The Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-04-25, Page 6• _ � �_..�. 'fix .._.s. ., �►. ..,, .;a AG': � ,RS ARE ,sj N G • Q,.., We intend to rent our SUM - "meg, cottage this year. Do we • have to 'have' the rent fixed by the Wartime prices ..and Trade Board6 • A Yes. Apply to 'the . nearest . lstl . office of the Rentals; Admra- mi tion . of :the Board and you will, be ;given complete information• on the procedure to have rents fixed. —I have been buying my but- ter at the market:. Itis dairy' but- . -ter and -last week. I' had 'to pay •four cents:a pound more. Is there increase ink utter prices. ••. a : legal ?ncre._... b KNOW' •$ NTIN> +L, LUCKNOW, THE I1JC• T, HELENS 'Easter visitors. in •the Communes ity included Miss W. D: Ruther- ford of Kirkland Lake with Miss Mary Rutherford and Mr; ,and Mis. W. I. .Miller; Miss Norma Weatherhead of Orangeville., and Miss Grace Weatherhead of Lanes with their parents, 'Mr, and Mrs: L. G. Weatherhead, Mrs. Alex 1VIu ,die and Bobby of Toronto and Mr, '. and .Mrs, Mel Brown -of Kit- chener . with Mr.. ' and. Mrs:• • R. Woods; Mrs. Arnold Barbour,'Mr. and, Mrs. , Wilson'• Woods. a n:d children, Mr. . Wm - Dougherty :of Guelph, with --Mrs. R J, -"•Moods, 7J' A --=An increase, of four cents - a pound `was authorizedi .: ,o r • creamery butter but not -for~ dairy or whey butter Q—I have been living in, : a `house: for live years. Recently it 4'. was sold to .a: `retired cou plc ;and I was given a." six months' .notice, to vacate. Is this• legal?, ' A—No. A tenant .df' housing .�ac- comodation - cannot, be- givers : a ' • notice: •to vacate 'for any reason, without the,; permission of : th'e Rentals Administration. • - ` Q—=My two , sons- recently re turned ; from .overseas.. When they_ ohtained_:their ration books all Mr. and Mrs; Neely Todd , 'and the pink sugr coupons and many •meat,; acid ;butter coupons ;were; removed. Is this . the: law? A :Yes.' 'Under the -regulations of -the Ration-A-drriinistration only the coupons :last declared valid: before. .;_the date„ of issue of a matiairooic are - detach d b rationoff%ials and destroyed. Ir is for •tliis. very reason: that' re= 'turning, service men :are advised to obtain their .ration: books just as• soon as they are discharged Q My , doct?r told ,me recently Dayid 'of Stratford: with :Mr. and ° dd 1Vir Murray Tay; Mrs. 'Torn Wilson and Terry, Mrs,. Stuart Collyer,' Messrs. Wal- lace and Allan Miller attended the rnernorial service' in the Pres- byterian church, Whitechurch, on Sundayi morning when two- wu? s . and a bronze tablet were .unveiled in memory' of Tom ,Wil- son, McKenzie Mowbray,' a n, d Stanley Mclllvraith. ler' many friends are 'delighted to • know that: Mrs: James Gaunt ismaking •a very. favorable re- coery in the Goderich` Hospital and that she, expects to -be home this :week., regular 'meeting of the -The, g , -men's Institute ,will • be held Women's •'n the.Copimunity Hall on Thurs - ,a, t: 2 30. Roll call, 1 day, May 2nd a , .. . mmi ,• ONTARfO •exchange of"• plants, seeds .:',or 1 Program co ttee Mrs for of,'Wirlgham at his. home here. bulbs.• . Jas. Gaunt, Mrs.* Lorne Durnin,' Hostesses, Mrs. A. Gaunt,.Mrs, C, Murray. Mrs, Lorne Ivens. of Dungannon, the district presi the guest speaker. ll be , dent, wl. Rev M• G, Newton deliver a i villin 'attended the TR1:7RSD4Y, APRIL 25th, 1946:' Q�; I�TORY . , • DISTI DPTL S BOOKLET. PARLIAMENTARY' H John,' W. Hanna, Progressive ,Cor1servative member for" 1 uroni Bruce riding is distributing an fine Faster message to a 'large interesting } ookiet to liis con°- ' on 'Sunday xnorning. ttuents, In a,.foreword mesa e congregation ,, g Special music was rendered by ° Mr.' Hanna says , "In atlie antexest$ of bringing to you something in the .choiu';: ._ Mr: Fred McQ • the way, of informatioal on the Mr. john Ontario Legislature and the Part McBafl at of his uncle, ,week. lament Buildings., 1 have prepay. McBain at. Toronto last .. the At Rome It contains de.' ed _this' booklet. Plan, 'to.attend .In- tails, of the Legisla,ture and hoW sponsored by th.,. Women's- .it,; is Conducted; the 'Parliament stitute in •honor .of Charles Mc • - un t Hall 'Buidings .and some historic facts Qulhn m the C.oinm. on"your. provincial g©verriment", tonight (Thursday), Ladies please : • • e bring lunch: To . be an interesting convened s agal; look .tionalist, you: must let; others A. rokmake <. f e o t a n nt Ik a r enc t � e kx u n d. • • look ro p b O. S l the , slim andy than is now : available . in . xuiy • nation ' all`owaineeHow `tam the extra allowance requir}-• ed?1 • A. ,Apply fo' your. Local Rations Board -w = :. flu-wi4�', obtain --full- information' .and '..who 'will •relay.; ":your: • application to.... the .ration; branch_ rn the distr_ict.;Ratrcinis..pj medical••_grounds: must • be' su - • ported :• by, a.; .I'signed statement: "from `a doctor registered. ink, Can:- add, This stater ens must °specify° the 'disease 'which you are sof- ' Perin. g froxn,,,your_age and_•weight _ • the 'kind, and amount ;of food. re- quired and the lengt o ime this •.extra ration will. be'`rieces=. 'sary. Questions regarding: •regulations .' of: the• Wartime';Prices '.& Trade Board will be' :answered if ,refer= red•' .to. the Information Branch, W'TB, ;Federal Building, London;; .e. fp z. to rc. `c t!' 3, a world-wide shorta There'�f-sugar.:-Lastsr yea- 'orldai gar praduction. was : is . twenty-five percent below; 1939. Reasons; for the decrease are. Y_..:. -: _ : __ ' 3 t0: Destruction, of�he siiga`r-�n3ustries-in Java• and ,the -Philipglhes.. • Shortages 'of labour :and fertilizers in many sugar -producing countries," •• Last_year's-drog�t in the Caribbean. area, especially Cuba • • t♦ . •Damage to European sugar beett fields.' d Nations.' Canada,: the United States aril •• World sugaz•, supplies: are. pooled for thethebenefit of the ;United 1�tYailable ' mint • Great .Britain;' are allotted . an " equal share of :sugar according to. population:• • si:ipplies also beshared with..other-couzrtries. 1 . D5�-OF CANNINGA SVGA PE�t' P i 5:1 THE LAKEV.IEW' INN at Port Elgin has been purchased by -Chas.:Mcwaughton,. Mel Pearson •and. Gord•on - Tann•er of •'Walker- • fon: ' This:years.canning. sugar' allowance-is'ten pounds per person e -same. _:as_ last year. Instead of special canning sugar coupons, ten additional green ".S" coupons are being made arlable-far-the4curchase_0' u •arc' Si2. inchis ve become valid on May 2nd; 5'17 to S2I ' S8 to •t.�� J� ch coupon. it good for the .purchase inclusive:• on July nth. Each. . P of one pound: of sugar::• ti a, • ".'...�.,. addition The den "S:'ccoupons for cauniug.`sugar are,in addi o n to the. "S" coupons which; regularly become' valid each month', for the purchase of sugar and preserves. 1 who do not wish to do lhonie canning, -may use -the -extra bu commercially' packed, jams, jellies, ;canned • : iteic -Ot'• sly r'`to supe emen - h e -reg. 'aI ratiotj • • The tern, "S'' coupons for canning sugar need not be used immediately y diatel they valid.,you wilrbe.given ample ngt�ce.` of thiel, expirydate. HURON, FESTIVAL . OF 11 iUSIC • :AP`RI'L' 30 TO 1VIAY, .3 The fifth—annual Hurori'Coiinty' Fest ial of Music, tinder the 'man- agernent. cif , the God.eriel Music, • Club; • opens Tuesday; April 301th mt.-L.-tont,cues-11rail•.Fit y,•-•-M-ay 3rc1. The public is urged to attend • at • the afternoon and evening Sessions.:.... All sessions will be held at North Street United Church with. theexceptiorl of" juriiorr p�iaioa;. Which will 'be held-. at MacKay °-Hall on : Thursday 'and V,riday af- ternoons. All long'sessions are to be taken in the morning. Even- ing ,programs will be•varied. • Programs are, on sale at F. T. Armstrong's optometr=ist, and .Roy • .Breckenridge's music' shop, God e.rich; • The adjudicators'` are. Mr. Roy Fenwick, director of • music, Department of Education,; province --of :Ontario, and, Mr, , 171 Atkinson,• •Toronto Conserva tory , of; Music. Admission: dhitd=- ren, morning and afternoon, free;. evening, silver collection: Adults, afternoon; 1,0'c; evening, 25c. Any. ._ slid.'. Sar Coupon r_iztcludia*g those shown' sere�,� 'inlay; be used'•to purchase 'sugar for can- , ranges or the aitstated" below of preserves.. :� __.� ,..._. . ems,.. , . ---• The green `.`S" coupons S8 to S12and S17 to S21 are in addition to the "S''- coupons which' regularly become valid each .n- oath forthe purchase ofstl,gar and preserves They are validated, to make available enough sugar for home canning. or 'for' other' household uses. '4th April lath April ._2ndMay 16th May S6 and Si S$toSi2 S13•and 514 • 2ttth' Jure ` Sl S .and Sl6 . 4th July S17 to521� 38th July -522-and523 15th' August . 524 and S25 ALTERNATIVE VALUE OF ALL " S" COUPONS Tib: -ii sugdt OR 4 Ibs .honey OR' lbs. h,"4ney butter.- OR 40 II.•oz: canned fruit. —� -"--;,--Olt' 24 tl oz lam, tehy, marmalade • "- OR 4 Ibs maple sugar OR .: 2gts.mola f ses - . OR 30. fl. oz. blendettable,:. ion. or corn, syrup k S0O1<�_:... maple' ,yrup 2 Msoz,, unhl often ay 31' May 31, 410' .1).. •, AMOUNT OF SUGAR USED 'IN,. CANNING• Each housewife :may rise het 'canning sugar to lit: the needs of her•paiticular household. commonmethod is tootallow i3 lb; sugar for each quartsealer of cannedfruit; and 134 lbs.sugdt to each quart 'of Jain or jelly., SUGARLESS METHOD Of CANNING FRUIT o.noinists .recommend.the sugarless method' of Many home ec , ., • canning .fruit, w Sugar can ,be added during the winter as the •---g write t�he�Depart� fruit is used. If you have not a copy already, • • , ,znent of Agriotilture, Ottawa, for "Wartime Canning�� pamhl�f� p ,64 z