The Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-05-02, Page 4• THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL;' LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ARAE R$. RD'S FEED. STORE for • ;BROODED CHICKS: And Full: Line Of . EMEDIES CHICK.: FEEDS .„ and:R , . Ask Our Consumers • Consuraets bout LOW COST FEEDING OF HOGS With ' NEW' :LIFV,WDEVELOPER OD ow' :Avallable •-- BRO __ SOW RATIONS For Best .Results -Use :. C. CHICK STARTER. D .LAYING MASH 5i ' E EXTEND a cordial• welcome .to the people of . •muntto visit'ur Bakery.' • �� this community o in .. -_ 4 . _.-:.t cuixrteous-- ,..AIM • will be. to give'.you promp,. , .: , , UR, and friendly-service-at-w.a1L tines, PRICE.. I NCREASE• Aroused by the 12.1 ,percent incr`eease in the price of .farni: Machinery, some 409 farmers massed' at 'Clinton Town Hall last Wednesday night, ,and .. adapted strong resolutions in demanding FO increased ,prices for farm pro. SU ducts., -The meeting was called by be the Huron, County Federation Of. Br Agriculture, . P'resident .Russell; Bolton of . Dublin presided ..and Roy, Londesboro,, acteda . s secretary,• Demand Increase ' • The" .following resolution was moved• by R, 'S. McKercher•-of •Dublin, and se'conded. by .° C. R. Coulter, Belg:ave:. , Fede -: We, the Huron County. ation , of Agriculture at' a'.public meeting held •in Clinton on April 24, view . with alarm the .existing :conditions as regards the agricul- tural industry of the province; and. in.view .of. thefact, that an increase -,has. been :granted ,in the• majority of commodities. affecting the production of.' farm products;. :THURi•S1DAY'x_MI.Y 2nd, 1946. .. Under 'Ration Restrictions it .is not possible to give you the` a-ri'ety -of--baking-eve would .like to, buta b ;as.quickly as restrictions are eased* we will : -.i make:_our roduction of pastr,ies cakes and 'cookies.. rdon' C a; PURDON'IPROP; Successor to Ei Holiyinan• e 've a moved to °lir ,.7 1s 0 gi ;G w 04 'II ° • • • ,e Service Station.. Jext The 'White. �... he ' bast ' as ey Harris Sep• arators and Milkers ES AT OLD PRIC ri: Hand See,The- New' Mowers, • Rakes, Loaders, :• Tractor. Plows', ilt•• R SALEr I 'pups.. Mar- .--• Framework from FOR SALE--Co117e, verwood building,' 30'4C:will will shall Gibson,.. R 3. •Lucknow, FOR"- SALE -- Red Latham rasp- eckles, Lucknow. berry canes, ginler Johnston, .13, 7 sold .to lies bidder, ' Art /-10tSB FOR SALE,;Two-storey. cement. house and 1/a 'acre` land in Lucknow, :centrally located. Mrs. ESsie Purves, Lucknow; FOR . SALE--=exten".sion table and small , cook stove suitable for., summer '•. kitchen, Apply to. Mrs: Robert Button - `.`Therefore,.be, it"f esolved -that ,We dem.andan increase of 30 per cent on •all farm products over the ceiling iprice5 prevailing as of the above date;., and.that present. _subsdies and 'preniiums:.•be ..con- tinued,`. 'This.::resolution .to be: ,,sent: to. -the bead ; ef°fice rn of-= the- • Ontario ,Federation' • •and the local.. mem,. bers. of the House of Commons.: Favor.:Service Men ; --'-Th'; e: ' I ing`-resolution--was inoved by ; Roland Williams:and seconded by. r1 Whiting: •. ' • " at this meeting 'gd on rec od,, .. r asi voring tha,';ahe Dominion faGovernment pay. the 121/i percent 'raise in farm 'machinery prides for ' service men , sta'rting° farming .•up to December 31, 1947".... . Would •Withhold• Cattle The '.following..; resolution was moved • by •' o n.- : '•. Lor desboro, and seconded .;by Russell Knight, •Brussels; "Tha tliis' ineetirig recomm nd:. to cattle producers 'Of'..Huron-Co- that they, withhold all cattle from' market until the :present beef: sit `nation: is clarified". Oppose Daylight Saving A resolution . was , passed uriani nriukly otrmet-ion-•,of Hugh Hill,: Carlow,and.: W. ,R:. Lobb, :Clinton;• that the Federation go on record as being opposed to daylight say- ii ay= ng dine • FOR SALE-=DeLaval cream sep-, 'arator,• used only six months Mrs; T; A. MacDonald;. northlof C.N.R. depot Lucknow, •HOUSE' FOR RENT in Lucknow.• • Apply to John Barger, R. 3,. LucknoW', . SHINGLE MILLKK ..76R. Apply to Allister Hughes, Holyrood, • FOR ,•SALE ---a building lot, in' Lucknow,, desirable loeat,ioii,'Ap- ply at Sentinel: Office; FR SALE McCormick -Deering•: Q. 'manure•spreader; .alemite grease fittings. Richard Kilpatrick, R. 7,. Lucknow, Con: 8, Ashfield. eatty Windmills & Deep Well Pressure Systems..... _ Also pipe and fittings • RINAc'FEEDS-:; �ock •of PU Complete-` St Pi -Tabs and Chek-R-Tabs Il • CAWS FOR SALE £ 4 Durham ows due to calve by -mid-May;. AYs,hire cow, 4: years old, freshen- ed; red Durham caw, 'freshened.: Apply to.DanT McKinnon, R, 3; Iolyrood. WILDER'S "STOMACH POWDER -quick relief ,from digesti�e'aal ments, acid stomach, heartburn. Pleasant, economical. 50c' and $1 .at TAYLOR'S' DRUG STORE'.'' SPECIAL Boys' and Girls' .(pull - Over', Jerseys: •Stripes, plains, 'V- neck•:&'round necks. Many kinds to choose,: from at each -$x':00: T ' MARKET STORE. e • have; a.:.uantit of 9 y LED,•HAV and STRAW iVlIXED:.GRAIN, ��`�. BA Also a. Quantityof Loose'Hay'. ... ...� Llmtted.quantitY of 12-24-12 Fertilizer �._- -� Suitable for Garden or• Flowers Shop 'Phone •59, 'Lucloic►w House, 1O r-5 Dungannon MASSEY=HARRLS DEALER . CLEARING. AUCTION' SALE of farnr•' implement -s, household • furniture; etc. a't Lot 77.-78, Con. 1,, Kinloss ,Township, ,oh 'Fr•.iday;' ay r. reserve.. Adam McQueen; Well. • Hencl;erson,' Auc • roe; �. S. 'Hetherington, ICC' Barrister, 'Eta:, Wingham' and Lucknow IN LUCKNOW Each Monday &•Wednesday office—upstairs—in—the Johnstone • Block 'Phone Wingham Office 48.• Residence 97. • NEI TEND :E SEALED...TENDERS will, be re ceived .by the 'Undersigned up to May. a ,-71--.9-46';7f-d-?--the'puiChase ofcement house :and 'lots 11 to • 15 in Kinloss-Township,Lnorth "sof the. C.N.R. Depot, and .recently acv cupiedby,.th't late.' Robert. •Orr. M. C. ORR, Lucknow: Serious Chimney 'Fire • When ..furnace ' pipes . at St . Peters.•rectby, took 'fire last:Fri may-- oaring—they—e-r-eated u" 'a hazard for a time,and had; the Rev and-. Mrs.Josel,i'. been. ab sent, the home . would 'Most cer- tgone up in flames.' : A ,fire' alarm was ` not turned, in,. but some Members were on hand to• aid in preventing an 'outbreak. . "... _. URIMAMAl ff n/EDI�ffREA►CEP APPOINTED . TO HURON CO. POS . NSURANCE FIRE, CASUALTY and: AUTOMOBILE -Special'. rates for preferred risks. Ask us about tn, J A. McDONAGH R.R. 3;.;Lucknow, Ont Phane Dungamron, TENDERS 'WANTED Tenders: for.. the purchase''df a No. 4 Charn- pion r<ockrusher ith' r-aTid oader; will be 'receiv- :ed by .the, undersigned up to and including May 13th.' Crushermay be seen at E1/2 .lot 26; •Concession-. 6, West .Wawanosh. Thehighest or any tender not necessarily , accepted. Durnin; Phillips, ,, Clerk.• oF�West"Wawa esti V.. Lucknow, Ont , R.A. FARM • FOR SALE South,part lot '6,' Con. 41, Ash field T'wp,, contai-fiing 1145 acres in;.good state of cultivatioi". God. barn; 40xg0• ft on• stone wall, ,cern'- sent stalls and water at. heads, pig. house 21x24'With, hen house bove; cement si o and dri�veshed,: •good frame house lately •remodel-; led, woodshed and garage;, wired : 'for.hydro, Delco installed," hydro lire. past. door; good artesian well.. Hard and seft':water in house. A goi d.rfarm well' situated. Owner -must sell on account of health. A,.pp1y' 'to' To A. CAMERpN, •R. 7; Lucknow. Announcernertj has, been. made y .C; B .: Graham,` director of Agricultural 'Extension for On tario, of the. appointment; of Leroy. G'. Brown,,' who.. for thepast six months has been assistant agri- ctiltural 'representative for On tar•io County'to the ;post of ;acting Agricultural .representative for: Huron County;•with.headquarters' at Clinton', Mr:. Brown' has been. appointed .to thi position to' ,Carry on: the work in .Huron. during' the serious .illness of K F. •. B. \Stew` art, the regu'l'ar Agricultural rep- resentatiyye, Iwho lag been. --ill for some time,,Owing to the fact that the Internat%oval Plowing'Match, rs' .being 'held •in Huron this fall, it was felt that an, acting, repres- entative , should be :appointed. .Leroy Gy Brown is •a native of Ontario • County .And a graduate df" tli'e Ontario Agricultural .dol - lege. of the year 1942..After grad- uatian he• served for • a time •as assistant agricultural represerrita- tive 'irr Grey and Middlesex Coun- ties, and then. enlisted ` in the R.C.A.F. After three years' "vice with the. Air 'Force' he-Was demobilized *anti last fall was apr pointed assistant • representative: in Ontario, He Makes over • the duties of his; office at .Clinton: -en May 1st.. CARD OF THANKS 1•' Doug-" Aitchison wishes • :t 'o heartily thank Mrs, Hollyman and .Mt.S. Johnston, The $..• O. ,.S. Club, Legion„ Clansmen, Wom,en's Institute and the 'Presby.terian 'church . for sokindly remember- ing hiin while ',overseas. • FLEECE -LINE YOUR HOME' Blown ',lckwool Insulation .ap,. Plied to walls and ceilings of your; home will save fuel with :moue eornfort` and fire protection, Work done anywhere, Equipment in the district now,' For free estimate: and 'phone 35 LucknoW or write Ttowland. C: Day, F Thornton Ave:, Loridon. Confederation.Lif e WIND,. CATs„ FIRE—Preferred Rates or preferred risks; AC iIDENT_.& NICENESS • Consult... JOHN FARRISH LUC)KNOW •Thone 8243 Ditigonnoti•-• MSTRONG OPTOIIF:TRIST WCKNOW FIRST ` ;1 RIDAY E°AC•II.:MONTII • . from 10,.; a.m. ` to 6.1.m. • AT wNI: SCTIMID'S SxOlii✓ . -�c.Kenze. P:,StuartMa BARRIS� I �11 TER'„& SOLIC• T alk•erton, W �. Ontario. N., LUC ,Each 1t ediicsday... • s, +y OFFICE 'IN • THE LEGION 0IIIL0IN6 • ACCOUNTANCY. MONTiI1Y • AL'OITS S. J P Y Nf M Box 40, Ripley,