The Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-08-14, Page 8!AA. 711231111k. • M 4,„4-.. ,PAGE d$- UCKNO•W, THE Lt.TGxI°� o SFl<`1Tnap,•- D Pf+AID COTTON LANNE1,- .If you can sew,you. can 'pro - Alice' shirts for the men and boys in.,Your family. Ready. .mad: ,plaid .shirts are scarce. Be thrifty,. make thein • for your family.. Colors, red and: black or n and navy, LUNCHEON'' CL4OTHS- In fine cotton,, f lof, an.: ; mit de- signs, 50x50, 50x68, BATH SETS -Chenille. Two -pieces, mat and' seat do ..... BA .: . . • ver in wine, rose, blue, green, ,'mauve.. BED .SFREADS:-Flu fir: chenille..Deep p�1, rows; are ,sewn close• together :on a ,, firm cotton back, in Ynultieolors. Full: bed size. n GENUINE.' SIN • GSWOOL BLANKETS --Pure' wool and china • cotton, spun' together, "close firm weave;. full napping: on• both sides. Colors roses or blue:.Sateen binding to match. IT U A R Y • •MRS:, JAMES c, vPLRDON Mrs, James C. Purdon, a life' long and beloved resident; of East and West . Wawanosh, I p.. ass e d away in Wingham. hospital on Monday, August 5th, For twenty- one months she had beeinIll with a baffling sickness,but bore. her trouble with great patience and fortitude. She was the first pat- ient in Wingham Hospital' to re- ceive .penicillin treatment. Mrs. Purdon ' wase ; formerly 'Barbara Jane Stein. She was ,, in. • •her 69th year having been born on the .10th Coneess;on: of West , -Wawanosh 'on' •Decernber , 5th,' 1877. Until her marriage'; to' Mr. James C. Purdon on • September ( 14th;. 1893,. she resided with her parents :on Concession 9, East Wawanosh• Since their marriage ., Mr. and Mrs. Purdon have made, their, home on . Concession 9;. West: Wawanosh. A good friend and neighbor, Mrs.. Purdon. ,en- d,eared; • herself toa wide circle • I of close 'acquaintances w h o mourn' her passing WAD .. WEDNESDAY1 AUGUST' 14 194 Will It Come Is Lucknow going to.: see .1a- erose, agam-a game that hasn't= been played . here. in about two score years. A few of:the young sters about town have been seen with homemade lacrosse sticks, tossing a much =oversized ball around.. A bent willow stick ; and a ,:bit of cloth tacked on. it, were used to improvise sticks, which e now in ' the antique' .class.. in eton yes 1 SON OF ASHFIELD NATIVE DROPS, DEAD AT WORK t in White With B. rows Trim,: Leather or .Rubber .Solea. ' BROWN. SUEDE- with leather trim, I;ubber Soles. These .Are : Good Bad -To -School : Shoes And. Will 'Give :Good Wear 0i; e..}uuasr. Charles H. Baynes, of 590 ��Ox-..n_ Theriunera ford St„ .London, _ drezpp,dead servic on ' ed. , dead:.ducted•„ at her late residence .. in London shortly after. ~,noon Wednesday afternoon by Rev;: A. Saturday, August . 3rd, as he. was' H Wilson of Chahner's Presby terian Church, Whitechurch, 'of ,cutting the 'hair of a customer. in , a faithful which' Mrs, Purdon was, the barber shop in: which he was member, Interjmgnt was'.; in Wing= Baynes staggered against the ad -I employed.. Wtnessesreported`Mr.ham Cemetery with six nephews': joining chair and collapsed -on the 1 acting. as pallbearers, ,Chester. floor. Two {�ehairs. in thebarber Rintoul, Hugh ':D derson, 'Herbert T aidl4xir -John Purdon, shop were,.'occupiEd-�-a�-thy—!the . .. and .two. customers were waiting, Athol Purdon and Wesley Tiffin. Surviving besides her' sorrow - Coroner: Dr. R . A.'Routledge was . called, and , pronounced .::Mr. ing husband:,are one daughter and sons, -Mrs. Calvin Robinson: - . in ' eld : • `Mr Delhi; er of ,Wing- � (Jean) of , Elm • Noinquest will' � be h GUELPH AND MONARCH.YARNS in all shades.:.. TRT TSESE :.TASTY, EASY'.TO MAKE,: parkies- ookles The children wiltreally go for these cookies for a Mid-after- art id after mak: L : PULLOVERS AND .CARDIGANS • LINEN ` Tl OWBLLING B dead of `'a heart attack.three Baynes had been a ployed at the 'ham and ,Harris and Wm. ' R at barber', shop • for 't� e . past six, home; i also' three broth ers, John weeks and; had''`gone , to London'' of ; Kincardine; ;Albert bf Craik, Sask., Andrew of Lucknow ` and. from.. Seaforth about r •one ' year;. - ago. He. was born" in Granton. Hethree-grandchildren.- was a. member . of Granton Lodge • 483, the Mocha •Shrine; , London, and attended the Colborne United Churc'h. The -body rested it the Evans ,funeral ' home.: until Tues .day ' morning, , when .,it • was: for7. warded •to ` Lucan . for interment in St. James .cemetery, Clande=l boye. Mr. Baynes is survived . by his' widow;; Mrs. Myrtle Baynes; a . son, Jack,. and two' daughters, Maxine and Donna at home, and a brother, -John, of. St: Marys. clip . butter .. 1 cup white. sugar. egg 3 . cup flour ?fi teaspoon .baking powder teaspoon vanilla `h teaspoon cinnamon 2.: cups;; Quaker Puffed. Wheat •' "Sparkies" I' ream butter and' sugar, • add egg (well :beaten), flour •sifted With baking ,powder . and :cin- •namora, then thg'•flavoring. At • Why not :try these delicious cookies today and let,tis knO* what •you think of them. MRS: ROBERT:EDWAIDS The death occurred in Mark - dale Ho pital.on July 19; of Mrs.. Robert -T. Edwards in. her, 77th Your' Headquarters For adies' . and Men's Ready -to Wear: • year. Shewas a,., daughter of the FORMER.• CIRCUIT PASTOR late Mr, and Mrs: ;Elias. Edge, '.DEPLORES "UNLOVELY • early. pioneers of i Durham district. REALISM” Mrs. Edwards was a', sister• of the late Mrs.' 'George Henry of Ash- field township.'' On July •8th,' 1.891,: •she married R. T Edwards and. they; have dived the-'155-.-years—of The decea.sed was.a sOn of the their married lite on their 'farm late Wm..Bayng.s, who. at one time ip Giene!g :township:1Th ticie coin_ resided in Ailifield on the Iblike inunity she will be sadly missed Hogan farm - BEE STING CAUSED STRANGE REACTION • Mrs. Elliott Taylor is recove.r- mg at her home, in Ripley after being stung by a bee. The Met - dent ahnost ended tragically. Ac-, companied by her husband she was driving to Lucknow to. viSit friends when a' bee stung her on the temple causing her to'13ecome unconseious. She was rushed to a "doctor- in Lucknow_ who was at a loss' to' discover the cause of such a rea.ction. Dr. J. B. Tindall of Ripley .waS called:. Ile had ried with it the pollen from the , flower- which- gives. Mri.—Taylor I fever and this caused the reaction by a large circle of • friends and ' relatives. „In the home she leaves. to mourn her loss, ' her 'husband and sik sons ' and one datighter Mrs. Sam' Saunders . 'Of Chats- . Current literature has dropped into "a trough of uriloVely real- ism!. , This .was the , opinion ex- bOok steward of the United Church PubStshing House, TOr-. onto, a the iftritime -conference of . the United Church held in Sackville. . Mr. Dickinson ;laid he hoped public opinion would deniand EDDING ,BELLS Presbyterian Church, Listowel, the- manse when „Laura Marie,. daughter Of Mr.. and Mrs. Spence IrWin,. 'Ashfield was 'United in Marriage to Mr,.Ivan A. McCon- achig;son- of Mr. and Mrs„ Nor - 'man MCConachie,'IListowel. The is aimed at double that figure: bride wore a' suit ot powder blue The church publishing house with whae-accessories. Following has made • a contribution Of a wedding 'trip- the couple . will $150,000 to -the pension fund (kir. take uP residence in 'Listowel. ing the .past year. • HAD FIFTY-SEVEN.„.PUPILS & :NO TEACHING •EXPERIENCE .,. Dear - 'This is to thnkTYon:lor the Very reference to -my 91st 'Very' pleasant to be . tfiiis . re - than 70. Year's, agO 1 ---began to teaCh- S.S. NO. 4, the Iliplyrood. cleaner: and •rnore inspiring read- gate obtained at Beilintller Publtc. and s general; he'. said; .and •ther-e ' has ,ber). a distinct Ubsurge in the er training. The. county. Model 'interest „of Canadiana.in the' mak- SchOols. were' Opened in the fall' mg and reading of bOoks. Can- of 1877i' Welcomed to teaeh by adian writers have ' received en- teaching. Later, 4f •course, inte got ycoeuarras.gernent in the, last few Nornial. School training. Il'he official •• 'United Church Jarnes„Baker, to give- them thew paper, the . Ohserver, 'has ' Made schoolbOy natnes, arestill belong-, -fine progressiTsaid-M-r:-Dickinsori. ing to, the section .as 'are Tom. Harris and Sarn of Dditota and Tom Harper` of Winn.ipeg, all w,e11 rerneMbered bOys of my prat, John. qibtt, London. • ool Blankets, oo ar merican Flatine Sheets, • nierican .StiOrs*, e Stock •