The Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-04-29, Page 9►�!', Aran, ,. ion XJLGM �. • Mn, 'Melvyn Johnson • of Lfsto . wel & Mrs. Joe Cassidy of Walk= erton .are spending a few days w.. Miss "elen Thompson _visited. this weed with Clffordrelati ves. Mr. ; & Mrs. Harold Percy were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. • John . Currie, of Winghant. __Mr. and Mrs. - Albert Scott of Stratford Were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Walsh. Mrs. Walter Hodgins visited Easter Sunder° with Mr. and Mrs. E. Haldenby. ' Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McEver and family- of London were Eas'- ' U LUCKN owY8Er i'iN , LUCKNOW,' ONTARIO PAGE WE. tfr Waiters with. Mr, and Mrs..: HELENS Wilbert Hodgkinson and Mr. J. B. Hodgkinson. LIBdr. Wray Pixmell of. Peta- wawa ,is spending- a` two week wow •+� aF nr-e au-rc .�. 5 y ;k :0. n I _ a saw„ ,1VIn�iamiinell spent the week -end under the _parental roof. M. Jack Walsh is ...employed' with Mr. Norman MacDonald of Ripley. Did you know that, in action,, a Canadian soldier must be coni-' pletely re -equipped from the skin out 'every 7- days? That means you must buy the New Victory Bonds to the limit of your ability. Holiday . visitors in the ce n- munity .included Mrs: Ramage 'of.. Porters„Hill, ..MAss.,? A � nor Weatherhead of tayner, Mss. Vera Taylor of. London, ' Murray!_ Taylor and~ Allan '1Vlllerof Po_r t. Albert at . their hurries here. Mr. and. Mrs. Mel Blown , of Kitchener were guests of /Mr. and, Mrs. R. Woods. ; • -The 'annual meeting of .the . Wo- men's Institute will be held in the omrnunity Hall, on Thursday May 6th. Roll call—Paying of fees; arid a humorous story. Sub- ject, Making the best of what vie_ have by Mrs. McPherson. Pro - am committee, ,Mrs. H. Gaunt. t4 hostesses, Mrs. R. J. Woods, Mrs. John Cameron, Mrs. Gee. Stuart. The weekly meeting of the Y P. U. was held at. W..I.F ,Miller's; ,:.M - ..IT 17.5, 17 ° W 1} v hs �� ala r ca e'i' ri th.'e lesson " topic "The Mystery of Love" was -taken-by- Earl--Durnin. Mrs. T. J. Todd and ..Mrs. G. S. McIntyre favored with a duet. ' LIBdr. Angus _ McDonald and Gnr. Ronald Cranston of Petawa- wa are home on leave. AC1 Russel Webb is home after spending the past `few weeks,' in, the Port Albert military.. hospital.. Transfer your idle cash into soldier -saving and . interest-bear- ing Victory Bonds! 4• Piave =ttit to anabd ale•have faith in her pastitk that the courage e o f the pioneers a the spirit which ac1ieveb Ulronfeberation anb hnheb a continents with the shining steel of ral:wop5 have laid strong founba- • tions for --rational :-greatness-anb unity. G have faith in her present- in _ the part—We-Ts p.lapiii, to oavQ:tthe worlb from tyranny...in her youn,.men anb women who 'serve on lanb anb sea anb in the air...in her worker, who la- bour for more than waaet ...in every man . anb woman (Mb. chilb striving forVrtorjl. have faith in her tures` believ-. ina that she is . bestinib'to exert an ever-increasing influence in worlb af- fairsfairs, lib in fe aha in f , a p a o f tomorrow, , when many will turn to her with new hope. have faith in more than .the sta- tistics of Qanaba's ,,bank clearin s anb iQr car•loabi i the a fire s o 4auertsVictor5T3ob yti u 6 er-untappa r¢oources, or even Rloriou5'war rtcorh I of a people' num- bra a na less than -twelve m,iilions faith is a faith* a limb we love, whose soul speaks to us from eucrp free acre of Gandhian ssoil - in the-splcabour o f fko oct ie=at sun.- • set,the blue mystery of aaurnntian baton, tQ quiet o f n nfario : wooalot, thi far Call o f prairie kora. ons, the s ounb ' of surf on.the .atlantic shore anb the wash ,f the Pacific tibe5. o f i fspeal;Zs to us from'. church parbg where (Xanabian leab lie beneath'the tribute .of . njhsh blossoms from the poppieb gibs, of Prince anb `�anbQ'rs from . wintia Daub reit f a n$ anb mechaniicb 'cries 4anew war. a faith. is a faith in her people... people, noteb nub obscure; with whom we baily rub shoulber$...anb by whose unite' ert, sacci f ice aab:,creative vi ur, , the greater CXanaba of tomorrow ivilibe built —�%etfiti-feciatt ia�CXana a - anortof Faith At in aanaba CANADIAN PACIFIC CANADIAN NATIONAL •tTee API D CITY The death of Mrs. Christine •M xi ie,;: �n hpr :'tta y r . . tr Y v m �o'�i'..i%e:.=4:1-0k .-;.;.:. at her home here. Mrs. MacKen- zie was bedfast for the Rast ten_ years and: was faithfully „cared for by her daughters, : at ° the first by Mrs. Ross McMillan and- then by Mary forabout nine_ years,' She is survived .by four -laugh-. lers;;' Mary at home; Mrs. Joseph Jardine (Abbie), Mrs. Frank nes- tle (Rena). of'Evanston, I11.;`Mrs. Ross McMillan of Lucknow and one son Gordon of London. Also six grandchildren. Mrs. MacKen- zie .was predeceased by her hus- band,. one son Donald and two daughters; 'Mrs. Al Hayes (Belle) . of Fort William and Lizzie who died in : girlhood: The funeral took place from. the home on Monday and was ; conducted ,by Rev. H. ' F. Dann. Interment . was in South Kinloss Cemetery. The funeral service for the late MP. Alex McKenzie was held is South Kinloss church' on Wednes- day of: last week. Rev.'''. F. Dann had charge of -"the service assisted by Rev. C. H. McDonald and Rev... J. W. Donaldson. w ' Easter visitors in this common ity were 'Mr, and Mrs. Frank Mc - Nall and Lloyd McNall of London at. Mr. Robt. McNall's;'Mrs.. Herb 1VIcQuillin and. Carman of Tor- onto with Mr. and Mrs. ' Richarj McQuillan; Mr. and Mrs... Nelson Webster and Ross , of Windsor at Mr; W. G. Reed and other` rela- tives; Mrs. W. -D. Reed of Au- burn; Mr. and Mrs. Art Thom- son at Mr. Chas. Thomson's; Pte Tom, Moore from Stratford with his brother, Mr: A. Moore, • Mr. Clifford ' McNall` went to London the.. firs he week Pte: , Rae McNall is in Kingston, military hospital with the meat - Mr. and. Mrs: W. G. Reed and Eunice and Mrs. W. D. Reed vis- ited with their daughters, Mrs. Archie `Richolson and Mrs. Ben Brown, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacDon- ald were Good F__riday visitors at Lochalsh. • "IVlaggie", said"Angus to \his " wife, "Here is a ticket for to- night's conjuring show, and when the conjurer comes' to, that. part where . he . takes a teaspoon of flour and one egg and makes 20 omelettes, watch verra, verra close". -KINLOSS CENTRE Miss Eileen Valad returned t® Windsor Sunday. after spending the Week -end' with her mother,, Mrs. Valad and Helen. - Mr., Jack Fletcher of Hamiltbin spent the week -end with, Mr. Dan, McKinnon, Donald and Billie. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Morley Wall, newlyweds ,(nee Dorethea Whitehead). . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Graham and Olive attended the funeral of the forme'r's"-father ar Tara Moriday afternoon. e . Mr. Weir Eckenswiller accom- panied' by Miss Florence James spent the week -end with the fort mer's sister near Kincardine. • Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs`. John Colwell and fam- ily in their recent sad bereave- ment. . •. Mrs. James Valad and Helen accompanied by Mrs. George Col- well attended the- wedding mass on Monday morning at 9.30, at St. Ann's church, Riversdale of Mr. and Mrs. • John Tilson (nee. Jean Ann Cassidy) and were pre- sent at a sumptous wedding din- '75 guests of` t 'e ri a party, at' the home of the bride's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cassidy..