The Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-11-11, Page 4fI IMAGE FOUR ' LUCii.NOW,ONTARIO THURS., NOVEMBER llth, 1943 WE ALSO BUT all Kinds of IaOULT Y Lorne McLennan °Furina Dealer, 'Lucknow Mrs. Jack °:Gardner and Caryl 'were NiZ ting , friends in Toronto 'last week. Miss `Dordthy Gaxnrn a of Luck- • stow spent a day 'with 'her aunt, Mrs. "Bribe* Andrew. ° MFr ,•and Mrs W G• ffunter and Marlene were recent visitors -with( 'Mr•: and Mrs. George Henry • of :Belfast: Mrs. Andrew. McKa'gue of Tees Water, iVir. • an&Mrs. James Craig af'St Augustine visited with rMr and Mrs.: Will Gardner on' Tiles-. Mr.' Will. Ritchie has :rented Mrs. Robt. Andrew's fartn: LAURIEI Miss Isabella Hamiltonhas se- cured a position in , London. • Miss -Lois -McLean` underwent' a tonsil operation in I;incardine, Hospital. A number of people of this Itis- trot 'attended the Harris -Fergus- on reception held last, Thursday evening jCoi Ripley. Mall. • Mr. and ,Mrs. Hamilton Clut- ton . and two children of God- erich and Miss- Eliza. Cook, R.N. of Owens Sound . spent Sun- day "with Mr. and Mrs..Henry MacKenzie: Mrs. Jack Bradley' spent a few days last oweekF with her parents, Mr and Mrs.; Joseph, ..Hackett 'of. Lucknow. : .. • Mrs, D. A. McLean was .taken by surprise last .Saturday even-. ing when the ladies ,of the Laur- ier •quilting .group, all dressed tqa in Hallowe'en costume called .and, "presented her, with a lovely gift before moving.to`her new home. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Elliott,' of Holyrood 'recently visited with: Mr. and Mrs. Thos.; Robb. • LAN SIDE • Mr-. and Mrs. Robert Stewart on Monday were called to cope to .Wingham where their dau- ghter Mrs. -Lorne McAllister was operated ,on fo appendicitis Mr. Jack Johnson is having an auction 'stale of his farm stock and implements on :Friday. Mrs. Albert Taylor. � of Toronto spent the week -end with her par- ents;,: Mr.. and Mrs. J. B 1VMrri ison. : Mr. and Mrs. Donald Martin and baby, Mrs. D. H. Martin,- Ars- artin,Ars. Win. Martin. and Bill . were" Sunday 'visitors with Mr. and' Mrs. R. Stewart, • 'United Wig. held their November meeting on Wednesday last . at the home of Mrs. Iva Conley and the Presbyterian M. S. was held the same day at 'the home of Mrs. Robert Scott. Mr.' and Mrs. George . Mowat, Mr: and .Mrs. Hannuseh, all :o 'Kitchener, were weekendvisitors with Mr. and Mts. Ralph 'Cask, inette and on Monday Mr. 'Mowat Hannusch and, Howardw Caski�a„ $e'tte motored to Lion's Head and. 'enjoyed a fishing expedition.Mrs.. Steffler. of Hespler ' also accom= panted them andvisited with'. her bxothe:,. i1r._. Caskinette. Miss. Violet -Culbert spent the week -end with ' her parents at' Crewe. • • '•. Mr. and Mrs. Henry "McKenzie' spent Monday in London.• .. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. MceLan and family,. moved ' last . Tuesday to' their new. home. on the boun- Miss Elsie Ritchie. silent thea week end n Goderr.ch; 'and :Lon- don. ` Mr. an Mrs. Jas.. McKay . of Hyatt mere—recent--_visitor- with, Mr., and Mrs. ' Wesley Rit- chie: CARLOAD OTATOES TO* ARRIVE ' No more elpensive than home-grown .and quality ' . Guaranteed. Leave orders . at. st%re 'for delivery off car. Finlayson Bros. 'PHONE..9"4. ry.. ST. HELENS The November meeting of the. Women's Institute , was held in :the Community Hall with Mrs. Gordon McPhersonpresiding and with 18 ladies ' present. The roll' Ball was well'r.esponded to, by A wartime supper dish. Mrs. Itice, Mrs. ''Cameron, Mrs. McPherson and Mrs. T J': Todd were ap- pointed. to arrange for an en- tertainment, The 'motto "Early, to bed• 'and early to • rise" was taken by Mrs. McKenzie Webb. It was reported that Christmas boxes had been sent to ten boys overseas. Readings were given by Mrs. Bali, Mrs..Earl Durnin and, Mrs. "Rice. - The -topic was in charge of Mrs. Gordon who read an article on `.`The Churchill Wo - Men visit Canada". Mrs, Cameron conducted • a quiz contest and Mrs. 'Thom a soap contest. Tickets axe ' for sale . on ' an apron, for Which the lucky • ticket 'will l be. drawn at the Decmeber rneeting. Lunch was served by the host- esses, Mrs. R. J. 'Woods and Mrs. W. A. Humphrey. The Red Cross quilting will be held on Friday, November ,19th. iiMN �`-�MY/i''riw••w ".r.w....n..rti"'.'M� S,E_✓.+ df, e u . �uxziber : h , �'�R.:SA�E �OR 41N �5O191`RES-45, + �o ZIf,OtY'.1� f, good ewes. IIMB,OUD 'PERCY, R 9about t5'0 lbs. Apply 1 Bofyrnod, ,Phone Ripley 18-i7 11344-1411INTER, E. 1 kimiknew. RAW FURS "WAND Wing --hlghe'stt FOR ' � '2 ,registered Here - ices ices Tp ud. 'Bend ecr bring "•theme lord tuns, one 21rears.old and to'n1400.,NP CE, W4 haxn.. one . 9 m + n-tlre. Angus /Graham,Fon 50 sant= vtineits t R. <5 Dudknow, Phone 26-r-2, Rip- Miss Laura Currie of:: Kitchen- er spent • 'the week -end at her home. . The Langside Red Cross •held their sodial evening .;last Friday night at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. John . Reid. The •attendance was 43 which : was splendid con- sidering the night was very • rainy and disagreeable. 'Gaines were -played -till 1 -dclock •-whe l`5 games of bingo were then en joyed with Mrs: Bill Scott 'win- -ping the Special • prize.. The Fol lection was $7,00: It was carried by show of .hands to have an- other bingo next Friday. Mr. • and Mrs.' 'Ivan-' Conley . invited . the society to their \home for the ,ev- ening, By show.` of 'hands it was, carried to, have a box social and dance the • following Friday in the Foresters Hall aild the com - . raittee---t-obe -responsible for that evenings entertainment. Mr.. and Mrs. Reid were tendered a 'vote of thanks by the •president ,Vic- tor. Einerson• this ' was heartily endorsed by all. • The meetin closed with. the' -singing, of th National Anthem. Mr. Norville Reid and Margar et, Mr.` and Mrs: Clarence Rei and' baby, . all of Hensall spen Sunday. with Mr. and .Mrs. Joh Reid. : @ xxtoxiths ,old:: day. • ' • . -MOM= or phone '397 • Nin beam, 'Ont. " .ToOR 'SA'1.E�2�rter•=Qak side- oard, small cook stove and lounge. • Apply -to T. W. SMITH. Central Garage ... . EE T/IEDIffERENCE PIMA MAKE' GIVE YOUR FLOC) A WEEK'S TREATMENT .WITH Puiina Chek-R-ToU 'A TONIC with ingredienta that knock out the roundworms. , Purina Fatesra Checkers 1 :_. _.._�_....... -ABOUT-MIME,.POUNNDS .per -bird. will -•give,. yMilk:- Fed A Finish in two weeks. FOR HOGS• -Add • 1 Bag Hog Chow to each 5, bags Chop Produce 4 Hogs per ton of Chop instead of. just 2 Complete Sanitation Line always on hand Lorne MacLennan, 'Phone 11-w ,• en UgS►T;-=a 'flanelette blue border, ariket, ' between Lucknow . :and Blake church. Finder .ple9selea ?:et at Sentinel Office. • • . FOR SALE Hog and'' Poultry=. oncentrates; «also shell maker for poultry..:. S. E. ROBERTSON,, I.:ucknow: • AUCTION SALE of town pr,°p`° .erty: and household effects .on. Patrick St., Wingharn, Saturday, ovember `13th at 1.30. Property. will be of ered subject to `a -res- , erved bid. Matt .Gaynor, Auc. AUCTION SALE of 55 head of. choice cows and. Durham feeding cattle at LH Lot .14, Con. 4, uron Twp., Thursday; November lath. 6 months' credit, no reserve.- Geo:, McGillivary,' 'Prop.;; ". Donald 13: Blue, • Auc. g, d n: RMSTI RO, OPTOMETRIST UcKOW • 'BACU WEDNESDAY 'ltrROM, . .1G .p;;m. eta =S o'dslOek AT •WM.rr SCHMID'S .STORE O •A:UCTION SALE ;of farm Prop— erty, stock, implements, etc.: of the Estate of Michael Courtney, half mile north of_ Kintail. Wed nesday; Nov. 17th. See bills. Leo Courtney, administrator; Donald. B. ,Blue, Auc. , AUCTION SALE of farm stock and. implements''at'. WH Lot 2,. Con. 13, Ashfield Township on Friday,, Noveznbei 19th. See bills for list and terms. Wm: W Hogan {15"rop:; Matt Gaynor, A.uc.- The .Langside Y:P.S. ,held their social evening at the hone of, Mr. and' Mrs. Billie. Simpson. on Monday evening. • Mr. Neil , MacCallum . spent ' a few days "this week With Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Conley. P. Stuart MacKenzie' BARRISTER. 8rr SOLICITOR ;Walkerton,., Ontario. -IN . 'LUCKNOW Each' Wednesday Afternoon & Evening At Gr• H• SMITH'S OFFICE • AUCTION SALE, at the Stock Yards; Ripley, on Thursday, Nov -1 ember ' 18th. 40 'choice •'spring Wes; 25 yearling cattle;' 10' heifers in calf, springing; 5 cows, springing; 5 cows due in January, and a number: of breed- ewes.. All calves and yearl- ings bought in. Huron. Township and district. Thomas Harris, Prop. Donald B. Blue, Auc. ABOUT 60 OXFORD breeding ewesfor sale or to • let out on .hares; 'O ford rams • and ram lambs and 1 Leicester ram,; also draught . filly. 'JOAN FARRISH, •! R. 7' Lucknow, 'Phone . Dungan- non 82-r-13. A teacher 'caned for, sentences using the word ``beans". "My fath 'r grows beans", , said the bright boy'of the class.'' "14y .. mother cooks beans", came from another pupil. Then a third piped up: "We are all human beans". • HATCHING EGGS WANTED. We require ;Breeding flocks all breeds tb supply us with hatching eggs for 1944 hatching season) Flocks culled and bloodtested free. Guaranteed premium. paid. Also wanted turkey flocks to supply hatching eggs. Apply Tweddle Chic Hatcheries, Limited; Fer- gus,. S ntario. Wanted STEADY: ,YEAR ROUND EM PLOY1V1ENT FOR ONE Olt TWO MEN IN, BOARDING' ROOM, . TEXTILE PLANT, BRUCE ::COUNTY. STANDARD` WAGES..\ APPLY AT the Employment and Selective Service Office, Walkerton, Ont. Blue's Auction Sale Rr*ter Thurs., Nov. 11-55 head of choice .cattle;, Con. 4 Huron .`. ,Twp. George McGillivary, Prop.• Friday,, Nov. 12 --stock, in- plements, • household effects Con. 1, Huron Twp:; mile' west ;of . Ambei•ley. Albert J. Brown, Prop. Wed., Nov. 17 --Estate Michael Courttiey,^ half mile north of Kintail. • • Thurs., •Nov. 18--85 head of, - cattle at suck yards, Ripley. -Thos. Harris, Prop. Donald 'B B. BIue&. Ant. ASH -FIELD S NOTES n MAF KING Mrs. T. M. Anderson :returned -horn one Saturday evening after spending 'the week visiting rela- tives at Hamilton, Brantford. and Stratford. We are sorry' to hear. Mt: Nor- man Shackleton is 111 with pneu- monia. His .daughter, -Mrs. Walter Scott is 'taking care 'of him. • ' Visitors . on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kilpatrick were Dr. and Mrs. A. N. Atkinson and 4 Mrs. Broad of Godericli,•Mr: avid Mrs. Roy Atkinson of Sarnia. A raid -week service for Bible study and prayer will be hekt 1 Mrs. James -Cook is visiting .her ..brothe Mr: G -E. l e'Donag dry ing the past week. Miss Helen Gilmore of Ham- ilton andher little niece., Teresa Kretz, spent the week -end with her parents., , , : Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Ritchie, Lyai and: Jean spent an evening -With Mr. and Mrs. A. Helm., AC2. ' Eldon Buckingham ,of Montreal spent ,the ' week -end' with his parents. i• Mr. and Mrs.. Will -Helm and children visited . with • Mr. and Mrs. Les Ritchie.one evening last week, : at Mr. Ernest : Blake's on Thurs- 1 day evening ' with Rev: Howseas leader: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hallam an ;el family spent Sunday at Parkhill at her uncle's, Mr. Williams. Cecil Johnston had a bee in his bush on Thursday p.m. A twin- ber of men of ',Blake's and Hack, ett's appointments : cut about 15 cords of wood for ltev: G. Howse which will keep the parsonage comfortable for the whiter months.: Mrs. 1a. Blake returned home on -Saturday after three weeks in Lucknow with Muriel. Phyllis re- mained ' in town with her thts week, •