The Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-04-22, Page 5• THURSDAY,' APRIL,,, .,22,00,- 19.3 yceurn ea re WI NFlA:M Twpp Sh9w3 Saturday bight 44,44 Thursday,rrriday, Saturday . APRIL. 22, 23,, ROSERT':TAYLOR BRIAN DONLEVYf- ,CHARLES LAUGHTON hap ,in Stands BY For .Action A naval yarn -abort aciion- tt ,a destroyer.. Also "News" . Matinee • Sat. Afternoon 2.30 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday .APRIL 2. A � 8. GINGEROGERS .. _. RAY 6111.1LAND,• THE. MAJOR & THE MINOR. A. top 'notch comedy in which Ginger' Rogers passes herself off as a youngster: Also "Canada Carries On" CREWE • Mr, John MVIenary who spentthe winter in Hamiltdn returned to his ;home here on. Thursdayaccompan- ied by Mrs. Will Begley who is vis- iting friends here and at .Mafeking. ` Miss Susie Kilpatrick of Lucknow spent a pleasant week -end, with friends here: IVIr. Colin • Crozier of •R.C,t�.F. atx Crumlin is visiting his parents, Mr. Mrs.Crazier. + areglad and Wij(i: 'Crozx r. e to report Mr. Crozier is i m p o •n a m v i t g p and able to be up for a while -each day _ Mrs.' Jack Cutrrax,. Donnidl Grant and Dorothy- e andMrS. Bert Tre- leaven and- Ronald 'visited 'ow Wed-, neaday"with Mrs.. "Vernon Bunter near Lucknow..' 1 Mr: Chester Finnigan is spending a few days with friends at Exeter and London.. • Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Emmons and Murielvisited on .Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Warner Andrews, Ebenezer. 1 Mr. seed -Mrs'.. -S -J: iipairic c axi`fi Richard attendedtthe •funeralof-thei;r- �'eous`in-the late • Mrs:• McIlwain at 'Auburn. on Wednesday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hackett' who , spent •'the past month with their daughter Mrs. Drennan left ' :on Thursday to visit with their •dau- ghter, Mrs. Georr'e Hunter, Zion. °NIr. and Mrs. Jack Curran and family. spent Saturday evening with. Mr. and Mrs. Herb.. Curran,Mafek- ing, when they. entertained of their family and friends. THE l4VCi NOW SENTINEL,, i.UC :NOW,. ONTARIO . DUNGANNON Red Cross 'D.onations - The following is a list of which . Mr. John Bennett, Ashfield, was g - lector ---Percy Shields: .25; William Brown .50; E'Wm.. Draper ,1,00;- Mrs. Miller 1.00; Mi•s. Catten..1.00;' Victor. Hoy 1.00; A. E. Brown .1:00; Harold' Tigert 1.00; Harvey Sillb 1.00; John Shields'1.00; Mrs. Willis 1.00; -Harry" Lednor 2.007 Mrs. -Fielder 2.00' John Bennett 2'.00, Carmen Hayden 2 010,. This concluded, the canvassers lists ' in'tlie-,campaign. ••The..quota. which Was $800. for- this. Zone, has tripled .eX,pected, when the_funds have. been; made" up, .and all donations received; • . • • , . • . . Mr. and Mrs. Wi11 Finnigan, dau- ghter Hilda of Goderich arid.son"Pte. :Carl Finnfgan, 'Camp Borden visited on Satuilay with. Mr. and'Mrs: Rich, . 1 —.Finnigan and family; •. . • Mr. and •Mrs. George Yundt and family of Moncton visited Mr. •and Mrs. H. J. L. Eedy'' on Sunday.. :JajCp_1._ Irene .:Eedy.; pf Niagara, on -the -Lake was a visitor with' his parents on Saturday `Miss Doris 'Reed; stiident`of -God-' e'rich .Collegiate Institute was a week' end. visitor 'at her .home, Mrs. J. M. Reed , . I • Mrs. Daniel Goessel, .:Kincardine, visited her sister, 'Mrs. Howar rl: Sproule for a few days last week. • Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. A. Killough 'on Sunday were .Mrs. Wm. Kilby, their 'daughter and her•' son Jirrimy of Seaforth, also. Mr. T,.d.., Mole and d'augh'ters• vera and Laura who visited with Mr. Wm. •Mole 'at Glenn's Hill. • BORN—On Sunday,.°April 18th at Goderich Hospital. to. Mr.. and' Mrs. Harvey' Andrew, a little daughter, (stillborn). Interrnent was 'made at Dungannon cemetery. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Win. J. Robb,' dau- ghter: Dorottay and Miss Mary Jaiie' Robb" on Tuesday - attended.. the ,f.un- eral of their uncle, Mr. Isaac Mar= :wood of Londesboro,. at Blyth, He :was in his M83 -ed year anl%;,,passeti'. away , very suddenly.•'Mrs , Rachel Chamney of "Donnybrook' is .brie 'of' his surviving sisters. • ' • Mrs.,George Hamilton and daugh- ters , Aim augh-ters'Ann and Kaye. of Woodstock are spending a while with Mr. and Mrs., Jos. Hamilton, uisitors-,expected-for Easter'_at the..: home of :Mr.nd' Mrs. Jos. Kilio.ugh are theirs dadg"hters; Miss' Eva Kil- lough, R:N•"Toronto, Pte, Mabel Kit- lough, G.W.A.C., London and- Mrs Wm'.' Kelly' and son Jim of Seaforth. We are • sorry to hear 'that .Mrs.. Jacob Reed has been' corifined to her bed with. heart'. trouble; We hope she will soon' recover' .to 'health. Mrs. •Wm. McClure was guest of honor fora birthday tea at her home on April 13th given by her daughter Mrs. 'Chas. Durnin,.' entertaining a few' relatives. An added' treat was' a cable of lestwishes' from .her son Bill SomeWhere in'`.Englancj.. Mrs. Rory McDonald has beexi a on fined to bed with illness and uhdet• the doctor's care. We hope to see ST. HELENS. A: Ward was in ' attendance at the :Presbyter°y ' meeting held; in Brims-. 'The.. Weekly 'meeting of the Y:P.U. .sels. also. ' was• held at -Torn. Todd's on Monday Pilot Officer and Mrs. T. F'. Wil - evening • „with 'Stanley Todd in ..00 of Portage LoPrairie, Manitoba, .:charge. . Mrs...Gorden McPherson . are spending a two week leave with • Mrs. Wilson: parents,'Mr. and Mrs.- ' read.a e'.scripture lesson and Mar•-" W A i\liller and Whitechurch eels- : keret cPherson . favored • With • a• rives. ' • stile. "The: topic .-' Jision darns_ Courage . . • •--- was -'takers -by -•.Lorne— Woods andew1-37`eds-)€Eonor t- Stanley•Todd .led the --discussion.: • I. • •Mr,. Hugh' David MacDonald_ and + ' his bride, formerly, Miss Isobel. C'oiil- ter of ' Wiiigham,' were guests . of honor at a large gathering of friends in the •Community Hall 'on ,Tuesday. -evening. Dancing .was enjoyed' to Music by' the Tiffin. orchestra. After lunch • Dick Weatherhead• • 'read' an• 'address and Ross MacPherson made' • please bring lunch. '. the m -presentation of a handsde• man= Mrs. Ward, Mrs: Gordon and. Miss•'i tel clock and a `set of dishes: •Hugh. M. C. Rutherford attended. the .an-• David -made 'a fitting • reply and all' ..rival Presbyterial of the W.M.S..at . joined in' singing "For they are jolly .• ,Brussels, on Tuesday while' Rear. J.: good fellows".' • Members of the•$eef Ring •please note •• that the;, first meat will be "`'available Thursday morning, April 27th. • I: •• Plan to attend the progressive euchre and dance ih . the :,. omrunity Hall on Wednesday,' April 28. Ladies r ' •Notice to all Telephone 'Subscribers- Effective Immediately. • AS A WAR TIME MEASURE. LOCAL TELEPHONE CON- VERSATIOINS ARE STRICTLY LIMITED TO 5 MINUTES. - . OUR OPERATORS ARE AUTHORIZED ' TO. DISCONNECT' YOU AT TSE • 'EXPIRATION OF THIS PERIOD. By Order THE BOARD' OF COMMISSIONERS: Huron and Kinloss Municipal Telephone System• RIPLEY, ONTARIO.. • . War calls must come first .. which means that we', should reduce our noir-- ./ : essenti .l 'use of the telephone to the miniinum. Present facilities cannot. be increased; your l .co- ------------ a o kiaina .4 •Bray Chicles are real money - mak s 1 n ove it. Place r ei ' ca P, -r-'-your order • here •100% live de- •' liveryguaranteed. • • .FINLAYS •. BROS. . '_ .LUC•ipuiW fl,. DL Car'pe.i eto, M.D. Ripley, Ontario • " In . order to saveyour time; g-asol-ine - and tires;; ,we -have- planitexl_Jo b avt the_:Place at the lapwing hours: AFTERNOONS 1 Every day but Thurs. & Sun;, • . • 1.30 -to '4.00 o'clock. t EVENINGS•. .Monday,.' Wednesday, Friday and ,Saturday. 7.00. to 9.00 o'clock, . • .. • FORENOONS .: P Tuesday,;,Thsirsday, and Saturday. , • By Appointment If in:. doubt, .'phone for'. appointment. • 'Phone 52, RIPLEY. "her out gni'i'f''ste1-7 Miss . Tilly. Wopds, a' patient at Goderich hospital is now with her. brother, Mr..Tom Woods at the home Of Mrs. Robt. Moore who: is oaring for thein. ' .Pte. W. ;H. Bryafis• and Mrs.,' Bry- ans' were week -end visitors with: the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E,. Bryans, Brussels. • 'Mrs_. Ella"Young and children and Miss:'Margaret Dickson, soli, Goderfvh. were week -end visitors vl'ith. Mr and. Mrs. Thos. Dickson Jr. . Mrs.. Wm. 'Wilson, • who, we are glad -to say is . much iriipr'oved in health after being seriously ill • last week. • Her .daughter Mrs. • Ernest Post and children of Normandale were present fora few days. Mr. and Mrs. Ken'Hodge of Burtch were week -end visitors at their Par- ents' homes.' • • ' Miss Willa Dickson, R.N. Goder- ich,, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.,Thos, Diekson Sr. . . A Victory Loan meeting was -held in ' the . Parish Hall Mond y night. with committee and canvassers pres- ent to bear Mr. ,Kinkead, Goderich mitt Mi':` VatltYvoter, •K bene', giver .inspiring talks on the coniing drive. Lantern slides gave helpful hints on the subject.. Many problems s and.ex- . ,periences •were heard and discussed. and wore clearly e:cplained by the speakers. Victory Bonds, it is agreed are one of the surest and"safest in- vestments today, not only as gourd business tact. butas a 'patriotic duty and the 'surest way of saving our country, our families' and all we hold dear. . •WHITECHURCH • Mr. W. R. -Farrier hada very suc- cessful sale Iast Thursday. Mr.' and Mrs. Joe Keiswetter nf Walkerton spent, the •week -end' with M. and Mrs. -Walter James'. Mr. Elroy Laidlaw, a .soldier and. v+rhn h -1q b'ar'n gtntjpnM .. 'promptly. Q Please remember that the wasteful , .use of telephone time can hold u 'P War business -- and that every second you sage counts. - ' • x the olds' Seleeke ILL taxisprimisorminirsimm YOUR • Estate: -irs -Ili f e -rent _._- . from •every other! -Many prob- •lems'are involved.—'.family and financial toridifions, requirements and objectives ale different. . No' one person could be expected to effectively deal with the many, . duties required --of -an executor.. • The Sterling Trusts- Corporation . brings to these problems' the .' ' •combined. experience •of' a• staff folly qualified to administer your' . estate, promptly and efficiently; Name as your Executor' ST''RL ! dC TRUSTS • . ..CORP4bRAT10N a '312 BAY 5T., TORONTO ' ESTABLISHED t911-1� 6HOLYROOD.' r KINLOUGH • Mr. Henry Purnell passed away in Kincardine General Hospital on Monday afternoon after ,a wee1's. illness.. Sympathy of the entire corn- munity is extended to his daughters Mrs. '• Lorne • Sanderson (Bessie), Misses . Pheabe, and Margaret all . of Winghaxn and to •hr's brother Mr. Isaac Pinnell. • Mrs. Lavina Hodgkinson •is slowly recovering -from pneumonia. Mr. Dick' McBride who ii'as been with his brother Mrs Reg McBride, Con::: 10, moved to;. Lucknow where he -will reside, .School was closed on. Wednesday 1ast,;-aur, ;eaciter, • MissT Marion Mackay was in Kincardine trying.. a philosophy examination in eon - nection with Queen's University ex- tension. . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Forester and children . of Ripley visited Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs..Jolan Colwell.. •Miss Hannah 'Ross who has spent the past' few weeks at,,the Forester home -returned-to her home Coneession 10. • Mrs_Donald ..Murray.. _and .boysof London are visiting with her par- ents Mr: and Mrs. Frank Jphnston. Mr. and Mrs.: A. Emmerton and children of Huron moved r to the home of Messrs. Wm. and Denzil Statters where Mr. Emmerton .is employed,' and where they • will' take up re"s idence. fi M'rs. Maurice Hodgins is .enter-' t ainin the •Girls': W: /C'et her .home ; at, a _dui]•ting on; Saturday afternoon '•, May 1st. 'i . • . Mrs. E. J.'Haldenby who has been ill' for some weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lloyd, Lueknow, was brought ;to her home here dui - ing the week.' Her daughter, Mrs. E. Runchey of Merritton is caring for° her. The Red ,Cross ladies, are holding another social evening and •ruxnniage„ sale Wednesday next,. April, 28th. These socials . are to keep up the overseas__fund...for._bgxes_.to„_ourl'a:ds,, ..: —Mr: and Mrs. Saxn Stanley and family moved from the Percy farm Concession 12 on Thursday to the home, of Mr. and Mrs.. Ez Stanley' in the. village. We • welcome these n•ew. neighbours to our. midst Mr. Wilbert' Hodgkinson has been confined to -his home the--past-week with --pneumonia. • • lVtr. and 1VIrr. Yohn Heid-Remi"s, Corner sent Sunday. with. Mr.. and Mrs. Raynard Ackert. Miss 'Doris and Mr. • Lorne Eadie attended the Jackson-Cathers wedd- ing at.the„home of, the bride's .par- oiits..Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cathers of Wroxeter on Saturday. The bride was- formerly :Miss Evelyn Cathers.. ivIr. and' Mss Alex 'Grant and Olive of Tecswater were Sunday i=isitoi•s at 'NO': Ernest Ackkrt's.' - Mr. Eddie Thompson bias been confined to bed 'this week with tiny flu and .D.r. 'CaiEpcneto of •Ripley '4n attendance. We are pleased to re- port heis doing favorably.• , Mt. and Mrs..Richard. Elliott, and family spent} . Sunday at - Wesley W hvtock s, 'eeswater. ' •Mr: Rexford Ostrander :of Luck - now 'spent the ‘veeli:-end with. Mn Lloyd Ackert. ' Mrs. Bill Stirling of Clinton spent a few days this week with her anoth-' et, Mrs: Ajmer' Ackert. Mr. and Mrs. • Percy Deyell ' of Stratford spent Sunday at My. Mark Johnston's and Mr. Clifford John- .st'on's. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Robb and dau- ghter of Ctirries Coriiei's'there recent. visitors at 'Mr. Richard: Elliott's. . We are sorry to report that' Mrs. Wm. Gta.ham had the misfortune 'to, Scald her ankles w hil• ' ca,r�' ging boil- ing Water to• the washer -4n the base- men"t of her home. We .un.detsand the left ankle is severely' burned and it will be'some time before she will 'have the ,use of it. Mr. ,and Mrs. Harold Congtatn and Shirley spent the week -end with 2nd Concession friends. • . society held a. crokinole social . in the basement' Friday' evening. Six tables played crokinole+ Mr. Car- tretn Farrier winning the gents prize and ,Miss Roberta Mowbray won the, •ladies prize. The W.M.S. of the United Church are holdin 'their Easter tl>,ankof- noon with Mid: Tztsv':W:o'rrit finis; by as their special 'speaker. • Mr. Donald Watt of Grimsby who' finished with hits High School course' recently is: spending the .next few menths at farmhavork at the holm of his siste r. Mrs. Millan Moore. Mr., and Mrs. Mussel Gaunt. and little daughter attended the' funeral of Mrs. Gaunt's, uncle, Mr. Robert' Currie, in^Winghatn last Friday. Mrs. Noble is visiting her: aunt, Ars,. j. E. 1VleL,eart. «, ., - last two weeks With liis parents. 1G1r. and Mrs. James Laidlaw and other rel'ati'ves before leaving for Ottawa where he .wi11 be, for a time. We are sorry td report Mrs..Dufty has been laid up' for the past week with lumbago. We are sorry to report Mr. Rel" isson Falconer . of Camp Dorden is very'sitk withthe flu. The- flu hear been -in several. homes in This corntngt ity. • The United bhnith young peoples • 41. WE ARE ALL 0.N, THE. OFFENS ►_ The. Battle€r®rit ' depends the Ia efront•; WiII''-,You-• Do :-your.-' artfi:;. ,'Vill you, deny yourself a little mode ''• • ,to provide •the necessities'. for our • " 'Armed Services' • Huron County's Quota Is'r;- $3,040,000..00' YOTJ CAN. HELP BY INVESTING, I11T 'FOURTH VICTORY LOAN 3%,' BONDS IN .TWO WAYS: .1.—By investing -all the cash cash gou. ' -have at home :and in the'bank. 2. -1 --By investing part of the money you :will have coming in over the next six . months. • When You Purchase Victo y Bonds You Buy-- ... SECURITY and CITIZENSHIP. ANDYOU. ARE BAC'KIN.G` r THE ATTACK • (This ,ad inserted by. the Huron County War • Finance. Com •• ' mittee in the interests of 'the Fourtlh° Victory • Loan) • SPECIAL BROADCAST to the Citizens of ; Huron County on MondaY, April 26th at 8 .A.M. Be sure to tune in. HOLD ,H"1 G THE• 0 R C` H 0 F t:. L' 0.'M 4 Nothing short of victory over the powers of aggression willensure a just and peaceful order after . the vrar. There can be no compromise with international bandits. In that victory all of us wish to share.. h • VictQyy s price is' high. • Some have the privilege of fighting; •all have the privi- lege of saving money to supply our fighters with inodern` engines of war. , • ,Enormous 'sums', of money must be raised 'for ships, planes, tanks, guns, bombs, shells and• bullets. Havea share in the victory by saving to— - P o, Buy Victory Bonds and War Savings' Certifiers and Starrlps , •, Pay the necessarily heavy 'Income Taxes' ApDIT.ION TO s . Keeping up 'your Life Insurance and Providing for your Puture' Independoce--• ,Such a prbgrammey.af determined, systematic saving is •part "of the price ,of VICTORY." • e. "A $ANK WHERE SMALL ACCOUNTS 4,11E WEL OME" ,M4ODE12'N, EXPERIENCED BAN1 r.NG SERVI-CE • ... the Outcome of 125 Years', Successful Operation 0 Buy. WAR. SAVINGS CE12TIVICATES Lu.cknow Branch: V. N. PREST, Manager . •