The Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-06-26, Page 3WEbNESPAY, .TUNE 26th, 1946 ()cal an Mr. Burt. Roach is . back in bed again this week, 'Miss' Sarah MacQuaig, >Et.N, •of • Chicago, Ill., is holidaying at the family• home here. • Mr. and •• "Mrs. Albert Cook vises ited: in Owen Sound'and Collings wood' last week, Mz s, W. R. Horne left air' SunR. day ' zr1oruing to visit _friend's Toronto and Pickering" for ''a • few ,:Aveeks, • Alex ;and . John.,: MaelCenzie-. ,f Ham ;lton spent. a few days 'with- - their with- •theii• mother:I' Writ: 1�Iacen zee... _. George 'Robinson. has re -joined'. -the Air Force and reportedthe latter part of. the week at, Tren- ..ton. NIr, and Mrs: Harold Freeman• ,of Erie, Pa.', have been 'holiday- ing .With. his sister,: Mrs. J. W. ..Joynt and• Mr. Joynt. • Mr. Jack.- Watson of London is spending; the summer. at=Sauble: :Beach, ' His, sister, Mrs.'j.•obert' Webster of Clinton„ visited with him, last week. Mr..; Mike' Hogan , of '. town ,• and his brother William of • Ashfield; were among .those attending, the "funeral of Father W. A, Dean• at Port Lambton last week •KINGSBRIDGE . Mr, ;'John C. Dalton has retui n., • ed Deme after spending the, ri•etioit Vlrs; .lack. O'Malley. , anddchild- ren are spending sone, ti ne:With heLmothet,,.:Mis Wm_ McCar hy.. Mrs." Ursula• :Hebertand two. sons, Mi. s,.'Pete :.M }rray and Jas.: •J 'Kasper. of. Detroit, are holiday ing with'; their mother, ,Mrs. M. J. ' O'C(nnor. age nom •er rom ere 'at- ' 'tended at_``tended •the funeral...in l?o�t Lam. ten on.Tuesday of. Rev, Fr,,Dean cam - ,_ _ .: • . a former parishioner:. ; •, 'Miss Hannah Hogan is spend_ ing,'a week with her 'sister,' Mrs;, THE LUCK;NOW SENTINEL, LAUCKNOW, ONTARIO (Intethded for 'last week). Mrs. E. G. Johnson and. Mrs,. Nina, Boyd of Virginia, :Menne, The Paramount. Women's Insti- soca, "and Mrs, M. G. Miller and tutu held their monthly meettng children of St. Paul, Minnesota.,; are spending. a few weeks with Miss Christina Carrick., at the home of • Mrs,, Jasr•Ketch aba'f't'. Mrs. Ketchabaw gave the report of the district annual held. at Tiverton: Papers. w.ere• ..given Misses Edna and. Eliza'.• Cook.,.. 134' • Mrs. X. MacLennan and Mrs, Reg, nurses of Owen , Sound• I -los • H=: Ensign : and 'a quiz conducted pital, spent the week -end at their `,bY • Mrs. E. Lowe.. , home They left—on--.Tuesday 'forMrs.- LizStrathidee, Mr and •a• •two weeksvacati`otr at. Banff,. Mrs, Gerd Johnston of Toronto b .�lerta., ... , n • visited with Mr . and Mrs. •Jack Mi>s Hai vey Hall, a native of 1 Hamilton.: Aberdeen, Scotland,-wastreceived' Jack Macintosh visits with by"=�certrfiegte into . themnetnber,fw. MacKenzie on,,Sunday af- ship . of tho. Luckiiow I,7nted ' ternoon and ;attended anaivers_ Church at the • quarterly . eom_ .ary services • . °in the :Ashfield •munion service on Sunday morin; Chi:irch, A PAGE 3 You'ile.joy our ge. A rs1 .osw_ 11iunsc .I$..._ WALKERTOtN, SUPT, k 'Miss 'Olive' Jefferson,• 'R N.'. of trig. Mt: anti1101'1 Hamilton `has accepted the osi- rs�'. ]award .' - �. y •, :,;. ,:... .... Robin. .. •:. .. p, Dick Reed' f, . ; , sen" .• Sh'. r. •.:_... F . . ; .. , tion. • of superintendent A"of tl� o . the United States •. • , Y and • Billy visited • e Bruce` County . Hospital,'as sire:-` Merchant Marine Service i s i' with 'Mr, and Mrs. Walter Dexter . s endi , a moot 's .leave. at the!Mr. Grant . � � � • = • censor to, Miss. Lund, who: is; now p M acDia home of his parents, � r. and Mrs, to b�e•u .and•:�round feeling � able•in ,�Goliingwood. lass Jefferson, ' P i whose home was in Wawanos ng much W, G, Reed Diek re orts: at New better since his accident last •H'uron• Count folio gra- York about .mid-July to ,resume week,• 3'a wing hero his :' salt -water job � � " `� ` . ! d anion•, took, a special :course at as an ' oiler,. Mr; and Mrs, Bert Elphick of••th UniversityOf Toronto in • that has already taken him. to 'Pinkerton and : rMr and ll� rs Wes ital administration Igoe- , many ports and countries.- . P .,'and is tthere- Cowell of, -Detroit, visited 'at Mr fore .• well 'qualified.; to: fill -tlfe and . Nlrs: John': Elphick',s . pn Sin- position at •the 'local : 'institution; day= I. • ! She , spent three and a "half years Mrs Jas.' Ketchabaw and; Mrs:`' overseas serving as a,. Nursing Chat- ham having obt Reid .attended t e. i Sister in the Canadian . tri.. _, d atr ct.......m and mets A ... .�,.. �',• .y. n h with her: parent; Mr.., a""nnual; held at ,Tiverton, since her return to Canada has andW'\�irs,.Chas—Steward until iv_.'. bee om 1. IVIrs,...Jas. WKetchabaw on n. he stiff of ai-mlatasy -,. ing :quarters we• e • available in..;'.fined to rs,• s :,laospalai : „irk Hamilton. It is ex .. ..: A • .bed with' !thee . rra!eashes; . _ • , . `, . at the new. superinten- has ChaCham ; where, Mr.. McDonald. . , gaected th. purchased a : hardware bust=, dent will assume her duties here tress... 'on July est.: Herald -'T' �` M .. ini{es: Mrs. Mervin ". McDonald and` little daughter Mary •Elizabeth- . have left, for their home in spent.the past few • t tib: Congratulations to• Mr & Mrs, Braise. Martin' on. the .arrival :of, June ],fth . ...WEDDING -BELLSi ,GAMMIE=STICi �L;ES' • TheF.,Chfarch .;of . St' Thti as : transferred. rn •3-I3=1-It-t9n, ' dS e 4C,enS' .ria - _i avVen 1u double z ix] wed{'arlig on.:Saturda •�vorlr there Saturday.; vance-Tiaras_ "Julie :]'5th; v:>]z�c� Jea7t�.cibei ta,=- , daughter `o:d_•]111;-1' . 'Stickler of Hamilton, became trier" bride, of . Captain Robert Briace.::. Gammie, R C.A.M C , 'son o f :. Mr. and Mrs. 19rUee .Gammie of Eloi•a: Rev, •Dr: iBlaga�ave officiated._ ride, given in marriage •y�li'ei faxhe"tas--beaut-i f-ii3 if7 a low -waisted• .gown•nf white sat - Moved ,To ::'Gravenhui?st ?r.. Raphael, St, Marie who has leen with > the Wanghana: • Branch a;af Dominion Bank since his. des, chaa ge from • the 'Navy ham' been, to the, .branch at,. a ate mime e y on :Monday, = A in with itte tsekliee,' inset neck- yoke;. long ;sleeves, full shu t'and: flowing train, •,Her f tli len' t;'h' as atag i • to:' ;:a 'frilled sweetheart :headdress .by'. white, gardenias :. S.he :'_woe e:., -a t1 ipie, stralid .pearl.: necklace : carrre:d Talisman roses 'and' gy.psophelia, caught by white. `.ribbon stream-= els ,. Mlss Marian Gainnaie;,•srstcr,• of the .,g oonz., „ Who • . Was ' maid .sof honor* and Miss. Sheila: Green of Stoney Creek.. who tia°as irides- r laid,' :vele . dr esSed' in siinl ar- gowins. of :rose-•cai>broidered '.cve- let with snatching • rni'ttens and halo::..hats ,of :blue mohair.::They; carried raogegays' of••niulti-colored sweetpcas The groom was attended • b,, his brother Mr. Grant Gan1mie,. The UsherS.. were Mi WilliAin Stieklcs,• brother 6rihe4 tit .4 and Captain Keith •Nancckiveli, ..R. C. l A. M.C•, of, Hamilton...4;.': '-'1Qi54 Rdna' Neff of •^lrl,ar)lillor, played. the •y,-eddi lg inusic. Miss Ruth. •Larnbstegad ' of ••Hami1'lon sang "i,, Love Thee 'previous to'' 'tilt cerejiion , and ”Heeh ”Bee:arc din- , in.1.1-ie-t sigri-ing of, --the register, - Th e_ egister . - The •_reci`l>tion'':for, •tic Sixty guest 'was. held at tthc', 13ycroft Jori, ilaini1ioil . The bride's moth et r& eiv(O'd iiia cls esti• of salmon ;pink erelac With black accessories This community :w:as shocked, to hear of the sudden seizure that befell ;their beloved pastor, '13.ev. J R: 'Quigley ori : Friday right lie was 1errioved by ambulance to St. Joseph's, Hospital 'in .Lon -lion. -We, all hope fox: very • ,befit:. . ;: Mr: Prank Sullivan';has return; ed -frons a week's ilSit in. Detroit. Miss; Rata Wallace ,is home "for the holidays. • Mi$s' Mary:Teresa' Austin is spending a week's, holidays with hci .parents, ` Mr. and Mrs. Cliff • al maim and His Sensational: New Orchestr, ,with -Ite3cil�`s€ and..' The Quartette Direct •From Royal York Hotel; n A Toronto KINCARDINE PAV j Advance* Sale Tickers $L00 at Hairs Restaurant,, Lucknow .. G, I, . ohnston, Ripley.; Made 'Quilt For 'Clothing Drive The ladies of the 9th Conces- sion' of West Wawaaiosh met at Cliff - atria ;:on • . ,rtday and made . a quilt for. the .clothing di eve LIONS CLUB: Summer, Frok Aix; :evening' of and TE RT DANC1 " ERT,W ORTH • ' and. uu''S �'u CKNX . Ambassadors . ingham Ju t a irad war a •eor sage of •Arncrac,an : t oairtX _ria cis.. T17 .::ar uy.Slin s..s�rQ.fh (..e wore. a:3T.i d'onr lalucctsigrfte;- with :black actessCities and a tet— i • ,sage of American beauty. rcisesc ' -The.- bride and ,groom. left fth` Salable ;Reach' and Jflani crrrliri Is .land . F,or travei1ing , the beide,:. Wore a dressinakt'r suit. of mise' garbardine'witli brown bared white accessories' and white .carnation. corsage.: Lira their 'yeti rn Dr. and, Mrs Gammie will` reside in• Hf�� peler . ' Guests were preterit ,from Tor- •'onto, Guelph, Luckntivir; tondo/1,i `Windsor, Harrow* $eamsville, Stoney Creek .and Feig niureii In' Bail Game 0 Bower Famish,' so'i'l of` Mr, and Mrs,'Einsci• Farrish •Morrie, Suffered ra fractured wrist, air* ice, a ball game, at Ncus"t,adt When; lie 'collided with another i'ield r. n , tilt tem , Lorne' King, who •re., c.rived AA. fthc,turcd shouilcier. t h lis' .and some of "it may• come your • ay Finn ``Neiltiii. ot'o when 1. ,,.._ Yeste� _ old his � oven $sb0 cask,when'!� grain. Through the processes of trade and corn= merce, some of trawl money may corrie;io you. Banking service' enabled . him to obtain his money quickly. • ti 0 i --f doeste . t haQe ,to t+aut -uintxl. graua.• teaches the. consumer a.:;f irhis-. 3smffiportant toryoicino • A lmatter where you live or what your work. `. Farther Masotti, and thousands lie him, spend .money for household andfarm .equipment, food, clothes, radios, paint and a hundred other things. This: helps keep people' busy alt over the Dominion. Your bank advances credit also to help farmers plant, °titivate and harvestcrops of all kinds, to buy and raise ve stock. 'Barkin services something like the oil. ery, you never notice it. But it is a primefactortoo r g"g ro h>in • ii.>ix,�o�uc- . p apentty"... in the Canadian way of •Life. Advert''iso: • men, is. Sptt.nsort Y © A