The Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-02-25, Page 4a
,.a►e'co"FRS -Patin.
Pt0Vaee ewe' inspectoi61for dap.
omm watch for our dvaF
Com of ofaschool 4
4arg& s, ccoakied
nigh ��hoot g
cid are welcomed focal of
THE FOOD supply for hundreds of men may depend on
whether the farmi meat in this community is repined
e4u P . t3' P
for' the gelding months ahead. .
one 'thin to � fear will a
There is only g -,happen P
off reconditioning till spring ... if you wait for breakdowns in
' ? waiting maybe o
the field to order repairs The ting :hst g by
time, while theweeds choke,ol t. your crop. ' •
Have all: your'equipment checked over 'now! Today is not' too
_soon' Ev Allis -Chat mersmachine 'edged "Read to Roll . • ."
ualifies fo the red -white -and -blue FARM COM MANDQ,'
We take special .pride in the equipment ‘,.e have sold, . part'
cularly the old-timers. We l'a've. ' watched them . put • children
Buy WAR Bons through school, pay for ;farms, and save
am ST""PS, cropsyear after .year. We are standing
raw, a No.r by them now,, in their time of need
TURN IN roup - -
ons7, : Lucknow- ,'Phone 66-12 Dungannon
BOUNDARY EAST' is with her.
WP'. Are. glad 'to'-repart Mrs, Wt .
MacDonald :is '
n able toe :
b around
again. Miss Mary Jane Irwin is as
sisti,ng her. -
Mrs. John MacMillan and Miss
Annie Purves' spent Monday after-
noon with Mrs: George Fisher.
Mrs„ 'Pharis Mathers is ableto be.
arotuid' again after being • ill last
week. Her 'mother, : Mrs. A. Hackett,
The next meeting of the H. W.I.
Will be held at the home of Mrs.
Abner , Ackert on. Thursday, March'
4th. Please note .change • of hostess.
Convener -Mrs. Bill Graham; as-
sistant, Mrs, Morris Hodgins; topic,
CanadianIndustries; motto, Waste
in, the kitchen; r911 call,. A Canadian
export .or import; lunch committee,.
Mrs. Eldon Eckenswiller; Mrs. John
Colwell, -Mrs. Chas. Congram.
Mr: and Mrs: George Colwell' and.,
family spent Sunday "with Mr: 'and
. irs. W. Bushell of Ripley.'
` ,.Mrs. Victor 'I.sang ' andEvelyn
moved to Walkerton last week and
Mr.' Lang answered his call' to . the
army. We understand Mr: Lang is
in 'Toronto at `.present.
We are pleased to report that . Mr.
.Sill Graham is improving. Miss
Olive Terriff, R.N. of Whitechurch,
who was in attendance returned
home on Saturday. We hope for, a
pfpeedy recovry:
Mrs. Chas. �Congram and Clifford
.: • t Eeturday evening' at ,Mrs. Al.,at:r Ackert's.
Mr. and Mrs, Howard Harris* and
Lorraine spent • Sunday evening at
_.:.r. Robert MacDenald's.'
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Congram and
Shirley. spent the week -end with
nd, Concession ,friends.
Mrs. Richard Elliott and : Eileen
"Ment ;Sunday afternoon with,!Mfr,' given by the Legion in apprecratron
and Mrs. 'Clifford .Johnston: • . ' of the '-Guides' help, in selling pop-
Mr. and,Mrs. Raysiard Ackert pies ended' .with the Guide
Attention Girls!. ' The local Girl
Guides 'tare starting the War 'Time'
Emergency. Test,' Any Guide 15.years
or over may try the ,test. All ex -
Guides or Ra
tigers are : invited. to
'come • and' take the' test also. ' Any
gir1-•-41Tho has 'not been • a ,Guide or
Ranger may be enrolled` es; a Guide
and take the test.
* *; * * .*
The War ,Time Emergency Test
xs , to train the giele that they may
be of definite service to our coun-
ti t .ahouid an emergency arise
s ' s *-. ar .* a .
..The first ,general test consists ; of
tests in d ill,w discipline, punctuality,
signalling, message carrying and'
outdoor cooking: Then there are
four tests in which one may spec-
ialize -First Aid;. • • ' Transportation,
Child Care and Gardening. ,Through-
out March one hour of the Guide
meeting each Friday night will be
spent on 'the :Emergency Test, Thee
Test will be outlined to any • who
are interested es ed at the Guide meeting
Friday, February 26th start
Friday March 5th:
The'. Guides had their sleigh -rid-
ing .party Friday night. The_ party,
spent Sunday with Mr.. and Mrs: Ha
John- Reid at Reid's Corners. CREWE
Mr. Richard Elliott is' attending;
the Good' Roads -;Convention in Tor-
onto this week.
Mr, Earl .Harris' spent Sunday ev=
ning with Mr. and : ]Mils. John Col-
in,, Teeswater,
A 'farmer and, a professor ,were
•i:ar g- a' seat on a , train. Itw-s
,;e ttirt7lonesorne. 'so the -fa.
started a conversation - and they ago
;became a friendly pair. "Let's have
a game of riddles to pass the time",
said the , professor. •"If you have a;
riddle you can't guess, you gree me
r a dollar or vice
Mr. rind Mrs.George Kennedy A11 right", replied the
. farineT,
are'better educated than
called en Mrs. Kennedyy u
� EI ii Fi ' one •"da ' e entl '
Y r c Y• I am, do'you mind' if I Only give• you
Mr: and Mrs. W: J. Irwin spent , 50 cents?"
Saturday with Mrs. H,udson. and `` "0• K.," said the'professor. "You
Gretta on the 2nd Concession. go first".
Mr. ' and lVfrs. George Fisher and "Weil, what animal has`three legs
babe called on Mrs Gillies and -Jack-• walkiiag: and,.Ltwo.: legs fljting,?',_. ._
_ c . " ' i3
S�aladay afternoon. I dont k ow. Here's a; dollar.
Mrs• Merrill Cantelon of Wingham What's the .ans*er,"
spent the week -end -with her bro- "I don't know' either. here's your
ther, Mr. Alfred •Patterson. • fifty cents", replied the farmer.
of White- "but as• you
f .+
your RED CROSS ' CALLS .%0'
Never bas' the need been so urgent . -
$/O,000,000 NEEDED NOW,
YOUR RED CROSS appeals to ou for funds to' carryon its program
of. mercy; to continue vital war work performed by no other •
il4el > n .to_ kee'__u theimoraie n so urgent.
organization.Never has the need b
-,E'. --g: p ...p alf-a-millaon..fighting-men.-is-.;-
a gagantte task; and that is only the beginning. The Red Cross
makes life •more• bearable for thousands of risone s y91,,,ear•„
v=r , i i ►, i r i parcels"were s"luppe to tem last year -more
than' this number must go in 1945. Our men in British and
Canadian hospitals need . Red Cross • comforts and heartening •
• visits 'from the staff of Red Cross "visitors".
Red Cross- help to shipwrecked sailors is essential, th__g _____,
immediate. Homeless war orphans- our own kin and thrjse of
our, allies -sick and steraing men'and women in many lands--
millions in Russia, Greece .and'China and other peoples of the
United Nations -need More food, medicine and comforts from
the Red Cross. ; -
'."IThe-nced=i- t Rv� th=i c,w theerrs l v 'gre rr hs re epic-;._......,,
-- ae-waci -w iygo.otn,..Gbe• : the dictates of your heart;- i: in-wide:.".---
sm-wigpour purse and be generous. Remember, you are the Red Cross!
C. H. SMITH; President Local Branch; 'PHONE 144 Lucknow
.._... ,a
HUM 4#44/17
4eateA i era
, Mr. and Mrs. 'Clifford: Crozier' vis-
ited .on Sunday withher parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maize:
Mr. Matt Shackleton is spending
a . few. days . with his sister, ; •Mrs.
John McWhinney. �.
'Mr. and Mrs. Bert .Treleaven and
Q endolyn seen lases' week -end
with their daughter- Mrs -Vernon
Hunter and Mr. Hunter near Luck -
now. • . .
Mr. Elliott. Rivett left 'on Thurs-
day ,for Hamilton where he : enlisted
in the R.C.A.F.
Mrs• Raymond Finnigan; Chester
and Louise visited friends near Bel-
grave on Friday. '
and Mrs. Lorne Emmons and
Muriel spent Sunday with Mrs: Em-
mon's parents,, Mr. and' Mrs. George
Freeman; Leeburn.
Mtrrre" •Taylor and Allan Miller
were home from Port Alberti for the
week -end.
Mrs. Ingl i men and her, niece Miss
-•Dtrnkie--of 1Vlorristen- -are :visitors
with Mr; and Mrs. D. C. McDonald
and other relatives.' -' Mrs. Inglemen
wasformerly-Miss ; Florenee;Caxner
on, a resident of this community.
Messrs. Duriiin Phillips and Wal-
lace Miller are attending the' annual
meeting of. the Association. of Rural
Municipalities at Toronto this week
as delegates from W4st Wawanosh.
Mr. Gordon. McPherson is also in • at-
The Valentine social- under the
auspices of the Y.P.T.Y. 'which had
been postponed owing to weather
conditions was held on Friday, even=
ing with Mrs. W. A. Miller, recreat-
-Ional-contienery iri-•ehar-ge.. Mrs.- Stan --
ley► Todd read the scripture .lesson
and Mrs. Miller told • the story of
St. Valentine..It was reported
$55.90 had been forwarded to CKNX
for Russian .,Relief. A letter . from
Mrs. T. H. Wilson (formerly Miss
Laurin Miller] thanking the Soci=.
ety for their wedding gift Was read.
Rev. Mr:' Ward favored with a solo
and all joined -fn community sing-
ing. Everyone took 'part in several
St. Valentine contests after 'which
lunch and a soEial hour were en-
• The March meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute will be held' in the
community hall on Thursday after-
noon, March 4th. Roll call, Grapd-
grnothers'. parade; subj:er* in charge
of Mrs. Gordon, historical research
convener; program coianmittee; Miss
Mary Murray, Mrs. John Cameron;
-Hostesses, Mrs -Will' ,R•utherford;
Mrs. W. A. Humphrey, Mrs. Lorne
Mrs. McKenzie Webb spent a few
days last Week with ' Mr. and Mrs.
Little at Lanes. '
The weekly'fneetiirg of the ,
was held at. Mrs. W. I. Miller's on
Monday evening with the .president,
Earl Durnin, in ch'arg'e. Mrs. T. J.
Todd read the scripture lesson and
ti '+t r; ie--Weak-gavee a .rea'd-
t'Be-- 'ou• self..t.That®pie "lulu..
� Y. r
days or•. Holy Days" was taken by
Earl Durnin after' which an Inter-
esting discussion was led by Stanley
Todd: The nein. meeting will be he'd
on Monday evening at the Manse.
Weather permitting, the Red Cross
quilting will b'e'held in the Hall .on
Friday. -
MrJohn McQuillin is visiting this
week at Biuevale with his daughter,
Mrs. • Carl: Johnston and Mr, John-
ston. ' • '
IAC. 'Frank McQuillin of •the .R.
C. A.. F: has been posted to Regina„
and .left for the West last Thursday..
Frank shad'been , at . Toronto' for the
past few weeks, since ,being;.trans-
ferrel. from St. Joli;'Quebec.
*.*.•* *
" ' Hunter Patterson; of the R,C.aA. ,,
dt ]Vfanning.•Pool, Toronto, .Spent the
week -end' at the home of -Mrs. John'
McDougall, 2nd Concession, where
Hunter . was employed for several
years. While here, he took , ill, ' and
Was. token to the R.A.F. 'Hospital
at Port Albert on Sunday., for treat-
Lloyd Elliott, of, the., R.C.A.F:, at
Mossbank, ' Sask., • in writing -to Mr.
and. Mrs. ' Jack • .Carter, ealpresses
sincere a reciation of • he n ' re-
. PP t pe „P
sented him by, the Fire Company.
Lloyd had been in the hospital and
upon his return to duty after a sick
Po y..
leave, was delighted to find the pen
awaiting him.
WANTED A• young *Mize turkey
gobbler. 4pply at Sentinel Office. ,
HOUSE :WANTED _ will buy or
rent a small house in Lucknow. Ap-
ply atcSentinel•Office.
,GIRL WANTED -for :general house.-
house=hold, duties; by family of two adults:
pply' at 'Sentinel Office,. •
FARM FOR RENT, not, including.
house, Lot 2, Con. 9, Huron 'Town-
ship. Mrs. Arthur Fraser; 1253v1ios-
lyn Rd., Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich,
WANTED - A woman 'clerk with
knowledge' of stenography for an of-
fice in •Lucian*, Ont. Apply Em-
ploynent & Selective Service Office;
Walkerton, Ontario.
FOR SALE -77 -acre • farm, some
timber, house arid barn;,east hall
of Lot 16, 12th Concession township
of Kinloss. Alvin C.
Percy, 4218 Al-
lendale, Detroit, Michigan. ,
Reports—At -Brandoii -
—Stuart. -Collyer reported- for -dirty -
with the R;C.A.F• in mid-February,
at No. 2 Manning Depot at Brandon,
!Manitoba. ,Stuart resigned his school
at Norwood, near Peterborough,`last
•midsummer'. to enlist 'in the ' Air
Force, butwas not, ordered to re-:-
e-=port for some time,' and 'taught at
Fordyce. until 'the end • of January.
He and Mrs. Collyer and Teddy.
went - .to- .Norwood early inthe
month, when Stuart received word.
to reps>!.rtaLBrandoir ___
* .•s *' * .s .* •
The following excerpts are, from
two recent letters , froth Jack Leith,
.� .
Som; where In . Britain"-
eto his par-
ents, Mr. • and ;Mrs. Jack Leith of'',
'Hanmilton• and formerly af. Lucknow:
• January".14th-Aweekagodown
at the' Legion a tall, dark, handsome
artillery soldier came up to me and
said "where are you from?" He
didn't have . to go any farther before
.I' knew i't was'Tack Traplrn: We;had`
a long talk together about Lucknow,
Owen Sound .and• the army.
As I, was sitting, down at dinner
last Sunday I saw one of the new.
boys ' walking past• me to his table
with' his' dinner. 'I looked absently
at aim, yet'seemed--te-be--drawn-
more to " him .than tp the others
fresh' from the holding unit also,
Ther' -he -looked -over -at me -gird -says-
"hello Jack". Immediately I knew
it' was Sam McQuillin from .Luck -
now. Sam and I will have to get.
together for a talk one of these days..
January 21st -Next• month (Feb-
ruary) our .•Regiment (The Royal
Regt. of Canada) .will be presented'
'with it's colors again. This is a very
honourableceremony when King
George will inspect .Us., Ours is the
, best regiment in the Canadian Army
and eighth in. 'the world. Consider
that Mum, you can be proud to haVe
a -son-in=this-outfit: --_ __ _._ --..
Yesterday I received a, letter, from
John K. ' MacKenzie that brought
many a smile over my face.
Mr. and Mrs.N roman Stewart �f
Lucknow , visited . on Sunday with
her father; 'Mr. JohncClubb.•
Mrs. Lorne Durnin and son Ross
of 'St. Helens visited one` day last
week with her mother, Mrs. David
Kennedy, , . . -
tr. and Mrs Birch of London vis=
ited recently with her .brother, Mr.
Alfred Patterson. -
Mrs. Torn Morrison and daughter
Marylin returned home from Tor,
onto recently, and are now visiting•
with her sister, Mrs'. Gilbert Ham-
ilton and 1Vir. Hamilton of ` near
Lucknow. . :
Mr. arid Mrs. Robert Hall of Wing-
dd� Vks e&an .S.unda>y:.w
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Craig. •
We are sorry to report Rev. A. H.
Wilson had the misfortune to have
his aged • driver recei'e a broken
leg when kicked' by his other driver.
The W.M.S. 'of the Presbyterian
church was held last Thursday' at
Me home of Mrs. C. Murray. The
next meeting will 'be held at the
horn -e -61 -Mrs, J. F. •McLear'. • .
-"ham°- rattan hooks wii il'e•. given
out Wednesday afternoon at Mr.
.r. F. 1VIcLean's store, with Mr's: Al-
bert Coulter and Mrs. .1. D. ,Beecroft
as volunteers. On Thursday and
Friday they will be, Oven • out at
S.S. No. 10 school after 4 ,p.m. . with
Mr. Carmen Farrier in charge.
.Mrs, George M Kague--~rjf"T -
water visited one day last week
wit i her sister, Mrs. James Mclenes.
who was sick last• `week with- .the
cold, . • M
BABY CHICKS -4 days old. S.R-
or. B.R. N.H. Hybrids: • 95%pullets,
$22,00; mixed $12.00; cockerels $5.00
($7.00. after, April Ist). John' Cuyler,
R::4-Kincardine;'phone-Ripley -76-20,
AUCTION •SALE of farm stock et
Lot 57, -Con. Huron Township • on
Tuesday,. h• 2nd. See bills. for
list and terms, ' George MacDonald,.
-Prop.; Donald Blue, Auc- ' ' . ,
AUCTION SALE of farm • stoat at
the premises of, Andrew Hamilton,
Lot .7, Con, 2, 'Huron, on Friday,:
February 26th, at one o'clock. See
bills for list and ' terms. Andrew
Hamilton, Prop.; Donald Blue; Aug!
farm stock impleients, etc.,,t; L.ot_
11, Con 6,. Kinloss Township,. Thurs-
day, March. 11th- at 1 o'clock sharp.
See bills for list and terms: No re-
serve:. Charlie, Robinson, Prop.; Don=
aid Blue, Auc. '
COMING -Car of Western Oats. Get
your requirements .off car. Treleaven
Flour Mills. ,
I wish to thank' the members
the Lucknow Fire Company forthe
pen 'I received ' recently. . .
Pte: Lloyd Elliott,
Mossbank,:• Sask.
Card' of Thanks
I wish to express my thanks and
appreciation for all , the kind deeds
of friends during my' illness 'in .St.
Joseph's Hospital:
Mrs.' Jas. Webster.
Card of Thanks • •
4 Nieces end nephews. in Michigan,.
of the • late Angus MacKenzie, wish
to acknowledge with sincere thanks •
and appreciation .the many kind acts
and ,•expresisgns of sympathy ex-. .
tended them• andin tribute to
memory of their beloved uncle. '
"'REST -In`: proud"ani!" ev r owing " " ' ,
-memory-of •Sgt. -Pilot 11V_illiaxn-Henry- •
(Harry) -Press --second • and beloved
son of. Vincent and 'Caroline Prest,
Who • lbst his life at „Rivers, • 'Mani-
toba, February 25th, a1941, aged '20 .
Years. "
"0 valiant- hart!. All. you had
hoped for, • all. you had you gave". •
...Theannual.meeting of West Bruce:
CountyL.O.L.,will be held in the
Orange 'Hall, Lucknow,, on Tuesday
next, Marbh 2nd at 2.30 o'clock. Alt
members of the Orange Order are
invited to attend:
We are, in need of Rock Elm `Logs
to' be used 'for furniture work. We,
can pay, good. prices for. good 'Ws;
We will, be open to buy all kinds .of
logs...1Get, in touch with us. . • • 0
' •'Phones .57' & 79—
In. the • Matter of. the 'Est- -areZo
Mary Charlotte -• Freeman, late of the
Township of, West 'Wawanosh in., the
County of Huron, Widow, deceased:
Notice . is hereby given pursuant
to the Statutes in that behalf, that
all Creditors and . others having
claims against the Estate of the said
Mary : Charlotte Freeman, who died°
on or about the Thirtieth day . of
December A.D. 1942 are required • on
or before the First Day of March
A.D. 1943, to send, by post ,prepaid,
or deliver, to William • S. Reid; 'Luck-.
now, •. Ontario, the executor of the
-last Wi-li :arid Testament -•of the_said
licensed, their names and addresses,
the full particulars of their claims,
a statement of their accounts; and
the nature of the securities (if any)
held 'by them duly verified by af-
fidavit.. .
AND .take notice that after pouch
last mentioned date the said exe-
cutor will
xe-cutor'will proceed to. distribute the
assets of the said estate among the
persons entitled thereto having re-
gard only to the claims of which
he. shall 'then have notice, and that
the said executor will not be liablc
for the said, assets or any.,_ part there,
if to any person or persons of whose
claims notice •shall not have been
received by him. at the,trite of such
DATED at Lucknow, . Ontario, this
Sixth day of February, A.D. 1943.
Williaiti S, Reid,
Lucknow, Ont., Executor.
The .Lucknow. Consumers' Co-op- •• .
erative will be, mixing fertilizer .`•
tonal. this'spring. Our'district cde rs.,_ -
-tlie Counties>••ol••-••lluron-and Br-uce
'We e ' use. egtton or jute 'begs, Please
•place orders, early.
'John Jamieson,Ianager, :
Phone 71, Lucknow.
7-J • 2 ,O,
An ideal • 'authorized inveitmeot
. ori diVidu�t li, companies;Teti;
tery boards, executors and other
-111.‘01 WEDNESDAY_......•
1:30 to 6 o'clock
Walkerton, gntario:
Each Wednesday
,Afternoon & Evening
Mr. and Mrs: E. Blake, Phyllis
and Keith spent Saturday In Lon-
don. Phyllis remained with . hex .sis-
ter Muriel. • ,
There was a good attendance at
church On Sunday morning. Sacra-
ment was observed.
Mr. and Mrs, Henson Shackleton
-Grwtav a :a' ridgy :evening'w"i't'li-
11iIr, • and Mrs. Richard;. iipakiyi
MK'': B. Stothers of. Arthur spent
a day at the 'old bone this week:
Mr, and Mrs. Don MacIver' of
Kinloss spent the week -end visit=
ing„her parents, Mr•. and Mrs; Thos.
Blake. •
Mr. and Mrs,— Hunter of
Wawanosh-spent-Sunda►'- with 'her
Mr, and Mrs. Milton Kilpatrick
visited on Sunday lit their son Clif-
A large .crowattended the.Red
Cross party at • the home of r.'
and Mrs. ,John McInnes on Fri '
evening. ,The next party .will ' be
held on March. 5th"at the' home of ,
Mr. •and Mrs. Ralph Caskinette. -
Miss Marjory Anther spent the
wee -end with Miss Katherine Mc -
the week -end With lien` grandfather, . .
Mr. F. G Moffat. ' ,
The United.W.M.S. will hold their ;
Mar'ch'Meeting at the home of Mrs.
George Harkness. .
' Mr, arid Mrs. Parish Moffat ,and
Gordon visited on Sunday With Mr.
And Mrs. Win. McKenzie. ___. a ._......
Mr. Herb Curran is•in Tornfito ,at-
tending, the Good Roads convention.
He will 'visit frier ds in Hamilton
beforereturning home next week.