The Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-05-08, Page 4t,. ;14 x • ,ry • 01--.3otir91. 111,110111' ..PAC4E 4.' 741ce,, ,. T THE ,LUCKNOW, SENTINEL, LUCKNO r, ONTARIO news' INSURANCE .Lucknow, ' .Ontario. FIRE, • 'CASUALTY., - AU TOMOBILE Now. Representing Alt Companies. Formerly ,Served By The` .Geo. H. Smith Agency. [FI•T'S U NEED ` .., .. COME TO ,,. E'WEHAS. Modernioolsand 'equipment:. xpert, trained technicians uthorized parts. • PI R PARING. FOR WING MATCH - On Con.• 4, Ashfield Township between Dung&noon and .Port Al- bert airport, considerable high- way work is now in progress to put this main artery in first class condition, ? to 'handle the stream of ears that, will pour over it to the International Plowing, Match to be'.held in October, at the air- port} site. • •The road is being,.widened to the fences and hydro and telephone poles, moved back,. The road will also be.. calcium-treatedas a dust ' layer. Ashfield Township Council has been granted 'the use of County • equipment to: assist: this ]ob _ .i ' srr►d, tha,000• • plcIt persedaytiwillateattent 10d the week-peo long' 'Plowing,: Match,, Which:'.aiso" incorporates the greatest display of farm. equipment in the Dom- inion Iri -One .instance' a field of corn is. • being planted. in the vicinity so that, harvesting 'arid. silo filling methods may be dem: onstrated. Parking' facilities ' are being arranged on .nearby faITns,, and hotel aceomodation ' from Goclerich to Seaforth is :reported to. have been booked . .solid • for sortie' time back • WEDNESDAY, MAY 8th, 1946. FOR SALE--TIoufse, frame, with water;, ..hydro &,• Ye acre, ,of ' land. Apply to. Chat. Hedley, Lucknow. • o _ FOR• SALE—good frame haute & lot in Lucknow, with barn. Apply to Elmo' Pritchard,' R. 1, -Luck- �v STOVE. FOR SALT; -Good Cher: range ir1 goodcondition, but will sell' reasonable. .,Apply to Mrs, A R, Finlayson. NOTICE. ,now. . L LOST n LU k w on Saturday. night, a: man's Waltham watch; :gold case. Finder ;please, •leave at ;Sentinel Office. , (Reward). STRAYED to the premises of the undersigned, . one red andswhite yearling heifer, Owner 'nay. have 'same by proving .,property. and . paying .expenses. Harvey' Kilpat.T rick, R. 2, Lucknow. • AUCTION. SALE of • farm stock and; implements at S.H.: Lot 10;, Con. 12, •,.Ashfield; .. on 'Thursday, May. 16th at 1.00 o'clock:.Riehard Gardner, Prop,, Well. Henderson;' Auc. Caifcer-Fund••-At $100 up --to 1Vloridaibonof �. thr week local' donations to ; the . Can- cels Fund campaign:totalled ,$100 Since• bi�x�1:•. t. issue, only .two. donations of • 0 each have been received' at the,, s a _ of"1Glont eat Having disrosecl .of,. tily.shoe' repair business I would like. if those who have shoes and skates in • ' my 'shop'. call for them • not later than May '1'Itii For ,your ..patronagi ' Thank' You". 7i:ENS: CLEARING AUCTION :SALE -of= afarm stock -ranch rmplements_.at.. Lot 7, ,Con,. 10 Ashfield Town'' - ship; on Friday, May 10th at 1,00 o'clock Terms cash. ':See• bilis. Donald:Blue, Auc.; Russell' Reed; Prop. • ',CLEARING—AUCTION. SALE of •frim Mock--and-rirp-lement;, 1-74 miles .south of Bervie•on Tue ,day, May".14th: . No reserve .as fa in is sold..Wilbert Sheane, Prop Don"' ald 13. Blue,• Auc • Twenty-four 'ladies attended the Aprill meeting of the Womens- Institute held in. the community, hall onThursday afternoon Mrs. •Archie ,Aitchison, the president, CRAI-'L�RL-�GAR►CE was.in the c} air A. `collectaon.:Was .ucknow Ontario'; We are sorry to report` Mrs. A: • 'Emerson:. to have fallenand fract- ured; her hip." She -wasto taken. _Win hospital and from there to - London foi., tr. eatment Mrs: Emerson is in her 90th: year yj • About 25 friends and neighborsn met one • afternoon last week • in 'taken -in aid =of the Cancer Fund. 1VIay�lr as-chosen•-aa--the-date- for the Red Cross. quilting. ; Mrs• Andrew Gaunt . favored with a, solo Mrs. McKenzie :Webb gave -a• reading --'q Perfe-ct-Cray" .' aruL Mrs. _Will Rutherford; and. Mrs:: g •:E tan a • duet `Mrs. Lorne;. Ivers ,..f_ Dunganinon, 'the district lC • .president, . was. guest speaker: and gave, an interesting: paper• on "Travel rid7Jts; Ad= vantages" . :At: the conclusion• lunch was; served., with ';'Mrs. 'Ari drew: Gaunt„ and .Mrs .Cliff. Mur- ITECHURCH '`' Mrs. Walker (formerly France's [Hamilton) , is visiting -Web.b ga CLSARI/4 •AUCTION,. SALE o 1` rotiseholdtef4ects at the:reside of Mrs. John arrow, - Lucknow;: 'Saturday, May-' 1-1`at'2�00''o'clock. Terms cash See .bills. 'Matt. _Gay• nor, ' Auc.; Mrs; John . . Dar row;'; Prop. CHAS,-IIE•DLEY. ti.e0eringiOn, K,(. Barrister; Etc, Wingharn .and`•L.ucknow IN LUCKNO. W ' -Each [onday, & Wednesday . �O.fftue.�•upstair. s in the -rt - Johnstone: Siock-' ,'Phone 'Wingham, • Office 48' Residence 9 FIRE, CASUALTY. and AUTOMOBILE Special . rates for preferred risks. Ask us about .them; at' mu , this • comnity ,Communion ,service w_as held yin the 'United church on Sunday :last. The servicewill be at 1.0 a.m. standard time-next-SundaY,_May 12th, Land will continue. at this hotir until fail:: • Zeke Phillips of: Auburn spent• Sunday wiWithhis: sister, .Mrs. ray as hostess• the home -=of M -r-- me .-D ci and: cut and sawed`: up -a' good pile of 'wood. Mr. Laidlaw' has been very ill. for some lime : and .this kind gesture was greatly appreci- ated by: him. '•` Mr.:; Wellwood's .service station was .':again broken into .a week ago Sunday night. The thieves got', in through a cellar window: •A few oung fellows are in custody. 'Mrs. Jarntzi and •son Donnie of Milverton visited' with her. aunt,' Mrs. •D. Kennedy a few days last 'week.'- Mrs.. Hazelwood_ of Toronto'. -is visiting. with her sister, ,Mrs. Mc-- :'I'I1wra.itli Robt, McConnell took the servive here . n�, J Sunday • ` and Preached' a very inspiring sermon; While --Rev Mr:.. -Wilson took -Mr.... FINLAYSON- BROS. McConnell's, place' at 'Auburn and • LVCKNOW r Nile iss. bona ew. on;, . se -in-• training at the ' Sick;:-Childrel 's Hospital, Toronto, is spending. the weekend at her.' home here. Miss.: :Mary Saleld, Mr: ;and `Mrs --lr rng- Hunter .:of...-God_erich.; wererecent • visitors with 'Mrs;: Gordon and. other :relatives here:, Special Mother's Day :service will be held in the United •Church next Sunday commencing at :11 15 a.m.' 'standard .time •- .lvtr:--Per-cyrv,gRamae-who •hatrize-- .y cently.. returned .from overseas was a visitor last,'week` with rel atives, here., • • ' An' At Horne and dance,fspon- sored by the Women's Institute in honor, of Allan.,Durniri,• recent-,, 1-y- ret r-:ned-frarn -overseas b held in ,,th'e Community'-:H•all •on'Thursda'` nr_lit, Ladies are re- quested to bring lunch. T°ENDERS •TFNbERS Tenders WA .TED. .for ,the purchase of a No. 4 Cham- Pionl, mock' crusher• . with ;` bin scree and • loader will • be receiv ed -b-. f'y and- including May 13th. Crusher' may he seen at. E I/a lot 26; Concession, 6; West '`Wawanosh, • . The highest or :any. ;tender. not o.Dua i•ridnac-e t Philli s ' in p , . Clerk 'of 'West Wawanosh`;, Lucknow, Ont., 0:R.,'lNo 2. J, A.McDONAGH ' R,R:• :3 Lucknow,' Ont. Phone' 6r-5 Dungannon` ,for: i BROODED CHICKS 'And Full Line Of: CHICK ,FEEDS and . REMEDIES' .Ask Our.: Consumers About FEEDS FEEDING' OF HOGS With NEW' LIFE ' .PIG DEVELOPER Now Available �- BROOD SOWARATIQNS 'Foe .�.Best.Restilts Use : O. O.A.C. , CHICK STARTER ANDS LAYING ,:MASH • LLOYD''S' Corn and -Callous Saive gives irrunediate'relief from.'corns and callouses; .50c at TAYLOR'S Dil,UG STO1E. RHEUMATIC •PAIN, . Sciatica, Lumbago quick ly relieved by us- ing' Rumacaps, Recommended by thousands who' have gained bet tor. 'health.Mc'Kim's Drug' Store. onf eleration Life WIND, ,CAR, FIRE,—Preferred Rates I pxeef rred risks. ., `• ACCIDENT &'SICKNESS;. Consult JOHN ...FARRISH . .h-uIC.I U1v - una Phone82� •13 D g.nnun FARM FOR SALE South part: lot 6, .Can. 111,. Ash field :Twp., ; containing• 1,45, acres in good state of cultivation: Gobd barn 40xc6.0 ft -on:stone ;wa11,� eem- ent'stalls and water at heads; pig house 21)t24 ' with'. hen house above; -'cement silo and drive'shed; .good frame 'house lately remodel- led,, woodshed and garage, wired for'1-iydro, Delco`'installed,` hydro. line past door, 'good artesian well.: Hard .and soft water in house, good '.farm•. we stua e• '• swner rrrutt. sell .on aecount of health. Apply to T. A. CAMERON; ;R ;7, Luekno'w. TENDERS. _._ ; CARD OF THANKS Mir. GOD:. A. ;Webb wishes to thank all. those who-'.resphnded: .and gave assistance at the time. :of the fire, - • N'ormati Taylor wishes .to ack-` nowledg'g,�with si_ncere�thank5 the to"vely, billfold he received' from the Tucknow Women's Institute. Mrs ,James- Gaunt wishes . to sincerely i thank '• her friends for fruit, flower and cards tent her while in the hospital.. "These' .an other kindnesses _were much ap- pr crated. r. Alex MacDonald of Ash- field wishes to sincerely thank his friends, . and neighbors • who sort him` cards, flowers; letters and in many other ways' so kindly remembered' `him .while :