The Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-05-15, Page 1j $2.00-A Year—In. Advance; 50c. Extra to U. S. LUCKNOW, ' ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY • 15th, '1946• LOCAL PASTORS BAPTIZE tL� e. �... : ti �.•..,� Revived� With. THEIR GRANDCHILDREN • . J -As -Leader a cessive Sundays two of It, is rather unique the 'ill ,., More; than a score of boys, out- , numbering parents ...ancr grown- • ups by 3 to 1, attended an en, thusiastic' Meeting' on , Thursday night • and voiced `their • desire to out Troo re -organ, Sc a, have a Boy p , . g ized' in Luckngw Preliminary," but very definite steps ',weTe taken to that end be- ' fore. the Meeting concluded, with. Rev. R. A. Joselyn of . St, Peter's 1,chureh appointed as ' Scoutmaster • and Alex Smith and, Melvin -Ste s ant Sc utmasters. ' • wart, assistant 0 Former . members of the ' Boy 'Scout Committee, -Messrs. Wm; • Murdie, A . E.7 -McKim, Wilhani Hornell and Campbell Thompson .expressed a wi in 1 ess . to had1 gn again act . on thiscommittee prior. - to the meeting, .at' which three- new members :were • added,' Messrs H D Thompson, D. R. MacLean and J. A 'Thompson: 'The meeting was addressed by „Mr, H. C. Firth of London, district missio rom one_r w:ho_s ke_ e tl_ po dir c ,y to the boys on :the obligations and objectives ;of Scouting, • and later answered the several 'questions "-they had t4. ask, and'., distributed: Cub and Scout, literature to them. Keith- Kilpatrick; Jimmy MaoMi1 lan; and Morley Chin': were named as :acting ' :'patrol. leaders,: and :Bruce Johnston as' an acting Sec_ and::- Thee Scout :.age is fron ,12:. to 18;' and it is expecte, that:a patrol or ' two .of . older boys . may . be --argan-iLed, acrd that : still rror-e- early teen . age lads ,will Want to join. After the boys .were dismissed, k. .Frith—confers e length with the new leaders' and members . Of the Group :Committee when;:- - -- details of organization and leadership were. discussed, and a meeting of leaders and committee members: set for'^Friday evening' at St Peter's Rectory. (Continued:on page 10) hl EF -I-V_ ERLFO K HO .NOR itiA1S WELSH On Monday • ay ' •evening a large congregaton. ne` hb ors ' and._ friends gathered in fain "River United church' to pay honor to Miss . Elizabeth Welsh who • is leaving the community to make her home in Lucknow: - Rev.. J: C. Butt on'': resided over � _, .P an enjoyable :program - in which there were selections b the Pine' River, Y' ��nen's -quartette; readings ay -Mrs: Thomas Blair and Miss MargaretMcMurchyT. solos by Mr, Archie Courtney'' and Miss Bertha Walden. There were ad- dresses of appreciation .by Messrs: ). • James,.. Courtney, J. M, , Beatty, Walter Walden a n ci Walter Brown. Duet by. Mrs; 'WM. Court ney and Mrs. Eckmiert mouth or-' • gait selectionby Y Albert t Aiken: . papists for the' evening; Mrs were- Miss Marian c . � McDonald .and Wm" ,Courtney.. Mrs, Bert Walden read a coni= -,Ydress, to- ad - Miss Welsh and Messrs.' Arthur Humphrey; Bert, Walden and Lorne Reid pre- senteci the honored guest .with an. electric radio, as table and .:, a floor • IAN), � . lamp lamp, Others who assisted ere Mrs• John ,Reid; Mrs. Wm. Wilkin, Mrs, ' ,Arthur:_. Humphrey and Mrs. Lorne Reid, • Miss Welsh 'thankedbanked. ,her many ds or the beautiful gifts and th for their ,kindness to her during m any years . when' . organist; „ . She was, rn the "church, Lunch was served and a� happy evenings' brought 'to a- close by singing the National anthem, DAYLIGHT SAVING .TIME NOW IN EFFECT HERE "In • response to a petition Sub- mitted -at their -regular meeting last 'Tuesday night; the Lucknow. municipal council gave approval to 'the. observance ''of ,Daylight. Saving ' Time 'in Lucknow, To avoid any confusion on Sun- day, "fast time".. did not, officially go into effect here until Sunday midnight, and will be ' observed. until September 29th. During' thin , period the Luck - now Business Men's 'Association has decided to .remain ' open on Saturday: evenings ..until 111;45. The::Post Office went on D.S.T. today (Wednesday) but mail despatches will continue as usual on standard:trine-in-keeprng with' train schedules.'• BOUGHT RICHARD �. GARDNER FARM AT ZION r. an -1Gli Ffichard' aG rdner of Zion have sold their farm ;to • Mr Joseph Wall and- his son orn-e-of.:Alberta-arid-formerly-o - Concession 8, Kinloss. Township:', �The._new` pro rietors_wilL et o ,, P 6 P _session . before e the - end ' of th month and Mr Gardner is hold - ing a : clearing ,auction sale . on Thursday of this. ,week. For the meantime he ' and Mrs. Gardner �r± plan to make, their home at Dun -ON H OU S I .N G gannon with her. sister, Mrs; Fitz- _gerald: • Mr' Wall Lorne and his dau- age's, ;clergymen should each per- form the happy, duty of baptizing his grandchild.. On . ,May .5th Rev,„ C., :Pi. Mac- Dosald and Mrs • nald Were Re at iillsdale where v.`MacDon- ald officiated. at baptism ..of Macs the h i s granddaughter, ,•. Margaret El.izabet ,dauhter of Rev. 'and Mrs. Wm.. A..Henderson. ' Last ' Sunday morning' 'Rev: J. W. Stewart hada similar pleasant duty -in his own church when he christened his little ' granddaugh- ter, Deanna Dawn, daughter of Mr. ;and;.: Mrs. Melvin Stewart. PURCHASES' FORMER, MASSEY-HARRIS BUILDING . Jack Kil15atr-ick-has-disp- osed of the :west . half: of! his Main ..street, premises o ' N. sW .Winterstein.- This' part f the. buildingad oin- ., ing the Kilpatrick residence, was` occupied ' until recently as the M-assey--Harris-�shop; and -was -for= merly ' the location of • the "Old Post Office" Mr. Winterstein who as. the Hudson' ;motor agency will turn the ground floor '` into a show, room' and, work shop.: NAME MEMBER. QF "PARK BOARD, 1v1r, .W. J. Davison has been named a member of the Caledon- ian Park . Board,' to succeed the late G.: H, Smith: The appoint- ment'. ,was ' made -by the Village Council at the -May :meeting. This three-man board is comprised' of F. T. Armstrongof Gotle h W. r'XC J;'"Davv an ;pd • the reeve of ;the municipality, at present J. W. Joynt The revival of ., • baseball in Lucknow, and the necessity. • of having some work done • on- the diam ball' d in 1 on the: park, brought out some interesting,4and little- known factsf c o . this Park Board. d. The Boarwasestablished at� the time that the. Caledonian Societ Y bavethe municipality . a qunckk.claim;'de ed to the park, and the, agreement pertaining hereto bore the signature of ,Mr. John Murchison, secretary' , •of the•'Soc- The "management and 'control" • Of the park is under the' )urrsdic- tion of the Pari Board al h • , ,t ough the Council .isresponsible for. footing the bill for improvements, and failure to 'do so, could result x L inuirrrcipality iti�itie to the park The Agriculture Society -has the obligation of providing addraw- ing '.filling. -Which may..: be required 'andas required, to level theP, ark. • :D A'T.IAIrl AT] (}intrnent�.. to the •:;.� • est c�n.n _..� p . Park ghter, Miranda; returned recently from the West. 'He '•i a.. brother of: Mr; Thomas. Wall Who resides: north of the C.N.R. depot., Board are made b ,•the Municipal 'Council ,on the recommendation of the survivor mernber:: At --a: =four-hour session of the - Village : Councia last Tuesday night, it was. inevitable that the come . up' Little :hope was.held that ` anything : ,could •, be .achieved -this--year-;-i n:der ;the_'‘..Wartmie Joins: Bank Staff Miss Edith Elhott�of Ripley le is housing...situatron. would ;again ' the new junior member of the • Bank of Montreal staff, having commenced her new duties last iruesday RECEIVE HYDRO. Housing plan., but the Integrated Housing Plan :and the ; National TOWER CREDIT ..Housin P-lan hold oss bilities The 13th Power ,Bill was re- ceived by the Municipal„Council last week,, revealing, 'a, creditt.of' $2,360:79:• This --represents the dif :ference: between _the power bills phid. during the year, on an` estimated :basis, 'and the actual cost.`of •power as, determined at the end. of the _fiscal ;year: by the. Ontario Hydro Electrie Power Commission. this year's 13th; ;;Power .while quite . satisfactory, is down almost a halt • over the previous. year's Credit. "• H o w e v e r;" the. amount; paid the HFE:P C.' in 1945, was approximately . $5,000 less than the previous year, which is partially attributable to lower .local.,:rates. _ r. The H.EP C ',,rn its 'summary report lists the' Plant value and total assets of the local system a's $84,764.40: ''';Other 'interesting, figures reveal 293' domestic users; 83 commercial users and 9 power; users,; 'for.a totals 'of ;385 local' system custom- ers. .T'here are 72 street , lafrips of 40.0 watts, costing ;,;$14 a lamp and seventeen 200 -watt lamps at $25:00 per unit... The' Systeire -..1945 earniit s were as follows: `Domestic Commercial 3,695.38 Power ;..+ ..,... 9,9$5.64 'Municipall Power .....• 4;4$.77 Street, Lighting .:....:...,• 1,546.00 Miscellaneous , 172 52 'Total Earnings' . ,,.... $21,423.24 Total operation . costs and fined charges $14,117:40.- , $14,117 $0.- 45 ur us Net S p� , On thepowxpenditure side: cost of rer i ptc �hased amounted- to � $10,271.52. for veterans,' who are interested: in building and, owning a tome.;. On Tuesday morning of- ficial word was •received by, •telephone;- that due .-to 'the. lumber shortage, _ it was. lumber •t o undertake ":an Y. Po `.. hoppsing'construction' in Luck- no'w, : 'as. material was not available for :•' contracts al- ready, .entered_.mto. •In discussing: the housing prob- lem,. Reeve Joynt : questioned sharply, "If there is . not co-oper ation among citizens of the town, What, in the name' of ,common. sense can the; Council -do- about„ it?.f Ile pointed out that' we have .industries trying to carry on, .needing men arid homes • for them. If people won't renthomess-or--liv ing' accomodation' how,is the town going to go ahead, These men. can't live •.on . the' sidewalk,_; he added. It was pointed out at the'meet- ing, that the municipality. -Owned a splendid building lot'• --which would be available; at a..very reasonablefigureto anyone+sh a ing tdbuild, a '.home: COMING E. VE TS ANNIVERSARY SERVICES ' Will be 'held in South Kinloss Church, Sunday May 19thi:.Rev:: A. H.. Wilson. of Whitechurch will be';the'.special speaker': Special music. Services at '11 a,m. arid' 7.30 'inv. .Daylight Saving Time.• BOWLING :MEETING A • re -c rganization meeting' of the Ladies Bowling Club will be held in the Town Hall, Lucknow, tin Friday evening, •May, l7tb,"'at 8 o"clock sharp. ' Alt interested: ladies ' are`" urged to attend, i•. • 10 PAGES APPOINTED 'ATO LONDON - TEACHING STAFF - . Miss "Hilda Tmley, formerly of Lucknow, and - who ,for the • past two .years has been : teaching • in Wingham,' has accepted a posi- tion. on .the 'London Teaching. Staff with dutie o ommep a in September. Her two ,sisters Misses • .Eiva. and Ferne T amle .hav � een on the London staff for .the' past year, and last fall her'father, Mr. Wallace,Twamley,•, moved to the city to reside, LOCHALSHNATI VE IS. COUNTY: JUDGE 'Mr. Ian MacRae :of: Strathroy, 'son of Mr. John- MacRae,_R. 3, Luckto Mrsnow and.the . la Mac- Rae, a- c Rae, has 'been .'=named:-Iunior. `: county judge' of Middlesex.. The appointment was announced' by. Justice Minister St. Laurent, Mr.: MacRae will fill'. a'vacCancy created. by . the death last fall of Judge A. A.' Ingrain, of London,,;'' and .• when. �re,�.iu r" ` q_ f he' would move to London from :Strathroy,: said he ` hadn't given the matter Much thought as yet, and due to'' the housing situation one could not move around very readily. : Since 1941 •' Mr: MacRae, a for- mer barrister,'has': held the post of '.magistrate in Middlesex Coun- ty. He was born on the .MacRae `. artat , Lochaish in • _Ashfield Township 43 years : ago,, attended Continuation School in .Lucknow _.and_after graduating : ,from. Os goode Hall,= went, to Strathroy .,in ...• 1926 toac r t' rse law. .Judge Mac- Rae is:.a _Liberal' ancl. a' Pre by - R'1 • ow MacRae was formerly Miss • •Winiiifred Elliott of Luck.. now: 'they have no children: hrietiari Ideals 1 errnans Capt. R. D. MacDonald who re- cently returned.after serving as a padre with the' Canadian Army of i Occu a - . p ton . in •, north western Germany,, was the guest speaker at the United •Church' MPS. ;meeting ori Y Monda '...evenin ....._ g While . the : occupation forces sometimes ` wondered why theywere stationed ,there, other than to foster ' within them a bet- ter. appreciation of. Canada, Capt: MacDonald cited- three purposes:: First as •-a P :. assive deterent ' to those who would foment National Socialismunrest; secondly, to im- press the ability of the Canadian soldier, and ,thirdly, • to guard against 'a tremendous influx into that . • •area food' where ,supplies' were: comparatively plentiful, to. a degree that a quarter of a mil-. lion.Germans• were transferred' to that ,zone. The. Canadian ' soldier , h•a.d proved himself on the battlefield, but had his shortcomings as a, peace -time "spit and polish" *sold— ier in the :eyes of the militaristic German people. .Capt. MacDonald. felt that ,for years to' come -}Can adians . who be' known, and re- membered in Europe as "egg. eaters', Two • Classes In'• Germany there are two classes —.National al Socialists, and those who passively accepted• the doctrines• forced ' upon them to escape concentration camps, tor- ture and ortureand death. The. former could be divided into two classes, fan- atical Nazis and Nazis who Would. listen to 'reason and hi time might` be 'weaned, away from this pol- itical 'system. • . • (Continued on Page 3) an Make reat:'. Pe1 o, lei RECEIVE SERVICE BADGE FOR RED CROS$ WORK Mrs: A. E..McKim and Mrs. Wm, Hornell, of the Lucknow ,. and Vicinity Branch, Canad ian -Red-Cross ` Society, Were 'among the 878 members boa ored recently at the annual meeting of the . Ontario Div- ision of Red Cross when they were nominated for a Badge of Service. This ist an honor conferred on them in recog- niton' of : the service they have given to the Li cknow and Vicinity Branch. ,COUNCIL MAKES GRANT TO BALL TEAM Meeting last week the 'Village Council 'Made 'a grant of $50.00• to the newly re -organized Base= ball; Club, and also agreed' to ,foot the billfor putting the ball diamond in serape: Bruce County ' power grader waseinployed last week to "skin" the ield_ and eo e " m arm , weathier, the crack'of the: bat will soon be heard, as the boys; settle down to practise, ' BAND TO PRESENT CONCERT SATURDAY NIGHT The , Lucknow High School' ' 'Band will present an hour's band,. concert on Main Street on 'Satur- day evening next, May I,8th, .un- der the sponsorship of the. Husi r_ess Men'•s Association.' `The one-hour concert will com- mence promptly at 8 o'clock Day- light Saving Time. 'a a-