The Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-10-16, Page 2ixxxxow, ammo • • ' _4403r, Oetelier i1li Au • • T miarioom „Li30000.30100(4-.. email Saaings Banda went ant Oneemmrrate• varlana sale last Tweadar, without the projects that inied well be un- fasfare and Patriotic pPeal dertaken in Ludt:flow, . In this Bat, loan a hospital should stand well tO, ie sdant the . • bands- 171*- bend isine, is as it, 4:before- , _ warev of 3`slivinge. bond, aral. the Lacknow.and vieiniti. could be • The sixtieth wedding .anniver- sari td :Melvin and Irrs- leeneY iZty Teen Angus mert.onala nceigt back late Barry DaYs 'of Brownsvi7de,Val'1045 • ,,, lishfield Paawil-k A son was' biirn to ilr*:.aturldia- biS lintel ingSiness fr£3133 Ts, Tander :"irbictil it ean he-pur- well'and prorstahlY seved by a ClIarg, t° wbich ,brier reline:nee James Bryan' of LucknOvr. ' Itsbirin. . barred, Which designed today .as • one-stm'eY eight eluldren' uf wheni Bev' JatneS MeChakelr reeeiVed .de-- The- Fire Cra;' arrange/11a 31i . .tie ' * graudadidreo a1313 • - i Armed it strictly that. Tbey but modern.. bospitai Ifmn taade;4° last- 'Uwe* - ie death occurred, of Mire • being „solidi eiimiillte cost_ weeney. eldfst, were present, livery of neigq VOIXthined enghle Demaini°11.eleation Tett wa .al n be PurdiaSed GeV 131 rn- from twelve to twfmtl- raP- ez-D3rable affair' SimdaY*Fifillnie Miner; third dajtrhter 1st TiVittii4"T — &victual*, all firms and fulaneial a -MO', Such hospitals\ are b entg 43etabel 6taVtile wedding daY" caraDataies f°°11"cd" elevator facITIbes hazards - 4 .00 * '..lif•intrAter n•ot -lehnun:10- True, ar.' n °teen gnIat'"' • onl.d. cost. conlev. but ,at 'Other 71.4rY-; . by the fact tht bands -are trinaferahle,''Themmdn=ltolO7.- 'Same time-Mirdoliae,rtre. - - ilven eiglitirni4,4randeti: twenty_ ,ant, wile,. to: Tun us .Thresiiiot flounced .at the'ro-wn Bairns. Znip,.. two'of the rbaettio,e, Ca 25e was charged-witt _a_311e. luithati-wediding suPPer" jag business' a mr- -v4 IL s lame'," thus 131""3"..f ,lem. u; 171.r and enables- ated bridestreamemislaige: 7Las 07:edLhit'Parthers147:::717,."' and Cliff pu-, Plus going to th:e fkorifics:d: 1i411111111 Moth' !ted CP tf; elle ' 'en- Alte- -14eisx"lag°w roamtfaatur--, 'Bev, C- ll; Thelunson oi Asa-, 1 served ; - . anY „if siLle. loan; oils- Thiarteme three.sonny ,enter gn%ftest,knals-' eentrerfvvr".,th a 1°L.,...,...-rt°,1-Y• thig 7businft154 46,44116y tielg*tted., In 33nice the '",,,arily in the per.,„„prnject ., ,a0u-sing layer rAr0., and ucw"-704 candies, The .srhool 33Oanli, ./.4a Ltherai oteroberl Dr.. Haly!as re - 'The idighn.Gaverinnent a'fas. • cnannesth= Beient,. jo,lacaleiotadenterest,.tbe earry4:.eg. • eat the seneralutet!° tbezaistu -- Fowler .0! Treesutater, adult 1 • - - . Althogb, _ , . anthemzeabe . 'rolurtY, and splustric. at mauve aid 'w , . -',,-,7'----":--•-dealers*,--.-stcclr.--beaIFL.,-Vntt-.*._.0n*__e ,,m3ptiottvei_!...4'grants,410fikv.iwer_,Ins_a 'PL.1 . thvileitaln115rilwre : is i,t , , a. „....., lild PIM rosaye:TZ:tunates,teaatere_lauso*, r• , - sold -through nsnm ite *4. ..,..--- *• •*--e- - ...• *;.--.....• agent:14S *HI not, be able to al)-- suffideging,iftacerive ,s041fatiortnn- side tables.- . ' '' . ' keePing school an ogrV5iernee_. in Liborallillnn, tIVieturnedg-ing PwithrAgtte; trust oe .litawt ..conifteMks,--- - :_, . Tpains_„on7proach eaTery,vith_• theCanagrtan._ .:A,.......___ 4,......._ _ . 'awl vas Ine- Aincing Ihe liimilTir7.34 ,nal7sagesealtle- 7perirePalr' tt) .sp .eod 111ch time , '4 ' gram ' from - :115" • .3gaieStY"" tpaihame ,Iga ' ' 7-iFtwireiiiire.'440-September' 1"4 - - ;the. the 11-037 ..! ' ' • Of 300 • • -... 1- " , .030,..adik* operated _.,,,,,,.._...... ...... re effort 'to achieve ssuciongiliuu - ''''' ''''., .* : • Ivry 1*-ftims eamPaigns_, ,_, ___,„__„____-4,11..... The'r-Auirtg of a public ix,==i4iiPs-„,_____.. reading 'She Yang . , ,,,,_,_____,. , . master clair Agnew ,was -ffs4. scene (IT ici: .1,= .. ' - ..,7"..E . ''' . this' ,d,..13t. ,imissog V •JCW" 4111 -Na,. :30,00:1:aiipear .01 be a. le.,gical..4,1,1 ...„„„ trituoirarty. ' -... •.-•. ..ia atm. broireo whea-,,lixownl,„frOra a 4iis;,41:;:-.35acy../-...i'e-na ' 't,- - '• ,..momnon_zrag.-- there were aPVI:UulLk.' -Width -the fflebflg °awe andsoOd -wishes 0ur g rm;50 ;horse, - . 47-illiam A, Torteoui ,,,,,,,,s,Itugit salesmen oPerating --• could be detetnnmed viedding .day"- There was - I mie . ,Gorrie VIdette . ML jam Joyot, Tetafeed frum - , """•"-- ' arralliterner" th., 1!tentwas favnralae#1stePs graciorn ruessages Lm -1°J7ela That'', c_aud Garnet Arnistromg i... -; tri43, to 444 .0.=, - =me tke general 1311trie4( „., -. Then be 4.0.4..k........swet "W obtain 4rTive. mid ze. jimuz Ns/ and.. bad vuxrhosed ;thiv ,iirus .1 stn. ' alikriticial,- ivaliggsanda...tililit ,,,.‘.,/r'ar ..SPeeirie,i4.11.14ilurinr. ..lilat" fraga file PrOViati41 *IT.L. iii Lucknow id Their • lig;IDS1= ,and :tatie of . Tne , 4 sa_u_r_a_gra.—i-n-the , acse--ns the linareernirelmeibilbe.leasnoty?---- ---,--# �f 5th triBigaodlbe i,riymrliceel, ,oenut:ann, - • iniwisbir tiiiit' .7*Eriey.d, iiiziyman.be' .,,,-.*)Lsitee, s,sattbanctwerssearea.,r; 14- amist&s. bearing i. '' ' liri expected that the _ a The PrOvineial Goverualenr a mats a am._ , . ineetAinenteales to thedealrs genealz=et attitude in- thiS tanneersen was At the 01,rige of the.snlgellev- si3aecialoncries.'glehrate ' nianY "Bre Schp°. - Icintil II Z, 3Factory 5 I ' , • • -1) imianyien 26, ,c,,1akes .greagyieteed3,1189 antiallhowes noun ' s$11171sarized,„ ltpr b3rfarDsrouth. IL Mr- Wto-0011eitis «1s written theipthttmtInnnwingby 3t 6 banks and certain- Unit and loan u°3x4 **miring at a - idle . , ' ZICHn '23, ifZekenS1': calalParlieg "will aflata- be stave= Aceremony at canton_ lis ' 'HODGES-4g Alexandra 110514- . , mks In the general Palthel ?Is a ------- ge4ift.pepilleMent When GnEndiainnOrted Grandnialtal, Goderieh, on * .. - 7, 3946,lcult4111, High S*,°°_,1‘.2 rade "the,' Will. net be able to. re''' "A Melif -1.w7"6.J ''''k7 .`7."' I ' 1414."Mtv,,,and IlitOn Keen6th MAZES? 7lsherRariP2fers 9:332a°01- -1. foe • - lot Beilth mint soon be brow:119 Some sixtY lean Jigs'', .1 , -I— , a..1_,s . s 43, 1 ., - .,itron siceeriaea. iesent- a rural frigrin--E:--.1 liv,--6 .:.in :to tore lir to --_.,e show. • , .---- , . - - 1,1C --will be elear fitat _____,... 1- / blow The need , . ;11fflEDIANG.11FLIA , : : ' (At Monday Night) - r-r—risme.; AggpeehallY in. a --Im""-"' tcnni- ' lbeli dia litii. rourt beneath 'the . , - . , ' . , Not int-itininct TwesdaY's p;Ill'i4 eittioni aneas,,....;.,....ffiir.d.„...WElltztve ta 4toras-ineedatisavasz.--- a- ... „.,Isoisscapn-__ emu. ofglemnInstrons. ' . ieetric, re-tio_ ,..., , . , , in the , chapel' _ nu. Deer, . park,_- fln,... ' " 7 , . WI, lo*Tils4 ,. "mine a new' -*1*-' — commtatite- . ' ' lAnd all the rows were • -mare° V' -united tChurch, TOronto, 'an `ZeP-. 4 -7.,„=„7_,..* ' '',1 ',0 4., lbeir ' own Isinthasm.";.. in ihisi , , . _ , _ . '. ietnlm, ibe outcome of the___.+.,,,', ,.., I 'Tins ccentattudYtn stare. isiligelmadthebe livenizmn band ..r.... . ..- _ _ - , ' * * ' . tend= 211th,,Iir... Startle' yliossen, .1-uppr-i- ,-,.. ... -.-,, * ,' :Inlinetberirott7.010117.„ arcimasartoruarietwitt e n forinTer:_inseresticmilimrmalmlipeciplsurvey: thatte:70:milderiverit: : :3=arionaitars_zi=1:30: bast- molviti_g_tre, ,cotinty' . zatientringthcemandsr...a.,it:tatch;.ig: ...ihis' the: exuron:....Interw'': visi_eekilieirwAnci7svolrobutcher7e:ene.e, i imeturbad171=71 3° calied7plowedt•ga:Tomel"nar:14e:7weieliglaihanitltide.:‘1.: Eatrielatediatedaughterratwigiamj=thrmilheate. .wat:LitisebsterLirtowebstermarriagt.: jarl'andiiiiar.th;„an4:11 1914.Lacilnis schoo.*_. 1-'s II 0,7 1;7,1. , ,:iiii. :171( .P:. , : Gul.etri : ..- .: .: :::..;0:1; :2.11113.1'2100: 4•• „.....t ,-.tere hands and' - . ' ' s'"I' '''''' l'A's"'"' *L'a* ""'"61-''' ul rails - - . - ' ' . ' ' J Weatherseed was at -the mian ThtusdaY,- Cki.°- • t - . "- ,-- ,. irtricates----- Intend 11,tear,eauthrue their' icrekomes. , . er,ctrwillese •scarcebritmEtars` needCitizensto A,Tui some WerelfladealstuntinVe liar_ , .., 'Theodore, Mmenson 'sang._ It 210° vttss- ' , s. Doogasnoni, , . . - ,,„ - : ,, ..., _____ Arid 13n:the -frosfyi4d,things , -,-;Jaiirctm'P.Loyer and t`.‘Still is. Ilackf v - .., warraue laaings Inabitis thinugh be reminded' to greet men2 ' 44.**P*-- - They had to -thaw:the pumps. Ithelsrightr,, , ar,,____airgavertnnetse- Ifroasly` aati,T.i......r.4.1 1-Tir-,-1711 se .2'non,;:thingS,thatisosr.we- ,nsetivard. GTitinitlirth,.:tbe' birde:-Woe,-,1, ',n .,,,l),an*aPx`DA ,, orto. ' .1;1,5227%2'1E*. ;' - . . The: fact mit, -"thereo-- ists. - ,but, one, ,, pathyanousforinurderntestear-sbedermgenhartsGueringiaiho s: iiraa0Siareet. fr: butter uar.ama- 44,,,,'. I s a g e. fit 'plink juges.. '. .. • , i . . . ... . . :contestant in the rubric speakin,g today.are payihg‘,,tbe pertoty of . bread,' - . . L',"'"7- -7— ' . contest atiaicknowraltlairoand their crimes- It ia n° emit t° 1.4r- ShO SCrUbbed,-arin .1C7461110 and '' , there are rare* more than ism, get„ and guiddy; the it./Amie and -mprti:18,4,: . • ; • . focuser afteurion- on the rogue- grief they so indlously iniposed she ikeit ihe sxleks..,arid =jade ,the• 4, , -,-, .... ' oom of young peon to take ad- riprei =Mimi Of 'helpless folk, quAtA, . .. , • ' vantage of thisi training, , and for which' .atroeities the law., Her ehores,/azFe rimer enciefil - . ,- „,,,,e ProbablY" 113e' neglect' '131'' thelr Sat:WI/lag itS1USt dentintiS. 'And in. betiVreen.She. :1011nd the , ...-,t- -,4; :1..,,":.• ' • elders ti3 Cliwurage iLTII-be atile '. ' — ° — . -04....41, 4.- .t, 4,,,. , ix> 3Peak - ital lit' Paltrier' 15 all Thetaientolsuecessis nothing • To T,A,-*, a brood of kiddieSo . 4* '- * 441142b.,1-0_,_*aCC6Ullirilka2ent WI Inarethandaingleba3raCi Cal:d° To ina *and hoe+ run to and fro, PullnarY woo • • -welt • arid doing well whatever " To feed the geese. and . - . , r ...' 40*.4 far Public' speaking*training -wffi. . - ' ilia , - in ' tile Ynit din, Withnicd" a' :thai*Tit 'a Ana GrandPa„ too, did.worir pur- i .:,,;..4", -..,,,.,.-4,, `... 1. • Behind ;the pktw, Se plodded --:- 33 4 7, g 33 43 • — - &4'et iflflSfSL d. •• rp wit, The lark, fra. dawn -to . uutil - • •:" years that He ahead ot them faxne---laisfelicat • 41110,, . • ',-.,44,,,o•-•,*" • tiltl • -', 3' 33 P" • •" . 9 j, 4333• • - • . , 43 0' . 43 , • 4 • • t i • , • ! '7 ' Sealir 011111 .• g: iikta41216131031,,,: 13erniee Shedd -it*: in church and hoMe and ,cotmtrY- .. leo yard aasb 04.8 sec.)--Dor-t Statrarmg -hop, stip! and itimPI • ' . otray- Grpat ia,—..evlae4-4CtioU;Tiorrcat, _ liCarg. .reaa Trelee-1 Thirottii Gibeen„ Bereite • sfiadA An& eiade The 'pattern' dick, tett," 110=Trich;k11; Zta- fit* Gibian,i Grade Coake,, Lorna Little, Eileen Purees.,:itary C 3 -legged, rice 03 sec4---Marl Chin" and' Jayce tampbell, Purves and 'Lma • l'releavert end Betnice Betty Ardor= lohnstoir, "0"- '77 acQuag,and Viola Skipping race (1.0.11 ten. Purves, /Sett,' 110'llavt, • 'Grace Coe, Mary Chn. itiCirele race (Oil ose.)---Tean Treleaven, &Leen Parses, (raiz Goctilirarjr Gilnoc!. na-1 i a ,aisd Margaret Mae vuiu, caoke Betty - ' aftera.lann ntient "Iretist -herMsg— Miller* Marl Part- Vat held frank garee. .five rs jalsnatta# retredisiserite served tri thmng, tweed itoriP (12 it* 2 Gtherei, fries& *ad relettice. • Docnthr Skerit.4 IreelSO ate teraelleat l'IFtree„ IlettY Sargaret Page fires) 1:74, .44 4 • '** i) -Be sit2mIcir, bemon ',Mary (PtiruthT.G113°00 andlaeeniThrough sun andShadOW, joy and Purves• iPraP 01t-,1413)-7Eileeu Be and his'IftIle bride. Purees,' Dorothy GEnop,. Joyce Campbell; 'Margaret IgarPhensort, ttewthel, .---IsaVel,down The hill Grace cookei That yester-year ,theynadanted And all who lauisi hm' with maccaret macpyriersoni thm JIM , Catherine Mason, Mary Chin, I latles,sugs and, joys fm unconritd. ' GracTe Caakeolaleen13urrek We Meet today and Aoeuraci o*—Dorothy Gib- While Zuzse's clodr glOno JOY jOhnann-,16712e fat, : Betty Miller,,Berniee Sid".We're glad that Grandpa erno bride Baskethell 4;00C -throw (team • , • of three): Betty Igarshalt, Ardork- 't‘ighteen'elestr'ske-''. A thing of evaxLiatit arid. beauty. And so through all the. Tey've travelled side bistance softball hrow' ato • " Eio±ar'. ' „ • (By"Dean I.:MacLeod): -Come 'Ye to tbe ploughint With all tirftfc We'll follow the !highways and go, 414th Auttlan2 leaves falling and nature sa-eatti4i To loYs that the Yearns to bestow:, This iesety sdaezi so freely in sreally Glad victory'S fruit for 'out pleasure, Port Albert, is ,nated, the ploughing initch. Thibest Of our Country's Measure- :The rich -on+ the poor one, 'twill surely re C3 .,To td, the rail ofthe s3il, ,• • , To laok.well upon it, to view what grows ca it .To honor the *niers who toil. Dmnb rreatureS, God planned thee .so rrahsy st".• e-givelhe ±ibiit Way! - Kind cz, thy strong' streakier, in times tha.t 33e1ped ;clear the great forests away!. ramp hos, who gravers!' and i:iiotiki zd 'Give strength :to the cutting ploughsb#e, Ride We salute.thee let no Gat 415-Pnle hyplace in our Canada fair... • Wisennili-Of the ages*, with prdkressfv: Icag HOW toil his been eas&! and howLdaYs • No longer are at!1a has basted ' he. coming AdbaPpier Ways. Pair yen*, full of vigor, haritans are ln*ger" • Earths bounties in lavish • displai Are here for *y viewm& , thi glad 110Pes • For furrOws that stretd2 far algal, Sfilt *foil:sin the bizseski unseen! Vat we Juliet, Dreara etitandi001_4re Criftr •the Wo iffered to die .butimat bCr I Wed over the . d the , 'Peace stirring' slays,deitrrY 'fratightt o God, make us ialier trapiiiet, Tenth no to value otirloU ' Timor *iris:Wane Ort4 •niragitill" ;alba .ncau. .• . •