The Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-07-10, Page 5• • • WEDNESDAY, .JULY loth, 1946 THE, LUCKNOW SENTINEL,, WIJCHNOWr KINGSBR' D • Mr, and Mrs "Webster and belie Lyce.Ini.m. Theatre , are holidaying, with John C, Dal - WI NGHAM Thursday, Friday,: Saturday JULY 11, 12, CLOSE D. FOR R ::.T A hON� _. -Monday, :Tuesday, Wednesday JULY 1 ED ; :GARDNER• BINE CROSBY and Guests, in ' 'DUFFY'S iTAVERN' The Tavern created via radio is the 'principal sceneof this. comedy .with 'Archie" running the place as usual, Show starts at =8.00 o'clock. W-HI-TTOHUR`CH �IVIr•:,: • and Mrs:. Ernie Webb. of ;....Detroit'.who'are, holidaying at • Port EI in visited • an; afternoon' with MIS, C Nfurray "last week: Rev. Mr: Watt and daughter Muni✓]. ale .;spending', their;.holr;- day : here at the • home .of :Mr. Walt': Barbour and ' Mr.:and,1Vlrs. Milan Moore. :r. Barbour is -=-not-• s-.man:y, friends= ieuid wish.. Mrs: Begg` of Toronto` is visitu1g` with- -daughter,.. Mrs. G:ro's- korth arid `Mr G,roskorth Scholtz..and. Janie Mclnnis" .on. passing .their entrance examina- tions. • _ Mrs. Phillips "of Goderich and heli:cous}n •spent Saturday: with Mi•. and Mrs. Joe Tiffin Sr•- - The -chopping .mill ,which was- idle fora couple of. weeks on ac= count of a bad -break, is'going '- strong' again. -4:7NC's. Khan Moore and: little son, Mr. and Mrs. Harry. Lannan of Detroit spent a few days .renew- ing old acquaintances: Congratulations to Mi.: & Mrs. Edwin King thee Mary Clare) on the arrival of a baby boy in Lon- don; on, Saturday, July i6th. Mr: and Mrs. Nick: Perry and Teresa are spending: their holi- days with Mr. .and Mrs. "Tom Drennan:• Mr. ,,,and, Mrs.'. Art Ribar are visiting her. brothers,. Frank and John L; Stt�lliyan: Mr aridMrs,µ Adeliraan : a n d Wilfred .O'Loughlin•- are spendi.dg: a. few ':days' 'at the O'Loughlin home. Miss Anne Whaling ,'spent. Sat- urday. in London Miss Eileen. Wtal`lace is'spend- ing her holidays with her. 'par- ents,: ar-ents " (.Too late for last • week) Miss Lizzie: Martin spent Sun day, with'friends hese;'' _•. . Mr. and . Mrs. Joe 'Garv_eyand. family spent the: Week=end. with. his..rnoth.•er; :Mrs. T. Garvey. . The •Morgan •Dalton •.'fa.mily herd a family,reunion at the lake ono.Sunday.after-noon. 'Thosepres. ent'were,:Fr,, M. J. 'Dalton, Sister Maureen:. (He.leri)jt Mr. and - Mr s. 4BITUARX DUNCAN MacGREGOR Duncan Alexander MacGregor of Kinloss passed away•on Thurs- day, ',Tune 27, in 'Ingham"Iios pital, after a -few. weeks.•.11ness following the 'flu. Four years ,ago. he suffered: a'stroke, after. which he never regained his full health;.. He was a son. of the',Iate Mr: and Mrs.. Janes MacGregor and was in his 68th ',year•, having spent ; all his life on the • 4th of • 'Culross, • until •moving .last spring • to -the • farm exfv�Nr Mac Ross, • _ot"i: ihe" 2nd Con; of. Kinloss: `Thirty, -three years .ag6, he• married :Maude "Mc Kenzie of -Teeswater,, Who, .with - his, three -sons;;. Clarke; toss' and MacKenzie;. and their twQ •dau-; Miters, Margaret; Mrs•.'Dean'Moir of Winnipeg; and Grace¢ Mrs. Jos. Dos ran of Hanover, :survive. He also leaves to 'mourn him, . one brother, Roy .of Cornwall •and 78 sisters, Mrs ' : Malcolm; . Ross , and. Mrs. Thos.:Moore of Whitechurch, .Kate, , Mrs:, Jas. Moffatt of Rivera course; Alta.,' who was unable .to'l' be present, ,Edith, Mrs. Jas; Hen. - 'derson . Lucknow, 'Mrs. J e a n Brayford,' Toronto; .'Jessie;; Mrs. Will Shaw, New Torohto;.;Flossie;. Mr's. ,Clarence --Russell, .Waubau- shene, and Millie; Mrs.• Iugh An- de:rson of 'Kenmore,' N.Y , .The •pallbearers,. were .—Messrs: Walter: .FergusonThos. •'Moffatt John McAI-lister—has: - Christie, Alex Grant; and Jos. 'McInnis." .Rev: A: Wilson had. dchaY'ge M;AFEKJ.NG The Blake's W.M,S, herd the children's meeting in the church on Tuesday. p:m. • with an .attend- ance of 'nine. After a deirotional period and program of solos and readings, a ,picnic lunch was erg,, e• Joy.. d outdoors. Guests over the week end with Mr.. and Mrs. ,Cecil Johnston were Mrs. Lottie White, Toronto, •Mr.. and Mrs.. G. Fitzsimmons, .Arkena and Mrs. , Annie "Johnston, Luck- • te. �, �P _ ovvard Bla-ke-�Broek•�•l ey is spending some ,holidays; with' his; :parents. • ' Mr;: and: Mrs.' Bertram . Curran, Goderch, spent. the week -end at 'the parental home. "r Sacraiiient" will be observed in. Blake's church: 'on Sunday morn ing next at• 11'` o'clock: We hope for a full . attendance. Injured • When :Thrown From Hay ,Rake Mr. Norman :. Shackleton who 'had an . accident while raking -;;on Tuesday evening last;. is , in God erich hospital ; Suffering'. with . a dislocation of 'his neck,. Heis pr.o- gressing• favorably at last'report's. OriATuesday evening last while 1V''o'rman Shaekletonmwins=---drivitrg- the team on the' hay' "rake, the hor`ses• .ran away, throwing hiin off. R, Miss Alice Finlay," Toronto, Mr. Finlay Shackleton -'and son Billy of -Cooksville, spent ::last week- end . with' : Mr, .and Mr's.' Norman Shackleton:. Arb SQ' aiinor::and fa it Mr e ,. g,,.. •...?Xiy,,.- of :she seri , the v ce at the home on and' .Mis•: J'• Plea arid"fiainil , . E . y, •.Satur.d:a aftei�rio'ori :from° when '' mi.. and Mrs ' Walter }Dalton and , ,� the funeral._ pr.ocee,ded • to • -Tees-. family, Mi 'and:Mrs.,'Dennis �. ate) `Presbyterian church where :Dalton and : family, 1vMr.: and Mrs,. na.•great •many .friends of. the Mac Ray;`Dalton and family and'.John'. Gregor family: had gathered, :and S Dalton:•'Miss' Antoinette: was 'after the service theme, interment the :•only one -ibsent, . sh'e b>~ing t•o or.k` p 1 a c e in Teeswater still o.veiseas. •1 "tdf"i:s. Edd tng..and . Bert spent ay tiv''ith Mr. 4.nd Mrs.':. L'. :WEBSTER..:`• Miss Rose Marie ' Latina and The• death occur rel in her Larry rown.,spent' .the' holiday""home in Harpuihey on`Thitrsday, • 'Tunti7h,=. of - Maine,= Dempsey;` with -Me an and -Mi a Wrn Lan,nan... lay Murphy ' of Tor onto is W►idow of the 'late T J. Webster• spending a few drays with his" par in her 66th year. Mrs. Webster hadking in the ..garden been "w',o'r Mr: Chaff lie Dalton'' was. up in the .heat \and':apparently: had from Galt. :for the holida lam drown to rest when She. Was seized ." with a . • severe heart. Mr :. Jack McConville visited at Cliff-Austli s. oii"'Sunday i- ..✓;attack'; Deceaseds was __born'. at Holmesville, and' after her mar range �iil 1900 lived in Lucknow,. coming to Sea'forth .:thirty-two year si ago She is survived. Eby : a 'family. of 'four: :Earle Webster .of' 020:;-Keifh-W-ebot`er o G erich Mrs., Edwin Johns, Tuckersmith.'' I't.1-1-A Et returned: home from • Wingham, Mrs.. Martha MacCrostie-Ilunter Hospital on Saturday.- : ° „` After . a short illness in• .ahe Mrs; J B.. Morrison who •was in Goderich Hos p ait•i.l , Martha and Mrs. Lobb,. Cilnton, • Mrs a London hospital{ with a fraet , M'IacCrostie-Hunter passed away tired hip liras' returned ,to .Wing- on .Monclay; ay; July 'ist. She w,as ?in ham: Hospital, BRUCE OLD BOY VISITS •AT,'PORT ELGIN • Ari.:izrtcresting visitor. at 'Thee, 'fivies.' office last Saturday 'was. Mr. Dan . Alton'• .of ''Vancouver, ,,president t o f th.e ' Er ie :Ginty`. Old Boys and • Old Girls Associa- Mr. Aitriri .r5 a native 'of Lttck- howv and has bcen.in the: west for the past 5.3' year s ' '-lite itee Assoeiat pfi'' _ s., tlie.l"'ordrest- social organizati,ili in Vancouver,-- hav- Ingbeen in eki.stence for 35 years, ,g The n en bgeShrp •is around' 150 and all are active in keeping the spirit: of Bruce• live. Sneial evenings are held 'each month throughout .the winter~ and the, summer:. picnic in Staiiley Park is always an outstanding .event. • • Mr, .A•ltoi, says that.,no matter' lr0Ay. many years; have.'se arated the "old, ;folks" from the ,home county, the 'memory of Bruce is still kept afresh by these gather t"ngs Mr, Alton:' is a remarkable man: ?dr his age, and•while a booster Jar `V'ancoutier, his.: heart is still in the old county' of. his birth`, He cdlebratea his 81st • birthday on. July 6..-Pprt • Elgin Titries. • her 86th..ycar •1Virs. •MacCi estie: .Htznter`.'had •been in good jiealth..until':a ;few, 'weeks • tgo ',When. she .was sad denly stricken with •a cerebral. haem'hz rha;e, frcim t� ]Lich. she; never reroverccl con.ScioUtine.Gs;. Forrnerly Marflfizr • : Watsuti; was orit� of 'elet et ch ildr cal born, PI the Tate -r t►rltl l7s';� Willi a0 Watson of l`iilc' •Ontai:3o, trti :Feb . The death of ': William• Henry iiia✓ yd ;.2.31 d;- 8iif: On µ.Decemlaci Sc 1r' of Lot 2. C-on•cessittn . 25t} , '4850. sheu\ a mar I ic'd' to Kinloss, -Occurred Suddenly at:.: t the ' late IIiigh \IacCi o'ttc :who \lichael s Hospital;' To ho"nto, •:.on. p-asscd au �i••-- z11iril 8th• : 191 ti. 5 Jraclst+folo�virr- Slte" had a` 1ar7ily of•foui•, o.ric ►eratiix ✓lair* hirsr.. a't zl"tlitc c `s�rri�; eight I ✓`for ed• tin--da-y§:.�previotrs: grandchildren,, and; .cine :great.' Willf'ant was borxr.in Walkerton, grandchild xi'ho •sur vi"ve her. The bp. .May. 12, '1869, the •youngest eldest,' Lovie Mrirgttret, - iioW. ;Di child and only surviving one Of I, 1VI Graei�tc of .Edmgrrton',. A - Hugh, Scott and Mary' Ann Wat- l ex'ta, Wiit,,: lvlcGrcg•oi t�'hc� . G.._..; side's "on the.}.)ome farm;. Dr. John -son Scott The family. moved to° R of: Vancouver, H:C7and 'Zetland and' then' to the p•resent• Hugla:, .the• youngest; of Vancou_, homestead ".sixty-nine eaago.•: ver; .C,. Two sisters and 'two In 1.896 he rnarr•ied Dollena Ban brpther5 'also sur 'ive: Mrs ' (Dr .; Alegi McKay' of Bottittcaii Nor tli nerman ' of Kinlougti .who passed; Dakota; .Mrs. (iii:) A. J..Ir�tirr away. June 21st, 1004 .A daughter,: .of•Wiitgha rt,. • Dr.~ AIeY „Wagon Ma �ville,' survives; of Galosbur rl',; and Wii7. Wait- ttn< a al services, largely at- g'tended. were. conducted, pn Tun's- $070. ues soda orti the rn hoe•farrn eat of, the'. Nile, • day from. tele horse by the lieu, The , . trnerto. was held on Thur s- Iii . • Ithoad of:.Knock Presbyterian 'the hoi ii of Church. 1,iplev,, of Church chur'.ch. day, S ly 4th, 'from , her son V G, NlaeCrostie, wit}✓ Mr. Scott was a'faithful mbrn'bcr, intert*ent %it Greenhill CemeteryInterment took place. in• •Green= xb. the MacCreSeie lilol. hill• Cemetery, LucknoW also a brother, Mr. John `Demp- sey of Clinton' and twO sisters,: Mrs. Alex' Stirling, Seaforth: and, Mrs. Ed, Miller, Clinton.' The fun-, er al was held f -ort her late resi dence." on Sat'titday: at 2�p.m, Wath- Interment in Clinton ' cemetery., ll0V. 'H,. V:W`orkrnata officiated:. —Seaforth' Expositor•: • • 11'ILL;IAIT; HENRY SCOTT, HEATRE LUCKNOW :. To -nitre Wednesday. ttHERE . CO mE THE .WAVE Tvyo shows 'at •8. and 10, o'clock Starring. , 1 BING• CROSBY BETTY HUTTON ". ;SONNY ,TUFTS. SAT...& MON. NO "S.HO W PLAYING NEXT: WEDNESDAY 4i 1Ainerican COMING SOON • • M • "STAGE DOOR CANTEEN'`. a •holiday at -her home. VVisitors: • with' Mr. , and Mrs. Herb Curran at the fiend: of week were Mr. " and Mrs: Misner' • and .Nola,' Stratfcir:d,: • and theit• niece, June Misner, Detroit: •• Miss Verna I(ilpatrick return •ed to Woodstock:.o •. Sunday y after. • .90.May .neve✓ :Sell Gas triotorists` . oURIST BUSINES 'otuirsr money .spreads 'around:T.6 garage man,' the grocer, the farmer everybody benefits directly or indi- rectly. The tourist industry is profit4Ie htrsiness=worth protector` ; ` • g. Fspeciallg. this y ear when the impressidn American visitors take back •with ;them will influ- ` ence Canada's tourist industry through all the' years to, come.; y N CANADIAN TRAVEL BUREAU thipartinen ' ofirad. & Commorc., Ottawa r. i 4 +111= •