The Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-07-03, Page 8r.• THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,1 ONTARIO' MISSES BROOM g-TIOK SKIRTS ui loVelY floral Patterns: Sizes 12 So 20 years NEW BRUNCH COATS of rayon, wide full skirts lapped well over front. Tailored collar. Size• 14 to 20 years .110*S', tOl'TON SHORTS -Navy and brown, drill • :.loopnd pockets. , -401111.S' .PRINT -DRESSES outstandingstyle fult...skittA eyelet embroidery! trhnmhig. Sizes 8 to 14 years. Klima SHIRTING -M111 ends good weight, .. wide. Special Special belt viA•A •••• ••••• • V. • tt! t' * , td• Jet, 4 !it Arizona .01imate Helps' • Bill. Albright at Detroit has been visiting with his uncle and aunt,. Mr. and Mrs. 3/L C. Orr. -.Bill's -mother, wher.-was -formerly' Ella Mae Orr, is residing at Tus- _ . con Arizona, where the eliznate- is relieving a very bad arthriti§. condition from Which she has suf- fered for a number f years. Her , husband, Mr. Harold Albright, , . who will shortly be called to the will join' Mrs. Albright In Arizonal _in the late sununer. _ _ _ JUNE PROMOTION EXAMINATIONS , • WEDNES.DAY: JULY .3rd, 1946 Nimes. In Alphabetical. order • Grade 7 to Grade 8 Honors: Mary Jo Anderson; Noreen Kilpatrick; Shirley "Nlof-: fat, Neil. Mnrdoch.;. PasS: .Donald Agnew, 'Harold .I.lowald, Doris Lloyd, Jack. 1VIcKim, Donald Ste - Wart. j. Di. Ross., ROOM :HI _Grade 6 to •Grade 7 .Hojorsqhi, 00'6' ..Hamilton, 'Edna Reid,. !. Donald 14_ .4aY°,, Donald Thompson.. Pass: Betty Dirpnin, Mary Duinin, Ell- Wood--trwin, ,Maxierte. Joan Joh.noti,• Catherine 'McInnes'. Passed ConditionallY: Clayton Hodgins, - Grade 5 ill.). Grade 6' Honors;, Joan Hamilton. Pass- . .ed: George Anderson, Grace Jus - ton? Alvin Irwin„.. Betty loan Johnston; •Bobby Reid. Passed , ENGAGEMENTS conditionally: ' Charles .Durnin, Mr. at -.14. Mrs7 John D..:,11Oss of LucknOw wish to announce the engagement of their .elde,t ,Elya .Annetta, ' to Daniel C.liffizifd. yOungest-son Mr and Ms, John,H. Seiling of Goderich, the wedding , to take eplace. Saturday, July 6th, at high ',noon 'in' LucknOW Presbyterian ChUrc1.4. ,A • • !Phyllis Gollan.. Grade 4 .to Grade Honors: Carolyn .Gibson. Pass,- • ed:., Charlie Chin, Lloyd .Collins, Helen... 'Irwin; Rnth. Johnston, Gladys Kilpatrick, Mathers. Passed, conditiOnally: Janet Mac- Farlane. • . CriSk•in. • • . Home From. Overseas •Cpl, Angus -111-C-Au1ey,, arrived in Toronto last week, where. his "Wife-resides';•.:--iletretirrned-4rorn oVerSeas,. ...Ile :de Franee,. having been in .Germany with.the Canadian '..?Iirmy• of, Occupation.: Atrguss a--bro'her Of -T .Ritchie of Zion, and .i expected siLixithe conuitunity . tin ' a few days., is 'nice warm summer wea- ther is only too short. So why not plan on that picnic for next :week -end. For an easy to prepare, tasty 1tmch, ,we suggest:-....... For For Sandwiehes- o*ge Chieben Paste 20e Iledlunds HAM 8i Chicken SandWich -Spread McLaren Tasty Spread ,For .a cool, refreshing'bever.- age, try a till .of Treesweet 'Lemon ;nice ,for 'lemonade Save precious •,stigar when making lemonade" by -Piing: Paula artifielai siiietner . bottle ,• • 39C Plink BasicetS 19c For; those, little extras wehave a *wide selection of oiiYes, etc:, and for areal treat a piece a Eigivit RED 'WATERMELON. le Home From Hospital Wesley-lyfacPherson-of--H-Ply rood who underwent an opera- tion in Victoria Hospital,' London, wat able -to -return to .his -home SI`13 • ., -Grade; $ t,o-Giade 4.., .; Honors: George Andrews, 1.)ale.lIalderiby, Mack. MaCDonald, •Edith IVIarShali,' Margaret MeNall, Kenneth McNaY, iune Ross, .George AWebster .: •Pass : Margaret. Gollan,::, Kent Hedley, Donna,, Belle Irwin. EvelYn Johnston, A'IAA, Yin McNall,.. Bobbie, MoWbray, •John Mowbray, Donglas Nesbitt, -HoY Stanley.. . 'Oracle 2 to Grade 3 • „Honors.: Bobby Gardner„ Ernest Gibson, ' 'Joyce. 'Little; Ronald PaSs,AEuiliee."Button, JackA4:- _ • . . „ : e r Footwear . A.COMPLETE 'PLINE .OF San a s and Play Shoes IN A VARIETY COLOIt TO MATCII YOUR „ A SUMMER COSTUMES • , BE PREPARED FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON Rath•wellciSon pring Coats Suits FOR QUICK SALE THIS WEEK at.. t.te, ie Chiii, Ruth -Ann Emberlin, 'Bine& ROzella Eddie Lein' -JOY-ce-MOWbrarY „ . on Friday. Wes was in the hos- rnie 'Thompson., ilecoinmended. pital at thetirne of the death Of1 conditionallY for, one Month: Al,: . A his A.,rnother, .s.vhich, • occurred ,firr. 'Baker, Irene lioulston, Iion- somewhat unexpectedly in Wing7. ald *Stewart, Roddy Wraith. hath Hospital on Mondayof last' • Helen M.'Harnilton. week. IF PICNICKING orholidaying at Point Clarke, we, have, all your ze4niiemeints onr -- th there: , ••-• ;•,.; • OMPSO BORN MATHERS-In' ryingharn •HOSPi- , tal on unday, June 39th.to Mr. and Mr...James 'Matliers, ghter. 1 to 'Grade 2: - Honors -I -WV -in Hodgins, Ken-: rieth" -Hodgkinson, Nan63r--John- ston, Bobby -Johnston, Marilyn Kilpatrick,, Bob6y Lem, Wilda Reid; 13illy Ritchie. Pass: Steve Carnegie, Reyta, Collins, Roy Em - PHILLIPS -4n Wingham AGeneral.. ':Hospital on June 27, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Philips (nee Marie Swan) a daughterI Mary / Elizabeth. TAYLOR -At Alexandra Hospi- tal, Goderich, On June. .1946,. to, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon:Naylor, R. 1, -.Belgrave;-•-a -son. WEST -At Alexandra Hospital, Goderjch,- -on.. June. -,24„.• r: arid Mrs. Richard West, R. cierithaug: -- 'PHONE 82-- "WE DELIVER if vrcIctio Rev. 3 W Stewart, B.A., .D. Pastor -SUNDAY JULY -7- 1946 . , 11 a.OLL-Union Service in -cha.rge-of-Rev. C.41. 4 • MacDonald. BOYS', SPORT 'COATS &. SWEATERS. -) • _A_FULL LINE of coveralls,. Overalls and Work Shirts. . • CAMBRIDGE Made -to -Me asure Suits and Biltmore Ilats. Ufl1ir George_ltab= BROTHER 10Ft LO,CAL MAN lei*, Bobby Irwin, Donna John- 85th -B.litTFIDAY • ston, Kennedy, ..IanMarsh- . alt,- Nancy iNfeLean, Joyee,Nloffat,_ Dick IMurdie; Floyd Nesbitt, Mar- vin ;;Coit,' t:Torkinly .Pritchard, Karen ,Reid,'‘ Mabel ' Stanley, Gwen -Stew.art—IiiinriT'Wr sOn, Elizabeth -Ann-Websten-pondr--- tionally:. Leonard Clark,'-±Eugene- Gardriel:,- Eldon Wraith. , M. MacDougall, 'Condition Little Changed The condition of Mr. James• R. whosnifered. a' severe head injury about five weeks ago remainslittle changed. Ten days ago. -he was .brought. 'front, St. Michael' . Hospital, Toronto, to the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hackett in 'Ashfield, where:rest and - quiet and time will be de- . tern:lining factors in his recovery. LAPP In Wingharn General Hospital on Nfonday, lune -24th I to Mr. and .Mrs. WilThS -Liapp;, 1aughter. 7.....P.M,.-1tnion Service in charge of Itev. C. 4.1 10 Sunday 'School, Good, Stocks o Men's and Boys' ocks, ..1 • tore ork 5 . 0 n the ionges.t day 'of 'the year, Miv Harry McMcirran of Green-. ..oCk Township,. ‘cei'Lbrated, his .85th ..birthdaY...H. Was 'horn. On Jtilie7 21st ,186lr in-:4log, cabin . the Saine Jairn-near Paisley where lie noir. resiptes. The ,present liorne:is,the . . fourth one' in which he has liva, each : of mhaviflgbeefl built iig a few. yards :f r.bni ,the,, former one, He "enjoys good health; and 'can' daily be seen walking' aboutthe faiirri'' on which.evo' rY tree, and ri),* is. sci familiar to hirn. Mr. McMorran has Seelf.:6 great Maciy slianges vicinity, andcan relate some very interesting stiiries of old times. There' are Only, three. of .the f ilY of twelve poiA.r tke. '.n*}ipr. t heina Mts.11ohnes •: On Trip To ,The .West 1VIr. and „ Temple Clark left, this week on a trip to ,-Wes- Tern Canada.. At Regina -their- Will visit with their son, Der ouglas, and Mrs Clak. During his absence 'Mr. Clark's. delivery'business will lie in:'the 'capable hands of -Miss Carrie Milne. Pants, Slur s, Braces (Sarahlf0f-:Kincordine, and Dan,% in laticknOW-PalleY..,AdOcate. • Made, Two. Mernbe of -the ".(ft.M.S.,,. of the Church' met recently at the hOme-of W. . J, Douglas. •and made tst.) quilts. -Or 1the. Sational: Oothitg Collection.: • • . ocks and Jackets •••• •