The Lucknow Sentinel, 1943-01-28, Page 12Eto THE LVCKNOW .SENTINEL, I, JCKNOW, . QNTARIG CA THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4th, 1942 ,e your own Attractive' Frocks at '. Big •laving Prints for 1943 THESE DELIGHTF4JL'COLORED. PRINTS. All fast colors, anew' designs, '361 inchesr,.wide. per yard• •22e, 25c, 300 •LNeoGnLIS$ 'GOR Ft jN. •TS To • better ass.es. These.are the se t' smartespatterns. 36 inches" 'ide.: Per yard . 59c KLE'CREPE Printed patterns and plain colors. Vd,25c & 28c • CHILDREN'S CLIP -'ON B'RA'CES. Per pair : 39c. WE HAVE BEEN FORT•VTNATE in getting a shipment of Wool' (small ,;percentage Cotton) Blankets: } LOCAL and GENERAL Mrs, W. J. MacDonald, Setieend: Concession, has been ill with a heart: condition, ' Mrs. Garner , Stanley is under the' doctor's care having recently suf.. , . fered 'a :slight stroke: • PMackenzie• is much improved in health since. suffering a heartattack last week. • Mr. ;,Wn i. och of town who has been: •gtnMurdte seriously ill, is same- what improved in • health, we under- stand: . • LITTLE TUR'kEY. GIRL DSS'. SER' LQNC'• ILLNESS • formerly Elva -Hemingway of.Brim- . .Thefuneral servic6 was conducted Elv a Tur- ,by. Rev. Campbell Tavener on : Sat- deatlY of l tt1e;.Joan v „ .t. �. I .old daughter of .Mr may' ' . . . • ` 4i oy'd Turrvet-of Bluevale her home inn;-Bluevale F The little tot had been rill for :'adn7iOat ' a year with , a serious blood ; a ent, that ;left little hope � o�,u: � ' e �e� ocovry. former s Turney were • ; Lucknow Where they ariety'Store business. es' Block .until it : was fire.: They have many . who extend` sincere I death. .of s'ymp�athy to them ;in the their only daughter: Besides the ;parents, Joan is •- survived', nne e was, y e BHFCE -TO-INVEST- $30;000 , IN NEXT - i►I C'pOR gLOAN 'Bruce .County Councilwhich con- cluded its loiygest session in history ' last -Wednesday, set, aside the sum of $15,000. for patriotic grants, of which $6000 has already been al= lotted•+as, follows:. Aid to Russia:: fund $3000; Chinese -Relief fund , $2000; and Navy League of Canada:. $1000.. The remains g . $9000 will• , be dis- bursedlater on .in theyear for such, P P atriotic. urposes aa. • the Warden's' committee may deem deserving. • �anadat Your Donations .of Donations to this fnipfd .will' help bring ,relief to many' Russian cil+.ihans 1who have been driven If>roni their homes. by.- the- In *ader,. and Who are' Suffering 'unspeakable hardships and are in, critical need of -'all ki'ids.' of ,medical supplies and warm clothing. spite. -of= their-hardabips; wbieh -. we-ean_help_reheve, the' slogan of •th'e Russian' civiian is ."ALL FOR VICTORY; EVERYTHING FOR THE FRONT":. knave All Donations at T. W. Smith's Garage Local Campaign Ends. February 15 LOCAL COMMITTEE J. R. MeNab, Chairman; • T. W. Smith, See'y-Treas. Rev. C. H. MacDonald, ' . 'G. H. Smith., COAL! COAL! , Mrs,, Richard Johnston of Ltick- now is, spending a couple of, months at Watford • with her, daughter, Mrs. }limn Moffat and Mr. 'Moffat. 1Vtr.. and Mrs.' Fred • Wilson, and trss: Ella Anderson of Toronto at-' ended the funeral -of George,.A, Bower, on Tuesday.` Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Johnstone and daughter Betty' Anne of 'Chatham spent the week -end with Mr. arid • Mrs. W. J. ' Todd and Mr. and Mrs. J: R. 'Johnstone. Mr. Donald MacKay . of the R. `C. A F., Edmonton, spent, the• week -end; with his uncles ao flaunts at the ,1V1cKay : ,home, Second Concession. Donald -'has Geent ansferredto-Mair= ning Depot, Toronto. Mr.. and Mrs: Harold Ferguson and family of Goderich spent. 'the week- end here. Harold has been; employ= ed in the ,"Big Mill" for some time and a few weeks:.ago the family rrioved•.to .Goder-ichto reside. They had been residents of .Lucknow. for oversixteen, years. RECEIVES THANKS. FOR SOCKS SENT :. THROUGH RED CROSS hisp ir' ut two. years ago, theBg of 1941, -Reba 'Marshall (now Mrs. Bill Schneider of Ellerslie, P.E.I.) was doing' her share in Red Cross work 'for the Langside 'Society. Un - on p-on..completion of a pairof socks Reba enclosed a note in the toe of one. Last. Friday she received a ;leiter fromthe lucky ;chap who was issrfed with them. His name is Cpl H i5 Moore, whose home is in. Pem- broke, Orrt ;t'-ras ' been overseas for quite some tune. -He stated that there --i's alelloW-in-hispregiment,_bl►, the name' of. 'Robert Leatham, 'who worked near ,.Teeswater.—Teeswater• News. - HONORED NER PARTE - The 'staff--sof•-the-Bell-v.Telephone: Company held a dinner party in the' Brunswick Hotel, Wingharn,°recently -iii horror-of,-.Mr-••Mac-Gr-ahatn wlio_ 'left on Saturday to'report for duty in the ,R.C.A.F.' He was presented with a beautiful leather zippered travelling, case. A most 'enjoyable eveni'gg was spent. • Mr. Graham came. to Wingharn with the Bell Telephone Company from Durham about five • years agp and has made a host of "friends in'this community.. who wish him every success. Mrs. Graham will reside in Lucknow with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Welling ton Henderson,' for the present. • 4: • A 'Carload of CHESTNUT COM. should • arrive by the end of This ;Week. Any. Person- With Less Than Two Weeks' Supply will receive Coal providing that the roadway to the Coal Bin is made passable for a team. • • A limited amount will be given Farmers who, ...,.require it :for Brooder_ _Moves..__. Co. -Coal Co WM, MURDIE,MANAGER. 4 . It's the steady rain that 'soaks— Buy War Savings Certificates reg- ularly. To Attend Agricultural Council Reeves J; W. Joynt of Lucknow and J. P. Johnstone of Brant were appointed. by Bryce' County Council as delegates to the annual meeting of the Ontario Agriculttiral Council in Toronto., Sessional Allowance Increase` Thesessional allowance of reeves. was increased by Bruce . County Council frons . $6.00 to $7.00 per day and for attendance at crommittee• meetings from' $4.00 to $5:00 per day. The cost of living bonus for all County officials was increased from' $10.00 to $15.00 per month. -A- --RECO--is-�-a-_possibiiitt,. -in. Blyth, where at a recent by-election ort-is.Sol=ire geouxm was,.electedmto,-the. Council by a majority of one vote over Harold Phillips. The reeveship went to W 11. Morritt in an election that cliritaared'a'very unsettled state of municipal .affairs in that Village, IN JOHNSTONE BLOCK L CKN:OW FRIDAY' & SATURDAY FEBRUARY5 6 • U_ THE KING OF CONFUSION GEORGE -RGE FORMBY FRIDAY NIGHT -8' p.m. '-SATURDAY ''- 9.30 :ui.. ADNIISSION • Adults 25c; Children 15c Plus Tax • COMING • NEKT WEEK MONDAY & TUESDAY 'Here Gomes Tfirr.. Jordan" FRIDAY & SATURDAY, "A Little Bit of Heaven" - OB I UARY MRS. FOSTER, MOFFAT The, death -of Sydney Bell Far;: rish, belovedwife of 'Foster Gr. Moffatt; ,occurred at her home Ori Wednesday,- January 27th in her 69th year, The deceased; the daughter: of the, :Yate Mr. and Mrs.. Robert Far, rish,.was born' on Lot, 25, Concession; 5, Kinloss Township. 'In: 1897 she was married to Foster Moffat. and d' tooinin farm he -e mo an adl g . a . , w r she lived her.' .entire- life with, the exception of two years 'Spent in" Teeswater. Surviving, . 'besides her:.hUsband- are . two sons, .and three.. daughters,, Graham with' the 'R.C.A.F: 'at • Mah- fax, Farish and Mayine (Mrs. 'Robt. Donaldson:) of., Kinloss; Isabelle (Mrs. Jas. .,,W. Ross) of T eawater; and Margaret, of .Sault Ste. Marie; -Ontario, One brother, Henry, of ,I -Sault Ste Marie, Michigantwo sis- ters, Annie: (Mrs., Young) of Porc;i- -pine; Entine at home -and -line grand-� children : also. survive. Thefuneral which was held from her late residence on Saturday, Jan- uary 30th • was conducted • byher. pastor, :Rev, A. H, . Wilson, who paid ' theconsistent tribute to c stent Christian lift; !she had lived. T e pallbearers were two grand :brsteiietli-Donaldson and RoniR aldRoss, ani four= rieiglibeT 4" eP: 1+ioffat, 'Gordon Wall, Donald . Mc- ' ��innon, and Richard Orr. Interment ,,.. was; made in Teeswater Cemetery. Many beautiful floral :"tributes were received from friends and neighbors, also from S.S.' No. 8 Kin.- loss, in=loss, W.M.S. Langside, Fellowship Circle, Teeswater,' Cemetery Board, Masonic Lodge, ;staff, of Edith. ,Cav- ell School, .Rublic School: Teachers' Association, ;Sault Ste. Marie, •Cir- ectgrs-of_-Cuiross._LMutuaL Fire tri: ' esranee ,and, :a beautiful wreath. of ; erloo and orchids from The Mutual Fire Un- ton. derwriters' Association of Ontario. now, occurred at his home here on, -Monday morning. Mr. MacKenzie •was .h'�lnd had been in. = failing is . health3Xdyear sinceaAugust o#' 1940. • "R. as he was ,popularly known, was a ,son; of the .late Mr, and. Mrs. , Peter . H. MacKenzie. of . Concession lour, ' 1 inloss • Township, where he' was born, and raised. After his marriage to .Liza .,1VIur- dock on December 29th, 1897, • Mr.: 1VIaeKenzie was associated with Mr., D. Ct Taylor:in the hardware .busi- • Hess, until he purchased ,the bakery business, of Angus. MacKenzie' which he; conducted, until going ,'to Western ,Canada, where he' spent .several' .. years. • . L . .. On returning' to. ' Lucknow, Mr. MacKenzie became a valued em- ployee of the Lucknow Table Com- pany, , ompany,, a • post which he held until his ''health . forced -him to . retire a few years ago. H For several years Mr. MacKenzie .lies; been' an elder of the Lucknow Presbyterian Church, of which • he was a faithful member' and attend - ,ant.' Mr., MacKenzie was _ also an act- ive member of Old: Light Lodge A.F. & A.M., of which he was secretary .for some tinie. Members • •of the Lodge attended the funeral, and con- ferred the last rites of the Order. • The funeral_servi_c ewers held o n Wednesdaym the Presbyterian Church, , conducted by Rev. ;C. H. :MacDonald. Interment was in South Kinloss .Cemetery. - Besides his devoted wife, .Mr. Mac - ,Kenzie•• is survived. ;by two sons, 'Steele of Waterloo and Stewart. of Walkerton;.. one 'sister, Elizabeth (Bessie) of,'Norfolk, . Virginia; one brother Walter, on the .homestead :. in. Kinloss and four grandchildren, GRANTS by Huron Countycouncil � lean M. y Joan d J•net of Wat-o .' cluded.•$15:00 to the Lu'ckno Li" Your A -B -C's of Health • CAhj4DAS FOOD R JLES"de- mend Fruits and Vegetables. Eat them• every day ,And get these Vitamins the easy way.' VITAMIN A. for .growth, ,re- sistance to diseases, good eye- sight. • VITAMIN G for healthy skin and buoyant health., 'VITAMIN C for .healthy teeth, gums; bones and blood vessels. Enjoy these choice Fruits and Vegetables; fresh, this, weak- • end, as always,. at Thonmpson's. Include , a,' variety in , your. . week -end order. ' • . Vitan�ins , Apples, B.C. Delicious C G Bananas, , -yellow, ripe A C •G ' Grapefruit, Texas, seed- ., • less C' ,Lemons, California juice. C' Oranges,, Cal navels . C Beets, old G Carrots, new & old A . Cabbage C Celery, stalks or hearts B Lettuce, choice head • C; Onions; Ont. No. 1 Potatoes,P E.I.° B' C • ; Turnips;local •gr -own -C -G rnatoes, REMEMBER.Health for Victory. • . " THOMPSOWS 'PHONE 82 WE- DELIVER • GEORGE A. BOWER The death of `Geor'ge :;Anderson Bower, . only son of Mr. and Mrs. George. E. Bower ofEllicknow,. 0C- ----e reed: audden.y: in Toronto on ---Fri day: Mr. Bower was :in his 39th year and : had corne to Toronto from. his!, • home in Kirkland Lake only, the pre- ' vious Wednesday for medical treat-•. r :__merit Ward .5 Huron Township, Red Cross The yloung man was born at Owen Sound. He is'the, son of George Financial State,,- g. ' 1942 Bower and Flossie Hamilton; former. i .Receipts $1069:35; . eaipenditures residents of'Lucknow, and who .re - $81244; balance on hand, January turned to the Village. to Make their' lst, • 1943, $256.91;x, Receipts for' Sol- home less , than a year: ago. Their i son George • also , resided here for die's gift-fuird-86.65, :expenditures---. -.__:..". • _ reaided • 4 f . , a- time last 'summer where he was $37.21, balance :on hand $49:44. The employed in the Maple' Leaf Air- I; following .donations are acknow- craft Company. He returned to Kirk ledged, Mrs Melvin Collirig $5; Mr. land Lake early in the fall to resume and Mrs. Oliver lVicCharles, proceeds . a Clerical position in the electrical l of euQhre party,;$6;'Miss A. Brown,. and engineering department' of and pupils of Verdun school' $5;' Mrs. . Wright -Hargreaves mine, where he i •H. Ramsay, 1 lining; 1'top; Mr. aril , had . been employed for , several Mrs. 1Valteii Steele,,, $11, proceeds years. , , • • : . i from euchre party, for the soldiers ' As a youth George went to••West gift fund. Quilting group on Second ern Canada with his parents in 1912. and Boundary -West $5.20. ° ' In 1926 he graduated' from Toronto 'Underwent Operation ' Mts. J. Cleland of• Wingharn (nee Mary Connell) underwent an em- ergency ;operation in WingharnGen- eral Hoapital . on Wednesday, . Jan- uary 20th and is 'making a favorable recovery. Mrs Cleland had been skating earlier in"'the evening. She Was suddenly stricken, at a time when roads and :railway lines were blocked }iy the storm, and we un- derstand that 'he brother, Dr. Wm: Connell performed. the Major emer- gency operation unassisted. 9Y L`UGKNOW UNITED, CHURCH. Rev. J. W. Stewart, B.A., B,D. Pastor SUNDAY, FEI3RUARY 7th 11; a.m.—Subject, "A Prisoner with a Heavenly Face" ' • ' Children"s Story "NO Hands" Junior Church, 3.00 p m. -=Sunday School',. • 7.00.'p.m.—Subject, "God's (3on- cern for Its"' Normal . School, and taught in . the West for.. a short time' before re- turning East to engage in the mining business at Kirkland Lake where he married Rose LeClair. ' °' 1Vliower was. a very able mus- ician, and was leader ofthe mine orchestra.'' He Was most energetic and ambitious; and besides his cler- ical . position, and his, music interests; had been attending night school., prior to taking . ill. Grief • stricken by their sudden I' bereavement are his young wife, a ''tine -year-old 'son, • Lawrence Wayne, Bower, and' his parents: A private funeral service was held in Lticknow at the home of his par- ents on Tuesdayafternoon, conduct- -ed by .Rev.,. J. W. Stewart. Interment was in South Icinloss cemetery with George Burgess, G. A.. Greer,' Harry Nixon, K. C. Murdie, Jim Ritchie acid Campbell Thompson acting as pallbearers. _• . Floral tributes were received from Kirkla id Lake, • Torontii, Hespeler' and Lucknow. --ROBERT-.!.•-MaeKENZIE,•,.. �,,.,. The death of Robert Valens bac- Kenzie,. member. of a pioneer Kin- loss. Township family and for many years an esteemed resident of i uck- Lillian of• Walker- rary and $40.00 to the Luckno ricuitural Society ` EPOY ASK von ,,• CHER R.CHIX ' are bred for •high production They come from,.selected, high producing .flocks mated to• high producing males ...: Remember, you can't get •200' eggs out 'of a bird bred to lay only 150 eggs a year. " • :CHEK-R-CHiX come from blo.odtested flocks Hens infected with'pollorum (white diarrhea) may transmit the disease: to their chicks through the egg..:. That's 'why .Chek-R- Chiia parent flocks are bloodtested and reactors removed. Don't.' take chances with pullorum when you can buy bloodtested chicks! CH•EK-R-011K parent flocks get special breeder ration What, a hen eats has a lot to do with "the vigor and livability of her chicks. . . "Chek-R-Chis parent fl; '° ks are fed Purina Bireed• •; ' er Layena or Purina Breeder Lay Chow and grain. These rations pack the egg With n trients, plus .a reserve to get the •chick start- ed with a bang. BE SURE •YO1T'HAVE YOUR BROODER STOVE COAL. OUR FINANCE PLAN ' :F0iiw eliable-farmers, we will- supply -you -wlth Hog -Chow at to - Cash Price, pay when the Hogs go to market—no carrying' charge. M1~ Lorne MacLennan, 'Phone 77.w, Lucknow We iave. God ' shells ° of most. M1 Small Wares and Men''s Welty lntei "and' Spring Sae. S, .THEATRE -' Monday &Tuesday, 'February 8 ` and 9 "HERE COMES MR. JORDAN" ' '• STARRING ' . ROBERT MONTGOMERY... AND AN, ALL-STAR StyPPORTING' CAST. A comedy you'll chuckle aver for weeks after. , Characters gay, adorable, hateful, hu man, real .. . you'llever forget. A %. ' "your' - story; you'll telratid"re`-tell, to friends: __ _. -___ - -4 Also "COMMUNITY SING" 'Under Auspices -of St. Peter's A.Y.P.A. - ADMISSION -17c and 30c - - 8 P.M.—Come as late .as nine o'clock and see the whole show.. ASK von ,,• CHER R.CHIX ' are bred for •high production They come from,.selected, high producing .flocks mated to• high producing males ...: Remember, you can't get •200' eggs out 'of a bird bred to lay only 150 eggs a year. " • :CHEK-R-CHiX come from blo.odtested flocks Hens infected with'pollorum (white diarrhea) may transmit the disease: to their chicks through the egg..:. That's 'why .Chek-R- Chiia parent flocks are bloodtested and reactors removed. Don't.' take chances with pullorum when you can buy bloodtested chicks! CH•EK-R-011K parent flocks get special breeder ration What, a hen eats has a lot to do with "the vigor and livability of her chicks. . . "Chek-R-Chis parent fl; '° ks are fed Purina Bireed• •; ' er Layena or Purina Breeder Lay Chow and grain. These rations pack the egg With n trients, plus .a reserve to get the •chick start- ed with a bang. BE SURE •YO1T'HAVE YOUR BROODER STOVE COAL. OUR FINANCE PLAN ' :F0iiw eliable-farmers, we will- supply -you -wlth Hog -Chow at to - Cash Price, pay when the Hogs go to market—no carrying' charge. M1~ Lorne MacLennan, 'Phone 77.w, Lucknow We iave. God ' shells ° of most. M1 Small Wares and Men''s Welty lntei "and' Spring Sae. S,