The Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-07-17, Page 6MILyERTON UMP CALLS
The Milverton •, LucknoW ball'
game came to .asudden ending
last- :Wednesday evening; • at the
end 'Al the 8th . inning, when the
1Vlilverton A ump called the game
on : account of" d`ar3ness • w th 'hirs''
'homy team leading •'4 to '3 The"
umpire in -chief's action, Caine
from out -of theblue without con -
slating Base. Umpire. Russ John-
stone or. Lucknow's ' Manager, Fd,
Mr Official walked irver to, the
" water _pail at they ' Milverton
bench,. took . a couple of • long
draughts, while his 'buddies whis-
Pered . in his, ear,;` and :walking;
• back\.to the Plate. took.''off his
—mask and -protector: •,-�
run$ batted. in, Carruthers. ,
Gaul, D.. Schmid, Appel; struck
Out., by Tiffin 2, by C�arruthert 5,
'by Bundschop 6; base. on balls,
off Carruthers 1,' off 'l3undschop
1;. hits, off :Tiffin 7 • i;n .34 innings,
off. Carruthers. 2i. •in 4 innings,.
losing pitcher,.�C„arruthers;`.double
.play, Bundschop to. Appel,' left
onrbases,x'.-Mrlvert-on 9.4 eknow ; ..
Stiff 301).44:head,.
• Dropping that game to' IVIsilvet.
SePoyS, with 'five stiff games
:ahead before. they wind 'up the
schedule, When four:of the •seven
chips will' make the playoffs, and
batt10. it out 'for group honorS.
'Friday with Clinton' the Visiting
-club-Next WeclnesdayAhey join.;
The Board :Of Trustees . of , the
West, Wawanosh. 'School Area
held; the regular meeting on July
2nd with all the . membexS pres-.
ent. The minutes of last' meeting
were read " and accepted 'op
motion Of Webbl and. Sproul,
On motion ' of Finnigan and'
Forster the rate for 1
abour on
the fence and .,for work on the
school"'grounds "at " S.S. • 17 , was
fixed at 50c • per. hour. The : sec
i^etarr•' Vas- insts ucted to re -pare.,
a_contract agreeing:'to pay $12,50
per . Month f'dr the; ti:ansportation
of Eldon Emerson , from SSS 14
to S.S. 12: This ' was. done On
motion' of. Forster and'' Finnigan,
On motion Of :Finnigan 8z SPIT,*
the 'Boatd decided' :to call for
tenders' for the, transportation. of
church school .ancl. for tenders' for
the ttanspOrtation of pupils ft.orn
Wel and the.: following. .Mon4y.
field; with Carruthers •toss ing•
a feviw while waiting 'fora batter:
A bit • of -bedlam: "broke loose but`
to no avail. , .•
Toe Tiffin of `Winghani, started
ori . the mound . for Lucknow ,arid
turned the visitors back in order •
for two; innings:: In. the third they Members;• of. the" W.M.S. :.were,'
complete the -schedUle herse,with land. $2" f°1" qie use .a *ire i
got to him: 'for fiVe. hitS .plug, a' guests of the Brick 'United chureh
three rims; cand except for 'soine. croft gove ,a 'most interesting' re -
fast 'fielding , rnight have • been . port of the annual con-.
motion of Finnigan ancl Webb to.
call tot teriderS fOr painting the
classtooms in Sehools; Nos.. 2,. 3,'
4 and 17, te-riclers. to be, in by July
1 -7th: and all Work' to be complet-
'r,an was given .the! conttaet to -
repair . the ceilings in. the :class -
work was set at fifty, Cents per
The nieeting adjoUrned to July
ToucheCt,fot a pair.of hits with, Mts. 4/fel: Brown of Kitchener
' ton, Southpaw, 'WhO• set' the JocalS -ford, were recent. guests of 1VIE,
down. with sik hitS, rolled one to 'apct, A.
WEDNESDAY, JULX " 17th, 194
In The Caledonian Park
Ames Start at 6.15 sharp.
his C4me Be Topi —.Don't Miss .1t:
ADMISSION:' 'Adults 356 Childien• 15c
be operated from the -ground flooroffice—
in the, front of
("Weislwlio cut the run- off' Ot the__, Mrs.' Atchie Anderson ha§ been_
plat&and Gaul Made it three out,:
The winning-. run caine,. in :the
7th, with the ffilverton:'pitchet
a visitor with her gra
Mi. and Mrs. Gordon
which_arlyameed to . second,.
ch IVIonclaY „arid W6ciriesdaY
Clerk to -fic;ilkai'a a complete
of.. those -Who --liact-erdik
OtMed-fOices. So that, it Mai be
inserted-ronr-theseript-.-tw-s.hich• is
Mrs'. John, Webster of Toronto
the guest. of her sister , and.
'brother Mrs 'trans -Con and Mr:
Mid linittrihrey.
The West.' VVa•wanosh Towntlifp'
Council.held the regular Meeting' to ',he placed iri•.the cryPt in the
on !Tilly, 9,th. 'The 'minutes of the new :Court House: ' '
list To ray. FOX 1tonnty
Jipie meeting Weie read- and, ie..' The Council adjourned to Meet
from w ere e scored ,on Ap.peis rs. Bert, Tyson and sons Da- cpfel. om motion of—e-ounci 4 .,, - ,
clean single, which was the• only vid and 'Jackie of •Geraldton,' are iller• and Finnigan. l'‘. Durnin Phillips, Clerk.
ers. The 'other one' came in the mother, Mrs. R. J. oo s.
8th vvhen C. Bundgchblo .beat out .
an infield' roller. . . is' 'visitor with her, aunt,, Mrs.
Not. Only dici—oarruthers—de-a
Brindley were present .and
:requested .the Council: :to, repair
,On .motion of
MaSterlY Job of relief, pitching, , •
The July., Meeting q_f the Wo -
but he put his teammates, back _
Men's Institute- was held in the
lister grants, Of $25.60 Lticknow
Fair' and ,$35.00 to :‘Thingaririon
Corrinitinitv• hall on Thursday, af-
'Clout with tWo •Oboard-that knot-- .f • • froni:1•,CoUrity Clerk, Miller. waO
ternoon with the ,chilttren -as
ted the count' and it is ironical
charged 'as the losing pitcher.
Elliott's cralk was. a hard line
drive io left that cleared, the
fielder's head -and..-wOi good for -
two bases at least but “,got lose'
guests and with Mrs. Archie, it-
"chison in the chain, .The toll. call
was responded, to. hy the naming
Of :an aet Of 'courtesy. It wai'de-
.cided tO- hold the meenigs .in. the
in the grass at the_left field fen -de lurich ' for each meeting. It was
liott was rounding' ard, and came. stitute to be guests:at the August
Batt6d for Greer in; 6th •
meeting whieh. will be held in
the hall: Mts., Rice gave ,a'
Splendid' tepott of the 'district
children w'a.s 'much eriloYedi
songs by Lois' _Webb, KOthleen.
ana Joan 'Forster; singing garneS
na We -bbl -song
Two-part song hy the girls and
read' requesting 'the "Township
-Carlin as'-
sistants is Miss, Marion .1Vlac•DoU-
the girls.moving for a ten-day
Laying Water Mains
With Power.Shoirel,
'greSsini. 41. laying orrie of
...moiris • Joe IScott and Son of
lit. with. Oo\ver
miss :Jacqueline Smith .appl
Edwin Pickvvoad, w1,16 are •
York otter a Jnotor• trip fo Me-;
Auley, Manitoba, were 'gueSts'on:
Satutclay of Mr: and Mrs.. John, t
, Mayf,ir born Brenda Deo
Paul, in i'serieS of articles'Start-
irig in. the ,Arnerican Weekly
with, this SundOy'S (July 21) 'is.
Stie of The, Detroit ,Suriaay
tells hstyv.a disastrous love affair
?node her a drug addict; Sent, her
to prison,„ and Of the torture she
enclured 'cure .sure
ead this human document,'
w re founded. Starting "with fi'ye farms, the 8yitein has. sinCe:been
- extended to 34 farms and• stations and 210 illustration slations. ,This
• try,. is maintained, with the other Services' of• the, Dominion Deparj-
ntioyiaileconomy' of Canada. _
-As-a-result-of-the-utork-Carriedout in the past bY all,the' Services
,of the'Department -in .co-operation with the-firovinces•,ancV -
-turalcollegesra-MUch greatermeasure_oLstakaIlti given 'to
fanning in the porainiOn. •
ow that the war has endeit all -the Services of the• Dominion --
thin- and ,Marketingvisuithze„&broader, and fuller OrOgrarn of Use*
fUlness to the. people of .Canada..The 'facilities of these Seiiiicel,-10"
varied, and' extensive. Eirerybody in Canada is invited to take ad-,
_vantage of. them ,freely. 'The Department ,is ilWays ready to assist ,
Ottawa, Canada
lion. James G. Gardiner,