The Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-04-25, Page 3o , d THURSDAY, APIiil 25th, ' 1946 "� THE, LUCKNQyV• SENTINEL, LTJCKNOW, ONTARIO' PAGE, S Iriera 1...• O .-.l. Miss. Elsie Ritchie has spent _5. Helen Thompson -is visit ' Mr: and Mrs;-' Stewart Burns' the Pas.' week in `T.oronto,..,...;.. -.. '°i in Toronto this week. :big Miss Lorna. Reid: of London, spent Easter with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Sam ' Reid. - A't Brothel is about again. 'after being '"under the weather" for a couple of weeks with' SGiatiea. • Easter visitors with. ;Mrs.• ter R,. Horne wefe her daughter Mildred and Mrs. Elsie Witman, • •both of Detroit, „• ' Mr, 'and Mrs. Jack Allison,,: ',Airy 'Lou; Patsiy Mae •and. Donna Ma ie•.,.:ot' Owen ...: Sound were.; );aster "``visitors at: the home of Mrs.Allen Durnin. ; • 'Mrs. H, J, Smith; Ken and. Hob • biet also Alice •Barkw. ell of 'Tor - alto, `.spent Easter' with their • •mother :on .the: Second .Concession. Mr, `Will 'Johnston and Mrs. 'Ttaigh' of ''Hamilton spent Easter. With Mr.' and Mrs: Russell -:ertson; Mrs.. R. J. Cameron. has return- ed• • . to. her home here. after spend- ing the winter months. in Ha'mil- of Detroit ,were Easter visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burns, Mrs, W, B.., Anderson, George, Mary and. Ruth are visiting this week in Toronto,. , • Mr.,and Mrs. Camiibei1 Thomp- son and Donald...spent thelatter part of the .week in Toronto.. Mrs. Alice MacKenzie is spend i,ngtEaster week with friends in Coll.ingwoocL 0 'Miss Fiore ce James visited for or a' few 'days withfriends. in Wind- sor and.. Detroit: ; • • Miss. Ruth' 'Matthews of Port Hope is visiting with friends here and at .Kincardine alis- week, • t Mr. and Mrs: Cliff Aitchison of Hespel'er. 'Were Easter week -end guests: of Mr. ,and: Mrs; McKenzie Webb. • Miss. Louise' (;'neer ,of Toronto spent . Easter .,with..,het? parents; Mr. and Mrs1 J. M. Greer. . Miss, Doris Durnin of Kitchener is visiting her mother, Mrs.:. A.: E. Durnin, • • • Mrs. C. R. Meyers of . Kitchener tnn. B•6b'-Thompson-a'nd : B- ob -Hewat •were week=end visitors "of Elmira . , • with the •• foriner.'s _ Parents, ` Mr.; 'and Mrs.. R. •H:'. Thoriapsorr. ▪ Mr,: "and .'Mi s. •.C.: D .; McAlpine• Marilyn :and Donald • of. Gue10h. {have be ster holiday visitors • with -, iends - er •: i s . :"NIcQuLn. `.Mr.' and Mrs. 'Fred. Hannamari' of Detroit: werewkek-end ViSiters with Mr.. and Mrs;'R. H. 1VIcQui1 `li d Mrs 'A; E Du ni • Mr. 'and 'Mrs:" Har old `',Button of Dtrridas . and' two sons, Clarence: A d : ' rs. Robert Fisher o • .Hamilton d Miss•,Mary, Fisher; RegN of Toronto,—„Spent....-Easter week -end here., Mrs Fisher is re- maining ' for, a time Miss Blanche Stewart'. . of . Tor. • Stratford Normal,' spec Easter , . • l -their parents„ at. the Far- Mrs -W S Reid_of=tow:^ a of Mr. and, .1VIrs:. R J. Barkwela and Mrs Barkwell. Mr. and Mrs Lor ne 'Wilson and little son Larry: of Dundas, •also; 'Mrs:. Will •Bates of Hamilton vis` iced with friends on the::Secondf Concession; over. the . week -end • M. isles Jean Campbell .ant Mor- een Know of. Kitchener„ Mr. Stan- ley Abel of St. Thomas spent the holiday with. Mr. and Mrs.. Ri„ch ard• Gardner, • Visitors, with Mr, :;:ana. Mrs,.' Frank Ritchie 'during .the holiday were Mr. Fred Ritchie of: Mount. Forest, Mr. Lloyd 1Vf cAiLtiey, of Toronto Miss Macintyie of Fox est,,151e.Keith` Ritchie,. .of Ipper'-., wash, Miss Audrey Ross of Loch- alsh.. .Mr, and: -Mrs. Thos. • Blake; Mr. ..and Mrs. Don McIver and son. :;Task 'or Kinldss were-. guestsof. Mr. and Mrs, Wi11 Ritchie on Sunday. . �'eachers 'home".for the vacation are Miss Violet ;Ritchie, Listowel,. Mr Keith° Hackett, Ethel. Misses E11en Andr ew and Kath_. 'leen Gardner, of :`Toronto, spent. theWtek-end 'at 'their .' homes here..__ Mr. Ken' Laidlaw of London Spent' the holidays= with '`Mrs. Laidlaw .and: family who reside With Mr. and•. Mrs. George Hun- ter. • Mr. and' Ars., Glen Tasker of Toronto were Visitors ort Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gard- ner. Visitors on Sunday with Mr. & Mrs.,`..Cecil' Gardner . eire..Mrs.'. -Fiona.-- Long-vctor-th-_of--Hamiilton,. 1VIr and Mrs. Melvin .Dickson' and, family ' of • Dungannon, Mr and. Mrs: Wilfred., Quaid,' •Mrs Reef 4,1 • Miss Margaret Ann Reef,. Misses:. tom!' ;;lC?i••... •M'In"y.m.w.'. f.".!^�;�ilMn+Y;w.A ilk .h ..i?!:. ro ., CLF HOLIDAY CL031 The J. W. ` Henderson . Planing Mill ' will observe the• weekly Wednesday half holi ay,..commencing next Wednesday, May., lst. The. Mill will close at '12.30 each Wednesday noon and . the public is kindly requested to observe this lit• enderson Pfannq LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Ail Marion` and Mildred. Quaid, John and .Merle Quaid; all of. G•oderich. • .;---Mrs.-Wesle Ritchie- and Allan, , Mr. Albert. Helm visited Friday with Mr: and Mrs, Ralph,Nixon at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Jas : McKay, ,Paisley,, - , it being , the •oc_ casion of Mr. and , Mrs. Nixon's 53rd wedding .anniversary. • Mr. axed ._Mrs :l\Tixoi .returne.d': with. them and will spend the summer with Mr.. and ..:Mrs .•Ritchie.' .We.: extend congratulations: and.: wis`: for them many' more happy wed- . ' Marilyn ed ding days' together: ` °^• Mr. Joseph Hackett and Ir. Mrs..:. Wilfred .Drennan 'Qf.•. Lucky°, now visited .on Sunday with, Mr. and Mrs. George Hunter. BELL. RINGERS HERE • . •. SATURDAY NIonir That 'renowned'road'show "The Musicals Eckardts"—williesent P. an .. "outstanding Performance in: ' the Town Hall; •'LuGknow, "on Sat urday, evening :of this week :under auspices • of.:Ahe 'Orange, Lodge. sonage. Mr; ; and Mrs :Glen .Moore of llamlton . spent . tl ► week -end here;: Theywere accompaniedby her, mother, .Mrs. E. N. Hodgins, who is remaining: 'here at Mise.• MacGregor's., • M's E1 'b th•W 1 h f Huron Township is r enov_.atng, t. n e Carnpbell - •Borne on 'Standpipe wfiich- °she;. purchased' last.. fall,. and plans :to -- occu ,very shortl companied'' Dr: 'and Mrs R:: L. Treleaven, and children-s* stock,':,on a";ten-.day 'tr�ip.•to 'New Park City' "to, visit :the Doctor's .:' Mr.: and' Mrs.John Kjlp,atri;ck, Keith, Noreen, Gladys .and Mari . r S rza a e s o spent Easter week -end at. N-etvcas.t-1e ` tth i —a.nd Harry-' Middleton, 1Vhc `and •Mrs, S C.;'ITathwel,l. were• -recent v isitors .in Toronto. and .on• their return accompanied` Mr. arid Mil. O: 'S. Moffat, Mari-. lyn and Judith, Who spent Easter 'here., • Aslan Stewart of horndon. anti: Lloyd Stewar t of Br mp-ten--were Faster ,visitors w'ith•their •parents., ;Mr. and • Mr;s Philip Stewart: an sang sola a.t.the morning. service. n' t`h'-G ' Presbyterian Church. • O NOW FORS BUND '.OF. DA Y Mr, John- Barger- and-',Mis..Dai. row •left i their village :.residence last ;week to'. make .,their `' home. • for a •tifne in Ashfield; with this{ daughter, Mrs, George `Drennan. and Mr. Drennan;' • • Mr. and Mrs,W J. Barber of 'British'Columbia�left On Sunday on their return .to the coast after spending , twb' rrionths .at. Guelph and Toronto 'Mrs.. Barber'. .is' a ,daughter'4f-Mt s N: •.L.' Campbell; r v.ho• 'has been a`' patient in :St.. Michael's Hospital f or e.i'g h t months. 'She' is. now able to ` sit ua daily in. a chair;:at' her' bed- side: • . • a Mr; Charles Hodgins.: of Mag:- :netawan, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thornson Donalda� and Keith,. Mr. " and Mrs :'Harvey. Hodgins, • .Glen • and Kenneth etre week -end vis, itors ..'with Oscal• Hodgins•', and ( other: 'relatives, ` , AN ORDER PLACED NOW WILL. <:... Assure YbuDiivery 'GENERAL `'MOTORS- FRIGIDAIRES THOR ELECTR'IC WASHERS .: QUAKER OIL ' HEATERS`' 'GREEK RADIA &ELECTRIC • • Lucknow 0.. , • • • • • • • • !! �md • f. 5 Ire • 11Quoting eggs by the: pound would be confusing, wouldn't • it? You buy eggs by, the dozen, milk by the quart, meat by , the pound. By what . measure do you buy electricity? You buy electricity bythe kilowatt=hour, and 'you should know. what: a kilowatt-hour can' do for you. An electric lamp or :,appliance is usually 'narked "60 watts",: "500 watts", .1000. watts , ds.the case maybe. The --mark simply indict.;'les-the-a-number-nf-Watts-electricity that the lamp; or appliance will use A kilowatt is simply 000. 1.. watt ... •� sem--A--kilo-watt flour is -1000-; watts—used for one . for ten hours. ':'So that one kilowatt -hoar . A hour—or 100, watts alt hour; will ;operate'your 1000 watt: electric iron for one hour. And atwhat .a srrigh .'cost! The average urban, rate for Hydro in Ontario is about 1-1/5c per kilowatt-hour. Just over ;IF to light a 100 -watt Lamp for .10 hours,: or drive a washing machine for four ti hours! Isn't it great to live: in Ontario, where Hydro rates are among the lowest in the world?.` • M r