The Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-10-30, Page 3Wednesday, October 30th, 1946 .�j Local and Nancy Johnston and Sandra; . Taylor had their tonsils removed last week. St. Peter's Anglican :GuiIc will hold a .sale of work' and tea on' Deceinbc.r 7th. rri .,the.1;egioiiTMall, Mr. and. llllrs. Sid ' Rouse and children 'are occupying the Mair•. tour ho e , here, Mr• Albert Gook returned borne Thurrsday after visiting n w friei'rds itis' Champaign • and East fe St • 1,09*,.. Illinois. Miss Clara I:fesp. returned to .her home 'in Hamilton after spen P., ding `Three weeks: tvith7Mr;. and Mrs. Jake Hunter Mrs'.isaae•'Erxsign of Krrreardrne� and Mrs,. Herb Ensign:..of. Para -- mount spent the week -end With Mrs, Jarnes.MacDonaid.. and "Mr -s.. Leonard . P'hill`ips; • and Mary of Wittgliatr . spent Sun- day with Mr.i'and Mrs„'Jake Hun- ter. • • Mr.: Sana ' Murchison of 'Sault :.Ste Mame' and Rey. J. M_ -March • isoni of Fcxwarren, Maio are vis ting here Mr.. and Mrs. H. 'Roswell •utii- erfard of Ottawaa visited iii. Luck- . .now last week with. Miss ...Welsh, and ;Miss MacPherson. rs•.: David. Gillies who'is in. 4 ...._ _._.. • . , • �16711h1161..,...,'''14111111/4"711441'7, LUCRNOW SENTINEL, LUCK , ONTARIO • ASHFIELD •° Bob Vippson'of Elmira spent the week -end at his borne. here: Mrs and Mcs, Will Huston of Detroit "spent the week -end with his- mothers- Mrs:- Dlav•id .Hustgn .-7•••• ' PAGE:3- Mrs. Dora Lurphers 'of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Tom .Inglis of Belmore were week -end visitors with friends here. Mr. and Mrs 'Archie MacMttr- . ,,,. -pf Detroit .spent a few days at ,the MacMurchy home on the Mrs Emma' MacDonald $pent ghway• the. weekend .rwztl� Mgrs :F�analii Mr: and Mrs. Neil MacKenzie BTuewater fii Fergusop '• of Detroit spent. a week with ref-- atives here and -at •Bluevale. Mr. 'and . Mrs.. Al: Martin and Mr. Rand. Mrs:. R. J. Bullen are Neddy of Toronto 'spent 'the week- moving to .Goderich far: tine win-; ertd with relatives ' - te-r- a tert Spending -I a .summer. `Mrs Esth T1 their. home •on .the 12th; Chang', concession er each' .;o$ CIi llI - pargrt� r spent ,• Sunday with Mr. The I£intaxl Women's Institute; meets, on ,Thursday_af thisr: week at'the hoiine.af, the president; Mrs. Robert Scott , , Mr and. Mrs„`' Robert Hibbon have returned 'to their home in. Listowel:; after two reeks spent among.. frig, ids here. It ' is 'eight years • since the',: left_ t his _co •! - Postliwnous Award Made Tlit_jaoSthinnOuS awa din x�.�te silver<T'"Operational Wings" hs ;been naade to. Flight'Sergeant MacDonald, , son 'of Ree D.r;.A: and Mrs. MacD,naid, Huron 'township:' The ,award - is rrxac by the Royal Canadian Air • Forme: in : recognition of gallant sere c . Fliight Set -sea t MacDonald was hey• rear gtitmez irk _- 1arxp Ic as brought dowii over. Germany ander Mrs. Albert Cook. • Residing, In Boderi b I Mr, -an4 .Mrs. Matt Gaynor. and family, have taken up, residence in Goderich. ' i'. trai•V-a• the -h e -o€ ciacr�n= tern I{ Its Hank. Krueger, is ; ni t in g'at7CI health • ,• Mr,and Harvey Harvey Naylor of Londe spent the: ek-erid�- here' with his ...mother, Mrs Louisa Naylor Miss EticrN t3 rzrrstror rho --ii the •diet kitchen at rQueen Alex .andra:Sanatorium, tndon, 'spent the week -end at the iliome of Mr. and Mrs,'IW. G YArni:strong Mr azul Mrs Wilson Armstrong and son of-NobTeton, Mr. and; MV.Irs. Joe .Austin of Wil gham spent the week -end here with Mr; and. Mrs., •Arrnstrong. Mr�.. and-'-Mrs.-7- -1Vfc,�oria yv of Carsonyille Michigan visited;'. tic ith the•. fr,rrri - r's• writ; Mrs, Jas.. t • 1 , - DON'T • EIAY anada Froin •., • ngs Y N. eorge ;final len 2, 1-IOLYROOD' Phone 18-16 Ripley on November 3, : 1 3 ,at which: ime he lost hiS ,Ft+i c -ter for a clay\.eek: 'and Mrs. . ATIan ; Stuart,.1angi . thret,. r Margaret 'and num 1.4 • .'tfary have :returziecl tc} t ;an;':rllt L,Ir. I.l,y,l`Stev art of Brampton, . ''':, r spending :two, i� ecic� At the xt� �t r1 c 14 E' E ncl X.c itn his, pat', c,�rtrc of h€r°'nt� I sir el till Pn'iltp Steer: �t r Y .� Y� �' ;�•t L;I. �,'�^'f' i r1t 'l:,' .s. F. Representing . . OWAN: Toronto, .Ont:. r •`l r�t;r, t,T 'Lt:�bGv r Gr•4ic-"r 'rtss'es Dorothy, Dou Ins ' and .ot ria:' in Sti-athn d; `who' is suite.', 4I,,;...�s. E. c,K m'returnicd:the ,first of. the• Week. after 'attendirig Provincial ••Eecutiv e G.irI ,Guicle meeting ati.North Bay. Mrs.T.Mc- Kim made the: trips from Tozonto to North. Bary: Faye°:plane. i iStena Carrick have retut ned., f. r,m ,Visiting. x elatr� es: iii Vii glnia, 1F/tinn; and St.. 'Paul. The Ia'tter. s'sis er,. Mrs> Charles Shan- rt.r n an Miss Cameron of St • Pau!, t-eturried with• thein and..'have been visztmg here. • ` • .....- 1(1 N L O C H .4t the Ang:lrcan; church on Sr n day "last there Was.a, ,service •of ri�ic� •Filly and ,avid visited Sunday rey, infant daughter of.•: Mr.- and;- }ith f i'ends at Langside Mrs.. Ronald ,Thacker 'and :Doris The Girls W.A.: will meet iprt..KathleerL infant.datighter—af :-1\4 r• aturcay afternoore..at the home and yrs. ;Charles 'Hodbrns we: of 'VLiss 'Joyce Ha.tdenby.•. the, is baptized:. a work meeting.: .. •- •Irs- Jarri• - Mrs;' Wm. Percy vrsrted'Sun&a:y Hodge has;: been' in with i4lc & ors. • Lucknaw caring far:Mrs. M Dud- • whop 1s , i11.. Mr: and 'Mrs . Miller Hartwick Shirley. Hill . of , Kincard• ine ,arid •ba"be visited s th •N1i and pent the ' Week -end , with Mis; 1vti s Milton ,::Walsh Mildred •Prnnel?I Mr Gordo r Ifodgl.insort held a 'virsu'AItan Wali :and babe. Mrs - �ry .Sr cces4ful sate at th.e farm �.•. 'vTar�Kenzie and •stun of London last Tuesd+av tit the vreek .end with 14Ir and Mr " and Mr`s Georg&' Young' Of Ii',. WiLliarn Wall. h,irigarf visited Tuesday .evening ".. 'with friends in the. witlage:;'. Vti�. ' and Ii•s„ °scar :Tanner' of Wiilkt cion 'visited. Sunday with; Mr: : and. ' t :::tit Grahafn.' Mr -s. Waetche r and, Miss Ethel Iia 1denbyj txf . Wa lke�rtrin , spent the -week.; end. ivitli; 1' ir. and.Mrs.. Geo. Ha lden•hy . 1• T h e Anglican. service ct� an'e froth ,afternogn .service to morning and evening alternately for the winter months begirin�ing . Sund'ay next the- •service will :;be • 'at 7 30. 'p� rix Mr, and 'Mks. Z'. M. Anderson' and Mrs. Watts of Mafeking, Mr. _.and,Mrs._T, L. rAiiderson"of Luck' now visited Sunday with Mr. an:d. Mrs. ' Char1#e' Hodgins.. . •- r r B'o Ie, .I3. WMcLe11ati; W.$and M; I Walsh arid G.'Yoi�ng:attended the Bruce•Deanery Layrnen's banquet held at Cheslek oil - Wednesday evening' pf Last" week •' Mr. • Wrn. McPherson, of Walk- erton: visited Sunday with. Mr. tyres,: Archie McFarlan and. called on other friends, on''the line - h m=-enj y renewed • Mr. Haro.td Hatdenby has open end snioothness�, hr- ed •a new :White Rose ' gasoline e;eased power, quuetter station a our vitlage�.nortt ' snrg" and impi owed Miss T velyn .McLeart Was home eennomg.; from London •over the Week end. She Was, accorn:panied c`,i , her re-, turn by her rxt.i thet Mrs: W BTW.• -McLean. ai:id: Mr.. McKenzie tr ' �I7JV�t •wh`h has! be:ert .,visiting here.. Central Garage : , The •Gins W. A. hold a ter' wiser” i tri r3i of 6"vtri•l �5nd SoIaI C K x !; thFt rltux, a,rt Friday ev( ritrig , 'arrt”. Tits: tx �t°i F oi, {3tfl )t iitc'tl., t,3 �, ; S40 ;71O. w Mr� ; and. IVlrs :Harold y. holy. baptism• when:Marilyn, Aud e� • • • 014.4 • t.. CRA, xcAse -• i rainy 4:, DIFFERENTIAL *Drain, $ isli and refill crankcase flush and refill with B -.Ar. with correct wi,grade H�d Gearor Trans- ''. of B•l1 P'eerIessnterMotor aI CiiL " ft's`Aifoped" to give i:Vxon lubricant accord- complete protection izreg to car :n a.nufacmreis', under extreme ' winter recommendations-gxiing driving "condttnonis:' ' complete winter prow- ' ..._. �..: parts._ . y 7 . CHAtSt-labriaxre t[on to these vital • chassis; with BSA gdalctyr S.FRONT !IDI . A ts, he I# -..A 'lubrcan as`urg t �: RINGS oleic Chart w .hick as- emove front wheeLt,, x the A right pla•ce, ac:, and repack w'it�n B-.�i res Fie right Iabrrcant If 'wasTa -bearings cording anufac- . Wheel Bearing Grease. carers' specamtions•. 6. 'HOSE CONNECTION 3..YRANSMISSTON — Drain, dusb: and with B -A Check radiator and beater" Winter sijnissiOli Chlt . btxse and' Tiaatighten'l all con- assuring quick get -away' nestioas to ensure there ra arb4.ero, temperatures. are as leaks. • r • .,:.,.. , ..... ,ter 7.; 'RADIATOR15rain,. dean and . rreverse-flush- the radiator . to remove :dirt and • scale and assure'• efficient operation. of cool- ing system. Refill for the required protection WithB-A Prost : Cop or ,!37A :Nevrfrez• — .. >Iti BATTERY — Check volt • age and I hydrometer readings and • if necesatry. ©eaa ap-, ply grease on .terminal. to prevent .corrosion and check' battery tonne 5t ons fol wear;, • 9. PAW' !•iuGS=Retnove, - clean and reap ','.spark pI ugs fargreater ec+bnonsy and !setter engine pet- formance. ., winter itis more neeessery" End* ever for you to take core• e yoin., oigoioit the n , orousdemands of cold wepther drMnj :Men* m.w�� 9 wcore I' . Gave been rept opetrating beecausof the careful eerkricinr9 anti top '' 4 ub b -A' pioducfs: obtainable -at your neighbourhood, A' dealer. He Irnowt .that 's -A Winterized protection, pias 54;top-quat;ty•gasolene3, motor ani and gree es,, 1;ve yoo. Um oWinterize. ourextra margin df winter driving comfort and protection.. It 'peva. y colt at the, . si'an of • the; Big , B-/fi.• THE BRITISH AMERICAN CIL CCMPA • 41,