The Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-11-06, Page 3Wednesday, November 6th, `1946 cat and 'General ,Mrs, Gordon Tftylpr and Sandra are visiting with relatives at Sebringville.. Mr. and. 1VIrs. Midford' Wall .at- tended ' the Panter-Gardner wed- ding; on Saturday: Mr, arid Mrs, Wilson Woods and children of Guelph spent , the • week -end with, Mrs.. James' Hae- -. ett. Mary and Charles Durnin, chit -ydren of Mr:` and Mts. Allan Tsar nm; had -their .tonsils' rempved Wingh am . on Monday, Mr:: and '-Mis, Allan' ;Treleaven aricl Mrs. ' Clark of Toronto ,spent the week -end • with Mr. and: Harvey Treleaven. Mr. Mrs rs:.Win., 'Blue ,and Margaret- and Mr', and_i�rs.:Thos. _ Qf -D d et rz rrtrek;;end: 'nests of . Mr and- Mrs. 'J, ' D Anderson. r. an : rs. °e_son edley' Of Brantford and' Mr; and . Mrs. Bill Eustace of Hamilton Visited • with :Mr. and Mrs. Nick ' He l d eyl on Sunday. • .;.�:,v • THE LUCKNOW SENTWE ,, LOCKNOW, ONTARIO NEWSPRINT itRICES` .11011P, TWICE IN OCTOBER ' Mrs. Watt of Hamilton visited at, Mr. and Mrs.. Thomas Ander- son's last,week. ; '.Newsprint prices. are now uP approximately seventy percent, with this big jump occuring chief- ly ding the past year, Durin Mrs. George Jo nt hase price advanced g y October alone th appointed' Captain .of. the Luck- ji $8.00 a ton on. the sixth -arid now ,Girl Guides' and. attended 'her first meeting on Friday. She is being .tutored for the:new post by Mrs, A. E. McKim, , Mrs.' James Webster and Wel-' lit'igton,• Mrs. .George ,Andrew, other $10 a ton on the fifteenth. These advances, in 'addition to. the newsprint shortage which makes deliveries uncertain, are factors that do not, permit for subscription arrears. We hVe Mrs. Richard Webster : and. Miss 1*ten paratively lenient in.this Hael` Webster . attended 'he fun lI respect, but. must;;now more rig neral of Mr. John Turner at Clin- i idly' enfbree the 'Paid=in-advance. -'ton on. Monday policy. ThSei�lt iz l .n aiLng last* -will.: �` Mi~a;` Joe `AiiStr i" 61- Wing] sin be corrected very :shortly- If y• ou spent -.the weekend with Mr,wand Mrs.W , are in .arrears please act: promptly . G.. Armstrong. Saturday to ' haves your. label show ,a paid m -adv ance date . as subscriptions which are long' overdue will have to •be 'deleted. :visitors at the Armstrong Norrie were Mr. •and - IVirs. Alfred Arm.. Strong of. London. Ir_. and l -An-cr.-Werth' alT son Brian of London were Sunday visito'rr, with' the forrner'a'n'ioth- er,'Mrs. W. G. Arinsf 'Qand 1 Armstrong,' Mr Welch .gave .much enjoyed musical ,numbers on the stroviol' and rnarimbaphone . at the,,,,anri,iversary services ,in the .United Church. HURON:. COUNTY , PROTESTS 'O!El'its DEER SEASON Letters :To The , Editor The '' announcernent ,las't. week ``•..If,you would alio* me space in by' the Provincial Department of '301,47. ` ••columns, I. would .like to. arrrie and - a- en din o - e 00 . or— dee deer]; :season would be held in .'e'en party which •the' Council, Bruce,; Huron 'and ' Grey, .. has•. Clan's Tien; '.Legion; Fire Co •and'1 demon and..George Joynt, double O CEL.LENT P_ROGBA H GIVEN' ON MONDAY NIGHT' ' On " on..ay evening a splendid` anniversary . concert . was given in the United. Church, featuring. •a most entertaining 'and worth- while b. .. address y , Rev. ,George -Service 'of Hamilton. Rev: J W:' Stewart Presided as• , chairman and the ,program' in- cluded :music by : the Choir, violin selections bye Dr. Little, mixed, gui ,E2.f. IVIr. PAGE' 3: A 'phone cal, will bring our album of personal h1t�6#snasCards h your, door. - - - a_. PRICED AS LOW AS 25:.:FOR $1.00 with your name and address neatly printe NO -ORDERS _ TAKEN AFTER NOV'. 2 IJCKNi 'r TINE Miss Bell obertson, Eldon' Hen- � ticlf'ets' at -`-25c or' five for"$1.00;. are :available from all • Legion - tubers _ -.�.-•-�._. , brought a sharp :protest form the., . Bp duet by.Mrs_ 'Hoag, `Mrs -'Hall, I .Business Men •s onsored last ' ar-den s 'Committee' Of : Ii`uron mhut' a'Y, eve -nine.. I Jean-- :Co y how many were ere a unt I: do not tan,: solo by;;Nliss Jean: MacMihan Irluron .County Council at the in attendance but would venture.an a. rea mg by Mrs. Harvey. January -session; passed: a� :re olu .< to , say • that's,' from • the toddling Treleaven.'A: social time was: en. tion` askinthat ` there' l e:'•no eei " youngsters to the oldest ad.u1L toyed at the close, y x.' season in, . the .:county this ..year AVho '•*as";there, they .would agree No intimation of the Department's it ',�� as a .woi thwhile' 'effort' and -.reaction, to ;the,•equest• was•.re:• enjoyed one hundred percent ceix ed` and . council .members Personally, I ' think these • dif- were :irritated announce- fei'enf or.''aniz atiod � t,ed by' the . ... g, � . its e s e v e ee rto ,'Hent' of the open :season �i-,ith- roue]' credit' for the vvay,they.put out even being ,:consulted. :their.: first 'Hallow.e'en'..frolic. over: 'The. dates•: set, are from 'Monday, 'More power'to''them in future. November •18t• h to Saturday; .Nov- years. ember 25th `in-lusive m c Rifles may' "RURALITE". KINGSBRIDGE_ ;Miss' Stella ;Dean has reltirned froa. trip to Montreal.' • _ or the ` coinniuii- TO HOLD . ANNUAL DANCE `' AND . DRAW,' ON ;MONDAY x> , Monday night;•• November. 11th, it oes to'. Mr- y g . M John C,.' and Jerry.. Dalton in the loss:;, of their `sister, s Annie Dalton, � ...who, di .; ed ,in Detroit: • in the Town 14a11,. is the date,and . Gene . a , Frayne :returned ple Lucknow Legion s, home on Friday after being`con- annual .Ren einbranc, night dgrice' fined to Goderidi Hospital, for: and •prize '''draw.. 'Vlasic will be two . • ' months .provided by' Farrier's . orchestra ' ' and: door Miss Deliria :•' Donna Lannan' oar ,prizes:' will; be.given'. and ' ,lie used, :as .well ' as shotgrins:. :: �` " ' Associateri'`.:'with, this event, is s pent.he week -end an Goderich Married. In: Toronto with Mr. and' Mrs.. M ; Law- R a prize, Odra' .. for :five big 'pries . ,.• At Shertiour 'e iTnited�� h � • n C archi, ;y hick will take . place . at id- Mr- and Mrs • Nace . Martin 'TEMPERANCE' MEETING T.O ESS Toron o' on' SaturdaY' Octo e r 26 , nig ht Th est prizes, 'Which have n ew1 y weds) h ave re f omhAW ENFOCEMENT Florence Hazel'. Finrnilirook':'b total, :value -of well-ov -their -hone oon= -W eT`"-$1:50; � . e-w+elcome came the bride of Ewart Godkm o ' i The first ; convention of . Tem include ', a boys bicycle 'a small Mrs.:Makin to Our burg. �eran : Tucker,. son. of 1Wh:,. and, ;Mrs: : and p . ce workers: 'ince the County : electric stove; � a nest of .tables, . M. Law called on returned , .; :Samuel. T: Tucker, < formerly 'of Air d feed • vouchers ..at ' Crawford's. t a r. •friends on 'Sunday: eturned to the •statutes of . ;the , 'was . • . , :. ,.: . _,. Canada :.Tem •rance on A ril' 1st, •Lucknow -.The ceremony was per -',Store' and :.a c p _. p offee table. :Miss:Irene lilcCarth . of .Detroit •i 3r last, Will -be' held'in Wesley -s'ill's • farmed . by..:the .grooms . father.,I Prizes aren display at John -'is vasitin her ;' P y g mother, Mrs • Wm. 'o assisted b .Rev..'W.-•B..T. Tucker.stone's , u y .. • stone � Church; Clinton on Tuesday Np- Furniture' Store a.n d '.McCarthy vember; 12th. AGRICULTURei INTER FAIR Nov.: 12-20 TORONTO •G : ood agoing—Nov. 11th 'to 13th inrl usive:- Returns---,Lv_ Toronto not later ;than midnight Nov-.; 21 One-way faze : for ro'id' trip: with .certain .exceptions. Fvli i fotinarion from any :fit; The meeting has been called Residence Changes I ante FederatiTt ,and is'.:expected• Gently . moved to :the Morrison to ,be a• large,. gathering as' all home on -S andp1pe Hill''. and•;. churches and Yonne• Peoples Mr and :Mrs.. Albert Little • have Societies willbe represented...moved to the McGill home, just Temperance education., 'and • lar east:''of thee:. village .which Mr., enforcement ,will.. be • stressed at• Little has...purehased • ttis ::convention! • • Dr. C. W' DeMille, Toronto and- Leaving For' S G.;- Royal ;Boulton; of the •Ontario Jim Parkes:. who' has been ern Temperance; Federation; i11. as ploy ed 'by' E« art, Taylor•, for thea silt in .the program which ‘V ill past tour 3 -.ears 'is leaving 'short - commence at. 2 p.tn on Tuesday l3• bi- Mission City B C•., on ac- NOiember • 12th- The :.public are count of the illness of his father, invited." ' • . Mr.. J. 'CV:` Parkes. • by the. Huron ' Count': Temper. Mr. and Mrs: • Wm. McGill re SPEC/AL LOW RAIL FARES REMEMBRANCE DAY EARED AND ONE-QUARTER FOR 'THE ROUND TRIP,, I.i GO: Any tiins'.f.Or 12:00 noon Fridays Nev •ACh, until 2:00 p.m. Monday, Nora. 1101. -AETURI Lea's' destination- up to 12:00 night, Tuesday Nov. ) 2114 1946. ' F aJ1 enforrnation from any':,dgsnf. ., • A • THEATRE is to . ;become a! rt3aiiity' zn Palmerston thrriugh generosity ;of ''a Palmerston boy"; who is financing the cow struction of:; the'' building as a memorial,, fti i ' y..' . his ends Par and; olid 'id's in the ho me "trwn_ o4. •' can enjoy . 't goodness o wholesome a FLOM ...:'. .. :SPOTLESS KITCHENS rug Store x•