The Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-07-24, Page 1Sf. • S� R9 •A Year—In Advance; 50e Extra t u WHEEL CRUSHED IN: HAYING MISHAP • (ZION NEWS) ' ':_ While engaged. in drawing hay into. the barn on Friday. last, M`r, Fred:'Anderson had the misfor:. --tune..t •have..-.the_.fr-ont ,wheel•.of-- the. lo,added :wagon run ' overlis foot, badly. crushing 'and break= his 'heel.„ He was taken to` ,Londonhospital 'Where the i heel was set and put in n< cast lip to. Up .iiis hip., He • will' return home this week but will be three months before he will she able -to use the foot agaiin. While. returning • f .r.. o m Mr. Lorne Woods on Wednesday .last, Misses Kathleen and Caryl • Gard- were• badl bruised and • ": "' e� a.xia naa 41.2'J • ix� o4 .:�.. k. A 1 .•,41,M1'm rtar .e.ersr•.Y -sn A!x+ 7.+[7. •M-.. R,.cal2f.wkl 3•. of the car in; loose gravel, the car turning over on its ' side after. striking a ,.:tree in .:front of Mr. Wm. McCrostie's The, girls `. are both_ impnwving..: * athleen.."was_ i: ` able to • return' to .her:.position: in Tornto on Saturday last •` Mr.:and Mrs..Ernie :Wilson and sons` Kenneth:•,&: Donald '•of Sask.- •- :atoon'and Mrs John Jamieson --of -Lucknow visited. Zion friends re- corny.. . •• Th . , ilev.. Bont ' e Y pf�Brampto� ' occupied the,pulpit in the inter • •ests• of the Ontario Temperance D Y or 'thine th A Ma D on Fe al Federation � 1 • 1 c d a on on Siirid : Q , will l beco e :7nnc� • t',,,• • R 1 ay_s%li�ern of T_1n I nage to take LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 'P4th, 1946 LB INCUBATOR BAST. IS QAININC }VEIGIIT • Elizabeth.' • Be 1 W 31:2 -week-old daughter of IVIr. and Mrs. James Mather of town gaining ht slPWly abut :steadily and •has now passed' .the three- mark aurid �by "'one ounce. :.The little':'to't when born' :re- p. 1 .PAGES Y ROO D ROAD DANCING HERE FRIDAY 1 • .. 'ERIN ,f' ODDS. • AFTER TWO FALSE STARTS GOT PRIMARY COAT;. �. LONE IN THOUSAND.; Commencing ' this week, Banc- .The_:$ruce_Count oad; _f .... _ �. _; _,-.;..,�. _ ._.. .. ,••:. .,,... ....__:,• • • Y. ,R rom. ing will be held in "the' Town Hall, Mrs.. Matthew Gaynor was able - I olyrood tq. Kinloss Village re- Luckno ' o Gently .received a primingw each Friday evening to be':lrought to the hone of ,her coat under Cl iismen auspices . and to .brother, Mr:: Jack snl,..p:larni ate ... Tian p# �;sh n - y-�-to .hard• --sur-. `miisid- yarruffier"s orchestra; field; last Saturda : f facing operations,• .. , .. ... For the 'past two; .Frida nights Jos Y, eph s Hospital, Loxidon where. h successi e.' ., Y 4 , mixups' hate .• pre,.. ' she. '" underwent':' so' Critical vee . X an „ted -these; 'dances getting -Start -operation that, hei—attendlhg sur '. ed;• but. this. Friday: night the eon- . g g . . z gave her .only "one chancey Weekly series will definitely: get, •in a thousand",„ and referred to''' underway. ' - her recovery as • a "miracle"... �• Mrs.. Gaynor ;had • been in fail SELLS THRESHING. OUTFIT I' ing health •for • some time but- •at • 1 last her baffling'. trouble was • • diagnosed as ain in ward thyroid' :.. She spenta ,month in Kincardine ;n maturely in.: '.Win ha This .road was given • a- heavy u g' m H<is ..,i 'alrating. ��• p t of gi"avel this sprin .anon. June_30;vuei h g d : g .ed threeDori txpsde r.iin,�.Pm c0ah1.gt s 'toh t..e cr one s e ounces-.. Her• weight. dropped• 'hike the:r"'- r al P roadbed;, fo'r• the asphalt back to 23' pounds and • �, for' • a surface that wilrfoIlov , although; time.it was uncertain 'if the little it ,is • uncertain•t the moment incubator tenant.would survive.' whether the• • material will .. be �- .Elizabeth:$eh who •. - his year g y now, but The Luck { ston of Ashfield is, a grand- • available .to . cojnpl'ete .the 'work' daughter of Mr. George Burgess' t of town, is do'in nicel M • r Wrn.: JohnSton wild '.probably remain i • � now a `Holyrood sec-' has sold his' threshing n the hos, tion of •this road 'separator, Sh • was .completed• Masse • . pital for • another ; month. As. yeti .a few • : ` y -Harris tractor,,, 4 -furrow . Hospital • in: an. effort to strength; yearn ago an '' ,._ .d .rs:oneo .• .. . the parents:•have not ,,plow,--Y�tractor di•s an en •her, for , ._•.: been "er-, the fin -s _.� ��� .,f is • # � e d packer.to �'tYre forthcomin •sur - P t niece% ala. .J g , i„,.. -•r,. t•�c.��. x ['C��'liei'f::.. N eS �'�r� . ' � , •.: • Tern. U tari0. T • pric is to be` q on an in mi . -Sone,. The scarcity - of - aterial prevented ;the• • Se3,b00 and tile• deal was conclud- .operation •revealed 'th a t. th _ roadv beim -:co . l' e g nip eted at. that' thine . ed :oil -Ju-1 17:. x � ; . ; ahyroi!d� . ' vv'a s `stranding t.h e �. but.it is ho ed Y . , link' :between i h� : • : _ •' .. , • g way--86--an Rusher ” Due to her condition w a' ' the Durham Road Mev d,.0ut : , the may .yet be r . et:., . • ..• hich ;was. • finished . this .ear• • . • Joe Kerr's gravel, crushing out: b coming ,Iiiore .critical daily,' it be Y ! fit :which:, has be :was `decided to rush thee o eration , en a in: the newly ip o ened • i:t.. P p to the: `rear • ., •.. of Mrs. , ENGAGEM , L 1:$.. For: se EN1'S.' , ' ' A.,''P. Stewarts residence moved veral days . Mrs:. Gaynor out last ' week.':after com icon `1 hovered between,• life and : death. , : Mr and mrs, Sams Swan Of P g ' On 'the. si a contract on , Hiighway' 86 and 'in a Drier- ' • xth' day 'after th Belmore: •announce.�.:the: engager :.... . , .; _• she « •- , . , •West Wawanos � T.ownsh atYon muttered.: a few words' meet 'of thei.r .daughter present .�Cla'ra_r � i'p ,. .�._., •. ,.. -,, . -, [tremendous - s=t;h-eLmos'C=ezrcaur . , --- Win ._:•- exca}Vation was maa�e .... , . - .. , agiirg • v , y—o V.T.Q.\ , - . e, h wartime The sale at t London reported d C....:I -.::, ;: �. . � PONS OR MEAfi�)( .: T } x. �..: .t..^iR vsaa27R SA-SMn� v. : •. .. v.., , . 3^---.'.-- �:.. `l�rt -tt�:� '�.t`e�i��"drr: off �incone. sent in n • NEW RATION :'BOOK ;•ISSU • • fp.# ED.. 'link p that this important • heart". • wasperformed Stuartinthe. an. interesting 'address: 'He 'was tiurchases.:o l' Th;iarsdav A mar F. accompanied b 22 ' and p,art •; I ,'Jul a empora p y Rev. Stewart of. a ,.. Q2 on Thur sd:ay,. August •, . Y, ' phlebitis d . :: BOLT KILLS 'HORSE, `• • �. Lucknow. 2�: I • • temporary setback w ORSE •MATES Ph1 ,d • eveloped. T i is' eve ope , his corn - t I. latter feted .has: ,cleared : A4TIONS DREW ATTLNTION up, and ., • -•, • after :more than six weeks .in St. osep s Hos ital -she A three ear old •� P is � home Mr •'and'Mrs. •Joseph;:Freema n,. • =eiy uan . a ter Joe and . Arthur of t.E�' n•. rlen. • � M_. r ..:: rid .:lVirs� LCeci l: Garde .and Kenneth visited.. on• Sunda with Mr. and Mrs. W 1 l f dQ of -8a tfo Mr.. Chas. London hospital ori Suri day. We are : Sorry., y., to report M frank ..has. not;.been '• for s' Ritchie� ., ee we ome time• aril . we hope t hear .,of. an "mprovement ui - � t soon ss hlsi:e Ritchie he returned on he `engagement '.is announced s- ANDFD,. FISH' ON '2nd, TRY a Y D.B.C. + Y h d urn Al1iD G01"' �H Wer''and the late Mrs' HOOK BAGI��' TOO � by bu• -`visited-fro ` fri rds ori-S_r-••d. Y r'`. If .i' hand XVIi,. John MacKa of IK electrical storm: last Fri y told •b �' the: • a.rs. n. • himself, y in tj . . da �ft • rs.' i .re uai g . doubt..thia fi h �.. s story.. ,� t 1.9� the u er, o orse owne , �a . :again ;but must � have ab .: • y, mere of Aslif4e � .. kd---vias- Wen of A-ixb�ai- . f man -, .... • ., rest and -by-g t,durin : th len killed g e th g Y •. : ...: •• A1exan• .. ,durin tlie. < . , .. •, . Y dej MacKaX� onTnf M, g Convalesces' t i� asri't.th'at ahe sol x . �•.as � .. Mrs; , ' ; ' severe • • '.. :. - ,that --faces her: •: ,.'... e p o self, one tail the hail iage, to' take, ;place d might well , ,. L astu f, O�CAL -F •v vrc ts acti �: SCENE . ' '� ons attracted'. ' h " OFMINE DI t e .atten- SA$TER� y a ernoon:' The horse was ::7n p �e .eld .and its- AMIL.� IA ' n. - ugt=ls , . • ' 6 mate A:� It. seems :that . a minister 'by •i s, Anderson visited h is an,d his 'wife fe \v. ho are vacatiOning tion of Mr Gilmore at•�,SANITARY INSPECT Point. Clash decided to do a ORS:. • After. the horse:Was'stalek• • NAMED :FOR HEALTH :UNIT- ?. its bit of::fisliing,. the: better half, •mate la °' ` y down beside it • but in r: •wiho ; :twan t ''ve.ry ,,adept 'at -the f • a few in m, , utes.seemed. to: .sense - Creba. c • 11 ;pastime :got, :3 nibble and ' " 1 a. S«-een of Kincardine something • n<ip ung was• Avrong, an get- aril Jac �i amen of Part- rt EI e . i d the= li- , , � , t i y-iitg to- lard• 1re•r- � .� � g- tirig� to- - i•�s-. feet • efrpn• ' : • .�` ,, .,, v.. . , rr'�' to e, catch,. •Not : diseourae ; ha:l e been appointed sanitary.' in_ I : ged, .another wHinny and .circle.•,ts dead mate }} s a I ec ors i11 .. .: t conn .. p t' 1? , '. � an a � tied Until: '.Nlr: ".G` ilinore • : iriyesti:gated. Friday •frons Detroi-t » MIs:: Margaret. Andrew;. . ha n .w,as the s e: fish, gone. ojn, a visit" with friends i Det roif,� Mr, and Mrs. Richard 'Gardner of Dungannon were cabers lin' targ.on Thursday. e v • ,G. Howse and- son G ber of Gorrie spent ;Sunda - .m. it .YP with Mr and iMrs• Wille Gardner. 11 �I�1 RNOR , G NEIN, TO ' .ES PLOWING•, MATCH n.e was 'im i. ised d"' ec ion with. the 1 . • ne�� BI uce JCount Health hook•.atfacli d: and Y l nit: . a fe�� minutes and .out• what . h d ha. - ,.. a en Pp later:,the lad_ had�her•.•fish .iri,, . , lV1L., itfarSti•een;,.. who ,served' e and her hook ba` 'k the he in the navy: as a sick'' • d, t �It bat attendan•t� lias recentl ` co Y Making •Splendid Recove four It years s boato ti s C 0, m= lete p d a lune .months course in. ; Mr ,J ; R. Lane who• underwent public' health' and .sanitation.' He • a ruptured ap- ' is •ma making: a splendid. 'recovery. ' Penicillin YS VA«" ?BOSH F:� +ill act' as iiispectoi in the south- an operation for LL TAKE.1 . ► OD Opendix a month a o earn .part of . the 'coainty, .Serving g , k' g.. RM, Fs IT • - . her 140 -acre farm i ,s• 4 e - < infection Mr ,. o in 'Lane h "d a o u ati 1 on of so t Mrs ''1\L 1 Cam ' bel '.. i p �q me 1'8,090 per v, . effectivel -used p l 1 as sold H lIk h' Y after • the nter h sons, •e wi ma a is head Oi Concession Uai tel s in Kiricardin emergency Operation, to coo :His: •Excellency Field, y . e1d:. Marshall Lord Alexande'i, • Governor Gen- eral of 'Canada, will: ,officiate at >.tlteoe, .�. • p sing. cei•emonies in conIleetion - ;with th the__ Internationa p . 1 1 °Wing•Match, to be held at Port Albert from October ' 15 �`to 18,: it s announced . b_. J. . Y A art C oil secretary_ ananage'c'utthee-. ,_ rio. �,,�� Qntario elen'_ A -s oeiation. `October 15, the first day, is given over entirely to !plowing events' con- fiiled to 'Baron County so .the. • y farmers, °fficial', ceremonies in which.. Lord '\l' exander.•. will take pit w,. will be.'hi'ld on,Wednesday .0etober:16, the. first events'. fiday of open • The Interna t i MaMatch:..:, Deal' Plowing. es: is being •revived this year having been •suspended for' -the last five Wartime- last _• Years, on' ,account of Year conditions,, a n d this 's• eveht is being as "The Victory ring anriotinced of Match'!. •' k M, c Y t !Coos for space fore a ch bis' las Plirposes, Mr. Ca:i rot anunces, exceed allpastalsb an . ad wi} .. .. records, n the ... ample Space. available: former Port A;lber . this Erato t rift- held, this e of re of':the match" lige proportions: • xagrosed from' ••,ani •abdominal contains: a 1:ar ie acs rage •c.f bush. dais iCsand slaii�htei houses •b tMtd 12 West Wav•anash to `M' John. " M , MaeS« een s duties..will in- act the' a: .never in _his 'life -suffered- plans tor •ta food handling • e•stablishm t i and the li •, . con.... I C tit illi ants hotels fruit t dation'"was Falconer, wh we .understand.- d i �, • . < n c ud;e sanitary ora, eys., checking.. • . �, 1 is -commonly }�c ,till ,timbc:I a.ndY referred. to as an; Wood' off t e .,property,‘ whiche en s, «attack -� sores d° . : Soreness a .., eveloped.: He was sewrtge disposal, waterw'orks'•and 1'•:: :. i I , : , _ i •ushed• .'to the . operating Recommends Torii„lit s• Shore. .\c ells, . A g room s In a•. lent i fi oiti , A, '�l': I'i�rla� son •of'Kerrville,--Texas.- he notes that , `'Stage • Door '°C%inteen i` •coming to. the •R4'. '.Theatre••and' gives it. a iso 1 rating Tit i ` rile An\ -„complaints of. conditions • Gla .i cq .t r t i e...t15e services:_ 1. 3. of the:. sanitary inspector. sh p cold • be made • to Dt. •W, Fowler. Bruce (' \nnty xe.alth' TTnit• h tl ft r. ring admitted to Wingham Hospital, 'when three doctors .: Were :in . a r cranien g t in diagnosing his 'trouble. a lurei`n a� a tit s being sh0zt KINLOSS' t CUTTING HUNDRED • • • • • • • ACRES OF ;BARLEY Work Nvas commencced49 :ti Mon- day of harvesting, one hundred` acres of'•barle\ on W.'11: r1:Iitl.ci- son's• farm at the cornc•t of•T1igh- way 88' and, the 13iplit Side' o:id•. .The crop, groWtt,..f•om 1tnit,( d States registered seed. liras ,.been •a sight to behold, ' Shins' t fence high,• and covering thr' .• rtii r'. afarm. The hundred acre e p n:zy 1 ' Isn't' ecce broken by, Many l quirics have been re-. ceiVed •abeitt: obtaining ,sccd next `'year's'.pl°at~iting.-. This. howl,' ever„ is out of tht' questiort i tike; crop ,;destination was cai`r• Marked:. before .the seed Was .i the gromd, 8 R: TliWE L—at 1 L Coderich' .Hos pita'' on Tuesday', July 16t4 'to. to• and Mrs. Gerald 'R:athwell of I,tici:'noir: twin', girls: ;Barbara.' Jtiill. and Beverly Jane., • • Int Toronto, on 'C`ucsdat•:., July loth, to 'Mr.. and Mss Gordon S.' MacIntyr'e'••(nee T)orot'1Y. 'li11ei l a soh, Donald 'C�l. I 'i,ii. a c c AND1Eilv7L-In . •Godperich 'Hos 'ital . :I stirs dad”, '3tdy'' 1$t1 ' to Mr: and M'':x: E.. And ew, R.rI.tic . i adt g hter..:M.: Mary • raft Hint'. ' TRIVXN"—At tA1c\andra"I aspitaX gotiorreh,. 6n. July 11,'194a., to, Mr. ,end Mrs. Eldora. Irwin,: Horgan anon, a daughter:- r 1 • Ci A Mr. William Clayton of: Black Horse ;has disposed of his general' store'.. business to Mr. ' Samuel Farmer of.. Stratford, who will ob- thin possesison. on August 1st. This store which is situated at the corner of the Durham 'High- wa i and the Holyrood Road;. has been operated' by Mr. • and .Mrs. Claytonfor the 'past eight ea s, y 1', they having 'bought the business from Mr. • Sam Haldenby., • The other, store atl' ` IKin' loss Vil- lage is operated'bYJim Reid, son of ' Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Reid, Con, 12,. .West Wawan+5sh. Or Fridairof this week Mr.and Mrs. ' 'Clayton are Bolding a clear- ing' auction sale of household ef- fects, as Well .as a quantity of ivestock, etc. Mr. and, Mrs V.: S. Reid '..an children Bob. ' and:'_Karen spent • "P. last week at Duparquet,Quebec Q, with Mr. .at Duparquet, -Nei1':MacLeod •, the •latter being s isI er of, Mr.. Reid • ' The Mac L eod•.h L ome >S directly across the road i from the_ -Beattie Gold .Mine,' -where`` Mr; MacLeod • is employed.' as an .enginee where and where the. lives Of four, men Were snuffed out last Friday in a 'caved •• • in. One of the victims' .was an, • intimate' friend of Mr. MacLeod. Another '. of the victims' was to have been married in 'a few weeks The fatalities • . occurred .' when tons of rock; a _ and:. clay poured in•. to the mineshaft• trapping :: the f . oursome 'about 900 feet ' un - der:'.'' gr. oun'd. : Paul Matisti the , shift -.'• boss , : had: decerided from' the: 5 th'` to the sixth '.level to warn• three men 'of the pending 'cave-in.: The "skip" • is` believed to h ' awg been about 50`: ',feet from saf e t :� w � • hen. the clay poured into the+shft::.' • • Ru3's; Whitechurch : Farre •... _•��-pn-rchashe� . late HectoraeKay'far; • on the m'Luck/lour Win haroadm ' 'at • • Suffered MI Cut Mrs. Robert Smith a • and two children 'of - Sault Ste. Marie• vis ited recently with • ;her Parents,' Mr: and Tvtrs. Jack ;MacDonalds Ori her return she°•was°;•,accom-. panied by. her sisters :' Missese.:. can and .1lizabeth MacDonald .:vyh,,. are ' holidaying • at the Soo. o While here Mrs, 'Sm ith's dau' = gher Joan had.' misforttne to suffer a `.bad ,cut t¢ . her face which regttired several' . stitches.; The mishap ,occurred ' n \vhe ., ,ethe• youngster ,,fell down the steps while: rr.carrynl a �. -. i . 1? g milkbottle Which 'shattered inflicting : the gash. Whitechurch. • • di iz