The Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-04-11, Page 8O 101 litT'M 0 �ucknour Stowe', Lucknow,Ontono TllosSDAZ, APRIL• liti't, 1946 7 o' ....,ors it with R THYS, SFRINGRBE; SMART, WEAR COLORED LOVES PET ;'f•7 3,7,,7.'7. t� 'Mr.`. robn Colwei.l, Con.. 10, Kin- loss, recently received a 'letter. 'from his brother, •Saxe:. oI 'Kieena Kieene, B.C., in nrhich he enelos- ed -three, close-up 'pictures of fire young ' wild Truriipeter swans, a species 'of birds that, are. now all but etinot. Ti fact there are only two known flocks,, one iri Cali- fornia• and, one at' Lonesome Lake in . H.C., •nearby Mr. and Mrs. Golwell�'s home in the mountaixrs,. where .for some twenty years he has held a government pasition, ill:Charge of :a Communications SLIP 'QN S7'YLESY -Colors - lame;: dusty blue, petal & rayon.; :Sizes 61 to W. CHILDREN'S COMBINATION GLOVES p gtex; v ith: ra on.. Palms. Sues 4 years to 12 :years; • HAND -�SEWbl" • SIIVIPLEX; G'r.OVES-- Slip-ons � of chamois, look smart for. dress Cir sportswear. Navy, black. &.,brown.. KID GLOVES for year 'round'. Near,. For the women" Whoa; • love smart simplic4y,• kid gloves. take the* lead! Sizes ',01/4 to 73. IiAYLIGHTSAVING 'rTME will 'be observed ' in Port, Elgin . from April 29 •.to .= September 29. it s Soa•ve Teri s before they •'le rn to act it.. 0115 -their .age,: long Ali we suggest TO HAVE .LOCAL ,CADET INSPECTION ON MAY 1 During the; past week -Cadet. --Instr_uctor,A, ' f'o stspent sonic time at. LucknowHigh School, putting;; the finishing' touches on the local Cadet corps, in :prtepara tion for the °. official cadet inspec , tion ' to` be held , he_ 'e on Wednes ; day, May Ist at ''9 30:: a. m.: The inspecting officer will . be Major John •Young,'diOtrictcadet officer; 11fl:li. i, oneo :Mr D R. MacLean of; the High. School . staff is .in charge of 'cadet training here. The inspection -itinerary for this district has. been set as follows: May.1 Lucknow 'High School, stitute; 2 p.m.;. May :2-Sea'forth Collegiate--Instirtiite, g 0:: a, ;Goderich Collegiate - Institute; -2- p.n , . Kincardine High School,, $. pm:; ' May. "3:—..Brussels H' g h Seim' ' +`: of Win ham' Hi h. School, 2 p:in. Int La' France h Makes CIO es Whiter 2 pckgs ' 29c Satina-.-- For Easier Ironing 2 ,;pekgs..-15c r 'y-�-- Your twos" Washday' Friends Gi fines DOG' 'MEAL 2 'lb: ipckg; ` 25c. Gaines plus .Water equals the cool iplete meal fol your d'og _ ost's, GRAPE-NUTS ieJgs. 35c Mr :Colwell is a' son .of the .late.. George Colwell of the , Inloss• comiriuhity.; anad. '' went West the gold rush and to the Itlon dike. He• was one of. a 'family °nf` ten brothers 'and sisters, George, Jack, Fi ank ; Sari, Jim,' Reg, Mrs: Frank Stanley, Mrs,' Herb Farrell, ,Mrs, Dan Martin and 'Mrs' '.Geo.; Fair; . the latter being deceased; Mr.:; Colwel l still; has, .prospect ing in.; his, blood, and said :if he felthalf well' in the spring might: go, nbrth to ;try his luck: 1 -le •had, :just heard -'of a--gold_stl'`ike''horth, 'of Fort "St, • ohri bn the Alaska. Highway and wished: he was there,, Regarding the swans Mr. Col. weiLhad this to .say '"As I Write I. can ';see "five wild Trumpeter' swans and' :our_pet wi1d, goose just 'outside •my 'window The sviians- came- ere.._ Where there is'; open water all winter. The; river is hardly a hun dred •Yards, : from our ;door. They: care about' January ist and ;I started feeding them wheat: and n br' d a ea .. d noW I; can coax nearly the office doox with- wheat: The Trumpeter; swan almost=-extict, nnly Lone known ,f10ck--at-Lonesome_-L- ake and an- other buneh-i -California: They) We ar'e".clearing broken sizes. in Sling Ptumps, Sandals and: Dress:. Shoes ;ten black 8 brown suede:: and ` Medium And 1V1 �» inw ; heel's. T R.I Hf�EE P CE GROUPS 1,5q ' =- 1 95 X2.49 . atwelTes�Son (ook Your Beat . In • The With A New ran Coat,Snit 'or'. from r�ess • adiesr Slips, Woo.I Carrdigans` P.laatc 'Purses. Men s Read -to-Wear Seita . acid Topcoats: `outh's Suits_-._ _2.-Paair1orIgs. Boy's Sport Coats. • HOnnroret -Oi-Bir`t-hda-y Grape=Nuts., FLAKES: 12 .• z.' box A. E. Cook, organ; st at .the A7.....7..77 l5c , =ti...„;._ Blyth United Churc was • the'. ., :. ,. ate. Ma I- Le p e ate ,central"'`flgur`e in:` a • Tittle socia CAKE: FLOUR :gathering,: held in :the' basement. , Pckg: ,...:. 30c, Of the church on Sunday 'ni ht, . g Makes any`cakea better cake vv -hen• members ofthe'choir took advantage of the •occasion to conte gratulate him on the aiirii`versary of; his, birthday, -.:which Was On :S.unday. A very enjoyable social time was: spent, and a `tasty lunch -was- served. --$Lyth .Standard;; .. Choice ADRIATIC FIGS 1 lb .:;:. 35c' MAXWELL HOUSE ; COFFEE(. "THE MEMORIAL. IAL I DEAL" L A :monument- btuof en= daring granite or marble,; . inbolic-iii-•design_an.d rev- Brent in 'purpose, "resting in ;'surroundings of peace and beauty, "a tribute of respect and honor to the ;:dead, a ;con- the living. Consult .' KEMF : & RONALD,`° Listowel, Phone' • 3$ Inscriptions a. specialty Designs that are different: (y ri v7 t o. VICE SToBE OF. DO. .YOU NEED MONEY.. FOR INCOME . TAX •, If you are short '.of cash '17to•_ pay .your income' or other taxes,. a .B of M personal ,loan' may be the. •arswer``':to your need. For every useful: purpose, - Mi Thompson,. manager 'of the Bank of 'Montreal, is lending . money, to people in every walk of •1 at the low 'cost of '27 cents a month for a .$100 ,.loan, repayable in twelve' m o n• t h I, y instalments, which: is equal tit' 6 WW interest: per annum. Yo'li . tan' borrow , more or less, for 'longer or shorter . periods. .thep`cost ss propisrtionateiy-: the sameAr are --larger. than. the whistling awan.:;The ones : in. the • pictures are',young .'ones,. not 'White yet; except;underneath.' They: are drab -r eoir n . touch them -Som w tunes while,they: are eating whet out Of .a can, Have lots. iof.:P .. -. ic- tures.. of them and am '.enclosing some, although the best are near - all, •given -away'.• Sells Village' Lot '.. ' Wtn S Reid has sold the,.::1.9 acre Iot aiiloinitig the Caledonian Park:. to Alex MacNay, • Boys Got: A Split:, -hocke_yX,.rsteetng_ tvas he last" Wednesday ' night, when Y liett.'ef such ; custornar•y things, jackets, •banquets, trips; 'the .bo decided ' to.'take 'a split. cif 'profits, Amounting to $45 ea and•whxciLwas corisolation.for t fact . that 'th.ey d ;dn't :rr ake t' p1aydowns, ` ; 'When they 'ivo have rio doubt have taken a f ancial licking iz� . v ew of sweat conditions. U.1 ITEDN,C:HURCH. • LUCKNOW Rev::J W.-Siewart, B.A., :S,D: pastor StJN•DPA,�l'pIK;MSUNDAPRIL 14AY, 1946 11 a,n'.-=Sharing in the : ' 'Triumphal ' Entry". Story: "Thank God For 12.15 p.m.. --Sunday School, 7 p.m. --"The Passion ;Week 'Song, Story and Picture". URSDA Preceding the Good Friday public holiday, Lucknow merchants will remain open next .:``Thursday afternoon, April -'18th until 6.15.' p.m. Stores Will Not Be Open Thursday Night • • rin ave e Store re came,