The Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-08-21, Page 1ata►,"!oridiV,L`ullMlrilra'`"'!'�G ill' WO'We'll' . $2.00• A Year ---In Advance; 50c Extra to ;U. S, A FAIR PRIZE. LISTS •. NOW AVAILABLE . `Fall Fair prize *lists for for Luck- now Agricultural Society's 81st annual exhibition. on September 24t1i and .'..26th are. now' available hem the • secretary, Mr. Joseph. Agnew: or at The Sentinel Office . The list has not been: changed extensively this year, with the exception' of some • •additional• special, 'prizes; and sonic .;Altera -- thins., as recommended by direct ors of the various classes, • Goose Special — Attention is ' • drawn to' one special which is listed on • the, last page of the book, 'It is for the best dressed goose with prizes of $6.00 and $4,00 'donated'by Mr. Herb McQuillin. The poultry sec- tion had been printed when this r prize vires received,_-____ . Change Livestock .Section In • the schoolchildren's com- petitions, the livestock section has been„,. completely changed, ' witha view to .encouraging tour agingyoung farm lads •to show :calves, lambs and hogs. Six :prizes. ,of. $300 each =ar. being. 'offered. in thecalf come - Pet tionwith40 Percent- - of the 'score awarded for showmanship 'of the-calf•--Orve-halter' "Six lamb • prizes of, $2 00 are offered and six prizes of .'the- same amount .for boar or.' sow. .Square uar q e Dance, Tug• 0'War. Two special events' Pof outstand�i g popularity ; will again be • staged. One is the ;square dance contest open to the municipalities of Ashfield, West ,W-awanosh Kinloss; and' Huron. for;: 25.00 `. do prizes. The other ', is: the tug of war for the J.g• hJohn Hanna trophy, open to all municipalities_; in .:the. provincial riding of Hurori-Bruce.` couple of ..weeks to help: ease the es arage has. been a ARM BADLY FRACTURED Jack McGuire, : son 'of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. McGuire of. giurori� Township, suffered` a badly:frac. tured left arm the first of,last Week ek when - he fell_ from_ a wagon lead- grain, �while,'tightening., the .sling ,:chain: The'.arm. was fractured both at,the, elbow and wrist: KENNETH. CAMERON' ISS QUITE ILL •. ` . kerineth ' Canjeron,.• : who has • been 'recuperating' from a `long illness with pneumonia, is ',back in bed again with another attack of pleurisy; and pneumonia:whic struck the ' other lung. Kenneth; g netl, was getting along' well until last Thursda l Y, and on •Fridaywas, ordered to, bed.'7'H' rs sister in-1'a'w;. Miss Doris: Ritchie, is attendin him • at g present, He was quite, ill. the latteri:part •of.,th e week,: bu't, was. resting ' easier, the first of this week. BARLEY . YIELDED FIFT • Y --.BUSHELS Almon four thousand bushels of choice 'barle: '. were `"last _y._• ..._ _ Y w' e threshed week on the W. B Anderson farm' at the corner of the 'Bound- ary West -and Fifteenth Si: deroad4 Approxirnatel. 80 farm we Y acres of'` the,• re sown to barley and Without being broken by even fence made : Y. en a an impressive' sight' while:=standing and. while in the, stook "as well. Net yield from the crop was lust slightly less than 4000. blush• els, or an average of close to fifty bushels to the a' ,The crri �' ,Th >ap was stook threshed and week bY:Mc1Vlillan Brothers 2 the 'job was com leted in .1 days. P, LUCKNOW;. ONTARIO,.: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1946. ;.LEAVING LUCKNOW, HAS POSITION IN GEORGETOWN Mr. A. G. Andrews of Lucknov,V` Industries has accepted a position as electrical 'engineer with the Federal• , Sales and :',Engineering Co. at Georgetown, Ontario, H e will be'taking charge• of the de- sign and . development of a new line of electrical equi ment - p ,n � pro-. dtiction•of which is'.to. be :started; •soon: Mr:" Andrews wit 1 be lean; ing in, a :few days to 'assume his new duties. Mrs. Andrews and son George will fellow'' him later,. as soon as'•housing arrangements can be completed. Since;• coming to Lucknow about two years ago' they have resided in, Roberf Fish- er's house. • .L .H.S UPPER SCHOOL RESULTS." ..The following Upper School re- sults have been announced; byMr, P • W. Hoag, who. •'becomes .;prin- Opal of Lucknow High School with the opening of the Fa11 term First-class honors 75 to°.100• , 2nd class, 66 to 74 3rd class, 60 to 65; credit, 50 to 59, 'Chin,.'. am.—. Mod. Hist,... II; Geom., .III; Trig., & Statics, _• II; Bot,, IIT; Zool,, .0 Lot,- Au., III; Lat, Comp., III. Chin, Bill— Eng. • Comp., C; Eng. C; Geom:, C;° •Bot:, . II; Zool , III, Graham, Marian—Eng. Lit., III; '1od. Hist.; III.: 'MSS S DOUGLAS: TO• CONDUCT Johnston, Bill—Bot., III'. Zool• SOUTH KINLOSS SERVICE IL ' , , Miss Dorothy h Do y uglas will be Eng. Lit., III; Zool. IL • Lane, Everett—Eng. Comp., III; the, speaker. at the mornin . ser- g MacDonald GrahamE Church. at.11 a.m. D•S.T. Miss C; Georn.,,,.0;::Tri , 8i Statics •Trig, C , Douglas g s recently returned from. Bot,, III;°'tool.,. 'I;'La t. `Au., C,; ,tl e',Church's.missiorn•field at New Lat.;,Corn C m I►, suer da• m r. . 1 k3 tlsh Guiana, .•and, MacLennan, Catherine -Tri on accoun � g• & Y.. . — ng:: vice in S ieth .Kinloss Presbyter. Comp:, 'II, En •' ion p � � g• Lit., II; Mod. Hist. of the illness of • Rev. Statics IL _ Herbert' Dann h .. : as kindl _ con son d to-take�the-Sunda y morn C Eng Lit., III ' M d Hitt., ' • g service when no doubt large congregation will welcome_ MacQuaig, Mary -Eng., -Comp., �. ' MO III; Bot., C• Z ool III; , II , Lat. t. A u' , 'II- ,i i in ,. a, this' o :L. 'et: Comp., II. , pportunity.__of.. hearin' � her. _ g I • Mars hail Mr -- a Eng. Co g• m P-,. I. II • I En It.l. • , L I Erik. Mod. od ' , .Hist '' , I SCH , oOL. , T O OPEN• Geo m., I • Tri & ' , Statics, cs g I- B.. t Be :4.d ON SEP , T E MB E I R ! 3rd ,. II; Zool.,'I Lot, • Atr:, I; Lat.' Comp. P I' rent u I • French en ch C: Tli ora • e L P•, uck ! now Board f Ed tion' announces`. the' and High. School will re Scheel oA n. on the same. date Tuesdayx Septem- ber 3rd. During the'':latter 'years„• o . uta: Z•. •• AWARDED CONTRACT ,FOR' TRANSPORTING PUPILS of .the War the High School open -h• ing date`; was • usually' deferred a Rr-` • Robt , Moffat of the •Super: warded the farm labor shortage: contract for transporting pupils • I from ' S 5:. No.. 6 ". Kinloss ..(Grey Recoverin . From g Operation J' ack .' F arras �• 1- h 8 ear • f y old son '• df Mr =arid Mrs.• Lorne Far ish of Ashfield recently ce tly underwent ;an. emer enc a end' ixo g era' Y tion• in PP. , P Calgary Hospital Jack has been in.the West since 'spring. His con dition'-was quite grave fora time but' Penicillin.' was ,used, 'effect-' • ively and: he's :now 'out of the hospital and :expects to be back. at work • before long. • w Ox) to :Lucknow Public' School.• Due to ,the ,small :number • of school .age chil'dren :in• the Sec- tion, , this. ,school has been:.'closed for the ' past few _ years. .There : 'will Y be six: or, seven u ils:to be' P P trans: . pouted to_ _and from. ' Luckno. when the fall term opens. ' Mr. Moffat's"' tender w as the :lowest of three applications.• for the position. The duties were .per'_ forined quite satisfactorily .during. `t the, past. term by 'Lloyd Mac- Dougall. '• ac -Dougall.. '• 1 8 PAGES' HAS �'IIVIBER WOLF BLANKET, I LOCAL ON DISPLAY AT DAVISON'S•a . " CARNIVAL. • !` EXT *EDN ESDA One 'of the prized 'possessions. which Mr, John Colwell. brought " The - Clansmen's carnival'. i s. With him on his return from the, slated for next Wednesday 'night west was. a wolf pelt .:blanket, • and: this'popular ' annual event given' him by his brother Sam.' ; promises to ' again attract T g ract a ..•....he blanket was `made. by Sara, capatcit crowd= o in its' entirety' ineludin shootingY t the arena, g... where!the show will get .under the . wolves, which, were 'bother-. ..w . 'Promptly K ` •„:_ , 'anti ; • � .� ay p raptly at. 8.30 with,: set-. ing his trap 'lines ant_ tanning. of ectiens by the `: Lucknow Pipe the!. six pelt,;; p p._ which 'make u the Band.' ` � • 1 � , blanket, and which' is now on dis Russ . Creighton entertainers play at Davison's furniture • stere.)-will� provide a variety floor show e . � The blanket is not new,•hew- featuring comedy,, magic, music,,.. ever, having been made. some 30 I •dancing, acrobatics and: roller.: years ago ' when : Sam was trap-. 1 skating,. "by the followin , ' g artists.. ping. in the Arctic to:' grubstake Sandy • Christie,' -top ranking his:: summer -time Prospecting. p Scotch Rod Roddick, the man ''of mystery; Bill Banton, BUY , mountain S ball TUR ads R iHOIi�E. and guitar and. ' Ruth Gibbard in senastioiial ,. Dr.�Ross Howson has; purchas- specialty `nurribers. -” — ed the village residence of Mrs. The entire , show will ' be. "' re-' stinted on . an eleva • o -Allan Turner,'who�'fer, some time d platform has retitled in Toronto.::The h" ' so. that all can'see and .wll'h' •orae � ave is at present tenanted by Mr. and, special`' sound equipment... and li M htin rs. D tiff • e c g. is . D. R McLean and family, g who will take up residence '.it ; , Following the s ,how, there wild be A It e oto n n wh ' an' ' ere . 7 d cin `" h � Y e to• : has m ' .been ap- gmusic hyo pointed to the High: School staff. Russ. Creighton and his 'Variety D nce' Dr. "Band' . ,and. Mrs:: Howson are.at pies a , and a complete set- k ' _ ul of carnivab arries a as' -` en residing- in-a-pertiorro• f--�9 x , tveli- , Ma..L^,1 bin ,o and a c . ennan• s .,home...: � • g refreshment � booth, • '• � 10' ..Pries' In., Draw �u , Anothert feature of the e.. eV ening- - Ienin IFEL'b ON G LOCAL . MANS will he: a' drew for ten lover I Y • , riz , s' e Th prizes,' esti include e a r adio ' a dinner set, pair Of • wool blankets, On. 16thr: ;q gladstone bag,ch' nille b MPa eds ` .read • Mi. gull drop..leaf ,_.. eaf� e nd: table, ' P table Lamp, • therm a -jug,; hassock .and a step stool. ' Prizes . area on ..display' � at Rath - ' • • WAS 81 ON ,THURSDAY • Thursday last, -;August W. E'.,.Treleaven, lifelong lege:, 'resident ' 'and proniinertt dustria list, quietly observed his 81st birthday. Mr. Treleaven oven: is no longer activelyenga ed .:iii a g well's, :shoe store and tickets are operating the mill, but:does a 'bit on;.Sale. from all members of the of pinch hitting whenever. his Club at .25e-.or:five-for-$1.00.' services : are required. At straight as" a whip, and . a -spring' ire -his stephie a.. teen -:Il} . With••. Shingles- . ager, M'r:::Treleaven enjoys ex-: •• Rev.' 'Herbert F. ,:Dann a ce p tional.l . :good -of :South ., . 7 -.- .pastor ugh P. y, g health. In fact .Kinloss; andWKirilough' f he, could have :got. of a s p arring _ . Presbyterian' Chur - g ch h' .1� as • b • partner, ;he'd:'have taken anyone indisposed' frorri an' ;:attack of on for a. few `rounds to .mark' his shingles. He is making a r g aduait birthday. We :offered. to',`compro recovery and -it is ex ected :Will P, ill mise : _ eon ;a foot- race. ., shortly ' be. able tee resume,his: Mr:; • Treleaven' does •. a great pulpit. 1Viiss v, g at _Dorothy'Douglas deal'. of reading, , and associates :Will speak in.. South: Kinloss "on' -his physical ::- well-being in : no Sunday mor ing, and:. the. service ` small degree. with keeping .men- at Knloughan ..the afternoon, will • tally .alert and up with' the, times.. be:.withdrawn. Hist. many ,'friends in •this •dis• ' riot "•extend congratulations and 2g00_MII,E MOTORCYCLE best wish s: I• -TRIP MADE IN` ABOUT 3 DAYS • • SEVERAL FACTORS UP SCHOOL RATE P. -C.: PICNIC SET FOR NEXT WEEK The • increase of 7.4 mills, send- ing the 1946" school rate .tie to 13.7 Mills,. is due to' several fact-' ors it .is unofficially explained, but first it is Well to :.bear in mind the ' 1945 rate of • 6.3 ,mills; drop ;:ped. 8.9' mills from the 1944 rate of 15.2 mills; • Due to':unlopked for Provincial. _greets_the _Beard ---fou-nd `:itself with an i unusually large surplus' last • year, and faced With no major expenditures slashed the rate: extremely to give the rate payer s the advantage: One:. opin ion is that the rate was cut ;too low. 1a'st year., • With • a •r'•reduced surplus and lower county and provincial grants this year, the Board had no alternative but to raise their locallevy sharply. What Pro- vincial • grants will amount to is . unknown at yet, but,the;'¢bepart=• merit, has • advised they will be down and to "govern yourselves. "accordingly": Ontop of this there.will be an COMING EVENTS 'increased salary outlay this term,- Tej plus the c est of operatin a High , ILIAM RY ZONE RALLY. • h'. • AYJX School• bus• through a edition; of The annual Zone Rally of:all !of. Ashfield Township: These factors Ladies' Auxiliaries ' to the .Caned lea wh cou leg Premier . George A. Drew will address a : monster 'community basket picnic to•be'-held at.: Har- bor ;Park, ' Goderich; next Wed nesday, August28th sponsored by the Progressive -Conservative As- sociation of Western Ontario, for the ridings of Bruce, Huron' and' Perth: Another . speaker: listed iss . •J.. M. Macdonnell, K.C:, ' 1VI.P. of Muskoka and 'president of the HIGH SCHOOL BUS' ASSURED •The'. first of the week A C. Agnew ; obtained:'delivery oft a .'George ; Beaton, son of Mr: and '• ;•s Mrs. `Jas .Beaton, Second Conces- sion, Huron; arrived"' • in • Elbow, -Saskatchewan, a few days: ago, after making, a '2500 mile trip by • motorcycle: George reports; a finer G.M.C. bus and. on ;Monday > sign-' trip. ed • a contract, which � he,made• in .four days.; tact with the, Lucknow He `Was ela' oard" of::Educat''� delayed' two aftesrioons on to operate a' by ` rain'; Elbow 'is' ' Beaton's � h. 'school �: old ,, g student :bus through home:town: 'in•;the. • West. -.His sis- portion of Ashfield:.' ter, Mrs. Geor • e 'Bo ' This -bus service will -c g olr resides in ommence' nearby Loreburn, the ,opening', day of stool ` 'The motorc y ycle is nothing, ne_.,.., ptember 3rd, , and' will cover.- o eorge, who did a .good' e following route:. Lucknow of god' deal • ..:.driving' -while overseas. uthward to.the 9th Concession; stward'•, to • Kintail ..:.north -to nbe'rley' and yeast oto Lucknow, distance of approximately. 35 les. -The bus will leave Luck-' w at 7.15' with:an hour and a 11 allowed to make' the trip, riving back' in the village at 5, earl... The route will . be al - mated weekly; so that the same dents 'won't always be. the ily birds". Seating capacity of the 'bus is 22 .adults. A, trial' run is to be. made to arrange a 'definite`' time schedule: hi 'a on .Se th so Dominion Progressive -Conserve e Live Association: • A • The picnic is.scheduled for1.30 1:30 a and a full afternoon and ;evenings mi program it arranged. There . wilt no be a sports program music by the ha., Goderich. Boys Band` and the. ar 'Lucknow Pipe Band;,free' boat 8.4 rides and treats :for the children,, to ladies' softball at 6.30. between: stu" "ea Goderich and St: Marys and :'at 9.00 o'clock a reception and dance at. Goderich Attend Business College its Marian Graham, daughter' g Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Graham, ves On Friday for Toronto ere` ' the will . commence a' rse: , at Shaw's Business Col- e . .. seem to highlight the Cause of the 'ian • Legion in Zone 18:., Will be. school : rate being more than ' held in :Lucknow Town Hall on. double last year's rate; "' September 9th at 8 p.m. 'WILL TEACHI N .. WEST.: _ • WA�NA N OS.H West Wawanosh' Township School Area Board has all- teach ing positions filled in the Town- ship schools, as follows'. S. He1- ' n's school, Miss Joy Stewart and Miss' Beatrice 'McQuillin Fordyce school, Mrs. Durnin,PhilIiAs; ,S. - No.. 17i Miss- Helen Stothers; .S.S. No. 3, Mrs. Mintz; S.S. No: 2, ,Mr"s. Stewart Plunkett: music instructor in :all schools win be Everett Lane;' S.S. No. °`14 (1V'aylor's; School) 'will be.notopen this term, as the number: of, puils• in . " P the section had .dropped to :four. Transpor-' tatiott ' We understand, ., will be provided • to Fordyce School. *it kl 4