The Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-03-18, Page 4, - a'e _ -Wry F h '^ „Y,^,r'nnh•,+..e-r,Y xr.-r,,: Y ^ro e . , .. m w.•mn.-. ry _ A nil . n-rw- - vn y m. VP. 9F _ ,. r. t r. + .., ,. _ ..,". .r .., a... '.4. .r .... .,- .. a. 1 ,`F.ai ..Ir_W.x w„�Y. ,. : .. .. . - .. -..1.- :. .. � .. t ., r. t .. , , :-n„W,rw ..7r ,,::.., .,...., 4..; ,3..-..._,._..,, .-.m— h _..yr ,k , .^�. '--a �A -. ••,. r. -: x ,o-: mow-°., ,2.... +.r. .'i•. P ... h' ', AG9e ,. r'�"^�u, ,,• 'MMr'h*. ,. � ,. ..u�an -m. , r ,.. fr � Tt .. .. *•l. .. ,.. ...;..-�'ir... '-.� ' ' ':.:,.. .. I A , �. .. ,. .h Y f s • �.. r CzL n». , r . 't is ,., ,�. 1 :. '...', ,-:'..- „ •b. - - ,' . ' � .: • r rµ , . -. r . i ,n. ,. .,,-,..o> .,�. n.r�M, ..' .. C 1 ,.,._, ... ... .`n .st ,"„.. R: s. °. . :, :. r,. •__-.x t .mo w. w,, i -n r,. y, w .-�' w H . '4x.. :, w wn wwv v,. :.w .' :4,...1... e..,.-.-. ^.,w ..,...:..,. -. '�i _. ,.r. .,,_ ,, -,.. ,.... .. ..,.., ,.:,sl u.a. r:,,: mw..r..., s„},f 1.y >✓i . .,,. i -.. _ _ _.. .. - -' d r r. i ! .. ,., ., rr v , w , .; W' 1 _ y „ t1=�•*T pnA �/� gyp Q♦p „W , t G * :. r �_ �. ,.. ° . � ° c - ,♦ i1 X�''i r.ROa 3'A , ."�+.��Vil 14�rL� r ' 1 . i t ._ ; y�y /� r.,: _ _. f/VCV �.IIC1T0 NTA1gI0 4� E L1rrR0 - �Di. • "�N��G. O O� * '*i• � .. �! . "_ Alibi U i ___r r1.r i'" I even- '_1%. _ d bib t. t Mas Waiter Breckles an The H W sponsorutg an 4 D Qf It mtford Mrs_,, Fred Tiffin ?pE'� y M w•. _. „ , ♦ d Circuit, - Mas iwwo .daughter' of London are spend rid: ing- of progressive g;oo on- We&, of Anel with ' Mr �, Son day sasd. sad ferly _ u �` - a �v wa her mother Mrs.• Rud= March 24th in the Ho "Halt a column entitled Coa:con Horan, lute th , lyrood ,; A ltitchae Ladies to b�nf� lunch and everybody w,t, , _ Around Home; . 'I'tie follow- \� (1✓ ,�a si ^_`' Mr. ace. MacLean af. London welcome Proceeds in aid of the "Re-i'awd"'� '�.��. . . ,; m i#am .:aped n last .wed # eSuaday wiiit� Ms a Fund". See advertise ` . . . Mit , - was' ]tome during the week lirf to Russta` . 2atd roto D, A. aMact3onald, - „ n : W'"a"'- g w Dffrs 'Cliff�Bortlzvvck' and Aon' Gii- mentaelsewhere in this 'edition CAR;OF WESTERN OATS --Arrived u x :, :A leiter . rea&ed ane " - incl Max Watt,Pannell oftos`s spend les ie 'of St; Catheiines•, t the Mr. and Mrs, Freest Ackert and Wednesday. Treleaven Flour Mills. • m. ?: ,,. fry . ,Sznad? af: Luckngw, w . John Rich- . p' r; Friday n 1.l�lr:.aid week -end °a T t .her Barents, Mr: and ;Lloyd spent Sunday' with Mr: 'suet ”` :',r, ” t.: ' ' "'ar.Irsdsa in the'air force,'and' -- a ,..�,. A�'.�' Ivan' Magofiin as home Essen is 1� _:, : ti D • . . ..,,.. - ardsoii< . Mrs. James 8 Nuts. Ra and Ackert:: '-, FOR SALE--Nurnber of pigs ,ready p ALD B. a LUE C�,' Llcena + ;,: and i ntmtry .. - ;o onto' to d a' two weds' ;fur= .doing ,leis stuff for Bung Harte ;and odguis .� yA. ,,; ,,. , _ . � - -,.. t le Mr_ .and .Mrs. . - _ w Messrs. Berg Me 3.ean, Joe; Hi bell; Belfast. g-,' , ; it •took four. 't., -hs for tha tier - Mrs., Howard Harris and Lorraine, to Amberley. odg .._ len Cain ;; : - ' ]ataSh :oath :ins .parents. , - >ot Whtiechurch” are spensding ; Bill. Pinnell and Sam Stan- Mrs. Thos. Harris spent' Sunday with T"' -'T" wean p • . •• s • ire tis' roundabout .way and ktnsa?�, WANTED --A bib Buggy rnygood R. R. 1,.Kiitcardine, Ontario ` �, '° to - and Mas. Root. le hers°"sister and father =Miss • . 'Ph'one 30.24, ,Ripley, . • • _;..:, he is see.- a fe�tv•weeelts oath 31+ir: y spent the week -end at" their re-' the Ia can' tion. Apply t SentinelwOffice. ' y ; says 1t,t , ° A matarq wedtiang of aiiuch „loci. ]ting•... d; O at the wor%i 'acrd it is lots of fun , Reed before going to. '.worst'=at . spect. 11 homes <heie Mae and Mr; Aanos Palmer of lain r • ' r read- . "; ,• sn took pace , n Congratula#tons to-L1oAC, Edbert• cirdi'ne, FOR. SALE -number of pigs, Y ,•. when i. Dads McLeod„if yosa'doa't such' �.ght trio 'work for Mr_ J`uar 5ttothers of :. sub- toss: ' ,, ° Bushe ' anti Mrs. Bushell' (nee„Dean • We are', pleased' to :report that Mrs., to; wean. Apply to` Donald MacPher- ” t13 •held'.iasi, edin'.M4cD.onaldj•'of,Tdronto^ oz$ �e .'George :Colwell returned.hame from .son, Holyrood, 24 16, Ripley. 11. , 6 .wed 'i orenea ' Stcwas# . aalities as sea , ”- - �' . est.#lien- was. Sgt• "tElil] Jewitt;o! mares Me c�erfannly iS e, R•ed L`�ass gci,s ?^.. {� acrd #Dimer of atzeknovw;: wor3d. 7�e existed. from home mis-bek at the home of Mas. V. $fin- native] of a.baby boy. sincardine $ospital, oat Sunday' - WANTED -Coo le without children• L, , ,! , ; i . ;mss . work in Northern ba- ` erson when' one - quilt was q�ted Mrs. Dan McF'aslan is v'c�+� this ,a*here she, underwent an operation. P �'' . he Isad tataglct .schfloi and :and two. were tied weeC ,oath Mr and Mrs.0 Melvin 'Os- Mr. and. Mrs, Harvey Ackert ani twould like to secure furnished house- ` k. m" good work_ He spen The }fid •Cross Social eveaung was: bofae 'near St'atiseiines. family .of Lornew spent Tuesday at ku P o0 38; Sen- pale, Atolls Smith;:, st?n of done, t '�cime; t eTing Mr. and Mrs.:Howard McGuire 'r. Ernest - Ackert's. r ms. PP Y _ - . -Andy Smith , of Tor- l m=ths in . Rig., - after trauring h d. on March 5th' at the home of '.,, ]fly this land.; and � Com, ,; and Lovell of Olivet visited Sunday' Mrs. A�an__.Eadie,_Doris and.Lorne_ -L05T a .collie dog, black with T _ - __ --- da ' has•arsasred PP�t-.0I "� . and C Gere is zas. _ :< a. lr. d Mrs.. Itall?l�: - -,. , _ . - l* - much analearnrna. ere 'en o tall 11 ecloct;wit hldr. acid IVlrs. Censge Haidenby and Mr. BiIlie MacKinnon,: 6th Con. brown- spots ,a'bgve eyed, and .white .,, - - ,s . nio a �_.former3y_ now .he Is . ; Games w , y� �, I I--. , dui Tit, __ ____. � W _,piny_ ,and:'M. -and-Mrs.-B� -it-being-.the. sG'eni--Sunday--at Mrs. -Rachel -Cul- on-breast:--Anyone-knowing-of- his; - r %,.much "of file swarthy at*hen 47 games . P : 1 3�n, q...'Lucknow • .,_ - .�. otx asio Bell's b s _ ! , . _ .� ._ . _- a good accciunt: of lima=- ', niter wlrieh ;' h?nch: was served . Mme- a3`: bet's,: 1Qth ' concession. whereabouts . please notify • Glen n u the I '; self.vvhereve r tae as' found . tine . business , meeting they > •. James] Hodgins •.and Betty D9g Mr. and Mrs. Donald Martin of ;Campbeii, Belfast. (Reward).. decided to ]lave the `meat is the Gillespie visited MonBfay with Mrs. Bass Paterson, soa of Mr. and • • . '• • Whitechurch spent Sunday 'at Mr.• ' Graham of the R.C.A F. has de Hall ori Marek 17t1i whets Hadgin's another, 'Mrs ,Armstrong, . Mark Johnston's ' ' .. . N OT I :C E - ,f. ' . i. I . Mrs,.. Areliie. Paterspn, formerly. of f who has `been a patient in'.Walker - ' r mow,' .has „been averseas.: for' been posted to Rattier. they will dance _ instead a gam -- ;,; ,;.. s : e . e '® 7a bin o. A donation of 'ton 'hnsgital since December.. . Mr. 'and Mrs George Saunders We are in'need of Rock Elm Logs , about ,sis aaionths. He is with : the . � and then p 3? , &. Mrs. ^Bill Lagp 'and Douglas are and - faint] eking spe ' I1lerie Johnston who has been ;1.00 was received. frown' 7ldr. and y of Mat nt Sun to kie "used 'for furniture work: We day at Mr. Reggie Broom's and Mrs. sin of 'an att3iery_. vision -her can pay good prices for good log P 3TUART'.MaeKENZI meat tins. enlisted a. y ago' last stationed at ;the RC:A.F.' centre at George Harkness, The bingo Mt s. Orr„ ep- aran son's. >s ors-' Ilse total eo1 a ts, Mr, • and• E i""' at F�cimanton, when he Scoudouc, 3�Tew Brttnswuk,a collection, was $2 60 P ti .. , .: gad Mrs: was.�13:34. � Congratulations, to .Pte.. and Mrs: The last meeting of the H. W. I. ogsWGet n touch w th us:kin West oath his ,pas eats, Mr Lection for the evenui$ ._ _ __...: _. -_ - ' _ e" Mrs: Almer ds of : I BARRISTER & SOLICITOR g ;, r iareeomPaajodbus_.mother to_t W____.A_1. _r �_ ___._. _ -_,- --_- : - , Cheater Emmerton'(nee Irene,John utas 1}eld' at the hom of THE LUCSNOW SAWMILL'.CO. n t3o. e �'M ,� . T,. ,. - Walkerton, O _ to - - _,'."-I. „ y Ackert' on Thursda .1 tGd vase ;mer' iuroiih€`t-s. .-- Ston) .on ttze arrival of a baby bo y, .March '11th. 'Ph sr 79 _.;-_,.._-:-.._ ..:. ,__-..,._ .._._._._- _._._ __---,---_ 1 ._�--.-- - k: -.'A- P :_.- __Mr.,and-_Mr-A_-_E_-Haldenb_,,,re.. The_meeti Weves:taken un chiefly-- _. . , r 1; Imo• . _ . -�- Andrew Ha dor -- .... Tl<eaelva'Cen N". YB'DO w -Haddock p. of Delved word of the death of 'Mr Zvi wi h business'; .and discussions; Mrs:' . I�s 'N `U�KNOW 3 e t D� . The Andre t C , , _ Comp. a three=months' of- o r�r _ the 'Women's Assosiation of the. Un- .Whalen of Clevelaxc+d_ M s. Whalen W Eadie gave a humor,'ous ''read- ." . ARD OF THAN ;: firers' •' traamng course at ' Gordon " r..,:.1 ' _ • The !pQ:M:S_ met at the church' on mit at the home :oE is a niece of Mr. Haldehb s living hag• Meeting closed with God Save lie faint] of the' late Mrs: Brian 1 '� ;11jitash :C' 1kmibia, Haanld D.; iced. church. - y' T Y, T#dtusday afternoon with,an atter- 'ander last Wednesday Buckingham wish to acknowledge & e I the forriter Jedtie G31our. the King: Lunch was. served by the t o . 3'hmnpeon,'soa, of Mr..and hors: R H. , Af ern on e�Ev�nins : dance of 9. The president, Mrs,,,;,' ?McGregor, Miss Alice Reed ani Mrs. Mrs Ii A. GrBhatn, Mrs Lev1 hostess and committee 'm' charge. with sincrere thanks the many kind .I ' ted week'vvitls had charge of the proms tdizrg' F.ck, . isi; ler and Douglas-. are vis- x ressions , of.. sympathy At G. H. SM.ITH'S OFFICE' . ,' ' � Campbell, Howard Robinson' were in acts and a p. h,, �` 7 the utile of second lieuteaant an.. the gi assisted by Mrs_ Jones, Mrs.- of the. Program:. The roll call' ohs iting with Mr.. and Mrs. Melvin Presbyterian Y P. S. . �,r, , - - ``tC:aasadian• {Active) �y He' Mrs: J. C. Robinson a with .an Irish yoke. , Ti& Johnston, Listowel. . to sf of tlieirn beloved . extended 'the ! A Crasg and answered The regular 'meeting of the Guild boors in 'the :;, . i at.:his home here .on Wednesday h A quilt was completed for,the )fed' bits were read by 20 meanbers as FYaen(is here received word of the ,oras held in the' .basement of the mother. ': I " ems: for Pete.. I to re church at" 7.30 p:m.•.with Mr'. Ross t rt y :;;1 . , Cross 'duaang- the afternoon- numbers were called out, . A, read-. death of Mrs. H. 'Brock of .Owen r :, { .:porgy "7fstd" 'enlcsted, abeiatttwo years. Ted. Thompson has. returned {. mg . on "The .Life and ♦ Work of aSt Sound... The deceased 'was well presiding. After" singing Psalm :$7, r d" took a. special course th d . s. re are] by..Miss .Alice .known iii tYiese Barts_ She was .form:. 'the Lord's es was ''repeated i'n. y , :: - •M _ _ _. , Nava Scea tie an Patrick'', P P p 1 T E_C #-1 lJ .R _ - F - r s +iney, __.i._.. - - -- - - - .:�N.H C - de3nt:ue. 94tt, t �.-� _.. __._.__ __. , 1 -- . _ _ - - 4= erl Hattie Blackwell-anck-s ' t tae - e - . �a, -s " ,: a .few mays v�nfi his par . Reed. was read by- 'Mrs. J. iipa Y p unison. FteTen` D7towliray gave` th 9 0 _R.C,A. ,Later he took a small spender t favored with earLer:: .,•of "her �e- Here, • - . Bibi ud followin res nsive r :: -""' ' cuts,, Mr. and Mrs..Norma TbomP- rick Mrs.. Harold Ellin . P a st y, g p° Mr: and 1VIrs. Dawson .Craig vis- a " . :amts course at: Lobg Branch and ]aria fnstrtamental arid. MisB Mc- Gnr Mor_ Bushell of Fetawawa : a �eipture reading. Miss Ruby lswin ek wi'th her has .since` been stationed with, his son. P ited on Zhursday'last we ` Miss • Aida Bushell of .Toronto then took the chair. Miss 'Dorothy, taaslt at Caffip. Borden, Terrace," B:C,t 441 and Mrs: Norman Thompson GrThe. next meet �g oculi be hel spent the week -end with then4 par artens conducted .a study of the father, Mr. Adair Robertson of East' I 1k'`' ^ acrd' "petawawa,' before being:sent' and daughter Grace were Sunda me of Mrs.'Cann when there en . Mr: and: lilts. John Bushell.th Catechism question' and Mss' ° y Wawanosh �),tto �t3tfrdon Read . iii December to visitors at the haute ,.of the formers the . ho I+ .. a x birother; Mr_ 'Frank Thompson s to be an auction sale. Mary McLeod led in prage,r. 'A piano ' 'Mrs. Kenneth McKenzie and Miss t tiate.an officers training coutrse, Florence Grant of Teeswater visited rn Helen onald as last week'witli the former's nephew Order' Bray Clddw.'non, earl be Y LANGSIDE , NORTH K" p all ,. . ., . , ' :.. Mrs. ' Wes Youn has returnee Prepared by Mrs Cyril Bro vneand Mr R b ,rt neat Fel>w S mom(. pbons inti and s. ;. $ I ._- * r;':;,o Baez i.. + ..,.;,d+u, � read: by Marton Giraham: Hxr_riti.462 ° relat ves. , right 'awns►. P7nai atteptia� g '' Mowbray . _ .evi•.. .u.w? Lalli..' .j'y'Ln r .av z- I'd Listowel hospital on prompt ¢ejsvexy. t ., ' with, her 'sir at Tiverton, ... a a ditsg by Betty Hamiito B n t . 4 tea n. ORN i' "� ' "' ' ' Miss, ;Katherine MacPherson,spent concluded' the .devotional portion of 1Viarch 10th to Mr. and Mrs. Harold c a ... the•week-end at the home of Mr: and the 'meeting. During the fellowship Pollock of Fordwich. and formerly OJa ._ AYSON B f INL R Mrs. John Rosa: period' Mrs. Philip Steward sang: a of this community, the gift of twins, ' LUCiflllOW . . The United W.NI:S: held their Mea. solo. Mrs. Norman Calvert told the 'a son and a daughter. Congratula - meeting at the home of ,Mrs. George story of St.. Patrick and contests tions. t p• • i. i e . ; 'Harkness. •were presented by the. music,- con- Mr. 'and Mrs: W. R.'. Farrier and C r • , ' - r Mr, and 'Mrs. Bill Scottvisited vener- The meeting closed .with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Farrier visited BELFAST r ' � on Thursda e' ening at the home prayer by Rev. C. H. MacDonald. on Saturday with ,'the formers ,son' . . , -- - Mr. `and''Mrs. Russell Farrier' of Mr. and' Mrs. Mason Robertson of - . Selgrave spent Sunday .with. Mi: y of Mi: and Mrs, Fansh Moffat. The Mission Band held their Mar: South Indoss .w. m S. Galt. , , and.'Mrs. T: A. Cameaon. " ``r ' home of• Mrs. Wm. 'At thea Mansb ori„Friday afternoon Mr."'and .Mrs. Wesley' Tiffin :of meeting Mr. Ralph Cameron spent Satur 8 - Brov a . 13' members of the South Kinloss Langside visited on, Saturday with d London. t: the ; Miss Marjory Anther and Miss Presbyterian W:M.S, and three visi- his parents, � Mr. and rs. Joe Tif- ay in _ -- _ rld's D _._._ Mrs: >Coldwell_ysited. with Mr. ..1 - UEL F MIN - Katherine-MacPherson_,spent.fa-week. s - et to obser-ve the Wo ay ,fin--- ' ANAA FACES— WGQ� F end recently at the home of.Mr. and �f Pra. er, Mrs. Douglas Graham; ~~ and 'Mrs. Wilson .Irwin on 'Sunday. .r h ' ' . Peter Moffat, 8th' .Concession. president, lead the servvice and the . Ch •Y r. ,and Mrs Jack Inglis anti Mr.. We wish to extend belated con- ` • WINTER Mrs . - arlie Moore of Sarnia spent the gratulations 'to Mr. and Mrs Wilson . E - • _ _ _ • Mr. GordeSn Wall 'spent Friday_ eve ro ram was, -f U0_W4 d with various week=end--with••-their- 1r -W rn who celeb ated"`their fol parents" -he's — - r-° --- ening gt tttg lietrle of 2Vir, F, G, Mof- :ladies takIng part.. Rev: H: F. Dann Miss Velma Scott and Miss Jean fifth weddin annivers >r, b. g ary' on' March ,, gave the .address and Miss Annie Wellwood visited on Sunday with 6th. The da was uietl s g 1tE Y0U one of the Canadian householders who burned tences. doors a ae 'tat. : d d y and even floorin to,keep warm'in this 'winter's sub -zero weather? / MacKa and• Mrs,'Archl M Intyie M Y q Y Pan with t g \rRE°WE ren ere a' duet, The World Day SofvjPxayer was w sh Mr., nd Mrs. Irwin man more . :a - - - �� Or perhaps you are one'of the-Incky ones who lust managed to scrape - _ s If. Peter's flufld. Bald i 'the Un c c 1 1'ri ' aunt good health. ratio n iced lint h est ns and' cortin 1 t, Mr, grid Mrs. S, J,' Kil atrlck vis-. y afternoon. Rev. A. H:' Wilson lied through? p 5 " rv4, , • St. Peter's Women's Guild met at - to either +case, you will want to'be prepared for reit winter vytaen ereacer ited with her sister, Mrs. S. Heim 'the home of Mrs. T. W. Smith o gave an aldress,; duets were sung .Mr. and•Mrs:.Alex Hackett visited �,.,, on Friday. a liy Mrs Dawson Craig and Mrs. Gar- on Sunday with Nit. and' Mrs. Ver- a iardships loom unless you take :immediate acpon. Mr ,and 'Mrs. Win. Crozier cele- gl4onday evening. The meeting open- ..flet •Farrier and by Mrs.; Ezra Scholtz' non Hunter of { Lucknow:' 't �"°` y brated their 31st riveclding anniver. and Mrs. Jame's Laidlaw., , Mr. and Mrs.'will'hAlton•.and Wen- s r .. The shortage already has adreted man, communities ...total stocks of �d with' a hynnn and general thanks- ”' d' re near] exhausted ..: i'n some place's the,small supply of 'green . nary on Sunday with all -the mem- diving and the Lord s prayer in uni- Two sleigh load's of o'ld neighbors ',dall spent .Saturday with Mr. and„ i "Y�w a dry woo a y ion.:: Mrs. Clark read the scripture s : ^mood enat'for:next,winter,is being used now tO bneet the present emereency, buss of their family being home,. and friends came to 'spend.; last Mrs. David Alton of Lueltuow. . r ,Misses Frances and Loretta . of Lon- passage. ,Mrs.' Donaldson gave a 'talk Thursday. evening with Mr, and Mrs.' a 1- ood is'obtained not•far from where it is Dn -the Lenten season' and Mrs. Prest i. ,, 4' Throughout most of Canada; fife w don and Col, ,s o1 the' R.:C. •A. F., Ezra Wellwood. Cards anld cr.okinole .Gets New Railway' 'Petit , ;� • "4' , ` o seared; ltx production and distribution ate. the busigess; of local' citizens' Com. , read a -poem Ash Wednesday 1943.• . _ c Mrs. Iiassall gave a 'talk'on "rami] were played,''lunch was served; and H: I).. Angus,. a native. of Wingham, , `' I�tie Dominion Governmen�' recognizes chat the wood -fuer shortage cs Messrs. Ivan' and Norma Rivets, Ways of the Church". A sewing all had an enjoyable evening. has been appointed supervisor of ' Bill French and Roy Culbert mot- , meeting is to ,,be he}d at the home I frefight claim''prevention in ,the Cen- p k !,;. so serious chat even with the Eu11 co-operation of everyottehias �� der Bed ored up from Hamilton on Saturday �f Mrs.' T. Wi Smith next Monday A BLOOD DQNOIt: CLINIC is to 'be ' tral region of the C.N.R., with bead: g y and spent. the week -end with friends held in' Teeswater on April 5thy''One I quarters. at Toronto. Mr.'Aigus com- Y mnnities an adequate supply is not assured. Ae:cordin • to stimulate the output of wood -fuel by .assisting those normally •engaged , hm,� afternoon at two o'clock. The •meet- ' hundred, volunteers are' wanted and menced his railwa service at Wing - Mr. Matt Sliackieton and Mr. ands rug closed ,with the benediction by y tri} ' in its production sad distribution To this end, the • follow ng. measures' sirs. Donaldson, las"t week 78•"had responded from ham in 1918.. and for some time ser. r Mrs. Benson Shackleton visited with - Teeswater and Culross, including .17-'•-ved as relief agent and operator on dvill'be adopted •friends in Goderich on'Sunday even,- wesmen, the Stratford Division. o United Church W. Me S• . . i ingx . A scibsidy of • $1.00rper cord . will be',paid to dealers on all Mrs. Wilfred Drennan, Lorainne . The Womain''s Missionary Soeitet5 - . x < dierciai fuel -wood, contracted for and cut on or' before: and J. C. visited with Mr. and Mrs. met. at the home of Mrs. A. E: Me-• " 9 c6fa .. , , � '^ Ju>pe' 30,,,193: and held to dealers' account on khat date. Jaynes �)i`ennan, , Klntai>,' on • Satur- ��lm for then• IVlarch meeting. The � ' �r . I' � day, meeting opened with hymn 252 fol- . �, t'he Coal Conttollee has' been acithorized to arrange cn his 1 Mr.' Wm. Campbell s spending ,lowed by prayer by Rev. J. W., Ste-� dlsctenir�n for the payment'of such postcon of the transportation ;. some time with his daughter, Mrs. wart. It was decided' to ,interview N ,-" Wm. Crozier.. 1rs. i4earsey of Kincardine in re- , p Per p f fuel -wood, parcicul- \; tosu as he. conscders' ro cn res ect o, Mr:'Ronald Treleaven spent a few ;aids to speaking at our Easter,, t. arly in cases where dealers, to procure supplies, find.it necessary days assisting Bob Helm last hankoffering meeting, Mrs. Geo. • i L - - r , x to contract tot fuel=wood at 'locations outside the area from , week Andrew gave a temperance reading - j. d which rhe aortnall derive their supplies. Its order; to obtain A number from: here attended the 4,ptitled "Da're to be a Daniel". Plans S • - an inch reimbursement, dealers, must obtain i •permit froom preseatatiop on Friday ,evening to .were' made for the World's Day of. S I , I _ .. 11 y ��_ . g pP 2th to b'e held , �X r the Goat' Controller before contractin for. such su lies. Mr. Bill Caesar. grayer on March'. 1 i A. program and box social will be' in the HSresbyterian• church Mrs R. ,. - _. _ _ ___ _ _- _ _ ,________ - - 4 _ _ _ . -.. -----r--'" '_" -_._- the Coal Controller will ,ce utcisase from deniers at dealees. held in the school on• Friday even- Robertson'•theo took charge of the ,' comnsercial 'rides of fuel -wood on.which a subsidy M ing, March 19th,in aid of Russian neeting. Silent prayer ,directed by _ fO, %�� . , ' cost all g Relief and Red Cross. : . Rev. Stewart: • The scripture, study .1.1 I' a ; 1. Y TO "• s . i i i ei cord' bas been paid and whichare sudealers'y _ r: - - ,.-. m.,.tm„ ,,,,•.,,,.,,, :..-, SM..ta n y-.�vtr's•.�-J> - ,r, _ ��+,�. i;.• , . ke h Wtc••'�`•Sttayva ,. ,,.•°^,.,,.•��r� ^,r �...m.:m. ' hands as at May 31, 19 " ' (n elided for last week): followed by. a •,piano so b �, �® to by aM3sy x ° n . - Mr_ Lorne Hasty' is vsiting his Harold, Allin. A Biblical question- '�' y ` - 4 Assistance wih be given in providing priorities for necessary brother Aldon and Mrs. hasty at. na _ ire proved very r educatibnal. This' v - �° Niagara-on-th'e-Lake. c ui ent. Hymn 148. %vas sun eq pm elided in a tie s Miss Beatrice Trelcave;n of Tor- � • onto spent. the week -end• with her', and Mrs. Con Decker closed clic [" 5 Farmers now on: the farm, and, who•leave- the farm temporarily � meeting with' the benediction. . ` in res once to'this appeal to engage in" fuel -wood cutting, will: ,. - parents, Mr, 'and Mrs. .Bert'°Trer • You can take your fat drippings, p tr be. deemed by National Selective 'Service to be carrying .out leaven. Newton-Joynt Group `W, A. , , ` t Mrs: Lorne, Emmons and 1 t° g t", The' March meeting of the New- ; r _ . r will p, 7 n _ scrap fat and bo inset; . • �� dealer, He �►o clic Their re lac oeGri aeon'as farmer's and will .be even alPr he' Muriel wdere Monday' visitors with v eatabltshnd, riaefortfiedti ;� : , • P' �c . ,... ,,..a��p� n ecu a _ nn, To nt ,rc u - met. t ,+r P l _`� r .. � - ha o..... - t a .heli a s h .. .s_t W - ... g.... _., ._- 7,, , r p . P _ro . . .... . -u ,.. t - _ o ..,r w, ...s w .,. _,... :b.,... to _z ...° :.,» ,- .-. -... h r.�..... ••d+'-» .. cy. r ,. , _,,:'�' .°..Y ... :., tis». 5 . <. Y:, .' . T r _.. _...___ -.:. _.. ... . , „,, A.R1 ?'""' ,. ... _-..... -_, ....,.-...-,. .... k. t.C•aL"teli'� .r' r:- _ _.., .. .1 'iL.hrLi .__...._..___..__-----__._�w,_.�._ _ _ , .�.'E1:�j.. ' •x,.' �:' '•drFad i-a$°r'+ iii�4if v' 7 .. w _ 11/f '.��'F FIS ... r .,-'•,.btT-is{q•° jrins a'fwy' ,.._.._:......_� er''157C1 edixe _. - liseciceout4rtR(6 its eeea s �. . �- „.�.,.-..._,...,-.� «.,....: ».._��..,...._.-,:�-•-•• _..- .. � .. �3`-9.,.; .. ..; .�_ .._._.. ._. -atr- Chfilr ti p�'�;+•tya�i * -... ,:, , A''�+—tiOlY C�iiw"�'"SStS� �f�• c+�,'"'N _..... _-__ -',.. ._..._ .t3#,ti�ii� _,.._.,.. _ -'� ts'ar..t�l�l!'ffi�ir„' _ '. ..-. ..._._ _.... ;y .: . •oyirt`-opened' _th- n'i'eet- i_ tnterfete with a "cultural production.' Mr. and Mrs.'S. J. Kilpatrick were , / ..' your local V(siuntary Selar'es"e • gri ing • with a reading followed b a • Committee or Redistind %ac i ( - rs, +Harvey An- h • an M ymn a d• prayer. ',Mrs, A. Wilson r Wo Charity or-- - is of Mr. d g�ies n g • Berson, Mafeking on Tuesday. ° read .the' scripture lesson. After the /' „' - , .: Muwieipesl tounetls; fanners, fuer deeclers, indivedvol Cihsend, service:e dubs, , U � ' " unifies .irovhere wood -fuel is burned.. are urged• The members of� the „lVlission I business perigd; the program 'open- You ca ielouats your iat+dtt . 9 . O or►d esll, oiheir groups iw corrin+ ` roe of their 1'oece9E sitiuotiora and to, ►dke eeriieate3- Saeiety held their 'meeting at the ed with an Irish reading by Mrs, scxep fat and banes to' star ' kiegin eat once ®rap+d su i �. • home of Mrs. Crozier..«The World's Black, Miss.,Margaret Rae s'an"""The � - Voluntaryry Salsags Commi . Blore oetioA to relieve the ihodoge. I D' „ d m�colltrct thein fa ur cow . • , , . 'o # ay �0>7* Prayer program 'was follow-' dear little Shamrock . The guest ty, or �' A ' r V e tl. • A' reading by' 'Mrs. , Benson speaker, Mrs, Hooper, gave' a most Shackleton on temperance v,►•ag given interesting ' account of ,her work ' ,. 'o You cea aocitfintte' In Qla : . then.a solo "The Old Rugged Cross While living an 'the Orkney Islanels. a ver Fa E p'ARTMEHT d 1. MUNiTION5 AND SUP�'�Y Vu gig by �rs, Rivett. Mrs, Cecil The meeting closed with ogle verse J°es '' D�" - N l3lalte gave ori interesting, reading, of Onward ChrYstian Soldiers attic] aD u b e i Str ( paztm where +nob a ecystsma ! ' . - Nonouretiblel- b. Novre, Mireiste, " Mrs. Kilpatrick gave the ,chapter of prayer by Mrs. Joynt, An Irish +coir fs in �ffact. r r ( fP. A w r .J.- t n �F 411 '�t ,_ the study beiok. Rev. Vickersoii led. tes and social 'hour` .wail }ouch en- - mak:: _.... . , r. joye '� bepAettnent of lit�llbnel War s�nlca . . , ,�y� y �,�,,J,,,,�, r . • fir"` ':" - - a , n , M !A 1 „ - ----- t ^F. . .. 6 .. a ,.ani Y , , - , ' r; 9 , ., a r 4 v -, b;. ..a n _. .:.:., v. ,... ,.. : :. 7.. ,: .N , r ' • ,v w' h