The Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-10-14, Page 4• PAGE FOUR . THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1943 r :SPEED the VICTORY • AS CHAIRMAN OF. HURON COUNTY.. WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE I . send out .cor dial greetiojp:gs to every citizen. The raising of this. •5th Victory., -Loan is- the biggest task to which 'the people ' of Huron` ever set . their • 'hands.. It.will be one,factor in our final .sue- cess sue cess if. we begin 'witha full realization 'of the vast and difficult responsibility • to, which We are :committed . and• match this challenge with , . the.earnestness and'determination that.,s • the very stuff of Victory: THERE IS GOOD NEWS that our armed forces are moving forward and that news should lift our spirits to a thigh level of eagerness and enthusiasm: But there is no news that the wary' as just : about over and that we may , relax our efforts. The . prospect is not .of a war tapering off to a quick and easy finish, but of a warrisang.to an increasing .crescendo. of stubborn fighting. • 'SOMETHING TUGS AT. OUR HEARTS as We. think of our boys, Caught 'in this fury of battle What can we ' do for them? The beest thdo for ing.we give them the weapons, annabu, abundanceofw a .-... p pons -or rather the best thing we can .do for them is to buy Victory Bonds --for with our . Victory Bonds the weapons will be 'provided. FOR THE SAKE -OF ALL OUR HURON COUNTY BOYS OVER THERE -- o speed . the Victory Out of Huron .County's great prosperity— Ae\your answer to 'the call of duty- As an °act -of -Thanksgiving---- B U y ,VICTORY `hanksgiving -_BUY,VICTORY BONDS, yours, Faithfully, W. A. BEECROFT, Chairman.. Huron County War 'Finance Committee. KINLOSS .CENTRE Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas O'Hagan, - and Patsy of Riyersdale, Mid-, ford of B. C., Helen of Detroit, • Mich., Geraldine O'Hagan of • Hanover, Ronald McInnes of Lucknow, Miss Margarette Mc1 Ivor of Kincardine, Mr. Huntley Da.son;;rt -Hugh McKenzie, Lang': side, Mrs. Dawson of London, • Miss Helen Valad of Lucknow;, . Mrs. Calvin McKay of Windsor were holiday. visitors with the latter's mother, Mrs. Valad. Mr•4 and Mrs. Keiffer & friends of Teeswater, Mips Lillian Doyle and Mr. Henry Caesar of Lang KINLOUGH Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. 'Russell Bushell on the .arrival of a baby boy. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham was the scene of a happy: event on Thursday evening last when neighbors and friends gath- ered to shower Miss Dorothy Pin- nell, bride of the week. The ing room was beautifully decor- ated with pink andwhite stream- ers and white wedding bells .hung over the chair of honor. Mrs. Graham escorted : the bride, to ,tier. place and all joined in singing "The more we get together". Mrs. W..J.. McLean capably •;•acted as- chairlady. Readings were given by Mrs. Arthur Graham and Mrs. Perry Hodgins, Mrs. John Em merson sang a solo and Mrs. Tom Hodgins conducted a contest. Miss May Boyle then read, an ad- dress .to. the bride expressing the kindly . wishes from all present. Dorothy thanked the ladies and invited them all' to. visit. her; in her, new home • in London. All joined in singing"For. she's .a jolly .good fellow". The bride re- ceived ' many beautiful. and use- ful gifts which, showed the high esteem in which. she was held. Mrs. Allan Wall assisted in open- ing the gifts while Mrs. Wilbert Hodgkinsonread theattached' verses. n y -1 Serd- by the hostess and a social chat enjoyed. Mr.. and Mrs. Ez Stanley and children have moved . to the 'farm of the late Mr. and Mrs. /Har y Blackwell, which^was owned by Mr. k. Shevw,felt of Kincardine before Mr. Stanley° purchased' it., Congratulations to. LAC. Mer- vyn Cameron and Mrs. Cameron Who were married on Saturday last. . Mr. Joe Hodgkinson of Sarnia spent the week -end at his 'home here. side spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar ,Keiffer. 1 Mr. ' Lloyd. Ackert of Toronto visited-with-his-parentsr.-Mr,andl Mrs. Ernest Ackert. Mr. ` Collins of the store staff left last week for the• North. Mr. Collins' will be tnissed around the Corner wherehe has made a host -of friends:. Mr. Morris Hodgins met- with a painful accident Monday when (he cut •his arm which required :several . stitches. Try a Want Advt.—They bring results. SEINED/ffEIPENCEF1IRINAM Purina . Chain( -Ton For.... GROWING PULLETS, . GROWING TURKEYS, LAYING FLOCKS AND BREEDER TURKEYS • PURINA CHEK-R-TON serves as a ' flock treatment for large -xoudw_orms (ascarids)..and .•as._. an appetizer and in- testinal' astringent. FOR HOGS Add 1 Bag Hog Chow to each 5 bags: Chop — Produce 1. Hogs, per 'ton of. Chop instead of just 2 — Ask for plan of self -feeder. For reliable farmers, we will supply you with Hog ' Chow at today's 'Cash Price, • pay when the Hogs go to - market7--no carrying charge. Buy Purina By The Ton and Save Money Lorne MacLennan,.. 'Phone 77-w FOR SALE _ rubber, tired top. buggy. R. J. Moore, Lucknow. FOR SALE—Set of . Knowledge • Books, ,good as new. Apply at Sentinel Office. FOR' SALE -1'3 -inch, Maple Leaf plate grinder, ih good'shape. AP - ply at Sentinel Office. ' FOR' SALE -Hand washer with. wringer, in first, class shape.'Ap- pl3r- at; Sentinel Office. WANTED TO RENT—two rooms, furnished or otherwise, for house- keeping. Apply. Box 38, Luck - now Sentine .. - CAMERON—PINNELL The church of Ascension was -the- scene of a lovely autumn wedding on Saturday last when Dorothy ,Adeline,, eldest daughter 'of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pinnell be- came the bride of ' LAC. Mervyn J. Cameron, son of Mr. and Mrs. :Hugh_ •'Cameron__ of Huron The ceremony was performed by Rev: George Honour, rector of the church. The wedding music was played by Miss Edna Boyle. The bride, given in marriage by her &father, looked charming in a white brocaded satin in Victoria style With a halo fingertip veil. She carried a bouquet of Briar- Cliffe roses and lily -of -the -Val- ley. Her sister, ' Mrs. John Hill, as matron of honor, wore 'a tur- quoise net over satin gown 'with matching headdress . and carried a bouquet of.; Johanna, Hill roses and bouvardia.,The groom was supported by M. John" Hill. The ushers were LAC. Lorne Cameron and LAC. Glen Pinnell. ' During the, signing of the register, the choir sang "0 Perfect Love". Fol- lowing the ceremony a' reception was given' at the bride's, home where the dining room was taste- fully decorated in pink and white streamers with, the bride's four-, storey wedding cake adorning tlre table: A buffet 'luncheon was served by a number of girl friends of . the bride. A toast to thebride wasgive», by Retr. G. Honour and was replied to by the groom. All 'joined in singing "For they are !jollygood fellows". The groom's gift to the bride was an onyx diamond set ring, the' bride's gift to the groom was an .identi- fication bracelet. The happy couple left amid showers of .con- fetti and good wishes for their honeymoon to Niagara FaTTs, Windsor and other points. •The bride- chose for travelling .. a brown two-piece suit with bieg.e accessories. Ontheir return they PICK UP your copy of the C,an- adian Tire Corp. Winter Sports and Accessories . supplement at Campbell's Garage, Winghain.. BIUe's Auction` Sale Register Thurs., Oct: '14 --farm stock &. irnplenients, 2 miles south of , Tiverton. Wm: Camp- bell, Prop. Friday,: Oct.' 15—Cattle of U. kinds, one mile north' of Tiverton. Dune. Cameron, Prop. Tues., Oct. 19 -farm stock & implements at farm of Ed Welsh, Con. 9, East Wawa nosh. r Thurs., Oct. 21—implements & registered Holstein cattle, Colborne: Township. Wrn. ' Tabb,. Prop. Friday, October 22—.40 head of 'choice cattle.. 'all in good Condition. Wilfred McCar- thy', Prop. Saturday, Oct. 23—household furniture at residence of Jas. .Johnstone,._..Goderich. Donald B. Blue, Auc.. Coming. Events 1. ST. PETER'S (Anglican) Church, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17th ; No morning service. 7.30 -Rite of 'Confirmation. Rt. Rev. C. A. Seeger, Bishop of Huron Diocese.' , CARO -OF THANKS Mrs. Robert Andrew and Ellen wish to 'acknowledge with sincere gratitude : and blanks . the many kinds acts and expressions of sympathyextended them by friends and neighborsin their bereavement. NOTICE Members of the Kairshea Club are requested to turn itt knitting at the next meeting on Thursday, October lst. Cookies are also wanted for • packing soldiers' box-. es and a silver collection will be taken 'to assist • in buying articles for • these boxes. . T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST IN LUCKNOW EACH WEDNESDAY FROM 2 p.m. to 6 'o'clock AT WM. SCHMID'S STORE. P. Stuart MacKenzie BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Walkerton, Ontario. IN LUCKNOW Each' Wednesday ....Afternoon_ & . Evening...:... At G. H.. S'MITH'S OFFICE will reside in. London where the ljride is employedin war work and the groom stationed at the R.C:A.F. School at. Centralia. Mr. and Mrs. Chris 'Shelton of Toronto spent the week -end. with the former's mother here. Miss Evelyn McLean spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs'. W. J. McLean. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Borthwick of. St. Catherines spent the week -- end with their parents here and, at Kincardine. Edbert Bushell, -'R.C.A.F., Mrs. Bushell and babe of Toronto were home Over the week -end. Kenneth McFarlan. of Kincar- dine visited over the week -end in the village. On Tuesday afternoon the Wo-. men's Institute members joined with the local Red Cross ladies at the Orange Hall and enjoyed an afternoon quilting and social and there were also twelve boxes packed from the. Institute to boys in uniform overseas The Red Cross will be packing boxes very soon so•please help if :you-can--i-n any, way. . • Conductor: "What's that you're holding on your lap?" Passenger-: "It's an 'unexploded bomb I'm taking to the' police station", --Conductor: • . `Goodness, man! Pdt it under -the seat!" ZION Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hunter and. Marlene, Mr. and Mts. W. T. oardner and. Mr. Harold Gard- ner spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Joe Freeman, Leeburn. Mrs. Frank Ritchie had word from her brother Lloyd .who was stationed in Scotland. Mrs. Isaac Andrew' spent Sun- day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Woods of St. Helens. Pte. David Anderson wished tothank the Zion ladies for the parcel he received overseas, which was very acceptable and much enjoyed. Dave plans on spending his next leave in taking ' a week's course at Oxford Uni- versity, London, .England. • - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fii by and sons Bruce -an Warren of Ex- eter were Sunday' visitors with Mrs. Isaac Andrew and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kirkland. Mr. Fiii- lay is stationed at Centralia with.. the R.C.A.F, Miss Violet. Ritchie of Listowel and Miss Irlrna Hackett of Tor- onto spent the week -end at their homes here.. • Messrs:Lane and Harold Gard- ner of Hamilton were at their respective -homes overthe boll' day, Miss Noreen Cobb of Hamilton. spent Thanksgiving day with her uncle 'and -aunt, Mr. and Mrs., Richard. Gardner. {