The Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-06-17, Page 8PAGE EIGHT . TRE • LUCKNOW , SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE 17th, 1643 WEDDING BELLS, laR%rWN—TRELE+ AVEN Ferns and early summer, flow- ers made a pleasing background for the wedding at the -dome of the bride's mother at 4.30 o'clock Saturday afternoon when Lois -0Elizabeth, younger 'daughter of Mrs. Laurette ' •Treleaven, 'Dun • gannon, and the late Mr. G. C. Treleaven, became_ thebride of - . Mr. Arthur Nelson.,roWn, Dun- das; youngest son. of Mrs: C. C. Brown; Dungannon, and the late Mr. Charles Brown. . The Gere- vmony was' performed by ;Rev. H. .J. Vickerson in " the presence of about.thirty, guests, 41 immediate. relatives. The bride, given in xnarriage by =her mother, Was unattended and looked lovely as she entered- the drawing room to the strains of the "Bridal Chorus", from Lohen- "grin - played 'b'y hei' sister;" -MW: Maurice Woodford, Toronto, The bride wore a floor -length gown of white sheer;. with tight -fitting bodice and bouffant skirt, .& tar- ried a . bouquet of • American Beauty • roses and baby's breath. She wore flowers in her hair. A buffet --luncheon, was served, the dining room being decorated with pink and white streamers and white wedding bells. The table was Centred with the wedding cake and sweet peas in • the same color scheme. Mr. & Mrs'. Brown left later by . motor on a short honeymoon, the bride donning for travelling a two-piece dress, smart navy hat and beige coat with_ _:na_vy_ accessores:-- Guests FGuests were present for the wedding from Toronto, Dundas, ° Stratford, Listowel, . Goderich, Lucknow and Dungannon. M . ZION Miss Lorna, Reid student nurse from Guelph' Hospital is spending three weeks holidays with her parents, Mr. 'arid Mrs. Sam Reid. Mr. and Mrs .Albert Alton, Miss Bernadine Alton visited with Mr. . and Mrs..Fred Anderson on Sun- day.. Pte. W. D. Reed of Nova. Scotia & Mrs. Reed spent Tuesday with Mr. and. Mrs. W. G. Hunter and. ; Mr. and 'Mrs. W. T. Gardner. Anniversary services were con- ducted . here on Sunday._ Rev.. Stewart of • Lucknow . United. church was; guest speaker and de- livered two-very e-liveared-two-very appropriate ser-: mons. Guest soloist were Messrs. Towle df Blythe and Lloyd Stew- art• of, Stratford, son of M. and Mrs. Phillip Stewart` and Misses Helen • Mowbray and, Doris Tay- lor of Lucknow sang two , duets during .the ... afternoon service: Solos and duets were well .ren- dered and much appreciated. Mr: Gordon Kirkland had .a cow killed and • anotherso badly in- jured she had to be destroyed during the electrical storm of Sat- urday. night. Mrs. George Hunter, Mrs. W. G. Hunter attended the shower on Tuesday p.m. given in honor of Miss Beatrice' Treleaven, bride- to-be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Drennan, Crewe.• Mrs. Robt. Andrew and Miss Ellen Andrew visited.. last week with -Mrs. John Mullen of- Lents,. Mrs. Jas. McKay and on J'a�•k of Paisley visited. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nixon. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Stewart of Lucknow visited Sunday with Mr. arld Mrs. Wesley Ritchie. A shower was given by the community and friends on Wed- nesday evening in honor of Miss Rena Hunter who was, married on Saturday last. She received many. useful and pretty gifts for which she thanked her friends in a pleasing manner. All -join in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Menary a long and happy wedded life. • Mrs. Ernest Gardner spent part of last week with Mrs. Jim Gard- • WH1TECH IWCH Mrs. Roy Patten of St. Georges spent the week -end with her Mrs._ A Fox, Mrs. Ed Gaunt spent the week- end with Mrs.• Louttit of Wing - ham. Anniversary services were- held in the United church here last Sunday and Were well attended. Special 'music Was rendered 'by thea. choir. • Rev:. • Mr. Dunlop of Belgrave preached fine sermon's. We are sorry to report ::Mrs.:. Clarence .Cox -and Master :Clayton Scholtz are on the sick list. Mr. Alex R. Kennedy of Winni- peg,. Man., arrived home last week to visit with his mother, Mrs. David Kennedy and; attend the Kennedy annual picnic. It is. '18 years since he, his . wife and family were here before. He rreturned to: the- West -this- week:- Miss eek:-Miss Velma. Scott left last Thursday to take, her. basic train- ing with the Wrens, at Galt The Women's •Institut'e, the Red Cross and Patriotic Society presented her , with a beautiful . dressing, -gownlast week before she left. We wish her every success. The . annual Kennedy reunion was held last Thursday at Kin- cardine tourist camp, when about. 50 relatives were present. Dinner and supper were served: In the afternoon races and .games were enjoyed. Mr.:John- tKennedy re - • Officers Elected . Members of the Bruce Press I Association met in Port Elgin last Thursday for their 'annual meet- ing. Officers ",elected were, _.presi- dent, Clayton Schaus, Chesley; vice - president,. Mrs. Duncan, Wiarton; Sec'y., Everett Shortt, Southampton. ceived a .prize for the oldest per- son present and Mr. Alex R. ,Kennedy of Winnipeg received a prize for corning •the farthest distance. Mr. Joe • McCloskey and 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'McCloskey of Guelph were. present. • • The Young Women's Auxiliary are holding their meeting on ' Fri- day afternoon in the basement of the Presbyterian . church when they are having; some. of their work on display. 'Rev. Angus Mc- Kay, returned missionary, , will Address-the-meeting.--All-Are-in- vited. meed -Yg.-Kli are -i ri=vited.' . • - The . Home' Helpers and 'WM.& meeting will be held in the Pres- byterian church `on Thursday at 2:30 p.m. when ,Mrs. Angus Mc- Kay will address the meeting. Mr. "and Mrs. George. Kennedy entertained the Kennedyfamily at .dinner on ° Sunday - .at the old homestead, ,prior to his brother Alex returning to l innipeg din Monday.' Mr. .and Mrs. John Reid Of Auburn were also present. • • .Mr.. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier are moving to the' village this week. OBITUARY' MRS. THOS. DOUG ERRTSY A, lifelong resident of Ashfield ,township, - Catharine Bennett wife of the . late Thos. A. Dough- erty, died on' Sunday morning at her home, Con: 1, iiir'her 77th . Mrs. Dougherty suffered a stroke, which resulted in her death, a week ago. Her husband,'. one of the best known residents df Ashfield, died: about' 2 months ago.. She was a member of ,Christ church (Anglican) At Port Albert. Surviving ' ere'three sons, Ed- ger and .George, Ashfield;; White- ly, Dafoe, Sask.; two daughters, Mrs. John MacKenzie, Ashfield;. Mrs. E. Sowerby, Goderich town- ship, and six brothers and sisters, Arthur, Robert and William Ben, nett, Chicago; Mra. John Camp= ode ric'1�' Mrs. .W*u Craw— ford, bell,._ Gr-aw-- ford, Ashfield and Mrs. Edna Pentland, Port Huron, ' "; The funeral was held on Tues- day from her late residence, -con- - ducted by Rev. J. W.' Donaldson. Interment took place in Maitland cemetery, Goderich. Property Sold Mr, Wm. Ringler of St. Helens has sold hisproperty on east side of Division street, Listowel, '-to Mr., C. E.. Blackmore. -Listowel Banner. rt: PLAN to spend half a day, a day; or several evenings a week on local fafms during the haying and harvesting seasons this summer. Join the thousands of Farm Com- mandos who "close up shop" or lay down their tools to make "raids" into the country and help farmers take their crops -from the Ian t . -Farm Commando, Br gades are springing up in Chambers,. of Trade, Service Clubs, Churches ations all over Ontario. Townsmen ake a direct, atriotic contribution of Commerce, . Board and .other open's organ are getting together to to the War -Effort -by helping to save the crops. Farm Commandos are • aid a minimum of twenty-five cents., an hour, and many C . r andos' contribute . these earnings to favourite war charities. If there is n Farm Cotnmando Brigade forming in your • localitti take i up with your own men's organization and get your localBrigade 'started at ohm. . Every possible man-hour must be put in during harvesting'' to prevent irreplaceable loss of food that IS essential to the Allied War Effort and to Canada % erself! . Your help is, needed—NQW I Volunteer in a Farm Commando Brigade and be ready to help when harvest emergencies arise. For full information, forms, etc., write to _Ontario Farm Service,,, Force, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, at once. A CSC .rswM.aM MNna+ W ra u: • IVIRY WIDN%SDAY 7.3o P.M. eac NITWORuf DOMINION -PROVINCIAL COMMITTEE ON FARM AGRICULTURE LABOUR EDUCATION Fs ,4 • : •iY Greer Radio SLKYIbL WISHES TO THANK The Public For Their Past Patron- age, Trusting . That After. The War, . We Will Be Permitted To Again'Estab'lish Our Busi- ness In Lucknow' And Resume The: Pleasant Business Associ- ations We Have Enjoyed ' In The )Past. H. M. GREEK IN . THE MEANTIME. .my tfiei;_J i�[i:�'i'Tejr, wi I earr-y on Tube Testing," Tube Re- placements, .Battery.:. Sales & Electric Fence Sales. - KINLOUGH Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill visit d during •the week. at. the latter' s home here. ' Miss Helen -Thompson ,returned home after spending a while in Walkerton ,with Mr. And Mrs. Joe. Cassidy. Letters of thanks from overseas were received by the Red Cross branch here from . Grin. Edward .Burt and. Pte. Harry. Ritchie for. goodies sent by the ladies here. As it is time ' for boxes to be sent again to our lads over there, the ladies have planned another social evening and rummage sale in the school on Friday evening next. The boys depend ohi us, we depend on you, don't let us down.. We need funds to carry on...Come out and do your bit. Miss S. Sharpe and her sisters of Teeswater visited Thursday With Miss Mary Commonat the Malcolm home here. Congratulations to Mr.: & Mrs. R. Parrish, (rite Ina Johnston) who wermarried on Tuesday last. Miss Marion --Mackay- has re signed the position 'Of teacher . in our school. We are sorry to: lose IVIts-s-Meeliay from our midst and wish her continued success •in her new field of work. The sacrament . of Holy Com- munion was administered in the Presbyterian church on Sunday - last. On . Sunday next the Ang- lican congregation will observe Holy Communi n service- when Archdeacon W: 1. Hartley of Kin- cardine 'will be in .charge. Mrs. George Haldenhy return-, ed home from Toronto where she spent the past two weeks with relatives. 4iVlrs. Stauffer' and son^ ;Bill of the South Line visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stanley. Mrs. ,Cliff. Borthwick . of St. HCatharines visited• Sunday with her parents, Mr. and'Mrs. James s. I - odg4G•lenhPin ell,' R C;iA;.F., Toronto spent the week -end at his home' here. Mrs: H. A. •Graharn visited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, ' Levi Eckenswiller, London.' , Mrs. Elphick of Pinkerton vis. ited, during the week with Mr. & Mrs. John Colwell. Mr. and Mrs. Howard McGuire, Arnold and Lovely of Olivet were Sunday visitors with, relatives in the village. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Haldenb Mr. and Mrs; Art Graham visited Sunday with Kincardine friends. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Phillips -Anti.-.•fa . of.. 101: Ti`irr eg . - spend P " Sunday at Mr. George Phillips. r s t n ti a