The Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-11-20, Page 24 e, Y'r 2 ONTAMO P LUC 'T Tbe, g&UW SENTUWJ k Lill" T"E' ES ;qppose We&L4� Morn;'Ag $ENM-9 f4'E ... . ...... it is 111SP t j[,.MQU FIL Ptiblis bed g4ch 'th. d Ike t ear *,,Advajxv7.T4-'U,SI $2M Y Xato �VjpM U ot -the fol es:; j -U Ot, e4t on zna M. I 'tiv Autborized aSr ese �4cky �A QC!Ctlrrf'�d� at, hii; �Iornf, b�ing committed iath, d, ,Tb,-- C.W.N ost W Y, rtj joher �=d P o in 75th Year, Probably the M' sack .11 - - I ' a Offk:er� of t�,.(, att _P= to -the, -Um, LU(4,P:r,(j,x c j N, , n59 get At - 4 �50ci 1 tf 4r - all I . I fag -et, en's.,. 4 gold-�headed irig C-10, wt4k�: a4 the, W�ajfer j"6 her So r surdoch 4;�aq.jn the strre eane ns6riptio, id bearing t, e -it .,:has bee COMR Jo4n,, T.O. ]R�, ev M.Ore", i59t d D D 'Yule, by:� With at the t0c em 1J.41drpd h,'�-_y �jtart�d ul,'pupils 7�anaglpg that, t 4 to 'd 1996",, Aft,.,a dreS,S McGa­­dn4 Wxi r ad IS gn.ect_ d initeii& here'to go is -a, Ol fo ttg, alve' ien- J- dr#g tQ'�e P Oi -of, th 13,pt we don h in.4fter J� J, into) st6r��" in, ffi,(� �Bf�9,,iv(` nCKenzire 'thuss" twfirst ma lasts M ' 'r j '-M C( ma= g in, r y foe &f g S eM&qLtereA ijj� - al on ar t a held tatl��x r e -as A jfU Wm.: rj own go.0 t pub Thom -im o� No ohe, of: tile I an d. d �.t .., I ., I, , 'a � half� o t hi(', Jar es to.the P655_ 'asseTnOly e in, the. On Sm n ultknate- -t&r t ey: aid I W Ij ()Mpanry, ari ;, jjqU:d, e; the rr h ith,. amid bewfbilitk of ibility. r folf L h ni J. M if Con.S d, ni witec urch�'co,,rtes nde -mg 4. smaR., hoj#U. sox ,e In, and th ir best o�j�d "A at actiel t ,a the enter erd it oe,. P d ger -cim iad been, ar of, the M%oMent6US qUe!$;.tZon to sa th N t one Of'. Wi gml,,Th I farm p& W bl, the UO lluc that t 0 t the armers an A " Shot" L est by Le,,ikue fi�e The aze wag nme =d 61' ar"r n, -been 'a u mpriesmt�f�: atten&� at - ity. Cai�ada-wiifi,:Uo, opei oT,the-faiffly'had in gr in, rkn(.'w 6W. o,*n belaved capjltal Thursda�r was in S7�.000­6(j a Week. Stock crr�,ase�j:. tcj a, allthorftieg Pr g ce _jjeaW .-�md H, the oo, deske to re, rremony !;igned. tha part. hI e sie.�spn,, d ng: " wh ch was fting.-offt�­ed-. t6, dri b .... . .... .In Cr, t Vet 4.hep 1apan every -77 . ..... lie' ew left6d or' summex- d pe en -a -t he ry- s bme ti3iij]D� I .. I e §Lri off 1%atUrally the lb ' ; "and grass eaT n�eeting` �vv�rfs'. T, n3cwe R=e cw as they p Are.t rel� aMP hi edge of -,W. Marduch t ca ,�and Bug' th, Of :�e sm�n and d W i sprea. MUM* i4 mot accomp bm but the, eM �haZpfta]S�.2� tL6- heal-th centre I StaTVed tbr ()f rf�.�e mmme j, awnt an Aa B d the communftY ber d' nM.es YTZVIII� e I TID6 now �y 1he' d" in and .efficimt S�� e I f of .-28 y a�rs,� -0 A. iw ini err' t , - Id but 9, h' or the um adwork es Ye 7 j t hjt&jyr HRG.ttse to W A. W emnized �(I e 0 More "riag was� 50 when, �f e itot �nd m�nacrer ble� daLighter., of� 'j. Brr �'M the Th xU eldest'- th,6 hpRAW has now and Con= amd the� kftcbm able-: and or. =a�ent whr e W Th sepL t ly on ese , n5ive, P The, old bar, Th, grpp rnsman was de t nalves� with �nvy, an', th, field,. th Came �tll, t krwld, be.: mRver Ir not Fa e5t. iss. ssib Ie him, 'art the- Wrist, Dur= 9� -the: we L as brigaeZ an j t6 4 C�_ es, -,UCh 0! ,,e' roo Ao condkicted The ck�- he -IT b e t na er r th behaff' Ot, e 1, lim 'Z'e'Z I '': "' 7 _,Po ',R.r -rid. two. �'.pvr n ok C� 31L �note T bmlc�� ]It 'IS pe.tr'o),eUM P'rQ, -ing -h, MOTeso' ' ery we. em p a, ts d -bih the �di,n werf., tfo4n e n ;A 9 ica r, rages a commumitir to -RUPPOr ut t 'dr f re Cie l�: 'M 5: Th, as, ei t',B, m d.,�pljse 'rj t�e axe, Ca, th R 'd", baker, Lir v Arecem, i 19, Cj W -n, his looica es M. 'd!' d �th I b, chase ay p,rese qp -ar er s op momeht Sta,,T±n, -e' b ''b'' greventi66 and h, -ray at t6re and th them er Pro for riele brick P 15UCnl a D the TmeglthTs: sake- b�, I )il beL of JOUT to Ut _eM& e ould L 6�rreS, '6dUP1 .91 com eT 11 f ea eyes�,�Mn T� d tha jjust ppe iirl D. h goods;J- W, "d and .1 1, e �di wha , tc U�. t Lj Ll StGTY 0 CY!, T e=: tl�e: -d an 61 our., b1pst �St o ij t, tdb ci= a and h �Ts upes., C Ij go4t9,s f d d Lith S txtc . . .. , $ , ., . � , 1 L F ! i I Em . �al -he lett6r -1d see that. if, eadh . ;1�n� e wc�u n 'le 'ji M r ay iUr be pact w#h' Us -edlt Si�� of I a agressioin. �'fire des f P r . , , , 1, , ccu�pv-c reL= ;3j '66, e tv o The: W� o XX and:' a of he 15t., jui* a�liey P'Qnnection th L on�e_S ;t The-. .�,iepaie, b wit4 5 OL e A*en Lmky The' m,(, 'to) go, he. is i�ting, the _ift Ago, ToOy Ye -a- likely yet, thinking., 61 tip -fth =,ohe the- 'HATIM 2 WnG, nry 'a -re?dy nt ry that sh, t it 9T131nary tin& -are hm With -rims News any eve h. r at h t6, OU, cc 'VeT 'b rqvv, r, & irm ar po j -to G. Vwdrodh n,6 CL( =c ity . . I . , �d t 'd IT ma' couin c appointc an 10965i�im, and. Th th e, e, t t.,h _e h�_ fact, tha, S�C oe'jr. de - he pro waLq t( t m t nr to 0 j�'t 4P�)Tj 'Us,. this ;e P C 61 w ich ha. ax h obUL: The' , _S_ Ekspele �a;zer�,a pe:L,rzl f b, o'T 11 nd to� -)n c�sj, 9: o J, es M C arh ' C CE d th e lit m �x 2117K, ct a� ea -,h d, y t P d AW- C-. 5ITe, an, Gr Tj the AD -V fT t of t -m�,nace y t e hat C, art ba.nk,�t o g A pin are t pa.7 "0, ed A d be the as w. cm ihe Soc, 's th6i'� purp r�te$ jj'j g� r n,� to' cutd. ever o' k Uld'b' 9, Z�. M e us CID It -art -to c or a, itig t -e pa wely 7LJ�� 0 a�d� Ma �, , I , t onth's., r ng d�l e m orie, .0 1"h do Haz, C a ward is ma cold, n6t t, ii 5t A� d6, Bank t- - 'by York rnbathly I o%d tray C1 n a pdblicatirjn of fitian 4e; �6sp cially, tL.he betra" a and g' )a susp�_lrtedT f t at is I'to Z,;- ents� to pe7lri_ rr '�hroughotrt Ulm =9 PP 0 �N A k sitr a t otj�5 �s little h' h. num e9 More n 1c, r ha' bid, or e 5 ring L L ds rn,8 e nr mistalke..' i DU a CTI of M6s, 6ents a� to ur 1i f t h 'is c p­r'esiit' f th 11'rt, Q of- oUr' Y T11", B4_ Ad ao negret-4 ca ee rcl's'�:Jtjng, in�thehighi!�t t n f arnong t b side:� of the biJr e. ts pain, &e -d' S squa na �-e -kn h e Ah a:­� !!.i O'n jCe - Aj,* be Tan Luz=1's, Juni.ot f!y Cah6ldiri st Weekly' Workouts' 6 41, nd lo:ing for W �erment the