The Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-05-06, Page 4*AGE *Ora All aceonnts must be 4+aid tby MAY .15th 1943, (learancemales, Remaining Stock' 1 new Vacuum"Cleaner. ,' 1 new Car Radio. E1eietrie Fencers " - Also "A number of used` Rados., 1 used Washing Machine New BATTERIES; TUBES, etc.. Greer Radio and' y1^ B-•i9.;Jroau eP Tios.Aumelow SENTINEL, LVC NOW. ONTARIO 181AS AMAKKIaliA SANT 1 • ,n ----rte* recent reference The Sen- tinel to, an aka' arena pant owned by•'Mrs. T. W Smith,' Bas de- cided Mrs..Ed, Pickwoad of St. ,Albans, New Yorks to drop us a ierbn`f't: ele eVent irtEitage News budgets in unsealed ;filet-. tern require only one -cent post- age. !There has been some con- fusion in' . this regard since the new Postal rates went into effect.. Any news- matter -sent in an un-) Ai"R fr�, 7:n 0 TOUitliDA Z ^. A it OM, hostage; Mrs, Pickwoad's amarella is six ears=old,,atn{1 ha$ blooairled-fo:r the ' last four years. Last/year it had SCRAP c..OLLECTION. ,, three. stalks- ITwo.stalk.' rere 20 :WEEK FROM MONDAY inches tall with five flowers each: . The third stalk had three: flowers. " Tlie. C1ansineri's first salvage. It, has just fmisherL blooming .collection' of the will be held. this 'year and .eakiii of the three on' Monday evening' May 17th: AS stalks had five, flowers - `' The usual the town will 'be divided blooms are bright red and much _into three Sections,: for. speedy larger- than ail. Easter lr collection, °Householders are ashy- --The 'leaves die off, -soon after ed' to set their salvage at the it blooniis and- 'Misr,: Piokvoad curb: In event that the weight -of sinks .the pot in the garden until' the . material makes this imposs- fall, •, when - it is put in the geilar . ible, notify .L.. V Thompson; : so and forgotten about: until after that arrangements can be made the New Year. When" the leaves t „pi* p . s t alersals vvalnted remain....un- =smart -shooting _: e=giant^ rchange, froma • list year and in--- the "sun and :watered well:. •' ...... elude metal, ' rtibbeer, . • rags, paper and' bottles. ;:;:;...1. a ,..... good *ado v .goats. „ Apply to L x'. Stingel; lane annon: �` ttuls33e , ,uckno mid Dlstr let. V -e eongsatate--- • :district .on its . tn.a wise in ' the :recent "drive. Given an $2,$00, which was not the village and - har dsotnely aver th n4001 - 'are only a : slice of< x,400. W' v say that Ahem isn't. Bruce Cpuny, whi h recf►rd.'Cheslley; En kni cent res - &I Cross bi eetive of a ' can one, ict - went t•i: and do- e dollars tar to ENGAGEMENTS The' engagennent: isannounced of.: Cpl. Harold -Allin; • R.C:A.F., only son of -Mr, and; Mrs. C. t�f�otlPrieh, nt ,-farmer .ky of . LLiickhow, to Elizabeth Hope Morris; youngest daiughter of Mrs. .M C. Morris and - the late War- rantOfficer' 'W. T. Morris, R. . N.; of. Vancouver; B. C. 1.'he .weddink. will take' place -Saturday, May • 22. 1 FOR SALE -.-young pigs, weaned. Johnston McLeod, R. 3 l3oly rood, 'Phone 27,-8 Ripley. Paints, Varnishes,, Enaine.is and decorating: needs' in stock. Philip Stewart, ,,Phone .8, Lucknow. • FOR .SALE''= -A Gurney Qxfbt°d range in good condition,suitable for farm home. Apply at Sentinel Office.. FOR SA1,E — -Good mahogany bed (double), spring and mat-. --tress;---1-dresser; table; kitchen' tables. Apply to Mr. Hornell. LOST--Satixrda y evening, a bug- gy robe in the United Church. shed, 'or oni the Boundary east. TRUCIKS �:A1•1`DTRAILERS - . Fleage return .to. Sentinel Office. - � - ,_- S'iI:O, WANTED; to ;good repair,• - •G1= POTATO '... CER nnED SEEP POTATOES IRISH . COBBLERS and w Green :Mountains PRICE :$4.00'. . Finlayson 'Bros. HAVE FLEET OF OVER 40 ' •The Hanover Transport. ow t also Garnsey„ heifer for sale, by ;McNaughton Bros. ;with head freshened. Vernon Hunter,: , R..' 1, office at Walkerton,, -has taken Lucknow.. over' the Dirstine Transport Com- ' • party of Chesley. This transaction; includes six, additional trucks and the freight=carrying . privileges on the Toronto to Owen:. Sound route. 1VicNaughton Bros. z ow}have a fleet of over. . forty trucks and. xi e.,, AFTER; 21 YEARS in business in LOST -Light truck spare tire 3Q • •mac in Kincardine, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. 'trailers. plying the main highways. d a finer.. Yeager have sold their -restaurant of • Ontario, and a staff of over x , between Wingham 'arid 11/4 5 fifty. employees: Ise:' 1 to H. Begeest of Dundas.. miles. north of LrtGkn,gv oma Holy- - ....rood road . Please lei at :Sen- -• t-inel Office -vr-A,vane. •=--Tirnes; Wingham. Chesffr Casemore. WANTED 'TO PUR.CHA'S>w-"-Pu1- lets all breeds and ages 4 weeks up to 20 weeks. High prices paid: Write for full :details: Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fer- gus, Ontario. ' • AUCTION SALE, of farm stock, implements,. etc.," at .the farrn of thelate Win L_-Shiells ._Lot.:7, &n. 5, Ashfield, on Friday, May 7th at 1 o'clock: See bills; terms cash. 'Mrs. Sadie Shiells, Prop:, Donald B. Blue, Auc. • • FURNITURE BARGAINS at the Mildmay Furniture Store. Chest- erfield suites, new & used Pianos, bedroom suites;-Schuett '& Sons, .Mildmay and ,Mount. Forest. • . b• • rf/f ;h fy h • • C' the FUR E..REEDQMS • Want and l~'reedom from Fear' .. ,. Look at that a boy of yaurs- It's his future you are fighting and the t to win for your- children and wgr'kitsg for;. his future you are PaYing grandchildren the kind of a world they for v heasyou, "Back the Attack" with deserve, Do rottrpart. Bud luxtuY� ° 401.1.21"8-- War ds- 3 --es oiu- uy necessities-oe-Lend are needed .in the Deft for the dour , your. money. for F.reedoiou: Lind now Ft eedoms ... Freedom of Speech, rreedoin of Worship, Freedom _from. ' and reap the• reward tomorrow! BUY THE 14c,�RYI�AN ...AND BACK THE Ai'TACK- SPONSORED BY: The Municipality of- The Villa e . of 1Luck.rov AUL F - 1`.- ARMSTRONG, OPTOMETRIST {LN •LUCKNU� EACH' WEDNESDAY • y: .AFTERNOON' • 1:30 to 6 o'clock AT WM. SCHMID'S STORE . P. S cart MacKenzie BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Walkerton, Ontario. IN -'LUCKNOW Each Wednesday' Afternoon & Evening At G. H. SMITH'S OFFICE: FOR SALE—House and large lot with glassed sun room and rpof. .and -sides- ...covered -win -i•ed brick asbestos. Price $800'.. cash, or $300 cash .and $15:00 a month. for three ye-arrs. For . i•nformation • apply to G. H. Smith or Joseph, Agnew. ' .CARD_. OF THANKS - John S. Kilpatrick wishes "to express his grateful thanks • to. all those who so kindlyremembered him while confineto his home... Their kindness and . thoughtful- ness was most sincerely apprecia-' EM }R • I acD1A_RRlytID—In loving 'mem- ory of Douglas Mac,Diarmid, who passed away May llih, 1939. - To -day recalls sad memories. Of our dear son, gone to rest • And the ones that think of. him to -day Are the' ones who loved hini best, Sadly - missed by 'Mother and Dad.,. - - Clmrelr .:R:el]s...Ring . Agaiun -.. -For-the the first time since the spring of Britain's great peril in 1$40, the ban on regular Sunday morning ringing of church bells has been lifted by Prune Minister Churchill. The ban was lifted in time to allow the bells to peal 'out for the -brightest E -aster --Br tai - •has witnessed since the beginning of the war. ' e OUR THANKS an APPRECIATION Having been accepted as a shoemaker with the R.C.A.F., my family and 1 want to thank all who .have -helped to make our business and social life. so pleasant. Our wish 'is' that you will rondure; msntil2sir i e as we may again solicit your patronage and friendship. Sincerely,, M. C. Orr, rig t'eiit s C iuirch On Sunday morning the 21st (Reserve) Field Brigade; R.C.A., under the command of Lt,,Coi.' George Howson,attended divine service r 1�, . W ingfiam :United Church; with Capt. Rev. W, A. Beecroft, Brigade_„Chaplain, -de- livering..th-e sermon. The Brigade. includes Wingham, Walkerton, Listowel and Kincardine batter- ies.. Prayer For Revival The prayer meeting for revival will be held as usual Friday ev- ening Britain To Buy Beans • The 1-,hrron Bean Growers Com- mittee have reeeived information thai the Dominion Goverturient has' made an agreement with the British Marketing Board which _ N year at $2,50 per bush'- . el frpm Producers,