The Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-04-08, Page 5TI,T.URSDAY, APRIL 8th, 1943 • Lyceum Theatre W I NGHAM Two ' Shows Saturday Night.„ Thursday, Friday;' Saturday APRIL '8, 9, 10- ERROL FLYNN ALEXIS SMITH' GENTLEMAN:'JIM Tie life of the fighter James' .J. Corbett who 'ttias..knotyn.: in his,. time as "Gentleman Jhn". • Also "Short Subjects" Matinee-- Sat. Afternoon 2.30 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday APRIL' 12, 13, .14. DONNA REED ' > . EDWARD ARNOLD Eyes. in . the Dight 4mel'odratna: at bas espion- ••ltge for its t me.. Also "Edgar Kennedy". "Cartoon" "Musical" THE DEATH .of Dori McGaw, Well known .Kincardine' young man. ; oc- curred et Gibraltar from • wounds received when his .ship. H.M.C.S. "Weyburn"- was sunk by enemy ac- tion: The word cameas a distinct shock to .his . family who 'had pre- viously received a letter, from hini; stating.: he was making a •favorable � recary from his injuries, His _wife,. SOW; : arid his parents survive. He enlisted for service in the Canadian ,Navyin1941.. . ' WH[TECHURCH Mr. W, R. Farrier has sold' his farm to Mr. Armstrong oftnear Tees - water. ' Mr, and Mrs. Albert Coultes Old family visited,.on Sunday with Mr. Robert Carrick'and ..Miss Susie Car- rick of Lucknow. Mrs„. Haines 'of •Wingharn is visit- ing her brother Mr. and Mrs. :Albert McQuillin. • .. w Mrs. Toynbee Lamb of Goderleh visited last Wednesday with her par. eats, Mr. and Mrs. John . Kennedy, also Mrs, Barry Tichborne of G°od-, cvisited her mother, Mrs._ David Kenneirc-dy. ,+ 'ss Katie Reis has P rettirlled to her hom' ea' a in.. Mr,'George Jacques r;of Preston spent the weep-enl• with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Eli Jacques, and they are returning hbme with him for . a time. We are sorry to lose them from Our, village: Mr. Jacques will be '90' years' old next month, and Mit. Jac: ques will be 87'this morith: We will be glad if they will be able to re- turn to their honi.e here.' Miss Susie Kilpatrick of Lucknow" is visiting with_Mr. Albert Paterson: 11 Mr. Jas. Wilson's chimney, caught fire' on Monday • morning, and with such ' a high wind . they could not, keep it under control, so he .had the -fire brigade from Wingham to put, it out. .. •Q DAN MARTIN M. Dan 'Martin passed away in a London:.hospital on Saturday. He is a son of Mrs. Wm. Martin, and the late Mr. Martin. He leaves to mourn his loss his aged mother, his Wife and a 'family of two sons, . Wm. and Donald athome, also. three dau- ghters Mrs. Robt Stewart of Lang - side, Mrs. Mac McNeil of near Wood- stock and Mary of near Welland. The -funeral was.: held on Tuesday from his home on the Division,Line to' Wingham , cemetery. We extend Our sympathy ter the bereaved rela- tives THE 1< UCHNOW SENTINEL, LV 1I.NO1* ONTARIO ST. HELENS - The regular meeting of the Wo men's Institute was held at Mrs. W. I. Miller's with a good attendance `and with Mrs. Gordon. McPherson presiding: The roll call on "Do's and don'ts for the garden" was.respii'd- ed to by manyhelpful hints. It was decided to give $5 for sugar for Mak- jam for 'Britain. Friday, April 9th was the date set for the Red Cross quitling. Mrs. "$all gave a humorous reading "My Dream". Mrs. Rice favored with a'•sol'o." A reading., "The : Master is coming" was .given :by MI's. Barbour. Mrs. McKenzie Webb gave an interesting paper on the 'topic c O r to1 en tsem= what We d.o she 11 with them'. Mrs. Gorden, Mrs. Barbour and ,Miss Mary Mur- ray ".were' `appointed as nominating. committee. At the conclusion lunch was served' by the -hostesses, Miss M. Murray, Mrs. Earl Durnin and Mrs. Stanley Todd. ' Mrs. Rohinaon -Woods.. was a week- end 'visitor at Kitchener with her' daughter, Mrs. Brown °and• .Mr,• Brown. ' Mrs -Archie Aitchison was a vis- itor with her daughter Mrs. Purdor and AC. Clifford Purdon at •Exeter. The weekly meeting of the Y.P.U. was held at Stanley Todd's with Mrs, Tb J. Todd, missionary conven- er in charge. W. A. Miller read the scripture lesson and Mrs. McPher- son read, the .comments. Rev. J. A. Ward told of a visit to "Jack ` Miner's bird sanctuary. The• -topic- "The call for leaders" was taken by Mrs,' T. "J. Todd: The ne"xt :meeting will be in the church on Sunday night. • THE SALT INEICSTR'Y is being re= vived - at Seaforth. ,W:• • R Belden of Philadelphia endeavoured 'to reopen one .of the' old well§ last summer. This .work was. finally.. abandoned and. a new well drilled through solid rock for _1000..feet...A.ri. extensive. bed: of•pure 'fine., salt was struck 41100 1100 feet • . Construction of necessary 1414 4°,4 4°,4 PAIIMS.T: ITAIN'S TABLE ,t In the United Kingdom, millions of • brave men, women and children. look to - Canada's farms for their daily food. Canadian•fartners, who have never failed in times°of peaee'to produce and export the needed table supplies, now are in- tensifying their efforts to feed the people and armies of Braitain: On Canada's goad acres farmers are 'fightinga great battle of production so .that. Britain shall' not lack the grains,. Meats, . fruits, vegetables and dairy pro - t acts. essential to victory: The Bank of , •Montreal's' complete war time banking service is extended to Canada's. farMers thro>_1gh hundreds of .branches from coast to coast. ,Our export department is daily financing shipments of foodstuffs for Britain. "A BANK, WHERE SMALL ACCOUNTS• ARE WELCOME" Modern, Experienced Banking Service the Outcome of 125 Years' Successful Operation r. Lucknow. Branch: 'V: N1. PIREST, Manager • 196 D.U-NGANNpN • Red Cross donations in the Dun- • gannon areaeontinu - . . froin last week,. Jas. McW�hin . $.2.00; Cora Finnigan' 2.00; Thos. 'Rivett 15.00; also profits of"a dance 46.00. . Bert McWhinney, eoileetor-Nor-, ine Drennana .30; Mrs. -Alfred La- pointe .50; Thos. Sullivan. 400; John L._Sullivan.'100; P. J. Murphy 1.90; B. E. Murphy 1:00; Robt. Menary 1.00; T. F. Crawford 1.00; Christ- ophe • Morebeck•,1.00; Cyril 'Austin 1.00,;. Jos. Dineen. 1;00;;' Michael• Law,' Marie .'Austin .1.00; Mrs. M. Dalton 1.00; Andrew •Martin 1.00; •Thomas Wallace . 140r. Michael ;O'Neil 1,00L. Frank Sullivan, 1.00;. Mrs..EIizabeth Kelly 1.0.0; T. J.• Lannan 1:00; Toin :Drennan 2.00; 'Rae Dalton •2:00;' Wnr Clare 2.00; Rev. Father Quigley" 5:00;• .Peter- Glazier 5.00; :May Redmond 2.00; ,. Kingsbridge School 5.00. ' Rohald Treleaven, collector -.Torn Hallam .50;. Chas:: I-Iall.am ,.1.00; Geo. Saunders 1.00; Harvey Anderson 1.; Geo. 'Twamley •1.00;• Wallace Twam- ley 1.00,;• • Thos. Anderson • 1.00; Gor Jori A nnersae .1.0-Q;-Rabt. I ruin 1.0.0 Ebner Johnston 1.00; Hugh Menary 1'.00; •Henry. Horton 1.00;, Herb Cur- ran .2.00; Herman Phillips 2.00; Liv-..' ingstori Menary '2.00;' Ernest Blake 2.00; . Tom 'Anderson Jr. 2.00; Tom Blake 3.00; Rich. Kilpatrick 3.00; Elmer Phillips ,5.00: Wrn. Andrews 5..00,•' Tom ' GIenn 5.00; Wrn. Irwin 5.00; Milton Kilpatrick 5.00; Norman Shackleton 5.00•;: -Mr. and Mrs: Cecil. Johnston 10.00. -borne -Hasty, --collector-- 'Walter '.• .'.' Tigert .50; :Mrs. Ja.s. ;Dough'er.ty .50; °". Mrs.eward Black 1.00;:Fred -Mor- ris 1.00;,,,Maxine McGee, 1.00; Harvey .Congram•.1.00;.Geo.• Adams %.00; Da- vid McWhinney 1.00; •Steven. Martin 400; .Orville Free' 2.00; Roy Maize' Mrs: J. McMillan 2.00; Bert McWhinney 2.00;" Austin • Quigley 2.00; :Frank Dalton 2.00; Jas. Garvey 2.00 -;.Mrs. Harvey Maize 2.00;,Albeft McGee 2.00; ,Mrs..Jas. • McKenzie 2.;. T,. C. Garvey 5.00; Tom Garvey Sr. 5 00; •J: A. -McKen ie 10 OU: Everett collector= -Jack Errington 50.; Jos. Finleon 1:00; Fred'_ Moss_.._100:.:�.Harlyeh •Andre- s ..:1;00 Hugh• King • 1.00; Tom Leddy 1.00; John 'Chisholm 2.00; ,, Rayrmorid. Led- dy - 2.00; " Edmund . Leddy • 2.00; Mrs: John ,Young 2.00; Mrs: Minnie Jones 2.00; J. Carroll 2.00; ..Wilfred Kina harr 2,00,; Everett Finnigan 2.00; Kit- chener Finnigan. 2.00;: Her -b. Finnigan 2.00; Olive S. Culbert .2.00; Richard, Finnigan. 5.00 Edgar Carr 5.00. - Rich. Reed and • John Quaid, col- lectors -Wm. ' Hawkins ollectors-Wm.'.Hawkins 1.00; R L. Reed 1.00; .Mrs, Orser L; Geo. Rich-, ardson 1.00; • Geo. Dougherty 1:00; Miss Poster 1.00; Miss .A:,Anderson 1:50; David. Martin 2.00; Wilfred•: Ste- venson 2.:00.;, J. Yoeng 2.00; Bert Crawford 2.00; Percy Graham 2.00; John ; Quaid 2.00; Mrs. Ruth. 2:00; Chas. Crawford 2.00; Mrs; A. Gor- don 5,00; Mrs. Gilmore 5:00. Roy Petrie's Stere -_Harold McGee 1.00; Robt. Hoy 1.00; Jas. 'Anderson 1.00; E. Tomlinson 1.00; John Green 1100; Elraer Graham ' 2.00; Elizabeth McMillan 2°50; Jessie I Oliver 2.50; Roy Petrie 5.00. • Ross IV eNeef-eollec-tor-Ol:iue-Goa-- frey .35; •Hotvard Sproul .50; Wm. R. Nivens 1.00; Orland Here 1.00; Wm. Campbell 1.00;,, Wm. Caldwell 100;-gxai,� Dickson--Ji7,1700;`avlrl- Niverrs`1.00; Russehl Brindley 1.00; Cha's. McNee 1.00; Graham McNee -1.00; Ross McNee 2.00; Jas. -Sproul 2.00; • Wm. • H. Wilson 2.00, Win. A. Boyle Store-Archie•Jones .50; Donald Thompson 1.00; John A. Thompson 1.00; John R. Thompson. 1.50; 'Tom Kearney 2.00; Jas. Leddy 2.00; 'Pat Murphy 2.00; Robt. McAl- lister 2.00; J. C. Gibbons 2:00; Mark Armstrong 2.00; .Iosr= Bowler-- 2.00; Arpold Craig 2.00; Rev. Father E. T: McMahon 2.00; Gus Kinahan 4.00; Margaret Jefferson 4.00; -Milliard Jefferson 5.00; J. C. Robinson 5.00; Wm.. ' A. Boyle 5.00; Morley John- ston 5.00; Bernard . Brophey 5.00; Ambrose 'Brophy.5:00; St. AluguStine school 10.00. ;Eldon Culbert, collector -• Lloyd McWhinney .25; Warner ' McIntyre Robt. Bere 1.00; Wm. Stothers 1.00; Wilmer ..Rutledge 1.00; David. McGrattan .1:00'e- Victor Black 1.Q0; Lloyd Black 1.00; L,"A, Johnston 1.; Howard Johnston 1.00; Herb Pent- land 1,00; Jas. B. Johnston 1.00; Alex Johnstone 1'.00; Gillies Haines 2,00; Jos. Hamilton 2.00; Herb Stotliers 2,00;;• M"rs. Arthur Elliott. Ebner 'Black 2.00; Mrs. •Annie 'Culbert 2.00; Earl . McNee • 2.00; Roy Girvin 2.00; Wm. Menary 2.50;` Eldon Culbert 3:; kerne-••Johnston-3:00;•-John-A: -John- ston 5.00; Bert McWhinney 5.90: Dave M.cDiarmid 5.00; Afigus Mc- Diarmid 5:00; Mrs. Troy Girvin 5.00; Frank Pentland 5,00, John, reagens collector - D. J. Cantwell .50; Ernest Mollwain 1,00;. Wm. G. Watson 1.00; Mrs, Carman Feagan, Allan Watson 1.00; Mrs. Keith Feagan 1.00; Mrs, Chas. 'Mc- Millian 1.00; Benson Feagan '.00; Mrs.• Fred -Taylor -14)04 -114r, Tarreneer Tabb 2.00; Tom MiiPhee 2.00; Mrs. Ross McPhee 2.00; Harold McIlwain 2.00; John. Feagan 2;00; Mrs, Reg Ryan 2.00; Ross Taylor 2.00;''Mrs. T. and Clifford McPhee 4.00; ' Isaac Currie 4,00; Rich.. :McIntyre 5.0D; Mrs. Tdm -1V1gPhee 5.00; Isaac Tabb' 1,0.00: , Correction ` . Inthe list of Red Cross donations last' week, with Mrs. Blake as col- lector, Mr: James McWhinney should • have been credited' with $2.00: Mrs. Alfred. Haber and little son Jimm Port Colborne; scent the 'vee -en wi ° . formers parents - Mr. and •> VI'rs. Jas. Finnigan. ' • 0, Mr. and Mrs. J, D. Richardsoe,` June, Hugh . and Billy of Aylmer spent' theweek•end with Mrs. Annie Culbert. They were •accompanied by Misses. Annie and 'Violet Culbert, daughters of Mr. and' Mrs. T. H. Culbert, Crewe, Who have been. em- ployed thea this. winter,. . • Mrs. Harvey (Maize spent• the as week end ' at Guelph visiting her. daughter„ Ellen, shied/it nurse of Guelph General Hospital and other' relatives in, that 'city. • ' ,e • Cla Guard Your Gaso//ise Ral'!,,, Sook KEEP IT ,ON YOUR , PERSON v DO NOT LEAVE IT IN YOUR CAR OW', that you have your .1943=1944 gasoline ration book, it is up to• you to • keep it at alt times in. a safe place. If it. is• lost,. burned, or:stoten' oa will .be deprived e r pued of• co tlpoAs• which Will .not be replaced. In this tegard; the - policy of the, Oil. Controller is as folldws ::0,11, through negligence, lose ou 1 g youyour r gasoline ration book before bctdber 1; 1i43,•'you maybe allowed no more,,and perhapsu,less, than half, the '.coupons to , which yon would be entitled if you were making an .original application:, - • If, thror}�gh negligence, you loseyorir ration book .on or after October •1, 1943, . ' you may be allowed no ,more, and perhaps fess, than 25 per cent orthe coupons to which you would, be.•entitled if you were making au• original application. ' The new gasoline 'rationing systein,•effective on' April 1, will - be strictly enforced -Under its provisions, the motorist, as well as the service staiion attendant,' is' held responsible if any infrac- ary s oI' the Oil Controller: boos, occur. It is cone: to, the? orders • To purchase gasoline with 1942-1943' coupons.. To, purchase gasoline.unless you have the 'correct category_ sticker affixed to: your. windshield.. - ' ••• it To detach coupons..from 'your own book. (The removal of-�tie coupon's • .is the duty of the attendant.) • • . • To have !in your possession a gasoline ration coupon not attached to, . and forming a• part of,'a ,gasoline. ration book. • ' • Tfi'.have; in your possession -a -gasoline ration --book- other -than -the book..... 0 issued in respect of a, vehicle you..own:,' or. in respect. of a vehicle driven by you. With.the full consent 'the recd owner. • 1;: To:alter, deface, obliterate, or mutilate any gasoline ration. book or coupon. • ; 'If you sell your motor vehicle, reinemberthat before • making delivery.' you. • must .remove the windshield sticker or: stickers. Remember; also that '•after the sale ,is • completed, you must -trail to the -nearest Regional Oil Control••.OSice in your province the gasoline,ration book or books issued for the vehicle. THE DEPARTMENT OP MUNITIONS AND SUPPLY. Honourable. C. -D: HOWE,-Minister 5190 - CANADA IS SHORT OF GASOLINE g USE YOUR COUPONS SPARINGLY Some -tin feilwas given'to the Girl Guides 'by Evelyn • Nixon: • . While some of •tlit .girls took the paper off the tin foil others tried' some tests. *., * * * * * Because of bad Weather; -we didn't- practise idn't practise. -signalling on Friday Mrs. McKim gave each of us a message which we are going to practise sig-. nailing 'to each other. For marching, Mrs. Calvert drilled • us• in .firming fours. 'At first it was hard to start out on the Fight foot a•nd go, in .the ,right direction, but it was easy after a little practise. * • * * ., * • . After .t'hat•'We: -played a :garrrc.. 'which the Orioles won, the Bantams coming second. • 0 MAFEKL•NG v(•Intended-•-for last week) Mr: and Mrs. Benson' Shackleton Of Crewe. spent Thursday ' evening with Mr. and 'Mrs: T. M. Anderson: Mr, Jack Curran of Dungannon, Mr. 'and Mrs. Jim Curran •and, Dickie of Wawanosh•`visited on. Friday, at Mr. • Herb Curran's. .• Mr. Roy Aitkinson of Sarnia vis- ited his sister, Mrs Richard :Kilpat- rick' Kilpat ick and Mr, Kilpatrick "on Sunday, Howard Blake -spent a couple of days in London. . , Mr. acid 'Mrs, Chas. �eArc_e of ton . visited at •Mr. and Mrs. T. J, Anderson's on Sunday,. , Mrs. Isaac Andrew of Zion is vis- iting friends in this community 'this week.: ' • lI%A/,.�/Y/NG 4r CANADA'S WAR EFFORT • HURRYING wheels, tbutidering railway workers, men and women ' wheels.,Wheels that have made it is in the fight for 'Canada .. shop possible for Canada to grow in crews and train crews, yard. strength: --------workers,-section---liaeds;- •felegra- Today. those Wheels -.the driv- • pliers, signal men and office ,rag wheels of Canada's railways workers, a multitude 'of pen and women .in a multitude of'jobs, They are making the giant wheels turn faster' and faster. • From coast to coast in Canada, we -your railways-a.re rolling in the -service of freedom, and out lines to and in the UrAted •States have linked the war efforts of two 8reat sister nations. are setting the pace for the War • effort. They baulraw materials to humming war industries and rush away the finished tools of battle. They move food and fuel for the home front and the fighting front. They speed civilians on essential business, hasten troops to camps, 'embarkation points and on leave. .y, that:trirly,railway wheel's Cant do. ing, in, war as in .A job itawhich an army Of 1$0,060 ' , Canada. ' IP Pbs5 O • 1 peace, fox OVER EK -END '� CANADIAN RAILWAY PRt?It3HT RAT"ES ARE THE LOWEST IN THE 1NORLD ' ' OVER WEEK -END'S AND HOLIDAYS ' 0,3 CANADIAN. NATI NAL /` . CANADIAN 13ACtF=C,