The Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-07-24, Page 4[COM "SPNTINEL,.1-4,7CNNOW, ONTARIO •'4 R 'N r: s FORItSALE — Six -.foot' Deering Binder, Russ. Johnston,, :R. R. ?, Lucknow; • FOR $ALE . Beauty -Rest mat- tress and springs, practically new. Apply at Sentinel. Office. HOUSE.,FOR ,SALE—ance brick. house for • sale m Lucknovt •Apply' JO Mrs. .M CI.Qrr,', • FOR. ''SALE 3 -burner: coal . oil- stove in,.ggod.•repair; also a gas-. powered ,washing Machine, good as new, Elmer_ Lucknow. GARAGE. FORRENT—Apply, a•t Sentinel Office. FOUND -tea' "Scout knife", Ap- ply ' at .Sentinel Office. CLEARING .AUCTION SALE of. farm stockand implements of the Estate of Alfred Sheryrood, 2rid lot,- west; . of Belfast. on. Friday, July .'26th- at 1.30 D.S.T.- Terms TL 10 ,,, s V' 7 .'t''ashir:', 0 v acrG-"i'a3`.in- offered subject to, a reserve bid, See 'bills. ,Mrs., Alfred Sherwoodi Administrator; ,Well. Henderson,, TENDERS C�I;AI�Nf� AUCTIOI�d ,SALE of . . . stock and household effects at e Tenders will be received by the home of William. Clayton, Kinloss , us ulndersigned up to Friday,; Aug t Village °'on Friday, July :26 at 1.00 2nd,,�1946, for transporting u ils� or'clock; See bills: `Iiouseitald" ef- oLS.S,. -Inst 6 los Townshi c: ; 'Illi3s •''c'r'e t :.„t�$ .'.:. Y ':� aiii' iv fa -g"77 -4: -Ras,> tGi�ey :'Qxt fo arta- 'xrorn stock: Wm. Clayton, 'Prop.; :Don- Public School: Lowest or any ..ald B.,l.1ue, .Auc - •tender=-not;=-neces�araly.--aecepted- For -particulars applx..to George Lockhart, Sec : Treas:; R. 5 Luck now ST. HELENS BORN --•-In the Mayfair H'ospi� Toronto, on Thursday; July :16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon S. McIntyre (formerly 'Miss Doro- thy :Miller of St. Helens), a 'son, Donald Gordon Mrs. John. Jamieson, of Luck now and Mr, and Mrs. Ernie W i1- son an lTsons; Kenneth.. arid -Om* of Sas atoon were recent guests. of Mr. and Mrs. George.. ,Stuart. Misses Helen and Joyce New- ton ''who are. attending summer "school. in London were week -end, visitors with their parents, 'Rev; 'and Mrs. M. G. Newton;.: Severely injured In, Haying Accident ' , Mr. Ernest Gaunt has, been con- fined :to bed for the past week as a result "of a'n accident -.which.. Oc- curred during haying operations. While . engaged in taking off- a load of hay int the • barn, some planks • fell striking him on the, Reedy . liis rriany friends hope for ,recove �`. BRUCE C0O: HHEAvra ,UNir Applications for .the position' of Secretary -Stenographer . win ,'be ,;received by'.the : undersigned ..up to August • 3rd, next. State exper d' salary. `expected. W. ence an rY • Forrester,,•,' Sec. Treas.,Ilea .Unit, Paisley, Ont. ME ORIAM iELM In • loving si errwry of P away one X Mrs. Albert ' .Helm, who p ssed year ago July 25 L945. a g , , 1 have Iostl any soul's compan F.7, cr..rz athrour. 4ee ion, ' i� an` itchin skin. 'Get a- bottle or' g •A..'Iife linked. with my. own; ... of• gEMILAC at MCKin's or :Tay miss her , �..• And day ,: by' •.day. I ' ru Stores ,,the new'.sp __edy.:; _ .: , :aor s _... a g, Stores, �.._ ,. , -� .. more rem d' for ''athletes, foot, corns,' ugh life alone. e y As I walk thro g, callouses, all ku: s•es, ch illblains, burning, itching`feetpoison ivy, mosquito, Eve'r .ememb eed'' by heir , Hu. s% fly and insect bites; heatband�and Son ras. o Q 1111 i , v :guarantee' regardless of severity -Or duration, ..• NEw =into 'USERS o. present e >� :' an • We will ch Y , g i 'To Notice o . No matter 'of " of • In the - the ... . �tate Ja nes-Mceoy; late -o -the-Eithaf Toronto in • the County df York, mechanic, deceased. D.I$.URAN(E r FIRE, CASUALT and ' AUTOMOBILE Special rates for -.preferred, risks.. Ask: us about them, J A. McDONAGH °R.I' •2 Lucknow, Ont.' ' Phone 61-5 Dungannon '. • P ;Stuart acken ie BARRISTER .0SOL' ICITO Walkerton, Onttario. t:N LUCKNOW :Each Wednesday .. • 'OFFICE IN HENDERSON BLOCH - a.. 'f [iirt" four iaa es atifended' h'e , . August meeting' of the: W ' M S; =-when: Mrs --Andrewanrnt:.:'was; hostess Mrs: W. • I. Miller • presid - ed.. 'It was agreed to invite the ladies of the Brick United '.church of 'Whitechurch ' United church and'' of 'the ..Ashfield• Circuit to. the; social , meeting'on:. `August 14' with Mrss '. Gilbert . 'Beecroft: 'as. I guestapeakei The •following her alds .reported: Mrs : McK Web Joi C. rna-•' Mrs. G. McPherson for Afr'i'ca, Mrs: T. J. Todds fora India, Mrs, Thom for Korea • and Mrs,. J. •Cameron'`ifor Horiie Missions.: The'topic`'We look at' the W:M.S:..' was taken . by Miss :Isobel Miller; who ` read'',of the work of the Baby' Band, Mrs. ,T,.. .Todd , of the A'' zie Webb :;.,of the C G I.T.,', Mrs: t rlf"e. lxlti`oircie, ri of.iihe Evenin -1Vtrs Newto Auxiliary, zs.. Harvey • Webb. of the ,. Associate Members and. Mrs:: W;.;,7. Miller of `thio RM -S ; tri by Lois, Ruth and Alison Webb -r-a ruch.._enloyed•' _..._ The ' 'meeting ''of, • the -Women's Association followed with Mrs:, John Cameron presiding.:. The themewas prayer 'and'fellowship_, MThe scripture lesson ':was read by, Miss Doris Taylor„ and the Ie son •thouughts-;by Mrs •W: A.. Miller; ,The: roll call: wasrespoi ded'-to by a verse, of scripture.' ... ST o ,OPTOMETRIST LU KNOW FIRST; 'FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH frcm 30 a.m. . .to 6 pan. AT WM SCHMID'S STORE WEDNESDAY,. ,JULY 24th, 1946 Insure, In Sure ` - 'Insurance , Colnf ecf eration Life NI TD CAR, • . FIRE=-rPreferred Rates for 'preferred. 'risks. ACCIDENT, & SICItNESS Consult ..: "JOk1%N • FARRISH Phone 82-13 D.uingannon. ACCOUNT ICY Service for the SinalL.Merchant Professional and•,The: Farmer, S, J.• PYMM. Box 40, Ripley,' Qnt. Hetherington. -.Barrister Ft.� .. m N CKN.OW,:..1f Eacir Monday &;Wednesday Located of- the ground' floor • in the' front ' of. John' Kilpafrick's Building 'Phone Wingham Office 48 Residence 97 BOUNDARY; EAST Mr.. ;and _'Mrs., Al , x Hackett_ ofWngham, and MrS.. Murrayof ,• Embro visited with Mr and Mrs; Pharis Mathers:'' on 'Sunday.. Mr. • and Mrs. George'. Kennedy Forster and family b:f „.Palme.rston, ;. were Sunday v:isitorst•of Mx. and; Mrs.:James 'Forster•- • Mr and: Mrs. Roy Hundso.n an. fam"il of( Goderich,. arch' hrliday,,' ': y in With Bars.. Hudson and C i etta .". Washer ,. from ail gine drive to Notice is hereby ,. given, pur- : with the manufac er's-specification. All• -halt,-that-all creditors -and -+others work guaranteed: , :` i ° 'IMAM WASHER ' .SERVICE • Hamilton, Sty Goderieh ,• electric : in accor. ance suant to the statutes in that be Apfily at Nordic's Hardware, Lucknow. ,FLEECE -LINE' YOUR . HOME Blown . Rockwool Insulation ap- plied to' walls and, ceilings of your home :will' save •fuel with . more comfort and•ffre-p19tectmon .Work •• done anywhere. Equipment In the district, now For 'free estunate. and terms, 'phone 35 Lucknow or write . 'Rowland• C. Day, 5 : Thornton Ave., Londoa ' • having claims or demands against the estate of the said' James Mc - 'Coy, c -'Coy,' who died on or about the CARD. OF THANKS Jack Macponald 'wishes 1 to sincerely thank the citizens' of Lii'4know for the scroll,*esented him, and -The Clansmen, The • Legion, Ladies Auxiliary; Wo - and Mrs.- HollYman and Mrs. .Johnston for' cigarettes, pa.rgels,, and other ways by Which -he:Was t, so well remembered' White over - cerely thank all those who. have so, kindly and thoughtfully re- membered him in 'varioui ways. Sinde his operation. Miss Carrie McCann of Clinton . spending a. few h.olidays with 'Mrs. John Myers is on the sick list 'at her daughter's, 'Mrs: C1111 •spe Toronto. 1VXr. and'`vMrs Merrill .Cantelonr f ,Winglia'u . s,pent-the-week end: 'Youth is 'IliecONeiing . Craig Scott 12 -year• -old son of and ,MrS. ,pt.eyvart ,Scott of able recovery in .'Nyingharii pita!, after being .CriticallY:ill 'for a time from•a ruptured appendix. Craig was:stricken While 'visiting, trihute the 'assets ."Of the said de --1 to *Wallace O.:inn of Kinloss: The lad •thereto,'"liavirig regard only th claims- of which he zhall then is a nephew:of Mrs. IiirOld John-'• ,have notice and. .that .,the iaid st° toWn: '. adirtinistratorrill ncit be liable his. uncle; Mr. ceased.arnong. the persOns entitled .at tl••;e: .9f With. Mr..: 'Alfred • Patterson. iv ' is :to e, it take •as to t kg r� C �il as easy .. Win barn and Mr. and M s � . spending , a .few . 'weeks liis'. grandfather„,- Mr. . Ed. M'c!+uillin:; -and -his_unele „Evan :N1'cQuill Vin, e�d all profitadvice. was c if ad "thereof to any 'person or. persons of whose Claims notice shall not have' been. 'received by him. at the time of -such distribution.. Dated at Lticknow, Ontario,. this Iltri-aay of Julk 19-45. Joseph Agnew, Lucknow; Ont., :Administrator of Estate of James McC6y. Self . lucky to -'be Mrs. Cecil Griffin and her mother, Mrs. joy, 'are having a few holidays at Wallace's', Latest reports 'froM tondoh are' that Fri Qiiigley is . slightly Mr. Frank Austin •anci Teresa motored to Detroit to ,Ottend the • Miss Annie Bowler is spending a few dayS. in Toronto, -icennedy' of Peterborough are spending this Week with and Mrs.*rn: Clare, Bunted. By 1Lightning „:..-Eugene prayne, suffered severe' Chest and facial burns on Miss Mary Murphy, Mrs. Ber- nice Lapoint and Mr. Roy Mason- riday.•Whert wal Struck by villeripent. the week -end at PI,. 3, htning Cene considers. Murphys: BELFAST Miss' Donalcla • Hackett visited last WedneidaY with. Miss Jean arid' Mrs. Spence Irwin, George - and Ross visited Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs.. Harvey Hunkings of John. D. .McKay of Ripley 'vis-. ilea: with his -cousin Jimmie, Miss' Irene, Meriary of Mofeking. visited a Couple a, days'at the. first of this week With Miss Mae Mist Caryle MacCrostie of- St. Ileleng visited over the lweelverid with Miss.Freda Hackett ToMmy, dole of PuAgannon ,is staying „at Albert Altoe's for his Mr. and 'Mrs, Torn Hackett, JOyce and Kathleen called, cln Mr. and. Mrs."Sandy ilat,!kett, of Whig- EN • . Feeds, Poultry Equipment, Tonics, Bug Killer, - Salt, ' Refund on,'ait' Our bags in goo4 eonditioP'. NOW HAY,E. ON HAND, II e. • ,FOR YOUR CHICKENS..' OMPL*.T.4",.. LINE OF FEE.1).S... Larger. • Quiiiititiet: Patter • 'Phone .60-w, Lucknow