The Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-10-09, Page 4• -.r r�. ro . .. LHCKNOW, ONTAR Q .. �' L�rcxow sErrTN�Lx ... Mh Annnal. - 'SHEEP SALE grey -$race -Sheep- Breeders Club • SATURDAY: OCTOBER: 12th at 1.30 p.m, . 'VAX .oROVNDS, OWEN SOUND 30. rams and a few choice •• pure bred ewes Wm: 'Henry;.•fres., Owen Sound T: Stewart, Cooper, Secretary,. Markdale, Ont. Wm< McKay, Auctioneer FOR SALE -three litters of pigs, • ready to wean; also a : spring calf. Apply -Orville Jones!. Lucknow, HOUSE FOR SALE -Seven -roam: frame '.house, with lot, in Luck - now. Appy at Sentinel -,Office„.,,, FOR SALLA' 11 pigs' . ready tp, wean; HerbEnsign, Piscine Dun- gannon 62-12. ` 4 ' 1. WOOD FOR SALE ., dry hard, znAple, 12 inches long."Apply to Gordon Reid, Dungannon - FOR SALE 7fair1's bicycle with parcel carrier, in good condition:: Apply Sentinel • Office~ AGENT FOR• Hanover Cleaners: Jack's Barber Shop. Berlou moth spt arxiture done at your tone. Leave order and enquire for , pric'es. All; moth spraying guaranteed, k FLEECE -LINE YOUR HOME Blown. Rockwool Insulation ap- flied to walls: and ceilings of your home. will; ,save. fuel . with more then:fort and' fire: protection. Work done:pnyWheree Equipment in the rict dour_ • For free : estimate and, terms, 'Phone' 35 Lucknow or write '• Rowland, , C. Day, .5 'Ilior-n on A.ie; London. .WHY WHY. SUFFER THE. agony , of Rheunaittc, pain, Sciatica; L'um.- bago, When RtitnacapS will give uiek welcome : relief. you c 'S Dru :'Store, Taylor's:, Doig Store.• :CLEARING AUCTION 'SA.LE of farmstck, implements,' gratr) . etc.„..at Lot' 7, . Con., Kinloss on Tuesday,:' October 22nd .at 1.30.. See` ills-fOr",dist and terms, -•Corr Jori I3odgkinson, Prop"; 'Donald: AUCTION SALE of cows,•'young . Blue • Auc Cattle; pigs, at -FJf - 8- conn ...-x-. - B .11355 Two.. Thursdays . 0etober 10 1 CLEARING •• AUCTION SALE of farm; farm stook and imIements F; st-Augastl . , Lot 25, Con. 7; �: West Wawanosh .on Mond- �y,Oet ober.1.4th at one o'clock: See bills: .James Craig, Prop.; Well. Hen- derson, Auc,. FOUparr" of glasses at:Dun gannon Fair. ' Apply at Sentinel Office; PRIVATE * SALE - ' furnace la*- . dust, burner, beds, dammers and varimis 'other household ' effects. Mrs;,.. Orley Cooper, LU, cknaw: • ; FOR SALE -1928 Model4i coupe- • :, Apply: after 6.00 • „R m- tb •' G . D- MacGregor,.m;1 d a .,y •'between Lochalsh and Sintai : FOR SALE -=T is-eine•heat :: ..• er b coal or wood; also two. .' parr ...___ of feather ; pElovas: ritoly W. J. Spindler:: •c CIE .RING AUCTION SALE of •'WANiTED re ab'Ie, mon or • b houaehold';,.effects'• ut''D gannan _ = e =`Sat y 000het h itl Close to town, ..hig1t 1.30 ' o'clock.' See . br'1ls ' for list, 'mens- Terms- Casa. Mr S. F Treleaven, ;wages_ Apply. of Sentinel t}fti..Y Prop " V�eR. =$endorsor, Aum FOR. SALE 3 -lamer Teal iii vet INo�vea:e3owa - InLgo • • Or s u.Sed Sentinel: OffiOe at . one *o'clock:. 61 head of cattle, :Pigs,--tix4nonthe-cretli L. McKinnon,' Prop.; Donald B. Blue, Auc.• • , NOTICE ' • Barber Shops in Lucknow will. be closed all day on Wednesday, October 16th, .on . ac'cotint of the International Plowing Match , of Port; Albert- •- Jack : 'Campbell, Hugh • Cuming, • Gm:derv-Irish _ _WEDNESDAY`, Qc"TOBER 9; 194$ INSURANCE EIRE, . CaASUALTYd AVT'OIVIOBILE Special rates ,for ' preferred risks.-' Ask us about them, J. Ae M DONAGH ,' tii:57111ow� Ont,naon MEMORIAM . HACK 1"1 -lis loving memory of ut clear Wife and mother, E1iZa Jane' Hackett,: who passed away 'October 9th, 1945.. . Drell day brings sweet mem " :Every memory brings -a tear; Deep withip..our .hearts "we cherish TitouglitS.10f=.one .-Iavez1 tuart MacKenz M1 BARRISTER ' fs • SOLIC1TOS Vins alirerto Didarkt..: IN LUCKNOW Each Wednesday Insurer ure " Insurance Confederation Life WIND, CAR,.' FIRE Preferred Rates for ` : preferred' risks. . ACCIDENT & SICKNESS Consult*. ° • R • JOHN FARRISH Phone 82-13 Dungannon, ACCOUNTANCY. •� Service for the Sanall. Merchant,; .Professor a1 Man .ande� arm r S. J. P Y NI' M. Boz 49, ' Ripley, Ont. HENDERSSON BLOCK • r1 AftMSTRONI OPTOMETRIST, I1�TA LU.CKHOW FIRST .FRIDAY' 'j: . OF `. . EACH MONTH frim to 6 Wl1L SCHMID'S STORE: .3. Hetherington, K� Barrister; Etc. Wingham. and . Lachnow IN LUCKNOW Each' Monday & Wednesday octed on: ° the ground . floor .in: fhe ' front. of h Hilpatrack's• Bnildu� 'P>zone Winghaat, 8,esidence. 97 dem, VHITECHURCH S'Hus adly missed by band,Sons, ' and DiughterS.Daughters'. • Mrs. Jo Conn 'left ' Wing= electric. 'light ' ii its Saturday, and is. CLEARING: N' SALE of ;Wing- to SALE-four l pain h sp Wm. Quite a numbe , baits cash.. LOST . ' B 1d• containing' ens; barge , drT efs license' same - money.: Reward- ,'Please lege-at=Sentinel._ Office..: ATJCTIO including nding;a few days with Mrs. —��,�'e��= ¢.-::e•� .. s--=with-�Ott��_ 1 ;x_.y'I�at June Lof'.6; • Cha. ;4; (3 nQiles softthv�est � drop cords:.. pp y s Murray,y Dunganaoa) oa qday, ,.Oct. ''fico. to her home- •fromhere' e f r at - 11t See: , 'terms NOTICE' TO .CREDITORS a . o nin of the at d th g • A tendo Pe PFo � Matt �GapnoF, �• , 1rTsviifs p^= the.;' Win ho' phut: lis the _Estate of *grew Peter wing of l C'FION SALE of farrre stock; sda Ail Stewart. last ur y: Ie menti • and : house old : orf , cLamns .a number::from her ' P A 11 persons having . at- tended Teeswater R• Fair`. last.. Wei - FORT rd rams & nfects at Lot: 26, Com 2, Huron lambs; also about ..:100 - Oxford Township on ' Friday, October 11 sheep to let ofit on shares or for at :1.30. See .:b Term' cash. sale. John', Parrish, IL 7, Luck -. Thomas': Mcouire Prop.; Well_ Pfi nye :,Donn --`82-r-13- der ,...'A . [ogr Grower Can >la1 apcote= pinfit IF'EEN; .. DOLLARS PER; Using'''Is Bebcving. you an. tttee her Product a . Srewer;'s., Yeast, Tabatcat' flour, .:: Sadf, Poultry it 'IA against the • estate, of . - Andrew Peter Stewart, late'of the Village of Luclmow, ' in :.the County' .of Bruce,: Architect, . 'deceased, who -.off-or-about then 28th7day of .March, 1946, are hereby not - F ifed to send In to the undersign- imstrator with the WillAnri, Coulter .an his marriage to Miss on ` or `i7efore -the tSlst; e ' Dorothy Webb of St, Helens re-' day of: f kYtober 1946, full Par' • � . • • tzcidars : of thea 'Claim's_ im's_ cent#' lintnediately'after Choi'said 31st `'Mrs. William Moore 'of •Dakota ;Carurte 'us and Efficient Atiet�tion '. Ls:The Motto Of COngraltuiations' to' Mr; Chester Casemore,' formerly.•of this eta- runty and now of',Wingham and Miss •Catherine McInnes•Of Luck - now Who were married last week: Congratulations ' to Mr.. Che tel day of October 1346, the, ,assets::of I the deceased,: will be 'distributed amongst • the • parties entitled :thereto, havingregard only to of which the AdMinistra= for with Will Annexed.Shall then have notice. .. Dated at Lucke now this 8th day of October 1946- ' . • ' •I . The •London . and ;. W es t: 'e r 'n Trusts, CTI1PanY Liillited, , Ad- ministrator 'with Will :Annexed, `. 353 • • Richmond . , Street, London, Ontario.. By R. W Andrew,, ,theme sol, ichor herein. . ( Applications 'for Pofteh veterans , com4ing to' Canada shortly for work.on.farinS are naw . bong . accepted. lave yeti placed. an .order for:, one: g,these mea?`: t They =e'en. phYsiVally single, youngisen, carer -nib( tTy. selected for farm work: d by Ca i;atlra s'farm tabor Off t Some already speaks' English or French... ' Only a limited •number are atrailable., interested, sent your applications immediately -to• your nearest 2klatidnal. Employment Office . or your Provinc,ial Agricultrural, Services. • {DOMINION• LABOUR DEPARTMENT. , MacN'AMARA, Minister of. Labour. • D uty�Minister!. ep Y• MITCHELL,. G. CURRAN FUNERAL SERVICE Daatannon, Ontario Licensed Embaimer':and • Funeral :Director? . Telephone 32, Dungannos • passed `-away 'recently =;She vias' formerly Janet .Fleming of this :comrniiauty ..and as .2 girl• went to No. 9. School Murray's). Mr. and 'Mrs. Art Moore attended the funeral: of his ,ruler inlaw•, ,the on their, trip..We st. • CREWE' 1 number 'of 'the ladies' :from here1 .attended • the thanknffering tieeting at Erskine 'church,, Dun- gannon,. :when - Miss.: ' Dorothy. I plus..;, -of -G ani,. was; est speaker.. •` } Mr. and Mrs. •Marvin Durnin attended to .wedding of their nephew,, Mr. Benson Whitley '• and: Miss Dorothy • Gin which took. Holm 11e United place . in .Church on Saturd' Mr. a,nd.:Mrs. •Clifford Crozier , :and Joanne spent Monday .:With friends in London. • .Mr:, nd • Mrs. McIntyre and Jean.. of • Applehill who 'spent: .'the past. Week with. their daughter, Mrs. Marvin Durnin, :returned •to' • their home ort Thursday..., ' Mr and.Mrs. Jack :Montgomery:` and daughter Eileen of' Sudbury, Who attended Eileen's graduation at 'Clinton hospital on' Friday, spent the week -end with Mr. and. Mrs.. Jim Sherwood and family. Mr. and: 'Mrs, Fred Anderson and • wins, Dave and Charlie: visit-' ed With Mr.: and : Mrs. 'Sant. Kit. patrick rn Sunday. otatio: yal Commission -on Forestry PUBLIC w HEARINGS NOTICE' IS HEREBY GIVEN, in ..conformation ' of the Advance Notice' and Tentative Schedule. which appeared, in the' press, in the early part of ; .September, ' that Public Hear- rugs' of the Ontario Royal Commission on Forestry' will be- held at the following times and Places • Sault Ste. Marie Oct.. 28 Novi 1 2. Nov: 5. -.: 6 .: Nov. 8, .- ': 9 Nov. 12. -` 13 Nov. 18 - 19 Nov.25 26 Pc rt Arthur • •Kenora . Fort Frances . :. Oeraldton London Cochrane North 'Bay Pe ntn'ake Ottawa Toronto- - ..... Nov, 28 29 ' 'Dict 2 - •3 ,Dec..5-6-T ....Dec. 9-10-11 Courthouse 10 azn, Courthouse Courthouse • 10 a in,. Courthouse .10 a.ia; U1ranian.Hall,' 10 Jan. • County Council Chamber high Sch'ol .10 .Assembly Hal} Courthouse 40' am. Town Hall 10 a.m. Courthouse•' • ' :40 a m Ilniver, sift. of . 10:1'4„71, 'Toronto Senate' Y ;Chamber . _ • The Commission .was ail} o e. - - t d to iifl estigate and report upon, thea forest :.resources of:.•Ontanoand•their censers ,man,getnent and beneficial utilization 'for" an 'pu rculai` chidin their relation to other basic' indus'tri(s ;e atioi ly g. farmwg ;and their relation' to recreation? soil c and' waterways_ ,and.. water .power: ions 'are . invited from persons or '.r�raaaiZations ' Sctbiiuss r of Pe who may, 'wish to ,present 'relevant :rriater e7it d orally, blit above. hearings: Such evidence may be p o f �. .the Commissioner Would prefer same 'that s fin the. o, ?rief' be t r. - briefs: It is'desirable but not essenti i te11 in a4rancc of'the warded to, the. Secretary fordyresented. hearing at which. `they are to he p ti Itis: r uested that -:persons or organizat�'pT � t tesen oral evidence at any. of the 'ab tN e 2i`�h'a� is n i P t their names to 'tile .Secretary, Ontario R,o aY. C' nail Ams Forestry, Administration Building, Long Brutal Plant, Toronto 14, Ontario, 'prior to s liC- Seccta"l`