The Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-06-17, Page 7AMMO THURSDAY,' JUNE 17th,' 1943 - ZION FRIENDS "HONOR BRIDE _ A pleasant' Peening was spent- on penton Wednesday of last week, when about, sixty-five. neighbours and friends gathered at the 'home of Mr: and '*-Mrs. •Jake Hunter in honor of their daughter Rena, bride of the week.' Reyna , was .taken • Much 'by sur, . prise when her grandmother,, Mrs. JohnCampbell ushered, her in to the: bride's chair 'while Mrs:. Wesley. Ritchie played `Here comes the bride''. Lois and Lorna Hunter carried in a `dainty deco orated basket filled with many beautiful gifts. Elsie Ritchie, act i*as chairlady, read the follow- ing address and assisted in open- ing the gifts. June 9th, 1943. • .,Dear Rena: We, your friends and , neighbors of the Zion community have gath-. ered here tonight. to honor you. on. your approaching marriage. We take this. opportunity: of extend-% ing_io_you _our best. •wishes -for a; • long happy': and prosperoCus ried life. You have grown up among .us ,from .childhood' and • we have al- vs s found you., cheerfully' help- ful in the -work of the. c©mmunity., You will. be.' greatly missed but we. 'are glad that you are, not 'go.- ing farfrom us. and we, Will, have 'you back arnong us..—often;, As 'a token .44 ---our- fr-ienclship„we---ask - .,you to please accept these gifts:, Signed' on behalf of .the people • of Zion .Carnrnunity,', Lorna. Hun- ter, • Lois. Hunter,: Elsie . Ritchie. . Rena:. thanked 'them .for their many beautiful gifts • and invited them to visit her• in 'her new home. All joined in singing "For 'She's a jolly good • fellow". A short program. Was then enjoyed • • consisting •, of . a reading ,by • 'Mrs. . Frank Ritchie entitled "_JolinnT Hunter's sister's wedding";.a• sold 'by. Mrs. G. G'Howse.; ,violin and :organ numbersby Mrs: Ira Camp- bell and :Gladys; reading 'by Mrs,• Cecil Gardner "The- small boy's return"; solo by Mrs. John :Gard- . ' tier•; -reading -by Mrs..Lloyd- HIM- "` er" *lei" recipe on the radio': -;1 mock wedding with Lorna ,Hun - ter acting-, as groom. and' Lois as . bride while Elsie 'Ritchie per- formed the • ceremony. During the signing of the, register Jean Rit- ehie and Freda Hunter sang `,`n Promise Me". Community singing was then.enjoyed,with Mrs. 'Wes- • ley Ritchie at the organ.. A dainty lunch was served which brought- a pleasant evening to a close. ASHFIEL•D • Mr. and Mrs: R. Hibben and Harold of Listowel called on some of their friends here recently.. Mr. and Mrs. George Riley "of Port Huron and Mr. and Mrs. L, MacLean of Wingham were week end visitors with friends here. • The sacrament of the' Lord's. • Supper was observed in the Pres- byterian church at the morning -service-on-Sunday with Dr. -W., O. t thoad in charge. • ,There'.will be •no'service in the Ashfield Presbyterian church next Sunday as the Ripley cony ,gregation are having their anni- versary on that day. •". 1: _ The Mary Hardie Mission Band meets ' in: the basement of • the: . church next Saturday. The Presbyterian W.M.S.meets on Weditesday of this week at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Fattish The farmers in this community; have the'seeding pretty well .fin- • ished so the rain on 'Saturday night Ni ras very welcome. . Mrs. R. Scott and 'Barbara of Le. AIRMAN AND BRIDE -ELECT 'HONORED AT CREWE �x a A large .gathering .df _friends & neighbors met in .Crewe school on Thursday evening to honor two of their number in the, per- sons of Miss Beatrice Treleaven, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Treleaven, whose marriage takes. ''place this week, ,and . Elliot C. i,ivett, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Rivett, who is -taking .a course at. Guelph as a wireles rain ginner 'with the ' R.C.A.F., and who has been enjoying . a week's holiday, .with ''his parents.:Miss Treleaven" was, the ti recipient of , a silver cream and sugar : set,: a .giftfrom the Y. P. U. of Crewe United. church, an address being read by Miss . Lorraine Durnin and the presentatip_bn, beim Made by Miss Elliot. Rivett was presented with a sterling silver identifica- tion disc, Lorne Hasty reading ;the address and Chester Finnigan: making the presentation. 'Both made ,a fitting reply_ expressing their thanks for the gifts.. A short program was presented.:and-lunch was served. Warden: What kind of exercise would you like to take? Condemned: I'd like to skip the rope. ' :LANGSIDE . . Langside Red 'Cross . quilting _grew._ the home of Mrs. R. Caskinette. • Sandy Murray 'cof Toronto is assisting Victor. Emmerson With farm work' and . by •so doing is granted standing . from -grade •7 to Grade, 8. A cemetery meeting •will be held at Charlie Tiffin's next.Tues- clay evening. • ' ' Mr. -and Mrs: George. Harkness spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. V. Emerson.. • • Mr. and Mrs: John Reid - -and son Wayne, spent the week -end with friends at Hensall. ' Rev. Wilson will conduct anni- versary . services at • . Langside- BRUCE FREE -OF DEBT H I S YEAR • --- _.moi Owing to a polio of rigid ec- onomy adopted at the beginning of the year Bruce C.ountytCouncil was , able to fix the -County levy, at 6 mills, the same mill' rate as last year. This will provide a levy of '$184,685,58 for County pun--. poses.:As the•:Provincial :Govern- meint pays a 50 per cent subsidy. on the anzotint expended' on ,Co. roads, which. subsidy this year will arnovnt . to gboiit $56,00,1116, total general , expenditure will' therefore amount -to abotit $235,- 000.' In addition those municipal- ities which have .no High or Con- tinuation schools of their o Wn to support- are_ rectuired' to levy . the -farther-Sum' -Of-$43;029-.72-for the. cost . of educating their 'pupils' at secondary schools. • . . BULLETIN AVAILABLE . ON SUGARLESS CANNING County Treasurer Nelson in his sessional report:' pointed out the splendid financial position . of the County which. will be free . of : de- benture ' debt this year . and has .:investedin Victory Loans the sum of $60,000. He estimated that if no unforseen expenditures were in, curredbefore the end of . the year the Council might invest :a fur- ther sum of from $12,000; to $15,- 000 in the next Victory Loan...At the January session the Council` set aside the sum. of $15,000 to be expended in such patriotic grants as the Warden's. Committee might designate and to date lthe, follow_ ing grants have been made• from this fund. • Navy League of Canada .$1800:00 Aid to Russia Fund 3000:0,0' Chinese Relief Fund ' 2000.00 Canadian Red eCross - 4500.00 Major P. ' S. McKenzie of the 97th Battery, Walkerton and Ma- jor R. C. MacKenzie of the 98th Battery, ' Kincardine,. - requested grants of $500 and $250 respect-. ively to; these ....Units _.__while' thea Kinsmen's' • Clubs of Walkerton, Kincardine ' and Chesley request- ed. grants of $200 each to their "Milk• for Britain” fund. These Less sugar available for van ning this summer need not resul empty sealers, vacant shelve and wasted fruit,,for all fruit canu be successfully canned' witho sugar. , " Directions • for sugarless. can- ning as well as for canning by the usual Methods are contained'' in the. new bulletin: published by, the Consumer Section of the Do - Minion Department of. Agricul- ture. Directions for .making.j'am and ,,jelly' within the • wartime sugar allowance are also included Every ' woman who plan's to c this summer, 'whether.ushe be ex- perienced or • new at the job, should have a copy of this bul- letin: t may be obtained by writ - in .;�P - touublici'ty' arid- Ekren-golf Division, Dominion. Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. In all,cases where fruit is can- ned without sugar, 5 minutes ex- tra ' sterilization time should be allowed... Strawberries, raspber- ries; cherries, blueberries,, cur- rants"�plurnf's.-and--rhubarb-can-be d packed' into sterilizesealers and crushed until the juice overflows. They . are then partially sealed and', sterilized: , An ; alternative Method, used. for pears, peaches and;apricots, is .to pack the fruit. into sterilized sealers, then fill the sealers With boiling' water in'- stead 'of syrup, partially -seal and sterilize. WEST HURON INSTITUTES CONVENED AT CLINTON, w.. , - At the annual convention o the It Wofnen's Institutes of the Dis�rict s of West Huron at Clinton, •Mrs. t IW. J. Henderson of Wingham was elected president for er third term. 'Delegates were present from "all nine branches of which' the district is comprised, namely: Goderich,. hnton, Ai;�:butn; B1yth,F Belgrave, Wingham, St... Helens„ intail . and' Dungannon., The: ses- sioris were presided over by the president, Mrs. N. ' Keating; Bel - grave, acting as' seFretary.• . Mrs:: Batkin, Clinton, gave the - report of the standing Committee The Boss (who has just drop- ped in on. the ' baseball. game) : So this is. your uncle's funeral, Freddie,. Office Boyi (with great, presence of gmind): Looks Iike it sir. He's the umpire, POLICE COURT in, Goderich will be 'held' on Wednesday..:. instead of Thursdayl for ` the next few weeks,. 'while Magistrate Makins is . on holidays. '.Magistrate Ian McRae of Strathroy, .: son : of Mr. and Mrs: John, McRae of Loch - requests: -have .been referred to alsh., will 'preside--daring--NIr. 1Via Presbyteria I church on Sunday. the Warden's Committee kins absence. for the Aid Russia r ny , Saleable Article Is Wanted om'_homemade ba4ingto livestock Make known your 'donations NOW to: O. H. SMITH or T. W. SMITH Open Wednesday and Saturday ' until 10 o'clock Entire, 'proceeds .for the to Russia Fun .• LOCAL COMMITTEE: J. R. IVIeNab,_ T. W; Smith, .' Rev. C. II. MacDonald ro on agriculture and Canadian in- dustries and Mrs.' R, Davidson the report on 'citizenship". --.-•Interestin-•g-papers on historical•-• research , cane from Blyth and Belgrave. Others were . by. Mrs: James Bisset,' of Goderich; home economics,_ Mrs. J. C. Procter, BeI grave; social welfare,.. Mrs. Lorne Ivers, Dungannon; publicity, • Mrs: R. J. Phillips, Auburn; war' work, Mrs. James Little, .Iintaii; • Mrs. Robert Scott, Kintail and Mrs. Sanderson;. g0derich, sang solos. At the dinner' served by the, Clinton :.ladies a civic• welcorne was extended by the; mayor of Clinton, A. J, M•cMur` ray. Mrs. J. H. ' Crawford of Wingham 'res- ponded. ' ; . •. • . Mrs. Fred Oster, Blyth, a•'neem- �. ber-of:. the provincial- board rand - representative of the London con: vention area, extended greetings and voiced her pleasure in . being Present, Mrs. E. F•Iayes'of George...., town represented the Department '. pf Agriculture, Institutes branch„ extended greetings from that, body . and gave an excellent talk on, the various phases of .the •work of the organization. • •Mrs.. ,F,,.; . Hayes conducted the election of officers and the con vener of the nominating commit- tee submitted the following slate: of officers, -all -of whom were el= eeted: president, Mrs.- W. J. Hen.- derson, Wingham; first vice pres- ident, ' Mrs. E. Adams;' Clinton; second vice president,' Mrs. Lorne Ivers, Dungannon; sec.-treas., Mrs N: I ea irl'g; B"elgraverfeTe - ation delegate, •Mrs. F. Oster, Blyth; alternates, derson; delegate to London' area. convention, Mrs. W. J. Hender- son; alternate, Mrs. Tichborne, Goderich; War Time Prices and Trade Board,' Mrs. N. • W. •Tre- wartha•, Clinton; auditors, Mrs. E. Anderson-& Mrs. R. Proctor, 'Bel - grave. • The election, of the following district directors was ratified by the. meeting: Auburn, Mrs. Fred Ross; .Belgrave, ' Mrs. C. IL Coultes;` Blyth, . Mrs. Colclough; Clinton, Mrs. J. McKinley; God- erich, Mrs. G. Matheson; St; 'Hel- ens, ]Mrs. McKenzie Webb; Dun... gannon,' lyIrs. Lorne Ivers;-Kintail, , Mrs. Wrn! Johnston; St. Augustine ` Miss J. McAllister. . Conveners of standing commit- tees' • are as follows: agriculture. and Canadian ' industries, Mrs. M. - Batkin, Clinton; citizenship, Mrs,, R: Davidson of Dungannon; his- torical research; Mrs. James Bis- sett,• Goderich; home economics;. Mrs. J. C. Proctor, Belgrave .(BrusselsrR+R. 5) ; social welfare, . Mrs, Lorne „Ivens, Dungannon; publicity, Mrs. R. J. Phillips, Au- burn; war work,' Mrs. James Lit- tle, Kintail (Lucknow The invitation of the Dungan-. non branch• to hold the next as nual meeting at Dungannon waft, accepted. • WHEN' YOIYNG John Hall or Wingham succeeded in ' puttipg one o#, the 'park swings "over the top", he was hurled. to grQli] n , suffering .---otiires to: both his; arms. h ,.