The Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-06-03, Page 57-77 . w THURSDAY, JUNE 3rd, 1943 THE LUC NOW SENTINEL, LUOKNOW, ONTARIO LY(ELJM THEATft, Vlinsfri Two SJ O S SATURDAY NIGHT Thursday, Friday, Saturday June 3, 4, 5.. MONTY WOOLLEY RODDY IV eDOWALL `'`T.HE-.•; PIEII•. PIPER" The story is taken from a best-seller of last year written by Nevil Shute • . Also "SPORT SU'BJ)ECTS"-• MATINEE SATURDAY AFTEIIIQOON AT '2.30 P.M. Monday,. Tues., •Wed. .. June 7, 8, 9 SPE.CIAL , Jt: the Nea.1 tier cacn $ IOP The -thrilling rise and tender romance of the =man-- whom cheering millions : loved �.. ...but only one woman really understood! :K•.•;c;77q•>n:Fv, •..sM1 )..t? 00.1 .kirt oon . E PRIDE OfYANKEISH. 'TNE .• TME 11EE oi .. 04 goo. .,� cam, EltESA 4141141. ,., oR , 0.0 or , M1p00 gEW= °"d rq Od by s �o 0.0 Aired „leo.• • i>a $•�:•. Vii' Zeii bn Ras; by to Swnrlino. and •Heinen 1 Ate,nl nwuuL Crieinel s aft hi.. Pnua C3elltev AIJiO`fR�1LT.TILH".__ WEDDING.. BELLS. HILL—PINNELL On Tuesday afternoon May 25 at five' o'clock, :a .pretty but. quiet; Wedding took place at. the. Angli- can Church, Lucknow;' .when. Eris May Pinnell; 'daughter •of Mr. and nn Mrs. • Wm.. :Primal .of Kinlough arid Mr. 'Jack Hili of Galt; son Of Mr.: and . Mrs. Vernon •Hill, of Harriston, were , United yin mar,- - riage by Rev.'john W., Donaldson The bride, •given In marriage by" • her.: father,r.l-ooked_ ...lovely in. a street -length dress •df pink sheer: and lace with. 'shoulder veil . to m • tch, carrying a bouquet of pink carnations and fern. Miss ,Dor- othy Pinnell, sister' of the bride, vias'''br,ides'maid *and wore a'blue, dress of taffeta and sheer with matching shoulder veil• and wore a .corsage ' of deep pink carna- tions and .fer..:n,.:..The best man was • Jim McEwan, of Kinloss .due to the bride's brother being :tenable to ;be present.. A wedding supper was; served. at the home Of the bride, 'to i2ra- mediate relative's of boot famil- ies. The home was decoratedwith pink and white streamers and flowers. Mr: and Mrs., Hill motored to • the groom's home at Harriston, the bride travelling in a tur- quoise, ' blue 'dress and blue coat and,navy hat and accessories. Mr: and'a,Mrs. Hill, will reside at Galt.: for the_present. BRIERE-EDNEY—DALTON A quiet military wedding was performed by Rev.Father, Whit -e at St..Alphonsus church; Wind- sor, Ontario, 'Oil • Saturday, May, 22nd at 10 o'clock, when Mary Frances Dalton, daughter •of .Join C. Dalton, Kingsbridge, was un- ited in marriage to Sergeant Max. Briere-Edney, of the R.A.F., Port Albert. The• wedding was l carried out in military costume, the bride ;.wearing an air force, blue' Wool. suit, with Matchingcalot and wine accessories, and gardenia and stephanotis Corsage, Ler only a.tx, her sister ' Marion Dalton of, Detroit, Who wore la powder blue ' tailored suit with. navy. accessories 'and corsage of, shell pink carnations.' The groom wasattended by Cpl. Fred Harris of the RA:F., Port Albert.' Sgt. B"riere-Edney.- is . the son of Mr. and ; . MTS. Briere-Edney. of Lon- don, England: Wedding breakfast -for the'ubnediate family was ser- ved . at. the ..Belcrest • Hotel, De•- troit, followed by a reception in the I evening ,at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. O.. Webster, Richton avenue. After" a honeymoon: nn Chicago :the couple• will reside -at-,-Kingsbridge. Father: Who broke that chair, in the living room last night? D • 'aughter: ;It just .collapsed'all of a` sudden; Dad, but neither of us were hurt. PAGE FIVE HOME. CANNIN.+ ii►Q�T i�iO T S iGA To Be Demonstrated At Huron County Federation Field Day And Picnic. Arrangements for the Huron County, Federation of Agriculture Field Day and Picnic at the Lions Park, oSeaforth, on• Monday, June 7th, • are nearing •complen. -Included in the program ' will be .a home canning demonstration of fruits and vegetables • without the use _ofasugar by Miss .Edith Elliott of the Department of Agri= 'culture, ' Ottawa. . With :sugar at a premium for thecoming can- ning . season, this will prove of unusual interest to all women Of. the home: Miss Elliott : will also. - be' stressing the ' use 'of Flight syrups for.,canning as . a ' means ofstretchig, the . special , sugar. allowed for canning this season. • They have -experimented with • these syrups and find that they pare • quite satisfactory and that fruit -canned in ' them is quite -palatabre-The yrups t .el yyrrec`S- ommend are similar to the war- time syrups which will be used in• 'commercial ' canneries ,this, 'year. According to , a the consumer branch' of ,the Dept. of ' Agricul- ture, Ottawa, all fruits may be successfully canned • without sugar. •• • i .. Dr. A'.�R. Campbell of Hensel'', is chairman in charge of the Vet erin.ary Clinic arrangements; and will discuss poultry diseases. Dr. I-a-rburn-ef-Seafar:th, ill --discuss warbles and external parasites. Dr.. Jackson 'of Blyth; ' internal parasites and diseases .of swine. Dr. Elliott of Clinton, will . con- duct post mortems on swine. Dr. Mur•.ray..of DiAbiiii., will ..diseuss hemoragic septicemia (shipping fever). The veterinarians ,have .arrang ed for specimens, but. any farmer wishing to . bring "in:.poultry. or swine. for ' diagnosis. would be welcome to do so.. . Alsothere will•be; a demonstra-. tion..of labor.! -s; wing devices;..' mi.:der the cchair anship of ••Gordon, McGavin of Va'ltan. , This' his° will iriclude-...a display_0f_.tractor;._v-i.tli... drag saw and'Circularsaw at- tached; stock -loader; mower with attachment for windrowing,:. — ..corn loader 'and a buck rake., Ten minutes will. •be 'devoted to. a ,talk on the need , of more bacon for .Britain and ,ways to get it by an agricultural department - official. Possibly the 'biggest attraction SOUTH BRUCE ANNUAL�y 'FIELD. AT VY I ECH�7URCI =The 'annual meeting- of ' the South Bruce District of Women's Institute was held in ,the United Church, Whitechurch, on Tuesday May 18th, with an :attendance of 85, and with the district presi- dent, . 1V1iSs Grace 'Richardson in charge. Miss . E. Slicter, r"epr.esera- ting the, Department of,,Agricul- ture, - Women's, Institute branch & Mrs:. Sneers ;bf.•BI'V sell,, .nein ber of the provincial board, 'were in attendance. Pin .address of wel•• come :was delivered by, Mrs.' Lance .Grain;, White•chureh; ' and the reply was givers by Mrs; Thos. Farrell, 'Kincardine. Thee meeting opened with the. • reading of a'passage of scripture . by Mrs, William 'Reid of Para . mount, .followed by ' the Lord's' prayer • repeated in unis'on: "The. sum of .$35 was voted for. the. sugar fund for ""Jain 'for Brit- , sin". An interesting. program was presented• which was enjoyed by everyone. It consisted.' of a vocal duet by. ,,Mrs. J. D. Bryce and Mrs. K. McKay of • Ripley;. sols, Mrs. Ernest Ackert, ,Holyrood; solo, Mrs. D. Buchanan, Tiverton; duet, Mrs. P." ' Stewart and Mrs: °Mowbray, Lucknow; reading; Mrs: Ross Shiells, Reid's Corners. During the election of officers Mrs. Speers of .Brussels presided: The result was: president, jVIiss G. Richardson, ,Wh'itechurch; vice Presidents? Mrs. J ` NI. Reid, Tees= water, Mrs. R. E. Begg, Tiverton; seer-eiar-y4reasurer- Mrs -,-ti,- Mac= Kenzie, . Ripley, .federation rep- resentative, `Mrs. J. R. White, Alp - ley; alternate representative, Mrs. A. Ackert, Holy.,.rood;. auditors, Mrs. J'. , °D. Bryce, , Mrs..Gordon Scott, Ripley; delegate to. conven- tion, Mrs, Playter, Behnore; al- ternate, Mrs. W. J., Douglas, Luck - now; conveners of standing corn- rnittees, agriculture and Canadian industry; Mrs. T. J. Blair, Kin- cardine; historical research, Mrs. 1VT. Donnahue, . Teeswater; home economics, .Mrs, P: Stewart, Luck. - now; • publicity Mrs: Perry Hod- gins,. Holyrood; . war work, ,Mrs. A. Ackert, Holyrood; citizenship, Mrs: Wm Kempton, Lucknow; social"" and welfare, .'Miss 'Ethel. Ray, ',R.eid's Corners, Will . be the 'presence at 'the pitenie of Hon."` John•Braclen; Dominion leader of the Conservative .party and • Hon. Farquhar Oliver,..inin- ister Of Public Welfare, who will both give an `address during the •.afternoon. • FAMILY FI' IN? ' . 0 DP CANADIANS 0� ARE PROPERLY �s 7/7 ///„. 4 7 / 1 0 g ARE'ON THE -40Y-BORDERLINE OF . MALNUTRITION• - o A$EDEFINITELY �� I UNDER- '' --• P- NOURISHED..:;:: Government • surveysconducted early in the war show that only 40 per cent, of Canadians regularly eat the right foods, even though seemingly well fed. Forty' per ,deet are.on the _ • bordrline of malnutrition. Twenty per cent are definitely undernourished. .a' That's why you need a sure plan for healthful family Meals. That's why we offer you "Eat -to - Work -to -Win” -.. authoritative FREE. booklet, that takes the guesswork out of nutrition., r ,r Send for your FREE copy today! �. Clip the coupon on. the right, and , t mail it NOW! • Sponsorpd b, THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) 1 in the interests of dquitiote and heidth t as an aid td Victory. • . ', *The natritional statennents in "Eat -to -Work -to -Win" art acceptable to Nutrition Services, Department of Pensions and National • Healtb4 Ottawa, for the Canadian Nutrition Pro- gramme. CLIP THIS COUPON "NUTRITION FOR VICTORY", BOX 600, TORONTO, CANADA. ' .. Please send me my ERIE cdpy Qf•"Eat-to-Work-to-iVia"• Nance Address • Oty �;:. i„Pn'3�'�?I1i • uytxlil�i'li•;e a.r,�Y•lA. 14;11 iy,�„ THE V . ORS DOES THE TRICK/ ORDER .NOW FOR SUMMER • H •ITH huge British aid home requirerrients un- derprdpping. the' egg mar- ":ket the year, round; and ratizning.. taf ther ".meats turning attention 'to 'poul� try, it's both ,good .business 'and good patriotism to Stant 'a batch of Sumrmee chicks. After . hawks, etc., 'have _... takgn_ .tl?etr toll.._on..:xange,-; and you have done' some • Fall • culling;. most laying.' houses are,_not filled right' up to full' working capacity. Plan,now to have some real replacements coming along to use that wasted space. Bray Chicks; noted for "spiz.ze•rinktum", fast growth, early • laying,, steady laying, make real :. replacements - the I kind you • want. The Bray Hat- cheries will beturning them out, on into the Sum- mer. . Plan ahead. Place your order now, forlater shipment. 1. FINLAYSON BROS. LUCKNOW • M►FEKING On ,May 18th the„ W.M:S. helm their • meeting .at Mrs..Isaac gait- sion's with fourteen present. The meeting opened.with'the Nationat Anthem. Mrs: E: Blake read the scripture lesson; prayer fbllowedL The secretary read the minutes of thee, last meeting and called the roll,- which was answeredby a Verse' of scripture containing' the word "truth' 'Mrs. :Ernest” Boake ..had charge- of the , study book. Mrs: }3;ev. Howse and Mrs_ Horton • contributed readings: ;'Hymn 500 was sung and prayer by; the president closed the meet- ing. Afterward a quilt' donated for. 'Red ..Cross.:.by-. Mrs L; `'Men- ary, *as . quilted by •the ladies. The June meeting will be Grand- mother's Day, Jo beheld at Mrs;., Sam Acton's.`,` ' Dr. Carman Stothers of Tor- onto, S. B. Stothers and son of Arthur visited .on. Saturday with. their sister, Mrs. H.' Horton. 1VIr:. ' Finlay Shackleton aria Keith Of 'Mount Forest spent Sat- urday 'with his father, Normaii `Shackleton. • Mrs. Herb "'.Curran visited with.' 'Mrs. Sam ShIrwood in Lucknow 'on Saturday. , . Church service will be at 7.33. at Blake's on Sunday next. • DONNYBROOK ° Sgt. and Mrs. Melvin Craig of Epndon are spending a "couple of weeks• at their homes here. . Sgt. Wm. Thompson; recently returned from Overseas,. and Mrs.. Thompson spent a few days with 'his sister; Mrs. Mark Armstrong and other„ friends.. , and Mrs. Gordon' Robinson. of Wingham were Sunday visitors with' his . parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Robinson: Mr. Warren . Bamford; `B.A., of Preston spent the week -end at. the home of his parents, Mr. and~ Mrs.. Thos. Bamford. Nursing Sister Olive Jeffersors of ' Toronto spe' t a recent • week .end with her niother, Mrs. •C hris.. tens Jeff en, 4