The Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-10-21, Page 10• r . l'AcE TEN , Ii;160.1t14.OVir 8ETINE14, ILC ' • Chris ma's Handkerchiefs for the Min In The Armed Forces AIRFORCE & KHAKI COTTON HANDKERCHIEFS. Nar- -row hem. Each , 1.5c AIRFORCE & *pima HANDKERcunFs ith1/z 4110 , hem, stitched edge. ,„ • 25c ALL WHITE COTTON HANDKERCHIEFS Laundered, 2 in pkt Pkt. 25c -PURE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS in white and khaki Heinshtehedhem ,, v.numikivotuoakr,.ous-fragly 'LINEN HANDKERC 1HEFS.' White with initial. Ea. 50e TIES, Black, made of god 'quality barathea. The boys will appreciate a tie fronlionie. 65c IS THEB()ATI It's sailing:Nov. 1st with Xnias 'Parcels for the Boys Overseas. Make Xmas Day a gala one loi-them with -lots -TA parcels, among them a Food Box from Theinpson's. • •.. include' -these suggestions: WEDDING BELLS " .WILL--CULBERT • Saturday evening,, October 9th, First United church, Hamilton, was the setting for the marriage of Miss Beatrice Margaret Cul- bert, Reg.N., eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Culbert to Pte.' Gordon Bruce Will, ymmger .son of Dr. and• Whs. J. R. Will, • Brantford. .Rev. E. Melville_Ait- ken officiated,. The bride wore a turquoise sheer wool dress with brown ac- cessories, arid corsage of sweet: ONTARIO i••-rr TIIIIRSDA.Y., OCTOBER 21, 1943 ' OBITUARY PACKED MANY CHRISTMAS 'BAGS ALEXANDER MaclillARMILr Mr. Alexander MacDiarnnicl passed away ,peacefully in his sleep early Monday morning. His death came as a distinct shock. to his family and friends. Twice on Sunday, as was his custom, Mr. IVIacDiarmid had attended services in ,the United Church. He was in his 85th year and had frequently been, heard to say that hewas never. sick a- day in his ..life, -although for a short' time he had not been. feeling the rS14 V!, • February 1st, 1859, 'on the farm now' owned- by RObert Moffat, ' Concession,' 4, Kinloss. He went to Paramount as a young. man in 1884, taking up the farm where• his km• Granthow resides. In 1890 he Married: Mary MaCKen- --zie;--and•-they,continued to reside: at Paramount until they retired to LucknOw in 1921, where Mrs. MacDiarmid passed away in Aug- ust of :1936. Alex, as he was best .,1triown, was held iii' the highest esteem in the community. Spry of step, a&I young in Mind as: well as, body, he had a hest of friends among young and old. :Honor- able and upright he .was a de- voteld• and faithful member of the United Church. Mr. MacDiarmid I also •served ably on• the. Village I -CM:moil in 1936 and 1937--iilien he retired from; office. Surviving are two, daughters, Mrs: •Neil J. MacKenzie of Ash- -D. Stockham of Detroit 'and three. sons, Lyall Of ,Jamestown,• N. Y., Rae of Cleveland; ,- Ohio and Grant on the .family homestead. An were present fOrnihe funeral except Lyall who was on a business trip in Texas at the4iiiie of his fatli-• er s sudden death. " The funeral service was held in the United Church On WedneS, day' afternoon conducted by. Rey. , W. Stewart. Interment was in Greenhill, Cemeteri. Pallbearers 'Were Denaid McLean, Art Cook,, .Joseph Mallough, Ernest Ackert, Charles Steward and Joseph Ag new. Chicken Bouillon Cubes • Hot Chocolate Powder Cough Drops • Soup Mixes Cigarettes and, Tobacco• •• Soaps and Shoe Polish Individual Kellogg Cereals with Baby Size tins of • Sardines TIIOMPSON'S ,.• .• ENGAGEMENTS , . Mr. and Mrs. A: T. Chesney, • Nobel, Ontario, announce the en- • gagement of their daughter, •• Mary .Louise, to Capt. John Dun- • can Munn, Royal Canadian Army • Medical Corps, son of Sr. and • Mrs. Duncan Munn, Ripley. The wedding will take place October • 30 at Hart:, House Chapel, Tor- • onto. Ferne Maltby, Reg.N., 'Guelph, attended the bride wearing rose wool, 'with grey accessories and corsage of Jehanna Hill roses. ' Mr." Ernest Thorpe? *Brantford,. was groomsitan. • A, smal..1..reftit. icat was held at the WentWoilh -Arms. Pte. and Mrs. Will left --on a trip to Tor- onto and Montreal. For travelling :the:bride wore a brown coat With -stone , martin furs. The bride is a graduate of Hamilton General Hospital and has been a member of the staff, The groom is a grad- uate of Osgoode Hall, Toronto. United Church Y. P. U.• The Group of -the-Womeres- A-ssoeiatioir-ef-the- the Women's Association enters tained the Yung. People's Union on Monday evening when a--verY • excellent • program was, given. Mrs. Alex Andrew iiresided and 'the scripture lesson was read by • Alan McKim. Miss Dorothy Sharp • played a very fine, piano instru- mental and a splendid address •was given by. Miss .Jean Osborne •on .the tbpic, "Being a real Per- i• son". Enjoyable solos were con- tributed by Mrs. Breckles • and Mrs. Harold Treleaven. A contest was held and Mrs. SteWart dos-' ed the meeting With prayer. Teeswater Winners • At Teeswater Fair, Ewart Tay- lor won secondprize for the .3 - year -old gelding or filly, Perch- eron , or Belgian type. He also won second and ,third prize for, the span.. that class Goldie Martin won second for his foal, , - Shei 'Why don't we get a taki?' • He: `Darling, you're beautiful. In a taxi no one would see you, • but on the street car I can show you *off to everyone'. • LUCKNOW •UNITED CHURCH • Rev. J. W. Stewart, B.A., BM. Pastor . • SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24th 11 a.m.—Morning Worship. Junior t hurch. p.m. -c -Sunday School. 7 p.M.--Evening Worship. 1---..- ' • •• The response to the local Red Cross appeal for donations to the Newfoundland Xmas bag fund was so splendid that the lop] branch was able to pack 79 Well- filled Christmas bags for them-, ,bera of the services in hcispital ,in Newfwildlnd. These were forwarded. recently. ° 2, „ As well ' as the donation of Many articles for these bags.; caili- Contributions of $51.95 were made to purchase gifts The rrtpOTIM is asiteefo elliepw. tss ,Group, S. S. No. 9, Kinloss $ 3.30 WS; Alton. (Hackett's) 1.50 Zion • ' - 7.15 Pararnount W. I. •14.00• Kinlough 5.00 Donation, "three 50c. . 1.50 Mrs. Youn's tea (including $5.00 from Mrs. 'Wm. Mackenzie) 17.50 Mrs. W. J. Little 500 . Expenditures The Market Webster's, •Restaurant McKnifs Drug Store • • • $36.08 .Balance on hand $15.87 Work and Donations . $51.95 ..$12,19 1.44 22.45 .4.111.1111111.1111111Mbi'... E -P 7-4.1 1100.4.tre - PRESENTS. Friday and :$aturd4 11ENRY..ALDRic.H :FOR ,pREsjpolj".... ,•, ...1.•.,with • •, sEJO1ItIVI4XDON •c, -ewagsresta644;4? MARTHA &DRISCOLL * * * On The Same Program -POPEYE CARTOON "QUIET PLEEZE" * * * * SHORT SUBJECTS • LATEST- BRITISH- . CANADIAN NEWS NEXT WEEK •Bing4Crosby, Fred Astaire Marjorie Reynolds in "HOLIDAY. INN" COMING' . . . . • • . "THE FLEET'S IN" Dorothy Lamonr, Wm. Holden Eddie Bracken, Jimmy Dorsey • . , Orchestra, V11111011111011r , . • • Fironi Rural Branches Kinloss -3 sweaters; donated, • • 1 -girlis-d • Kairshea—donated 6quilts. Kinlough-7 sweaters, 1 Skirt; donated, 2 quilts. • • Kintail--4 sweaters, 1 pr. sox, • pr. seamans sox, I pair. sea-. mans boots; donated; '8 quilts. ,Langside-1 •sweater; donated, 6 quilts. • Paramount -- 6 shirts, • 1 pair mitts, '1 pr. sox, 1 sweater;.doria- ted,-3 pair s�x, 2 quilts, 1 afghan. St. Helens --5 sWpaters; •dona‘.- ted, 12 quilts. • 9th 'Concession West Wawanosh--1 quilt. Zion -.--6 • pr. sox, 2 scarves, six helmets. •• • r • ELECTED TO DISTRICT MEDICAL EXECUTIVE District No. 2 of ,the Ontario Medical Asidciation held one of its most successful meetings at Owen 'Sound last Wedriesday. The• district comprises .the Counties of Grey, Bruce •and Dufferin, Active, • full time,practitiOners iii the ats- trict have dropped from about fortkl to less -than 25. --in -number, to serve a Population of approx- imately. 40,000 people, • Following the business' session the following officers were re-el- ected: Counsellor of • district No. 3, Dr: A. D. Polleck of ,pwen Sound; senior vice -counsellor, Dr. G. W. Taylor of Owen Sound: junior vice -Counsellor, Dr. W. V. JohnSton, Lucknow, Ont; com- mittee on nominations, Dr. A. L. • Danard of Owen Sound and Dr. J. T. H. Robinson of Walkerton. HELD AT RIPLEY • Th_ere-was- an attendance of 117 at the sectional meeting of the Women's Missionary Sooiety of the United Church, held at Ripley last Wednesday and kesided over by MIS. E. ,Beech: 'Mrs. Lot Culbert acted as secretary and Mrs. Gaum ,offered the:opening' rayer. A report of, the branch, eeting was given by Mrs. J. , Dobson, -'Kincardine,-which show. - ed a good financialeposition' and. indicated • that •the allocation • would be met. -• The guest speaker was Miss ' Wilina,Thomaa, who.Stressed the 'important part the young people '• can play in the church today: • A' duet was sung by Misses Jean ; McLennan and W.iirria Carter and - a solo by Mrs, A. Ackert of Holyrood. To the address of...welcome by Mrs. Beech, Mrs. Strapp of Ber-,' Vie replied. Closing remarks were • Made by Mrs. Steele of Pine - River nd Mrs. Wes Thprripson _gave the olosing -prayer. Those attending from Luk - now included Rev. and Mr's. J. W. Stewart, Mrs. R. Robertson, Mrs. J. •Kilpatrick, Mrs. G. McDiar- mid and Mrs. A. Ackert.,.. • FRED MOSES, well known in hockey circles, and a member of. . the Durham hockey team that: Won the Ontario championship a *few years ago, was killed in Italy ' 'while serving with the 48th High- landers. - • ' • Clearing All Cosagoleum Rugs at Reduced Prices Good Assortment of Patterns and Most Sizes The Store With The Stock 44 .4 • • ck • ; • fre • , • • •