The Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-06-26, Page 1AlVirMZ604.11VCIWT".11111E111111.1.1317111r4474114111L9W4471lerlik-74WW41131111".:11%11"1111111°W5IrliirtillialEileit"' 2..00 A Year In•Advance •SQe'Extra: to U. S. A. �etiioxi FrovanC To Pave Highwa • With sections of Highway •No 86 . froth. Amkerley t 'Elmira -r• ,, probably •in the worst onditi •in ever sincea. `e��ev'in- • becoming • cial' Highway, a,' concerted moue• now. underway, With the Abject, • 'of having the' toad paved: McSs:i•$,-Carmicha'el'..arrdBenson. iof• ;Listowel ° were • in town `last weekwhile on a' tour' aimed at arousing interest in every muni cipality,.town,• village and'hamlet along this, route, to' the point of •pressing the Highways,; Depart - ° ment for early 'action in paving this highway. A ' preference 'for concrete: has been expressed, due .to .the •bea_y ;..traffic -that.-travel's this. road.`. . , otime N is 0tAon being . s . 1 in' - s soring: the project, which_-wilL,be• offi iai1' g y. .upched at. a public Meetingeeti�lang to be. 'held in Listowel —on -:Frill- z. • ..: y --n ght of this --week, at which it 'expected re re se nta.- t ive s will be inattendan+ee froth- Guelph r _ om Guelph to Arnberley. It:is Poss- ible -that a Highway organization. ' will, be 'formed and unquestion -db1y-.a deputation: viTk lie named to present the :petition at Queen's, Mr. ' John Hanna M.P.P DEATHS AT THE WEEK -END The Gri: m ,.Reaper claimedthe lives of three residents, this. community 'the .part 'art ; of the :latter Week. All ,three 'deaths occurred on 'Friday..• Mrs.. John Campbell, .f' formerly Martha'.Durnin,' passed away in. her 83rd. year ati.'the home ;.of Mr ' and. Mrs. Jacob Hunter, where the funeral 'service ' w'as'. held on Monday, with 'interment ' in•Greenhill. Cemetery.' ' ,' •' • William John Dobson', father of Mrs.. Wm. Pinnell. of Kinlough' died"in Wirigharn Hospital''in his 76th year.' Service, was . held in' Kinlotigh "Anglican Church Mon- d" ornz a-y..__..m n and .. g in • Trinity church, Wiarton, that. 'afternoon where e burial i'altoo k_p lac e William. Henry Scott,. passed awl in- '. � St. M YS ich al e s . -in;his 78th Hos ital', p ,year..,The ser- vice was held •`: on Tuesday frornz LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26th; 1946 8 PAGES. his late residence, Con.. 12, Kin loss-'Towpship with interment in -Greenh%lf TO, DISCUSS VETERANS',' I tin on -1 rt1-PR=OBL 1 IsI:IJ SDAJIr, ce. an'a=Mr:'�ed 'Ed= • wards, M,P.P, . for Perth,. are lending . every support:. to the move,' and- will be in attendance at the meeting Friday, l night,"-, Optimism . is running high .for. early action and' some.' hope.' is held that' preparatory ;workmay be. started'' on leo. '86' this year. UNDER:tVENT::OPERATION IN HIS :91st 1��''AR' • .Mr. John 'Elliott, of London re- cently underwent .6.. 'successful eye operation ,for the removal of cataract, '`;(Which . had seriously af- f �. ect' ed his tisz o . and had , forced .•hi m t o r� ,. dy cont'�`z iZ ue the occasional and very ,welcome,, items to The Sentinel. Although in ,hi " g s 91st- year, it is expected that the:;; 'operation will permit .Mi. Elliott to again -read acrd write,. '; STAFF PARTY: FOR MISS • I v oL A Kf • RRY� • A• pleasant social evening was held' on Friday evening • when `•a. Silverwood staff' party was. held in honor of:.Mss',Viola° Kerry at the home of Manager J. C. Mc - Nab d Mrs, McNab.-There was attendance of ;thirty-two per - 'sons, who enjoyed an evening of cards, with ',refreshm.ents. ... byserved the host and hostess. Prize • whiners' at cards- were William Lloyd and •'Mrs. • Harvey Trelea During 'the evening Miss Viola Kerry ;was presented with a loge- lY.pen and'pencil set. Mr. McNab. made the presentation 'address and the gift was. presented, by kedvers Johnston, who was on- :;....,the•• -Car... ._..._� ...._. • gill staff with Miss Kerry, 'prior to, coming. ' to. L' ucknow.' The guest of honor wh ` ' oisnow. a member' of the Elmira staff of Silverwood Dairies Limited, Staff, as a member of the Lucknow office staff for 15 years, ars ' ori Cargill _• , , ,, arid served' at. •for four years •prior to comm P 1; here. • . • 'Miss Kerry's s transfer to Elmira "took place .. so ; staff .part quickly. that, the staff tpar y 'vas not possible at Friday night's 'gathering o served as an .o g. also come 'opportunity to wel Mr: Mrs.; Joseph'' Writt and 'Miss' Celia' Wilson.: Mr. Writt hill 1lfiss Wilson, a, ,, frvel net` , re compara- tively u Members of the. Luck- trove plant's office: staff. Missing from and b this staff., tend one who never failed 'to • at= > and fully' en... parties: Jdy:'such staff.; Dailies; was Mrs: 'E: D. Hassalli. se death' occurred month. ONEIiOME',: ONE IN-HOSPITAL;) HAD •'SMALL BARN BLOWN BARN BURNED ONE HAD NAME DELETED AWAY BY TORNADO . ' TRIO OF' Three local boys slated to re= turn on the Ile de France, which docked at -Halifax on, Friday, had; a diversity • or -experiences. Most fortunate -of the trio was Stewart Carrieron, who reached, Hamilton' early Monday morning where he was greeted': by .his '•mother ,and: sister Arabelle, Mrs:: N, E. Bush ell, His: brother Kenneth is bed- fast nvalesc e • at :his home her '•co - ing from,.aserious illness.' ,. Stewart was scheduled t'o' arrive. , in Lucknow .,yesterday T (u. esday). • afternoon. He was married 'in' Sciitland this 'spring • Nelson: Webster, whose home is on the' outskirts of Windsor, felt' the',affects� of the recent twister as ,it swept across . his back yard,; and demolished em i a shed a s 1 ma 1ar b n at the rearof the property. •Disap-, peering also with the barn ' :was a'• young calf, which returned from "nowhere" about:. four or five • hours' Pater, • :n' Mr, and Mrs ''Webster's next. 'door' neighbors had 'their 'back porch torn : off their home, 'and three houses: on . the street dis=, appeared ` without ieavirig s trace.of even. a dishtowel". and ! expects. his wife..to shortly Jack '`MacDonald, soli •of'` Mr. and • Mrs;• Jack : MacDonaldof toivrz hadn't, such• good :fortune. After docking; at Halifax he .was hos `�i taliz� ' . p ed, which will delay his arrival' . her e-' ..I�To. det�'i " -" of a I s illness have been received; But the worst ' .'bl° ow t . befellPte.' . J Donald:-Maclntyre, son of Mr. 'and Mr s. Wm.ac Y M Int: ' e r o f Kin - oss , who ,was, listed . on board the Ship only to be , included in:: 'a later list of . deletions. :W -FARMS -SOLD -HOLD A UCTI ON SALES Mr:' W. W. ,Aria tg, p .. . ron re res entative -af ;the: .De ;art n • p zne t - of Veterans' Affairs, + will be at the Legion Rooms, , Lucknow from -4 to .6 p.rn. on 'Thursda:y; Jtine 27th, to interview voter ans .'Kith .regard' to their ,rehabilitation' plans and pi-oblerns.''Bring your discharge: _cr ,r ourran e an war --gi -u3 y statement with you.,'` O UNLTsSUCC;EED . S On �onsecu'tive days -this week. —Thursday. and Fr'idaY g='clearing auction: sales :are . bein ,.held : g. that both' result .from .., the sale• of ' farnas: • On. Thursday afternoon on`the 6th of• •Hluron. ;three miles ,:west of ,the Lucknow Ho'lyrood 'road; a big . sale tt-i11 .be held . at the,: FORMER' M.D. HEAD ofH . EALTHS s � UNIT • Dr. William Fowler 'of .Erin and formerly ,of Luck. now,' has been appointed Enke County-MedicalR Health Officer, as, new head of the -- is U County Health nit that come es into being Ys on .J 1 u 1 t in B' ruce Dr Fowler's ,appointment was approved by the county comini.t:, tee :corriprised of Reeves D..:A. Maeforrald _ __o.f:. Iiuron - - - , Sloan t- Sloan of . Elderslie; •' C, A .Taylor of Wiarton and Harold Donnelly • of :Greenock,' and ,was ratified by -t'tzz: rro.u-ileal-as -a• ho1ez iAppointment of ', another. key official in' the new, :plan Was 'made by' namingMiss ;. F. Greenaway as 'supervisor ' of . nurses Miss Greenaway was a '.former V.O.N. representative :'at Walkerton. Be fore ' recommending these ap- pointrnents the cornmi•ttee con- ferred with :Dr.. W: E. Struthers • • • DAY BEFORE SALE, On Sunday night about- eleven; o..':clock, fire broke out in, the barn:• on •Jack' Switzer's •grass farm, ,be tween .the boundary and 'the 12th' Concession of `: - Ashfield, ` and in short order : reduced the building' to ashes. The h mes'w . were e fed by a '.feve tons of 'hay ''which, were • left the ' barn' after wintering sole cattle: No one. lives on the place. The `blaze occurred less than 24 hou -s ... r before the time set for. holding' an . auction sale on the premises to sell , the. ;buildings,., including the house,. ,drive shed and.: barn. The; house: and drive shed escaped,. the • flames, al- ou• h• ththe latter w . g as. saved •oriiy:•.� by the timely shifting of the: wind. ,The fire was• discovered and d an1� a arm turned i . n b' Y George Gibson,. '' •• . 'It ' is °thou �g ht 'that a_'.'smoker Mayhave'started y the fire;' . as there were - qiite .a number on the premises looking thebuild-` ings over 'that afternoon. and .ev- .' ening. There was • some risurance.•,.on, the: barn. The proprietor- was e, `- turning from `Wingham:•late. that evening when the .reflection ` in the direction' of his : buildin s cause+= -hi ii ,drive to the • top of . Irwin's hilt from where' ;he•.;. could discern that the .blaze 'was on his p'roperty. ' • I HAD , NAME -.OP CRttSHER OPERATOR •WRONG ee • asst -s axr - o' . e_.-...ep:ar_tzrzent-ofT Mr: Alex . Stanley 'bought' ••this health .in . har c ge Of the formation farmand ev er Vthing else . on • the of County ;health units C' h�emiGr , .except tli'e 'hobsehol'.d' `'D' aduated • effects• . As" Mr:: Stanley .has an in medicine .:frcirn Toronto' Uni- -l?-c.�c-e- e-tc set -of i:mpleme 4• and. all°she •farm stock , .he can duated in' public. health, which'he,� hnnd. e. he z disposing sof all the had .' . d taken a � �, s a' special post-war stock- and implements' h p . on •. th.. _ cQ r's�e: Dr..'Fowler .� _ r_ u Dx� Fow.lerfzrst,practiSed. :Kennedy f i M. and :'states there , at Lucknow,. where' he succeeded Fowler is 40 He gr HEA .. LTH.. r .BOARDS.. • The Bruer' Cciun1 ' Hoalth,_L'nit, app�•oyc d. b. County' Council at the J:unr..'_ session co.riles into be:= ing,:',at Jerly 1st; tinder. -tile- r•o- p visions of: the Public Health Act! &hen 'the 'T.nit 1Vf edical' Officers of Health -assume he'powe:rs and ie . Z -,dut res . • r � z ,�, p e ously ,c-e-rcised and performed by ;local' Medical `Of- fi• .r . ce s of health: ': • Head of• the County Unit 'will be Dr.'Wrn, Fowler,; utzder whose 'direction will be:.a nursing Super- visorand-StaffLL • f' o nurses,•whose. task` it 'will be td—Conduct medi- cal ..examihatiens:.'in the school and .in� the. hor'ne where ''there are pre-school, age;`childre,n.• zl :The Unit Board of Health -also replaces local Boards of Health which :wilt -cease ----to nation -at :the end of this month.. •.Official'notice .has been •receiv- ed locally of the establishing of the new plan, , and all accounts incurred locally for medical in- sped-on--o-f•-schoo-l-pupils foir-the; first .six montrs of the year, are to be submitted- fors certification and `payment. . The local Board of Health has, been 'comprised of Dr,.W. V. Johnston, M O•H,; hteeve J W; Joynt'arid L. C. Thointison:'', LOCAL OR.00ERY ► CHANGES HANDS Effective last Thursday, 1VIr. George Moncrief . topic . over •'t e fruit and grocery business ope' 'ated since February lst, by r. and Mrs. Herb 'McQullin, Herb has disposed, of the business' due to the necessity of entering''' the hospital to receive treatment. for a back ' injury suffered. while 1' overseas. '" � y "nat•e nt•lti Mr: •Moncrie f ,-,fit Pen- ticton, has been'' in, tliu East for •the past eight years. In June of '1940 he joined the R.C.A.F. as an aircraft. , engines r, and Tater', served as an Armyclerk. ':• Mrs. Moncrief, was 'fornier;iy Betty f#issett,''daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell 13issett of Ash - ' field: rivair 193 a ��i`t�his year gra•- operating ;ip .the new`fown it' is p owri'ed ane operated` by Joe. Kerr.. I last In a week s issue vc e gave � Joe • • Scott the: credit. It was :Mr', ' S.eottTwho-ripened. the pit but ' t finding P din;. g the.. `gravel unsatisfactory for " his require= ments, turned it -over `to:.Joe-Kerr,;_ e who installed • . his' crushing r hang out= • fit. here, from' where he,is filling, he r g a�el contract on the'' h Wing-' H~g'h, y'86, He previously corn - •r 1 C S 'vii1 he: Positively no. reserve` • Dr- .R J Bowen. He later.. went t L ttle,.Sate . zErin'AVhere he practised'. until 1„ T1 I1 fcr a,�t.ing, day (Friday) on "enl'istzing ' in the �' array.. medical. 'the. Fourth of Kinloss, a mile 'corps;. He, served': overseas J est 'f,h. n g the Lu - � Of , cknow .I-Lolyrood .parte in .the Sicilian invasion' and z•o •�r ad. •Mr."AIbe •t .Little, z t • le w' t .�h'• od:th•'-: X11 1 e attic ,fo ' b rI taly.-He : was� at a clearing' auction sale' of, stock.,:tached ,to;:.15- Canadian General an d implements: • Hospital and later No: 4 Hospital i'fr: Little is ,retiring' from the in .England. . ' faun' nav'n i ' z ds 0 sed of the' prop-gHe, ,' was P e vas . born in Wentworth' erty .t .'' o Cliff • y Roulston •of: to�wri, County and. :..was -educated at• who. has' purchased it: under the Hamilton, where ' e also Veterans' Land Act, and will 'ob- his intern •. eship m t;; Hamilton :tarn' possession •very.:shortly, al-: General' Hospital and in.., the though for the time ' being; the Mountain Sanitorium.' .He is housing situation may: delay Mr.. married and 'has two children, Little: from leaving the farm.: Billy :and Joan: :•, alt is not yet certain 'what Bruce. Burs• .Siddall--Iio e •• • '-- - County-_ ..cornmtnity- ;will --:be the- Mr.:. •and ' Bars.I centre for th . H. D,;. Thompson el county health� unit. have purchased the residence of the ' late Frances Siddal Estate, .wri.ich: they have tenanted for some tiine. The deal. included the -adjoining- .prenzisesr--occupiect-by Mc,.'R: J:,. Moore.•. • COMING 'EVE NTS • LEGION DANCE In- th-e Town :;IIa1.1 Liicltiaoty Friday, .1unel-28th, Carruthers' or= chestra, adr'nissio i' 50c. . Lunch' counter. Remember the date, this Friday night; - • ANNIVERSARY • SERVICES Hackett's Anhiversary Services will be held on. June 30th'at•2,00 P.m, and 7.30 p.m; D.S,T.. , Rev. C. H, Dickinson: of Toronto `will' be guest minister. special., music; -afternoon, , Misses Doris Taylor and Margaret Rae; e iening, Au burn quartette: . • BANDS! BANDS! :'BANDS! • Come to the Waterloo Music ?estival, '• Saturday, June 29th, Waterloo, Ontai;io, Music canine- titian •• Concert Bands =- Bugle 'Bands --.Trumpet Bands irrfr acid Scotch dancing,. All clay,' Great musical • tatoo ir`:. evening with., s;,zec � r tacular fireworks lis piny. All in beatttifitl Waterloo Park.' D.aylib ht saving time.:• In addition to the .medical health officer there .wil'1 be 12 nurses, three sanitarY•'inspectors and a veterinarian. am t .. `Am ' b erley :Stretch. 'of: te- Pled'gravelling from : Ltv is oeh 'Wingham. - Mr.Kerr,• is' currently using ng a .., o er trick which carries 12 ons .of, gravel, and discharges. its oad, f' nom underneath to "do an specially i all good,job ob of.l laying ng the ravel:It, fs expected • that :the on •tract '•to. Amberley will be • ompleted:•n ten. days or so.. to t 1 e c c -"Want .Ad" . Brought . all k's is De smith Detroit ,Telephone C_ A "cottage 'for ren -f!' -, in ' last wee. Sentinel brought one -reply 'v long dis- tance telephone •from troit, and. brought not only the call, but results Hose ur. , � �ha wed_ rola • The,`-ISaturd'ay' auction of the p'roperty..and .hoti-seholdIeffeets of the late George H. Smith' Estate, attracted buyers 'froth such' points as Timmins, , Niagara . Falls,. Seb.-• ring vine, ' Seaforth, • Goderich .Hanove`r and 'Wingharn, to• men- tion. ention• but a few, with hundreds of • other buyers and spectators in attendance from the commun- ity, but Mott of the crowd didn't have "the kind of money" . ,that was, paid for much of the house- hold goods. The property prices all attain- ed or exceeded the reserve bids, although the general opinion was that' thereal estate : was ` well worth the mone�> and prices paid were slightly below, where,"street ta'lk" had, them' set:' Thehouse and. lot. nt mbei4�J". Was bought' by W. G;. Finlayson for $5;3001 lot ,100, 'adjoining,• to the east went to L. C. Thompson f'or $225 and .lot 98, to . the north • • ,Y, • and -immediately back of the rest- • dence, went to 'W. E. Henderson' for $150: 1`; The sale got underway prompt- ly at one o'clock arid itawas about. ... 7.30. that evening before Auction- - eer Wellington Hen°derson'•barked `. out his last "sold'''. It was a big afternoon's job with' even• bigge prices • ;obtained.: Th e bu 'yer weren'tidding: in trickles, or quarters �t this sale but''•were talking in paper. money. Some in- stance's of quality and price were $286for a.:Persia'n •rug; $575 for the. baby grand piano; $210., for • the upright piano;. $245 'for a '4- .pi•ece` 'bedroani suite; $54 for a framed needle point, •with a couple' of occasional chairs in the thirty and forty 'dollar bracket. Dishes, ' silverware, linens ' a.nd. bedding were among other ' ef- fects that were, snapped, up' at • good ,prices..: fix.... +'11 I Vt a:`�•.�� vargw.e=ftmo•--. ifil l 0:;. ii ti LA to g tcAiiil It, 0 .+r I. r 1 op •a LA 1 00 4 IIP 0,. ._,14..Awill