The Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-04-22, Page 1:T.th .44, • ' $2.00" A YEAB—rN ADVANCE-50ch.gpittA• TO U S„4, . .4(1011)W Ont., Thursday, April Ora, 1 10. Monday!, 'Brace Objective $2,250,000 • • . Huron Objettilie ,$34.0.501000 ; „ Canada'. , Victory Loan With a mirithritan'ab).hefive of $1,100,- 000,000 -by far the biggest yet, com- mences on Monday. If the goal is tO be obtained it Will require at least • •3,000,090 indiViduaLsubieribets, and .which will Mean' that .many Can- adians who• have not bought a bond in previous loans will be depended An to respond this time.- Bon5ls can be bought in two ways —with ready cash. and on the in- • stallment. plant out. of „current earn- ings. Baleanien,,Willeitinhasize put-- •'& hehasing-both--ways----butwo -bends Local Objectives Set • • Bruce County has an objective of • $2,251400. Of this amount Lucknow ishh:Ied to raise $85h00 and Kinloss - TovAiship ' $55,000.. , • In. th, last Victory Loan Lucknow headed Bruce 'County municipalities raising 4894850, .or 180 per cent of th.e ,objtctitte of $504000. ' Kinloss quota. thelast 'istias $30,060 and $36;500 was raised or 422 per cent of the objective. • Salesmen for Lucknow. and Kin- loss are P. H. Smith an George !Haldenhy and for Ripley and Huron, idecin Rutile: and Ross Martyn. ' The Kinloss Township Committee includes Richard Elliott, chairman; P. A. Murray Dan T. McKinnon, J. W. Colwell, . Alex McKenzie, Alex Me4d, 'Thos. G. Gaunt, David Car - rut J. R. Lane,', F. G. Moffat • Ernest Ackert and L. C. Thompson, publicity. h ' Huron Over $3,009;000 Huron Comity's objective has been Set at $3,050,000„, Ashfield's *quota is $193,000 and West Wawanosh $17,900. In the last loan Aslifield raised 471,450 Or 104 per cent of its objective. Weht Wawanosh subscrib- ed. $62650 Or 434 per cent of its 'GIVEN SEND-OFF BY §TOxito 01'4 THIlltSpAY • , ••.•••••s•t • • • ' BAST* LATE BUT' WEATHER. STILL COLD • • • nemoagassmotate TO RONTo' S' TA F With Friday .4. PUblie holidaYe This is Easter. we •K n he -fact that it falls on the • , • ' ' remain open -thg Thursday af- e -end, a cl busineas places -in Lueltnew spite of t „ , The followmg art ele appeared in •• 7 • : •. -latest 'dates pcissible, it appears as , ternoon and eh ing. the -"Canada Metal News", publish - this is Written, that unless the wea- ed by .The Canada 'Metal CompanY therman acts quickly, winter cloth- e . of. Tern/AO,. with Which Torrance ing. *ill predcaninatein . the Easter : e erAnderson' was associated fcir several parade : ' , years: , * :-..... :, • . . Last Week Was featured by quite. After.. almost 12 '-years' set -Vice :. a blizzard. Sunday Was warm and with the 'Canada ' Metal Company ,pleasant, but 'the, first of the week Toi-rence E. (Andy) Anderson has , brought rain: and more snow againgone back to the •fariti. In Septern- It looks like a:late seeding season her, 19,31, Andy camp to our firm as " new' a the best, and about the. only order, clerk..13orrhaad raised on the. spring plowing to, date has, beendon farm,: the work was new to him, but Lacknew's main street A Single- through the year's he has .proven his furrow plow has been in Operation worth to the Company, and at 'the to loosen up, the snow hanks, 'which time of his departure occupied the line the south sideof the street. position of Assistant Sales Manager. • quota .of $46.500. These comparative figures give Smile' idea of the resnonse reauired, to put the Fourth Victory loan over :the top.. Some other pbjectives set 'for Ii;ce and Huroii municipalities -are foliows: ,Walkerton Kincardine Chesley • Southampton t Port Elgin Litckno Wiartonw• ' ' 80,000 Teeswateh a. '60 000 1V.fildmay . Paisley Tara Brant Carrick Kincardine Township, including Tiverton .. . .. -Huron. ,Bruce Culross - Greenock $ 265,000 210000 145,000 • 145,000 115,000 85,000 ••1" 444: Elderslie' Kinloss Ashfield W. Wawanosh Colborne .Goderich 'Town Goderich Twp. E. Wawanosh Winghain Turnberry HoWkcla Morris Grey' Brussels Blyth 50,000 45,000 35,000 • .30009 105,000 95,000 95,000 ." 95,003 80,000 80,000 . • 75,000 • 70,000 55,000 103,000 . 77,000 64,000 421,000 • 82,000 • ,69;000, 185,000' 79,000 191,000' 91,000 116,000- 73,000 39,000. A Few Copies Wanted The publisher detires, -to obtain a feW copies of the issue of April 8th. P 3t AND DANCE DRW.LARGE CROWD The play- and dance on Friday night' under auspices of the Agri- cultural Society drew a large crawl. The phair "The Winning of Joy" was 'well presented by the Willing:Work.. ers_Class of 'Victoria Street Church, Goderich. Music for the dance was supplied by Carruthers Orchestra. .,Between acts solos were rendered y Mrs. Overholt ,and lVfiss 'Helen 'Ison. The Society 'clear about EASTER FLOWERS We invite you to call and See ear display of Easter blowers & 'Allies, hydrangeaa, Cinrierias, Primnlas & o cut flowers: SOLOMON'S GREANIIOVSE • !Phone 88. ' • . •; , • ROB LOCA.L ,STORE • ,--FinraysOn Ihroh, attire was • broken into dnring--the nlgitt • MandaY with gie thief special - thing .ox cleverhaeedi. which is 'both valirable and laeatee. • . Entrarice wasigamed.'by fore - Ing a basement window -and sev- eral bushels of seed stolen, as well a a small ainsitint cif money. • ",' •' Provincial 'COastable McClevis is iniestiga mg the break-in and • dve1prnent as this, ZS written . indicate 'in early solution of the robbery. • , SEPOY THEATRE PRESEN G "PASTOR HALL" THIS.WEEK ' ' This week , there Will be shown irf the Sepoy Theatre, one of the truly great. pictures, ranking with "49tli -Parallel", "One Foot In Hea- ven" and "Mrs. Miniver". • Pastor Hall is the story of Martin NeOthoeiler, Christian and paStor; martyr of his 'faith. This is not just propaganda, • but the truth. It- will more than ..eritettain you. It has 'a message fOr. each • one in this 'Vill- age. Come and see this picture and resolve to hasten the stamping Out of this serpent Hitleriam by buy- j ing war bonds. AndY;his wife and .daughter have taken over the 100 acre farm recent- ly. owned by his father,abut hmile east of • Lucknow, •Ont. .We Under- stand that the recent rationing' of butter was the cause of. all this. you see 11/2 lba, othtitter a- week was no. good. to him, so the only way to get, more . was to. go, :right to th source of production. . That's Andy haethedicall .To show, their - appreciation of an Old empleyee,•the staffgathered.aronad.himOniSatur-. aay,.-Maech. 27th„ and presented, him with•a• Savage- .22.autotriatiorifle; a pair of Icing rubber bots, a-leath • r windbreaker, and, t� top eherythin , a •reallY.. sporting 'Model; ;deluxe, straw- hat (for farm use only).'Thel beat Wishes of the -staff go With him Oil h4 new venture,and if the gas rationholds out some of his will he dropping in on him this summer for samples butter'. • , _ •• • • SCHOOL' COMPETITIONS T& BE HELD AT FAIR • A meeting of 'the directOra of the Lucknoth Agricultural. -Society- was. held cin Thursday evening when, plans were laid for holding of schoch children's competitions at the local. Fall Fair. , Mr. J. C. Shearer, Huron County Agricultural Representative and Mr: Kinkead, I.P.S., addressed the meet-, ing 'emphasizing the importance of such competitions, and assuring their 8upport in this regard. - A committee of district school teachers was appdinted 's to work in .co-operation with, a committee of. Pair Board directors which was WI viously appointed: The teacher committee includes Miss Beatriee McQuillin,_ Mrs. Dur- nin Phillips,„ Miss Twamley, Miss Ada Webiter; Miss Grace 'McKin-- npn, Mrs. Derothy Brown, Gerald Culbert and Miss Marion MatDon- ald: Messrs: S, k, Robertson and John ,Farrish, _delegates to the Fairs 'Ai-- gociatien Oonvention, 7 -gave ',reports of the meetihg, -tomg FACTSABOUT MEAT RATIONING Meat rationing in Canada will start in May at a date to be an nounced. All details of the, system have not yet been completed but seine points have been Worked out. To cut consumption' by • 15' to 20 per cent to meet non-civiliart neetls, each person will be allowed two pounds a week, whieh„ from the point of view of nourishment, is enough for a persoir in any occupa- tion, authorities state: There will be no special allowance for Workers in heavy industry. Chil- dren will hav,', lie same allowance as grown -Ups. Browti Spare A will -be meat -coupons. The coupon wills, not guarantee any special cut. There will be meatless days in restaurants and control over -cold storage lock- ers, Each coupon will represent a basic quantity of meat. Some 'cuts have more bone than others and will be classified according to bone coptent and the ration -allowance adjusted. For euts with no bone the ration will be less than two pounds. For cuts containing eonsiderable- thane the ratien will be higher. Charts are being prepared showing coupon vartieS for cuts according to bone content. Retail butchers Will reecive one of thee charts. when they are ready and which will he displayed Where customers can ex - Poultry, fish and suth meats as kidney, liver, heart brains win not be rationed. Neither will such •cuts as spare -ribs and Oxtail which are more than half bone. Farmers will bh allowed to slaugh- ter for their own' household use and beef rings will beallowed to con- tinue. • GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE cDOWAVM-.."Marslifigton April 16th to Lient. and Mrs: D. Maptiontild, a tbn, Roderick egg. . Meeting7Postporied- T1-e meeting of the Lucknow. ness Men's Association. was pest - noted from :Tuesday to Wednesday night of this Week, on aceount of the -Progressive Conservative Meet- ing in Wingham en Tuesday night,' addressed by -Lt.-Col. George Drew, M.L.A. • KINLOUGH RESIDENT DIES 4The death Of Harry B. Pinnell oc- curred , Kincardine 'Hospital on Monday. He was in his 73rd year. The funeral service. will be held( Thursday afternoon in Kinlough•An- oilcan Church at 2.30, with inter- ment in Tiffin'S Cemetery. • • Prayer For Revival' On Thursday evenink of this week' at '7.30 p.m. the Prayer Meeting for,. revivalwill be held. .The you...12g -Pereii fl1 also "'be" held Thursday eherzing' at.: 8 o'clock to which all the young people of the dish letharehinvited. ' Presbyterian Guild • The Meeting on Monday evening was in. charge of the Lookout com- mittee,, with Mr.' John. D. Ross' pre- siding. The Meeting ophnedby sing- ing Psalm 31. Everett Lane read the scripture lesSon. The topic frorn the Study book "Stewardship dn the Life of Youth", was taken by Ronald Johnston. Maudie-lisher gave- a reading. The Catechism question No. • 42, ,was taken, by Betty MacDonald. This was followed by an instrumen- tal by Mr. John D. Ross. The ineetl. nig, closed with h3min' 734 followed - by prayer by Rev. C. H. MacDonald. URGES SUPPORT OF FOURTH LOAN A. M. (Sandy) Nicholson, C.C.F. member for MacKenzie, in his .last "Ottawa Letter" until after the Easter Recess, appeals to Sentinel readers to support the Victory Loan Drive which commences on Mon- day., He says: "The raising of 0,100,- 000,000 by voluntary effort will re- quire the fullest co-operation " of everyone in barrada. When it is re membered that we have nearly two million, of our men and woMen who ,are either in tke armed serVices, or in munition industries, it can he appreciated what our commitments are. if those who risk their lives are to do theft best, they must be supplied with the best that Canada can offer in the way of food, cloth- ing, services and equipMent. The building of tanks, ships, planes. guns •and ammunition are ;a" part of our coininitments to the United Nations. To make possible the supplying of these .essential materials makes it imperative that We refrain from mending many of the, goods which would normally , be available in ThC annual 0004 Friday 3-hottr. e anion/M-45f on- to 't,-".hrestacieitts ifl tlie-:-,lirththx,W..,Mehix.e.g._ - e heldrn St. Peter's Church. The paigti in proportion to our ability subject kir inetlitation, "The Words to ,pay is an important yardstick- in from title Cr-ess", will be taken by Measuring our contribution in „quoit -Revs.- Stewart, Vit,aid; MacDonald, at -Important struggle. But the ob- .4600,and P.nnaldaOn., jeotive must be reached, and Can--; tOti"areVidartiliOnYitect tc !Come adianS troth Coast to Coast,.will t14 - 'When you ,Can a tb Stay ES long daub e lyinake the heeessary,;sderi- if only :-.for-:,4 very short fices during the rest Of the year to while.• See that the $1,106;000,000 is raised". OBITUARY „ . ALEXANDER' MaKENZIE - The deathof A,Lcicander McKenzie of the ''SeCond Ccencession, Kinloss, -occurred: in. GuelPh wi Monday where he hs been a patieht for the 'past, few weeltShMr.MacKepzie was in his 82nd year, and had been ill In Wingham Hospital for several 'weeks 'prior to •being taken to Guelph. A air"' Of the late Angus McKenzie and IVIargaret MacDonald, he was born • on March 1st, 1862 On the Second Concession, on the farm now owned by Mrs. Melvin Irwin. Alex went to the States when a young man arid was employed in hqichigan and Dakota, returning' here upon -the -death of .his father; and has since residedhin the com- a -wilily. . By hara work, arid- careful saving Mf. McKenziewamagsed considerable 'Wealth, and was regarded as one of the wealthiest men in the commtin- He was: ohe, of -a family of ten children, of which his brother •An- gus. of Pi -griller; B. C.• is 'the only survivor. He ..hisited here with :his brother Alex during the 'winter. .Twd. nieces; • Mrs: Wm."'Stimson of Lucknow and Mrs. gobert Andietv Zion and one. nephew, Charles Moore of Lambeth:alsosivive. The funeral service was held in thouth •Kinhiss 'Presbyterian chureh on Wednesday cenducted by Rev. Herbert F. Dann. Interment wah•iri ,South Kinloss Cemetery, .�f • which Mr; .McKenzie ,was caretaker for several years ,Pallbearera were Archie MacIn-• tyre, Adana. McQueen, -ATigirahlVtach Kay, Joseph 'England, :Laughlin Mc- Iver' and Angus Graham. MRS. -WILLIAM HAMILTON There passed away in Huron Twp.' on Saturday, April 17th; a pioneer. resilient in the person of Mrs. -WM: iarn Hamilton, in her .87th year. . Mrs; Hamilton was a- resident of this, Township practically all her lite up to the time of her husband's death seventeen years ago, when Shd. went to Haznilton to live with her daughter,' but quiteoften returned, to Visit in the cOminunity, making her home with her. son Will on the old .hoinesteed. Mrs. Hamilton has been. residing .N.S•.:1,th.JIhr. s.on.,,for the .past year1 • - • • Of a quiet nature, - her interests -were entirely of her family • and friends who will have many Mem- ories of her love and devotion. • The 'daughter of the tate Mr. and Mrs. Wm, McGuire, she is survived by, two brothers and two sisters, Thomas and Malcolm of, Huron 'Township; lhIrs.. Kate jeater of Rip- ley and Mrs. James Alitcheltree .of London.. Two. sonse,and" one daughter sur- vive. Will Of Turon Township; Fred of .Vancouver and Mrs, .Jennie Frid of hhinclas; also eight grandchildren and one great grandchild also sur- vive. i COMING EVENTS RED CROSS SHOWER, FOR BABIES OF* BRITAIN "The Ready For Service Class' ef the United Church will hold a Red Cress Shower arad Tea for Babies of Britain at the home of Miss Eva G-teeh, Thursday, April 29th, 376 p.m. Articles require& sweaters, ;bonnets, bootees,: blankets, nighties, drosses, stockings, toys, dolls,. powder, Soap, safety pins. • e EUCHRE tic DANCE ' . The Public Library ,at St Helens is sponsoring a progressive euchre an. drance-in_the $t Helens Com • 28tV-VgrFts---atiln-ffirria: Admission 25c and 15c; , ' EASTER DANCE The annual Easter Monday night 'dance under auspices of the Ludk- now Vire Co., *ili =be held in the TOwnLue10.ow on April gait. arruthers Orchestra. Admission g8ti. • ° • '4:44 Re4.. (not., DOnatiws....; Ha ROC.6.(17„.$41,400.i.. Donations of over $100.00 •to the Lucknow and, Vicinity Branch Of the Red "Cross t Society 'during the Past week have raised the g,rand total to all but $7.00 short 4$4,400. The objective was $1000h- Centfi-k butions are still being received ' by Mr. A: E,. ,MeKilia, treasurer -of the Campaign Finance orrunittee., • The remainder of the listof the dontributors up tti the .firSt of the week is as follows: •, Lucknow —, Mrs. R. J. Cameron $2.00; Hannah MacDOriald 3.00; Jack MacDonald (Miller) 5.00;,Mrs..Hugh Cummings 1:00; CMS. Steward 1.0h; -MaS1EirfilliMitche1175:09; Mrs: Dud- ley 2.00; ,Mr. E. J. Morrison .25; Balance marathon bridge 4.80; Ste- wart Robertson 5.00; dance and fer- tilizer are* 99.95; Catharine Mac-. Dongall 2.00; Austin Solomon 300; Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Youn'100;• Cora MacQuaig 10.00; Lucknow 1..eegion 25,00; Sam KilpatriCk 1.00; :Mrs. A. R. FinlaYsda 5,:09; RObt. Campbell 2,00. • • kit. 1 Lucknow jas. lharster MOO; John McQuillin' 1.00; MansOn R-ei-d-7170.0T-Mit. Jas. PurviS, 2.00; Mrs: W. Bolt 5.00; IVIrs. Vernon Hun- ter 2.00; Fred McQirillin 1.00; Fred Webb 2:00. West ;Wawanosh, Con. 10 and 11 —Mrs. Thos. Phillips $5.00; Robert - Purvis 1..00; Mr. and Mrs. D. Toda. 2.00; Lloyd Phillips- 1.00; MrS. 'Gor- don 1.00; John R., Webster 1.00; Mr. and Mrs. H. Rintciul 1.00; Cairns Ait- chison 3:00; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chesbro .1.90;71. Arnold and Elnier Woods 2:00; , Mr k and Mrs,. •Ward 10.00;Mr .and Mrs. Earl Durnin 3.00; Mr: and Mrs. S. Rintotzl 1.00; Mr.. and Mrs'. Chester Taylor 1.00; Mr. and Mrs. W. Webster 5.00; Mr. G. Cranston 2.00; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Aitchison 2.00F. Weatherhead 1.60; Women's anstitute, ,St. Helens 5400; Mrs, Geo. Phillips LOO; Mr. and Mrs. George White' LOO; Wm. Wringler .25;.:Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Miller 5.00: R.R. 5 .LucknoW=Mr. and Mrs. John McCharles $1.06; Mr. and' Mrs. John Carter 1.00; Lester McLeod • R.R. 7 Lucknow, Rolat Ritchie $2.00; Andrew Ritchie 1.00. , • R.R. 3 Lucknow_-Wesley, Ritchie $2:00; Gordap Ritchie LOO; Leslie Ritchie 100; .Tack McDonagh 1.00; Albert Helm 1.00; Wm. .Helm 2.00; Chas. McDonagh 1.00; Wm. Hunter JAN Jacob "hinter LOG; Thos. H4ck- ett 1.00; Edgar, Ritchie 1.00; Peter Cook 1.50; Tho. Ferguson 2.00; Geo. Gibson 1.0.1aLReaynard-2.00; Jim KeTchabaw•3.00; Mrs. Mary Mc- Donald 1.00; Wm. Ketchabaw 5.00; Madeline Caesar 7.00. ' ;ELIZABETH ANNE COOKE , Mr. Albert Cook, .Boundary West, received weld' recently of the deati of his cousin, Miss Elizabeth Anne Cooke, a fdrmer resident of con-.' cession 12, Ashfield,' Miss Cooke, whowas 71 Years of age passed away at the home of her sister, Mra.Entree Carter, at Mahomet, Illinois. She had been111 for about a year. Miss Cooke visited here in 1939. Miss Cooke was born in Bonlea County, Ireland; on Feb"- ruary 8, 1872, daughter of Peter and. Mary Emma Cooke. She camt. with her parents to- Canada in 1887, and in 1904 they moved to Mahomet, where she has since resided. She worked for severatiyears in Toronto. hospitals, having been a graduate nurse; For many. years, she was a member of the Mahomet• Methodist church. Surviving are three brothers, Peter, Brandon, Manitoba; John, Joseph arid Mrs. Emma Carter; Ma - hornet; along with the several nieces and nephews. PUPILS COMPETE IN LOAN QUIZ In support of the Fourth Victory Loan and to familiarize young peo- ple with Canada's war effort, a sories of quiz contests are .being conducted 'throughout- Ontario et= ementary sohoaa. • Pupils are divided in three groups. Group A includes pupils of grades 7 and 8; Group B, pupils of grades 4, 5 and 6; and Gro -up C, pupils of grades 1, 2 and.Each school enter- ed conduets a.quiz to select one con- testant frorn eaeh group. Inter- tehobl or Township championi-kre selected to compete' far the eounty championship and Mrity champ- ions comPete for the divisional championship. .The winners then Lai . • REPORTS DEPOT ON .1\11. C Cori, the R.C.A at Marining "De 'day, May 3rd„ on Monday of this v 141 re-cltes4. He w repair 'business here, -crease, ea n eports °A.•' Oudot' • mod= shoe JACK HANNA PRO_CA,ESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANI1RDATE' Jack Hanna, one of Wingliara'a • leading merchants,--:,.....recettrad ,7the .nominatcianoncliaLteforProgretileprovincialaaihP-. Conser- vative rjn?frii-Batt1e con- vention ninWdhar• OiTuesdaynight - Mr. Hanna, whO was mayor- of Winghani for "five „7:gnrs received the nomination without opposition. Two other nominees, Norman Wade of Howick and „Hartwell Strong withdrew. • • Tie convention wae°,a4dres4ed by 1.,t.-coi. George DreW,leader of the Pregressive Centervative. party;': He was. introduced by gayer. 3. Harley, Crawford. Other speakers: included Dr. R. H. Taylor. and 'PALM NolthItiron. • RECRUITING '63.191_0'il WAS IN LUCKNOW SATURDAY An armoredconvoy that has been touring Western Ontario centres in the interests of the Reserve Army recruiting campaign, Was inIi nek- now on Saturday morning for a Tief stop; The • conv'oy, consisted of j. 'epa; imotorcycles, - • unive*al. • . carriers,_ trucks and 257-pbmiderlield guns, 4 HOSTESS TEA WAS DELIGHTFUL VENT • Members of the- Newton-Joynt group of the Women's Association held a hostess tea, in the church en Friday, which proved to be quite a successful. and , pleasant event.' The ;schoolroom and the tables_ of the various hostesses were attract- ively decorated. A fruit salad, rolls and tea were served. During the afternoon 'the- follow- ing entertaining_notbefer-Were giv- en: solos by Ilitis::'Breckles, duet by Margar*Aae- and Doris, Taylor, piano duets. by Mrs. Newton. and Mrs. T. S. Reid, • sole by Mrs. Joynt, inane duet by Mrs: William Graham and Eileen Elliott, solos by Mrs. Ernest Ackertand Mrs. Harold' Treleaven and a .reading ormt, B. Roach__ 1 have e: Mr. auc liaVeL:b „canm fiftieth 'anni- riageon IVIp ,Cling dinner' ing when 't (heir husbai-ii Ten; along wih there: in. honor eveningcoir thne ,wai-seet IlWas ckairx, ..grarri by rig' dren. during of a 14p, -g4g0 dish Mrs. Nixon dress, read eiitatiOnw Anderson Nikon 7exPrOSA tew.ve-0';',-*,"jaPh 'valrich o are , Goo lunch w&se the.addiess - 07. "fp Z Dear Mr. It is Wit upon out,,,li , we yo144.61: gathgred„,4n": mark' the occas .Wedding. It is to comnipoo,, - 'eh wed the •festiVi hacit4n;ppieCitaibiriret4i5 is natior T111;s:y-cat are have presentwith ghters,- their husl grandchildren. "Voids cannot 'express , yoUrntitted.liyes haveriie cothirrunity: all through thes years. by...kindlineis and f. _3rOu• have Won a,,hoit Of trien yeoxuerrefclannalk:flnire.,1;fthl...ailau;clit';'i n to ur chure1 l'a td'deo,°, ,-,ra Although your hair ;tsilver id•yorp qUi sit is,rseet you may spend many *OW - yatiua.nd4it ear be- said Friends, like you, look ani LsmLle a "JOIINLT-H-E-AESER-VE, ARTILLERY 'NOW . • Your District Battery the 99th Needs . 100•Blen At Once Men of this district, join 'up in the Reserve Army. The 99th Battery, your distriet unit, requires 190 men to brixig' it up to strength. There is no more interesting service than the artillery and the 99th has on hand all the equipment necessary for this important work. ; If you cannot go active you can gel. Reserve. To be eligible for the 99th Reierve Battery a man must belong to one of seven age groups: 17 and 18 years of age, ,single men 40 to 50 years, married Men; 25 to 50 years, Great War veterans up to 55 years (these four are open to men of -cate- gories "A", "B" and "C", all Men 17 to 50 years in category thos -who have reeeived • Active Army postponements and those who have been called and been rejected for Active service. You Should believe in The ReserVe BECAUSV..- 1.. The Reserve gives an opportunity to all who canna go active to do something definite for their coun- try. 2. The Reserve gives youth under the callable age a training' that puts them in an advantageous pcis- ition when they are called later. 3. The--Reservemuat be -ready -it the need ariseitt takelts plaCe in the field for, Home Defence of Canada ("4 can happen here".) 4. The Reserve has weaPons and 'equipinent and is trained to use them. 4. 5.. The Reset ve is made Up of serious, • busy men who are willing to sac- . rificeetinte and energy taider pres- ent conditions. 6. The Reserve offers you a thence tt. feel' beret physically through ekereise d mentally_ ihr h r wee • et ...smou 7-.--Thb-Iteservv,&ifrtinly Vet Meinbeithip in it is a real clemoc- racY. ' • s' - -Sik- -Ihistad 'BOYS' Solt ' Outirig, the• past' week sik boya front- the V1iage haVe joAd the 09th Battery. They are, I* Haven's, JIM ilainillon, Rua Onetime', Cul- bert; Jim' Purves and' Edda Buck - Ingham. , be- heldhh -laritohT -ore-Sat tnorning, May 15th. This will 'take the form <A a radio 'broadcast over CFRB: Contestants -competing at Toronto have all expenses TSAI. The Contest has the" approval of the Department Of Education which has sent .VictorY,Loan quiz booklets to 'all teacheth The local teinkitis asanatitig,' , • That lifts the load' frisith'eaCh w - Friends like 'ineen't;a; hand'" *akin touch • . When .the task you face seem.4 , bit too much; . ' • - New friendsare like silver, But old Ones are_golcI :The first we must Make, And the latterAniast God's blessing we Wish on your fami*onay, His peace attend you wherever ' you be. ' .• Signed oh behalf of the derntranko • itY, Chas. MaCDonagh, Will .Gardner,' Fred Anderson. New, we ask you to accept these gifte as a little remembrance' and token oProur .affection and esteem . and our best 'wishes for Stir con- tinued health and happiness. . , Those •from a distance in attend- ance at the ,golden wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McKay and son Jack of Paisley, Mr. "MOS. Helm of Tiverton, Mr. Jack- McKay of Toronto. . Visiting, At _Port Eight_ Lieut., W. R. Tomlinson, M.P. fOit Bruce, who received leave from.blit unit to attend the present session of Parliament, is taking advantage of the Easter recess to spend Urn weeks at 'ort Elgin, accompanied by Mra. Tomlinson: Lieut. Tomlin.; son was bereaved by the death Of his father 'recently in Halcliniand SOLD SatRAL HEREFORDS • AT STRATFCiRD SALE - At the sale of Hereford cattle at. Stratford last week, George ken, - nedy consigned several 'head from his herd whieh sold as follows! fe- male, Princess Patricia 35th 116644, bought by 'Oren McKim, Dresden, $250; female, Princes Patricia 29th 111777,. • bought_by Math* kr-L Bagel:Ste, $240; female, Princes Pat- ricia 13th 96267, bought' by Byron tilcichni-breidem- $235r -female; Prin- cess Patricia 40th 124952, bought by Byron McKim, $150; Princess:P4V, ricia 2Oth 1118264bought by W. L. Martin, Baptiste, $1.75; bull calf, born Pebritary-,15, 1943, bought by John Ritter, Atwood, OM. •