The Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-07-24, Page 3. WEONESDAY, JULY 24th,, 1946 fir -""rte.' Mr, and Mrs. Walter McFarlane snd' •children have moved' to the home farm ;near . Oluevale, igrrs.• Hetherington. of Goderich. has been visiting with he bro* • ther„•I.r: Hugh, McIntosh,. Mi , and ,Mrs. ' Angus- MasI-nnis. of Muitayville, $.C., visited with , plus.'A,D, :Maclnnis, . 4 No•ine KiklpatriCk. is holidaying this°week in London at Mrs. Bern Creljin's, Mr, and : , Mrs, Will Rae of--St„- Marys were week -end guests of 'Mr, and Mrs. Robert Rae:• Mr and Mrs. 'Will Alexander nfDet.r rt, were, r:ecent guests sbf •Mr, and Mrs: • Grant MacDiarmid. Marian McPherson. and Mrs.. McFarlane visited, with cousins in ,Acton last week: • Mr, 'and• Mrs. Wm. Begley, and fir; :Jack Menary of: Hamilton have -been holidaying at their cot- • tage at Port Albert. Mr. Wilbert ISurnin;, a veteran s � tHospital, London,, where. ,he • er • r gt -ical • treatine . >t.- ;is �tl�rdergoang su n Roy ' Cole,'. Of Swift , Current, Sask:,• left for •• his home after spending ,three . weeks • with ': his mother ,and other friends,' iri 1 b '• r r r. .and 1WIrs. A len u n and +M. family are spending this week at l cottage at :point ...the Ca7npbc 1 co g , o Clarke, at -Dia IIE LUCKNOW SENTnvEL 14UCK1YAW, :0N'1'ARIO G 3. era On Sunday 'last), the Phillips Foran and McDonald' families vent an •enjoyable day'. at God erich beach. During: the .evening lunch was 'served with John, Phil-. lips pouring., tea, ..;_ _ Mr.:andb!Irs...Dicl�.....N.eeland of, Trenton, New ".Jer,s ,.• visited 'fast week with Mr. 'a'nd. ,Mr . s Aller urnin-• ani family On . their- re- turn they attended the wedding of Mrs•,. Neeland's niece in New `York. . Mr. and'':Mi•s.' Ed Robinson re turned 7 t o Minneapolis •kf t. e r spendy;g, twb ., .weeks' • vacation with his parents, Mr `arid Mrs.: : m. obrn' . . Son and h 1 . si ,• s ster,;Nirs� John .Kilpatrick and Mr;. Kil at- -rick . • , p Mr:,and Mr s, Ir.'vrn MCCab and j two .children, Marvin and Brian, o -W sor,: are ,holidaying at ;the ho of her father,.Mr. John Mc - Quinn,' Who, returned with them :after :•visiting' iri. Michigan and at ►i dsor, -• Mr. and - Mrs Harry Bell, Mr, and Mrs. Howard, McGuire visit- ed Sunday :with friends in Mil- Berton: Mr. ' Jack Elliott• of. London spent the. past •week with Mr. and Mrs, Karl Boylei- Mrs,, Ethel Runchey is - visiting -With, her sister, Mrs. Wm. Wall and other r . .el�i.�es�-here;. f Mr. and. Mrs,• Froward. Thomp- son and daughter Marie & Helen - Nicholson visited Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Win. Wall. •Miss Evelyn McLean and friend of London spent the week_eful •I•'ith: M'rs,- W, `J. •McLean: Miss ;Ethel= Hamby of Wall- erton 'Spent- t e h ,.week 'end v�ith her .parents, 1Vtr, and ,'Mrs° Geo. .Haldenby; Repairing Highway h Gam'.0 wlari- d Con t s coon Company has the contract ': for ripping and resurfacing .High—. No. '6, from Wiarton••to Hepworth.. Firmer Trampled by ;Horse; Honor Dungannon �' Nonagenarians Lakeshore - in Aslf><eldwho suf- fered a . fradur 1'ii P� gal Months ago, has returned 'hie from Toronto accompanied byhis niece, Mrs ' A. Weir Ancr Mr. Weir and Mr. Fred Weir; • • Mr.' and -Mrs. Burt recent' visitors , at Wiarton..:ts lith thein daughter, Mi s R: ,J. E.1,r k�er' and Mi . •B 'elder: Burt, 'ti iio :has, been, convalescing front a recent (DUNGANNON NEWS) + i\rirss "vwen'. r inttiigan has `been 'in ..:Goderich Hospital!'recuperat- ing 'fr�orrt the removal 'or tonsils' ' -and-•was-its- a-Wa'kened--condition •after coining home and ;had to re-. tui n td- io� t .• again. spiral abatis It -is hoped she wil.l•';be able t� be moved h i r o ne�"this' week The •' E•.t skin:e . P resbyterian church service which was. held at 3.. u.in, Sui day afternoon has been ,changed' to 9.45. a.m. 'fol' a• nes rbx e„and dragged..hi n to safe - y..4, : wras he-tecei°yed iiiast3 'Cuts in: '• the:` face that 'required stitches as ; . well as""bruises .an and f am it Go eih arc an y Mr d. Mrs, Nelson Cul ert --and family from parent L� home, Mr.... and t .•an Mrs. Eldon Culbert' and • daugh= ters, Mrs. Robt. Gere_ and son, Harvey' Culbert, Mr. ; and• Mrs: Tomb H. Culbert and, family,, of Crewe; :Mrs, Will Caldwell and • faamilg;, south of Dungannon : and Mrs. S. E. Errington .who is, Jack Errington's. mother. A very love ly afternoon -was ;spent in 'happy':. conversation and.' ': at r i °� ••�Laaay atiiTff�aa irk fiXC the; .lawn.` . e join'in wishing .: them -,:m re 'happy y..reun3 , with � :. ... PPY o>�is with ond_parents ••., a =bad= scrape -ani -'.leis leg.. a -was taken to • Goderichfor ..hos 1” ' p�t treatment :and. it is reported that his condition is. favorable... ':His friends -wish= him 'th ' best of :� . luck towards., recovery and back:home again Mi : and •ati'frs: Harold 'Shoe.' of Goderich'spent a day or hyo with to t.:ork on Satui'day.; Some. littl' girls: in'.this v on t mid of Jatiiestown,:,: N.Y; spent .• e art;.ef ”last week_ ,with Hili: andr`e enjoying -a week at the' God=. P 1�Ir,= ti'rlll Al11ca�rit3det: and Z:fry.. ride f r - -" re and � oma`�Ei: ` i • n . o io gtn i►ir G�a�t�llaeDiarmtd °rich summer school camp Mar, 1 ' ; Mari ' Mrss Flora Websterhas return sickt i rug ;rand Mi., Margai et ... .. .- ,. �'c,ung'•,Betty Riztledge'..i�nne I hay'° a'mil.ton- ',id Trois Web sten. tol Toronto after. spending a.. F'rcl.r•r i�tg Miss. E'1iz;abeth Welsh week With hers cousin ,Miss'Flot-a.: and :M5i'. 'H.mnr h McDonald recent gtrests' at the r r'. carnes - urr°as. Andrew. • Mr. and Mrs Gordon: Johnston .. o 'V' tan. au' 'in - ura[la\ `i' toil sat zl:;e tome :o .Yaa s .._::._.. o.. g \• ---storm `. ae M•rs: ° is• itRor bertsokn-,-.M';r nib Mn'1arsr,l. 0We,T,lar,inp- eitt, a.dSan. Flaren Isco: Mr and Mrs' `Stanley' South North of Elihsor, California,, were week -emit visitors 'With: Mrs: Wm Mackenzie.' ' Jennie'Rivers of Seaforth• ;' and Mr.', and Mrs. Harold Rivers: and -'Lorne. of •Goderich s ,ent. �•iarnii and M1 ,. a 7d ,Mrs. Frank P iI .., -:'`Stz ay at ilio,i'it6rire tif-Mt.'-and-i11fer=and 'soil • : lslrs Roberti and :1i7=s Geoice•C::Tlzonias ands 1Vr`s . D:• M: Johnstone' "and Mr. and:' Mrs. Robt ''Cole'rif and Betty • 4o of:- Chatham:rare- .Los Angeles •r•3,itLd i ecentl.F. With spending the weekwith'Mr: and Mrs. Jessie '\h .Ione;' slid the Mrs. W J..Todd.`and other. ;rela MacMillan 'Oi ter sixtti • 3'ears :�agit,:1Nr:.T}toittas. iota r-ried• ?pon. t>s: arkin `of, :•Neaw . Toronto are visiting Mrs': Matthew -ltac .. k-leten: ' Master--• Charles . .Drennan of Mrs, : Isok�el' ,Hudson, '1<1-rs L.lo d .;Goderich' is visiting his ,grand- Itaelrui :and: sutx ybert-1)i Mrs—Ab 4 troit ••Mi and �ia' �Lrl . i son SntitIt '1lort-is. Sister 7s 90 Year 'Old,' . Brother Nearing' 89 ..Miss fai-3 . Hall--•-onn -Sunday, July 21, •.obselted: her 90th :birth- day at :,the ,home: of. Mrs, W R;. Andrew,. Dungannon; where she spends . the 'summers with her No Wonder He Blushed R P:. MacLean, 'editor of;,the Kelowna (B.0 ,): 'Courier, blushed tithed this w drawn n to • his at ; ,: tendon •by: an observant. subscrib,: •I er "The • Courier 'carried inirn'ecl. lately .,under the+ list of, births , o -take week,a=taro-line �fi'Iler" which read,. Zt :•Jis' better to lave tried and' made° a mistake an neve ..-to...., haya tried at 1111.7. ....�--,-.,._. . will .t be :89 in Decear. berLBntn' a`r enjoying very good health, con- sidering their advanced..years_ At a little dinner arty . on Sunda�',. one . of the `guests.Was..a liifelon friend; Mrs: 'gym Blake of'`Ash field who was 90, years -of age in January, and': is..also in remark ably fine health. Miss . Hall's par- ents,. Martha :;Godfrey 'hand Wm.` John._Hall;._ -":canis°:; front >- aitrim County;:. Ireland • Miiss Hall, born' at"fx'oirt-ri" and- at, the age' Of two years ' caine ',to' settle- .on ` a farm :--betweeir-the-- 9th -and lOtli Cziicessonso..Ashfield The fain- ily, is.'well kno'svn to..be ' pleople; Of; having a high standard of Christian principles .and charact; eristics , ;of 'honesty' 'and friendli oar; Miss e Hall was'• -an ardent' church '`'R worker in her younger days teaching Sunday=. school;.' at 1Iackett's • church and is' . now:: a member • of Dungannon Erskine Presbyterian -church. F,Or the past ten sears she',: has been without her eye -sight,', • but for . 'a useful pastime ' has knit :176. pans : of sox during, `the war years and has, been keeping 'up a good "'record Since.. When autumn comes , each •Ridge - 4d-10 . Ont : Mrs: Chas-- Vil COng-r=ataa1 tiot s_io 1UIr, -8% Mrs. kins, .• Dunga inon Mr., and MI -S. Eldon Irti-•in onJ• the advent of a .Roy Hudson•. and faini.ly. Godes daughter born ;July 11 at,•God- ich: Mrs. 'W. J. Irwin. 'Lloyd and • erich` Hospital: Iii. and :Mrs. -Stanley Tines and. Faiigii e - aa�iae, 'Tenon -to, ;aire-� spending too. weeks; at 'Pt..Albert Beach : ar�d ccasionaily, : t isitingr� Mrs: ' .Fines' .,brothers, Mess. Cecil and Harold Jilake of Dun- . Gannon. ..Mrs' :Wm. 'Walk, ..Mrs and Mrs the late Jennie i41aiallar tai filar* Eric • Nail, of Wyoming; :visited Mr: < and Mrs.: G ertn' Moore of� . c i Sunday, •lis J�rrllc �'tirlli; Daki�t•a 1Ir Tlattit3�� It �t r la •tl rt t r - t to fo t e s daa�gh e . week end a . . to an spent � ` ter lli. Par,iie, Wigga�ts,' Here. The, �i;ere • accompanied' bay wh•o is 8•+ -tear, of ta}t>.. i;tta'de alae . . ti ip..bot3t �t ia' c. h . m tot : friit3i Capt 'H��',t•aid liantrnell (of. the N° Hodgins who. has taken 1 C'atiteron, Highlande3s 'of Ottatifa) up residence�in her,Cslitoiati�•a, 1�� wax :tilt Da. sa° .• home in the .oaf Peter itoa o, �; ho ' has :, recently. tallage. later. going o.ri •to .Torontdbartd'ell • ,dyed ' � the trip tli2,rtttglaly_•:returned , froaat Overseas,':• Was; a 'RoWard: Blake, sonj ,of MVtr. and Past '<seei �ti.itli Miss Mrs, ,Ernest ' Blake of 'Ashfield, Bei tlta .Jones. R.N has received his' discharge. If yrttt dart"t. know what i'. calls'''. ;' Ct as a alulatioat5`:t Mrsr At; ra- and:lias`'returned to,: the home' ht .:your.arthritis ,you are lust" halts Culbert.•-isho.:on' :S turday ' farm, Hth and had been stationed; .smarty:,ast e doctor. ,He doesn't aTttly 20 observed hes 8'41birth at Brockville for Some n v the 'honied of,:het son; :Mr: • FpRmER THE GQ ti,:. Dirt. a 14M Loan 61 /0;6* . for you, if Ij:you needed money for your"a m's derelj opnient or itnprovemeat see your B of M :1• manager today, .rlsk: or u�rit� •for fo�cr Quiz for. a Go-ahead' 'rail -tier." BA 1v, +►:lTAlre.v,J J . • iAitS BANK O F MONTREAL' working with Canadians ,,i ewer) uzaik of lift shut. 1817 W. A. •Culbert. The following ,clay a surprise family . gathering was held Other v isilors tiring' the daystere Mrs. Cu1bert's brother, 11 r. Cltas (>angr ani; M> s: "C'bn- gr°am and thaeir, son Mr. Hq rold Crnfiran1, Mrs.:Co'ngrankand ffam- ily of Holyrbod. Mrs. ,Culbert is e�njtiti-in 'fairly. good health and is ,about the home in usual' man- ner: ' We• wish . her continued health and' ,morebirthdays anni- zVri ata itis wtiath her family 'and (1.16i`ds, •q Had Narrow tscape.Firiont Being, Trampled To Dean Mr„ •G.-grclpu R* 1d, son of Ins. Ch » Vit# .Reid Ashfield, islet with a, nasty accident one la; ; tt.:i`'While working in ' the iJ h ��yt, lie' i �,;• a weak ,pell and ' .'G ' one off the horses 1 q. ;a Yi ,.' ,lwatt Quiet. but. ran .*x b„ -r, .1111-s ' a.rnlistta�l . TI ._:,• a Y'- ,, 'h t�tiliit ••t.•e, ta.•aai pie !alai. -he was' repci*ed ! `i* St�r -art, who was:, Enronte To ''Dupngan>doin board the' h Queen Mary blob docked:at Halifax on:Tuesday • McWhinney,,., Who. is. enroute' f the bonnie of Mrs Hell :McWhin ney at Dungannon . lot ey have buried the hatchet ! alway rememb er where -they yput it •' •J 3 ar, she returns ' to Brantford, a d . enjoys the• care` and comfort at e home' of her ,nephew,: ,Mr. •Ernest Hall, ,lid► is a 'son of the tart oana��Halt--of 'son. We . Wish :Mi s Hall eVery joy and happiness.: f+or-Three .11A",Gathering Ica In : Honor of : Thos., . lbert Mas: Jack Errington .on'Standa�r e' gay. a surprise to her ; father. Mr. Thomas . Culbert' ' Who was `92 'Sears, of age •on July 16th. by in- viting all relatives •to her .place for, the afternoon in 'honor of Ur'. Culbert. The gathering of chid, `ren, grandcliildrenr and great grandchildren , n'utnbered . forty- three. Besides Sim. Errington, the:1 ostess,' Mr. ;Errington and son 1 ezatge who tvelcorhed the guests,' f'a here were:: Mr. and las. 'Saint . Swan.. E' m1ore. r. and Tis. arY eY Mole and Donald, Mr. & •tr s 111 N zvetas and fanaiky. 2nd ;,. `t�1d.. West .Waw -no h. Mrs. Jean P tteu sin. rs..l ,oy Serinlgeour ;Bottles are badly. needed.; Reason - new bottle production Slowed • by. shomge_ofinateria 5. em r bra.•: cumulated empties. __Pat them bac into . •circulation. • Check your. basement •today. o. , Bring `britto neap • Brewers Retail store or telephoire for pick-,rp.' The Brewing Industry ',Ontario) MMW: i;�'�4""��'�"�'�';.�.. �, 44 11111" • •