The Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-06-03, Page 8.1-cavra A k , PAGE EIGHT • THE LUCK:NOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO .11 June Brides Win via" a Trousseau COLONIAL HEMSTITCHED-SHETS, ready for use. 80 . X 100. Pair .,--,.... ....... . . ...... $4.50 IRISH LINEN TEA TOWELS. Wonderful to get linen tea towels these days. Large and really absorbent. 69e FANCY PRINTED COTTON TEA TOWELS, Colors, gold, rose, green. , ' I " 290 EMBROIDERED PILLOW' .CASES .• Chinese linen. 42 inches wide. Pair 11.75 HEMSTITCHED PILLOW CASES-4Z1nches. Pair 90d WABASSO' COTTON SHEETING. 81 incs wide 79c, FACTORY COTTON SHEETING—.72 inches -wide 65c GENUINE' KINGSWOOL BLANKETS. ReversikterEar45.00 TABLE CLOTHS. A good assortment to • choose from. • Advertising For Teachers , . The search for teachers has a-. gain begun. Last' week an adver- .. tisement called 'for -applications for- $.:-S.- No. -.9 Kinloss, where. • Miss Jean' McMill\an has -been I teaching. This /week, S. S. No. 11 Huron. is advertising for a teach- er. Gerald Culbert has been tea- ching ther,e, but . we understand, is giving,up his school to', join ' the armed. forces. • _ , %?1 • • . • Week -End NEPHRW •OF LOCAL LADY KILLED 1,N B. - , Mrs. • Thomas Boyes received Wo:rd recently of the death in Bri- • • tish ecaurnbia of her nephew, Captain R. C. Jessup.. Capt. Jes- sup, a veteran of twe"Wars, died. -oh Sunday 1Vlay. 2nd, at Nanairno, B. a few hours after his mil- itary • ear ;had failed' to make a. •turn and crashed through ' a bridge "railing and hurtled to the railway tracks, 48,feet below -cornpanion;Ltait-R.7.A. Sdott Melville, • Sask.,___was--instantlY OppOrtiiiiitiet •ROBINHOoD OATS • Package 25c Two extra pounds_ in the • Giant Bag PUDDINOS. ••c Each. •• 10c • . • Butterscetch only, •• , 1 to a.Ctistonier • IVORY: SOAP • . ' 1VIedium- bar •.. ' k7e Large Bar • ' lie YilscamIes •• Pre-CO.oked:13EANS --fOr real home -baked goodness. The answer ' for a . Meatless — mealr,-Nei- seeking-, needed,— Ready.. in 30 .minutes: - • Delicious, Nutritious & Econ- omical. , . . Kraft CHEESE SPREADS ,. Pimento, Relish, -Philadelphia Bi:tx. .,:., , - • 18c I VanCaMps. TOMATO ,SOUP ' 3 tins -• " •„.... ..... ' 25c -May—vve help. you with your Wartime Shopping. THOMPSOfrs 'PHONE, 82 •• WE DELIVER • killed. • , • Capt. -Jessup served in the first great War from .1916. •AtterServ- ;Mg 'with the army of ooCupation in Germany he' returned to Can- ada in 1419 and was associated with ;his. father and brother -in the 1publishing business in Nan- ton, Alta. • Capt. Jessup later bought The Macleod :"Gai'ette which he leased to. H. T. Halliwelii .in June of 1940, so that he ,eould again enlist. Capt. Jessup Went overseas as .a lieutenant, early: in 1941 and returned to Canada last October,. when he was com- missioned as Captain and 46.611-: --ed--to the- 84-tii--B4tOirtt.. Ven. - THURSDAY, JUNE 3rd, 1SECOND SCHOOL oming Events WAS ON THE AIR •DANCING, AT PARAMOUNT There is dancing at Paramour each Friday night to music by Carrnther's popular orob.estra. Doq prizes. Admission 35c. On SatiirdaY last' the 154; of S.S. No. 7, Kinloss; were at Win - ham to broadcast their first radio 'presentation • of "School Days", under the direction of their tea- cher,. Mrs. Cyril l3rown. The pro-. graiiii Commenced at 9.30 a.m. arid extended over a period of thirty ENGAGEMENTS ring which . tithe the , - puPils e lled in ' their "Variety :concert , in a manner fully 'de - 'serving Of the highest praise. and, Ms. Bert Treleaven' of Dungannon Wish' to arinonrice the' engagement of their third, daughter, •Ellia Beatrice, to Mr. Lawrence W. Tremain of Tor- _• onto, eldest. son of .,Mr: and Mrs:: • William TrtMain of Arthur. The marriage to take place the middle of'June. -John .1.-ohifstiriiCat HolYrood. Wish to announce the engagernent of their youngest , daughter, Ina Bell, to Mr. Robert Wilfred Farrish; son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Farrish' of Ashfield. The wedding to take place •the _early- part ' ef opening chorus ws • "Scirool;•'•Days".,,.•f011oWeci by a hymn, "When mothers. of Salem their. children -brought • to Jesus" and the chorus, "Let's get • gether. Alec MacIntyre then gave a reading, "If", by Ftudyard'_, Kipling; this ar-i'-f-OTIOWed by a olofty--Reridolf--Morr4son—play-• ing his own. aCcOmpanimeht on guitar. , Nursery rhymes, "Lazy Mary" and "Ho,„.119" were sung by Audrey Stanley, HelenIrWin, Marybelle McQuillan •arid Mary. Gpllan. The "Star Spangled Bah.. zier" was sung b3/. Eun4eed, 1. nu Mame irwin 16115-W-Ed.13Y W O readings by Margaret Gra- aril,' "Why 'do ;the waves come nbling in?" and "The EmptyOOrri". The• school. chorus •then ang the appropriate "Hats -off to ou Mr. Churchill" and !Thanks r. 1:LooSevelt" and were folloW- d by a pianoforte solo by. Bern-:, e • Shaddick, Doris G" by eethoyan. Doris Thompson and ary Gollan gaye a duet ,"To -the tars", follOwed by A reading13Y aiMirOeue—IVICQuillin, "1 wend' Doris .ThoMpson, Mary pollai Mr.• and Mrs. Jake Hunter, 't field, wish t�announce the en- h gagement of .their daughter, Rena. t Elizabeth, to Mr. Harold. Clifford'. R Menary,. son of Mr: andMrs. Wm. s Menary, Dungannon. The mar- yi y riage to take place early in June. • Mr: and Mrs. John V. MacKin- ic non, Holyrood, Ont., announce B theengagement o their. Youngestdaughter, 11EIijabth, to Cpl _ _NI s anies4Valter -° son of Mrs. 1. T: Girard, Prescott,. Ont,. the Marriage to, take place Mr, G. R..Williamson announces: the engagement of his daUghter. Marguerite P., to Mr: James A. Little, son of Mr and Mrs J. b. Little, Teeswiter; Ont., the Wed - P aVa ding to „takei plate in Ernrrianuel, • eCliege Chapek*.I.Une 26E of • • en .ghter,„, Kathleen Marie, to .M17 Sohn Addison 400;-,A(1.44 son .of GLROss StaYL- .ner,: OntarAci; the wedding:O. take placejufle3Oth, ' Ile is survived...13y hismother; sister of M,rs. Them. as .Boyes,.. a brother Clyde, two sister; his .wife and to sons, •age seven years •and 204-inonths„ • The funeral was held at Mac-- , leo-d. with full *military honors. .• • , • • ." INFANT DIES - .Mr, and. Mrs. Alf SteWart mktrn the. loss of their' three- inonths' old daughter whose, death occurred suddenly late Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. ,Stewart ocCupy the Carnochan residence; east :of the C,N.R. depot Mr. - Stewart is employed at the Maple Leaf Aircraft plant. .•• Rev. ,and Mr C W D Cosens - Ontario, announce the. gagernefit, Of ...their ‘eldest dauj , •.Rev. J. W. Stewart, B.A., B.D. •• Pastoi ' • SUNRAY, JUNE 6. 1 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.M.---Subject, "Spiritual Builders". Children's Story-."Every.. body'13oat". 7 p.m. --Subject, 'Treasures'. \ New s Broadcloths, white and colors at . • 19c and 25c • New printsi Printed crepes, Printed repp cords for summer wash dresses 25c to 50c w se resses, most iizes at . , • , .• •$1.19, $1.29; $1.39 w in ri 11 •Ec so Dr cI .,• ap of ilit me sta. hy”. A •solo "Sumner is corn - g"; wassung by. Mayme 1rWin? •The qyartettp., Randolf 1VIOr- son, itinssell Stanley, JelVrand arry_ Stewart \sang, "Little Sir hOrvVilich was followed bYa lo by ,Enniee Reed, "A' Soldier eains", In conclusion the sohoOl drus s„411g. "School Days". Rev. H. Dann expressed his prec.iatien for the co -Operation an concerned and for the fac- ies afforded by the manage7, nt- Of the CKNN broadcasting The pianoforte aCCOm'-• • paniment throtighout the pro - :gram was was given by Mrs. L. E. p,. r $.1,:7"1Y1' 1.717 la :The' local branch of "the adian Legion have 4)lacred ari or- ' d:for Cigarettes for the toys • (34.6±.kaS; whichaniounts,- to al - !Most $70 00 The Legion, The Clansiten,, Mrs'. ,41ollymari:.end Mrs 4ohristOri,' take turnS"in send- ing shiPinents of ..cigar- cttes .p'VO:SesS to bdys (roan district. The "S.O.S. Girls also -regularly remember the town boys.; „ •• • • As eackboy goes overseas these organizations:- -Nould 'appreciate receiving .his address. Give this information to Mrs: nollyman, Russ Johnston, Mildred Ritchie, L: C. Thompson or any members of these organizations: . :•• • SEPO Theatre P1VESEN'I'S • Tonight • - HENRY FONDA • “Bi..,OCADE"- • • FRIDAY & SATURDAY JUNE 4th I; Stli. • • .with DICK OORAN ANNE. GWYNNE • JOHNNY MACK !BROWN • The MERRY: mAct ELLA.FITZGERALD 11011141ATTERS , THE sucicArain SAND— Screen PlaY, True Boardman • Jolin'Grant Adaptation, - _Harold Shumate Original Story, Edmund Lidettmanti. Directed by ARTHUR LUBIN .......Associate-Proclucer,ALEX-GOTTLIEff -*- With! supporting program of Short Subjects. • NEXT WED THUR ALIERS" Strring CHAS., BOYERaid HEDY LAIVIARR_ NEIcT,FEL & SAT. "RAISOTEUR:' with Robert Cumming an • Priscilla Lane WED. -& SAT. 7.30 & 9.30 p.m. • THURS. & FEL 8' p.m. Daughter of Pioneer Ashfield Pastor DieS. ' *The death of Annie 'C. Grant occurred recently in Duluth. Miss • Grant was a Aaughter of the late Rey.: and Mrs. Alexander Giant • of Ashfield, Her father was the first resident minister of the Ash- field Presbyterian •church, having ministeredit:, that congregation 1865,to 1880,- when he retired from the active ministry becausp of infirmity ' and his 'advanced years. • - Miss Grant passed away after*a five ,day illness from bronchial pneumonia. She made her home in Duluth with -her sister, Mrs; Charles S: MacLean. - • • ' •3•,' La • 01