and Mrs. Wm. MacDonald entertained. 'Mr. and Mrs: George •Kennedy ori Saturday evening &' Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher on Monday. evening. • Mrs: Sam Morrison and Melvin spent a few days last week with Mr. I D. K.• Alton who :is quite I ill. • • Mrs. Pharis gathers held 'a Red Cross quilting for the Jolly Workers Club \last week, • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Coulter and Mr: Bill Thorn of Auburn spent Sunday with .Mrs. dillies and. jack: • . The Bridge Club met at -the home ' of Mr. '• and Mrs. - Farish Moffat last week. Winners for. ' the , evening . were Mrs. Widdis & Mr. George Fisher, ft INEDIfffRENCEPURIIAMAKE GIVE YOUR FLOCK A°,WEEK'S. TREATMENT WITH purinaCiek$Ton A TONIC with ingredients that knock out the roundWorms. Purina Fatena Checkers ABOUT THREE POUNDS per bird will give you a Milk Fed A Finish in two Weeks. • FOR 11)0GS, . Add 1 Bag Hog. Chow to each 5 bag b Chop — Produce 4 Hogs per ton' of Chop instead of just 2 Complete Sanitation ,Line always on hand •••••••••••••• • t THURS., PECEMBER 2ndi 1943 BRUCE:DEBT FREE END OF THIS YEAR • • The close of , the year finds Bruce County in its strongest fin- ancial position since its forMation as a, separate County in 1857. In Addition ,to balancing its account for the year and paying Off, the final instalment of its debenture debt there,, will be 'a reserve of $85;000. „in the form of Victory' Bonds. Those bonds will provide: a fund to .be used 'in post-war construction for roads, bridges and rehabilitation ;projects and ,already the •cominittee'•appointed for this purpose at the June ses- sion is preparing a list of .the' proposed -undertakings_ This com- mittee, which Was appointed• at the " request of the Department Of !Municipal Affairs,. is coinpos- ed of the three :members of the -highways committee Reeves McTavish, Downs arid Elliott and Reeves Sloan and Shewfelt. The -final payment on the de- bentures issued in 1923 to meet the cost of an addition to the County buildings and the instal- lation of the, central heating piarit will be made in December, the amount - still oWiiig being $1673.59: An examination of the • County records shows Alla in the eriod-,.of 11ear-nce-fts-tarm- ation the County has issued de- bentures in the total amotint of $1,108,000.00 for the following purposes: 1859,, fer „relief owing to the-lailtire of the ;harvest in thepreceding_yeat, $34,00) .00L HO 169; for: the • gravelling of the leading • County roads, $280,000.00; 1859 to 1866, forthe construction of the'County build- ings, $44,009.00; 1869 to 1872 for railway bonuses; $301,000; 1898 for bttilding, the House of Refuge, $20,000; 1914 to 1918 for, patriotic grants during the First World War, $259,000; 1923, for. additiOn to eoliiity buildings and central heating plant; $20,0001,-i& for bridge building in variotts. years, $150,000. As the `payA.s You GO" Policy has been'adopted since L9'22 it is unlikely that any further debenture' issues will be fnade by future. COnacils. • , Wife: HOW- did you like the, WAC parade, dear?' Colonel: Marvelous. Five thOu- sand,Women,and not a slip show- ing. . • • • 44 FOR SALE—Hereford calf. Ap- ply to HERB, MILLER, Lucknow. FOR, SALE -713 inch Maple Leaf grain,chopper in good shape. Ai): .1.31y at Sentinel Office. RAW FURS WANTED—highest prices paid.,,,Send or bring them to HURON PRODUCE, Wingharn. • FOR SALE -1930 Model A Ford sedan, first classcondition, five good tires, for qiiiele sale, need space. Apply at Sentinel Office. FOR SALE -30 Rock pullets, 6 'months old, Seilirig breed;, also 3- turkey -hens, year-old- and one. gobbler, white: WM. ALTON, R. 7, LucknOw, •Phone 67-3. Dung..annon. . • „,, . .. .... MAKE. THIS a.Merry Christmas • by buyings your requirements at The "CANADIAN .TIRE CORP. STORE, Campbell5Garag,e, Wing-, ham. • , • • A PIANO' or Furniture FOr Xmas can be purchased at a low price at the mildmay FurnitureStore. 20 c‘hesterfield: suites, .1.4 pianos; etc SCHUETT, & SONS give free delivery. , ” • /AUCTION SALE of 'farin stock, implements, etc. at Lot. 6 Con. 12, Kinloss (mile west of Gravel Road) on Friday, December. 2rd 'at 1 o'clock. See bills. Mrs. Peter. MacDonald,' adrninistratrix; ald B.• Blue, auctieneer. • ' .• • cotting,Events...11. PUBLIC' schitioji-0014CERI; . The annual Lucknow Public ^ School -Concert will be held in Carnegie Hall On Friday Oren-. Mg, December, 10th at 8 o'clack.. The entertainment will include selectiOns from the Rhythm Band; patriOtic- choruses, an operetta. and a Chrigtmas play. General :admission 25c; children' 15c. ' , . ;CHRISTMAS GIFT. SALE . There will be a Christmas Gift Sale and Afternoon Tea in the former C: Orr, shop in the. Johnstone 'Block this Saturday, December 4th,commencing at .3 • o'clock, under auspices of the Women's Guild of St. Peter's church. • -HATCHING- We require require breeding flocks all breeds tosupply us withhatch,' •ing 'eggs, for the, 1944 hatching season. Flocks culled and blood - tested free. Guaranteed premium paid.,AlsO additional hatchability, Premium. Also turkey flocks Wanted to supply hatching eggs. It will pay you to write for full details •immediately,- .TWEDDLE. CHICK 'HATCHERIES' Limited,. Fergus, Ontario. ' • , • The annual meeting of the Lucknow Elevator Company, Ltd • will be held at theOffice of G. H. Smith, on Sattfrday December 4; at 8 o'clock pail. Election of of- ficers and other regular business to be transacted. " JAMES HACKETT, Pres. NOTICE . NOTICE -We have a quantity of Hard- - .MAFEKING wood tops close to town. Will let 'cutting on .shgres. • . This 'Community was well rep- resented at the annual "rneeting1 pf the W.M.S. held at the home of Mrs, Rev. G, Howse, Lucknow on Tuesday afternoon:. Mr. and Mrs. George Saunders gntertaind a number of friends to -a turkey dinner on Thursday cirening. They were.:Mr. and Mrs. I. Cranston, Mr. and Mrs. E,' Blake, Mr. and 'Mrs. M. Kilpat- rick and Mr. •and Mrs. C. John- ston. • Members of the family were all home for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Phillips and children 'visited at Mr. John •Campbell'sikon Sunday. A -group Red Ci workers; net at • Mrs. I. Cranstpn't on' Friday and quilted two quilts.• • Mrs. T. M. Anderson Spent the Week -end in LoMion. ' • Mr. :and Mrs; Chas. Hodgins .and babe ViSitedl an Thursday at her parents.home. 'Tpr. ;Jack Arthur from Camp Borden spent the weekend at Mr. Chas. Hallam's. Mrs. Jos. McCann, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Twamley attended the golden wedding of Mr: and Mrs. John Feagan at Nile on ,Monday, last. ''Lorne Mactennani !Phone 71-w Mr. 'and Mrs:'11)ner .Johnston . Mildmayjn uriday. • 4 4 4, 11 • 4, • Apply— The Lucknow Sawmill Co CREWE• , Mr. and Mrs. T. M: Durpin at- tended the horse show at Kin- cardine :on Friday 'evening. Mr. Lorne . Emmons was in London on Thursday. He has se- cured work in •Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hunter and children. visited on Sunday with; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Curran. Mr. ancr. Mrs. Raymond Finni-• gan, Chester and Louise. spent •• Misses , Frances and Lorena Thursday- ill- Ittringharn7--: Crozier were up from London to see their father who ..is not improving very fast Mi. and Mrs. 'Wilfred 'Drennan,, Lorainne and J. C, and liOnald Treleaven • attended the horse shoW, in • Wingham On Thursday evening, Miss Annie'Culbert of Sky Har- bor was home over.the week -end. Miss Lorainne Drennan Of Lucknow spent ,the • week -end with her parents, . Mr. and Mts. Wilfred Drennan, BORN—At COderich Hospital on Monday, NoVerriber 22nd to 4 ghttig er. Cora:tulationS. • EUCHRE AND DANCE • In Zion•Orange Hall on. Friday; December 3rd., Cards at 9 sharp, - Lunch iserved.' Dancing to musk orchestra. General ad- mission 35c. -F. T. ARMSTRONG • OPTOMETRIST IN LUCKNOW EACH ;WEDNESDAY •FROM 2 p.m. to 6 o'clock AT WM. SCHMID'S STORE •••••••••••••■■•Notpoom• P. Stuart MacKenzie BARRISTER & SOLICITOR . Walkerton, Ontario. ' IN LUCKNOW Each Wednesday Afternoon "& Evening At G. H. SMITH'S OFFICE' • 0 REDMOND RETIRES • • RaY'rnond Redmond, reeve of East Wawanosh' for several terms, . is retiring. His successor by ac- clamation is J. D. Beecroft. The councillors who recei,ved ,an ac- clamation also are Louis Ruddy., Norman McDowell, Harvey Black and Alex Patterson. • Acclamation In Culross - Culross Township ratepayers alsogave their Board an accla- mation last, week, as follows: Reeve,. Jos. McInnes; councillors, ' Alphonse- Zirrirrit;r;, -Lester - - cOner, J. IC Wall and John Mof- fat: • GUIDE NEWS . . During , horse 'shoe formation Guides agreed to tag for the Navy League. - Guides went to Patrol corners. As a result of tests tried Mary was able tq add some stars to a chart: This is chart marking each Guide's progress towards her First 'Class Badge. ' • • Some patrois began improving their screens:, Mrs; McKim will .inspect the screens next Friday. 04.111dc,' were diSmissed. • ir • • a -4