The Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-04-11, Page 7+.Ti+"-4MP■r,r.+!tR'.11t er�,14,1 ." . �#'i'i i,;Mk.'s61.. THURSDAY, APRIL,: llthr 1946 THE WEEK ON PARLIAMENT HILL (By Anc'lrew- E, Robinson,, M,P Brtice) Old truths sometimes arefor, gotten' on parliament dH 1y an'd • have to be .relearned. This was the case during; the past .week when, the Canadian: Federation; ,oAgriculture and Premier John - Br cken teamedup in the news to �'advei�tise ; the.'fact that,' after • sever.Jl yearsof so-called way time 'pipsperity, • the Canadian farrn:ei• still remainsI; firmlyerr; trenched 'in :his unenviable "roke. as the- permanently: 'forgotten ,man, 'of the governn'ient's•_econ- ornc policies, The 'background ` of, P.arlia- merit`s..iriterest'in the farmer was . (a) the famine. ,crisis 'in Europe urgently -.demanding ,an• imrned,. iate' increase • in food production; and (b)' the .growing •:realization among ..the .M.P.'s : that,. • .unless. • something ' effective' is done 'and ian I a l 1 soon �. n_ d.. n. ,kt. b .es ..wrl. -done a l , begin to suffer in: a few months' Wile from .domestic food short, ages 'of which the current scarcity The Lucknow Sentinel, • Lucknows Ontario ter; for. .redress of farmers' in- come tax • grievances, for Some Solution of the farm labor prob- lem, for farm commodity prices. which would be,on a parity with the prices which othercommod- ities eon -nand. , • The remark able correspondence between the PP' ogressive Conser- native leader's : program , and the, one brought forward by the Farm' Federation impressed upon -.Parr iament 1•i:11•, that John Bracken the party leader. ' has not ceased to be John Bracken' the farmer.• • Young Pigs Help .Themselves Ori the farm of Louis•'"Weather- head, ,at St.' Helens': is a litter 'of •half a dozen young :pigs' which. do' the job` of a milking Machine,: so far' as;. one cow ,'is concerned;. These you1ng 'pigs, just 'recently weaned,,- broke. -out of 'their pen one day . and got into the cow, stable,. 'when . they, found out Where. bossy kept her milk: supply' and• how to extract .: it: The cow ddn t -:obect "and.-th J pigs -have been paying :Such close attention • to .their foster: mother, .that at •ons which will he. , . the � p � good -for , WEDDING BELLS:, FAIR -SCOTT A :queliet wedding took place on :Wednesday, • March} 27th; at St. 'Peter's rectgz'y., Litcknow, when the Rev, R.. A. Joselyn united in marriage Elizabeth Victoria Scott,. daughter of - Mrs ,Scott • and the, late John`Scott, Ripley and Fran-; cis Taylor .Fair,. sor: of the. late M :::•.'an.d' Mrs.. john.. Fair.... '..The.. bride wore a gown of aqua, crepe with hat to match and carried ca corsage of red roses.' The attend, - ants were Dr. 'and.,Mrs,': J. A. McDonald. Al' reception • follo wed at the home ,pf the bride's mother,. after which thehappy;oodple'left on a• wedding ti;ip to 'Washington, New York and, other points, -the bride travelling: in •a',black wo,al suit with black and white aces, sor.ies.On their. return they will reside on. the •groom's f a r rri Uur.on' township. Ration Coupon Due Dates 'C:oupons' now valid are. Meat. 29( to 32, butter' Ri to'' R5,pre:: servers -sugar . S1 ' tp -S5."" The first , five. of , the ten cou- PAGE' SEVEN 41, GO: any time Thursday, April 1'8th, yntil 2.00 p:m. Monday, April 22nd. ` • • RETURN .leave destination' up to midnight;`Tuesday April 3 3rd,1946. • This hong week -end ,. of ers'an opportunity tora viit. at: `hone or -away ,With, friends.t, CANADIAN NATIONAL Will Move .To Lucknow • Mr: Robert Rae, recently dis- charged from •the army, has. ac-' •cep.ted • a. position • in . Liicknow with, .yRae 8& 'Porteous; :;hardware merchants. Mrs. Rae will move fo .Lucknow as soon '.ass: living milking . time ' she` can be passed purchaix of ugar for canning quarters 'are available,_ b 'l.l b.. 1'd 1Vi ...' h Ad; -T ,. -ofbbutter is- j usti a : sample -- y; is Sear wi c va i av 2ndam vance ones John Bracken, translated I the situation -into --tern' s :which- no One in the Commons could `.fail', to understand:. when ;he: said: ',we now have 600,000. more:, People" in • .Canada' .than a :year .` ago. 'At the a-; -end- of this -year 'there will , be' more .than 200,900 more people' in Canada than at present.' :Yet �li� :t;Qve��-nae�t : s�tsTpl�cid-lY--b3 and does`:not seem,. to realize that p ri c e determines , production; there is only one way• to prevent the ;decline. ;production; that s "to =increase the.. returns:. to •the ,producer"".. , '• The WHILE .ON ,a week' end business .trip 'to London; Mr.:,, and ' Mrs, Janiies. C. O'Brien of Kincardine were ,robbed, of $300 -diamond pin; and even 'Mr. O'Brien's suit.. and a shirt; The robbery` w a.s committed b y h4eves who...gained entrance to. their hotel!born: ."-J i • • turns to farmers were ; not -an: 'ineentrve=to profiteer—but , were: 'merely essential: to- ineet: • pocket`_ production ...costs, `the Pro. gressive • • -Conservative lea d ti u"o t e'd govern-rn•er t ,statistics which. slaw ..:that'''. farm: labor costs.•aciloss ..the:• Dominion•' have increased from 25 to 50 percent ' over •the war .years,', while feed .• costs,': since: 1942, ,have; advanced 1l percent W1itW t vuas "true 'that the: war years:'brought im-' provement y in ; the...ratio between J 'farm. prices and •other commodity: prices, the situation, still: remain-' a . e .in. ex' price :o ° e goods which.' 'the . fanner- sold,' stood 'at 104.4; while the price of the goods .that . he 'had to buy remained at 107.3. _There was no .collusion what- 'ever between : Mr •Bracken's • in- , n- tervention in the , Comrnons, on behalf df.,:the farmer and. the • delegation Which. ;the Canadian • Federation . sof Agriculture . ' sent: two, days laterto wait upon' the Prime Minister` .and 'the .members of the. Federal Cabinet..` 13ut al_ though the two , events • were wholly independent, 'the program' of•'action .urged'by the Pnogres-• sive, Conservative leader proved amazingly' prophetic of •; the Agri- , euiti#al gri,cultural Federa'tion's own propos-- als, Mr. Bracken urged . relaxa- `tion of price: 'ceilings;. equal 'in-. come tax privileges for farmers, .such as .being allowed' to charge . wages paid .rnembers of the farm families as costs, of. the farm, oiler ation;, •some solution: of the farm labor problem; steps t0. ',bring farm prices into adjustment with general' commodity°, prices, • at• ' least $1.80 wheat .for the Western ;;farmer; higher prices for dairy produce to'"arrest the decline talc ing place' in that.field of .produe- 'tion, •• The FarmW a • Federation asked generally for a Royal Corrunission to investigate .the broad econoinic Alight of the ,farm producer. But .they .a `'o asked specifically' for. -•r higher •prices iii lirie'ywith increase . ed Production costs, especially.'fire' the field bf "diairying where ,:they . sought an ,increase of four' cents • per pound in the price of but - Next• to' heart .disease,. canCer -is •the-greaatest-'single cause:..of death ',.on this :continent. 'It kills.. 4;000.: , Canadians every : month_ One:out of every .eight persons now living , must.. expect , to die of cancer, unless fat -reaching preventive measures are taken: Cancer. is a deadly killer unless the patient See14s..early' medical . advice;,,, But when canght in its. earl -v -stages, cancer is generally . 'curable ,The cause of c uker' is still unknown; 'arid• there is yet filo s:pecific,cure. •l3ut ifdiagnosed in time and -treated by stiirgery, a ray or • rad iuin, �a' cure. can be effected in a majority of• all cancer vises:, I.t_is nosy' proposed to organize an. ,energetic canep iign•in Ontario against cancer in all; i'ts forms:: ' This.camt:rign Will have the follow ing"okjec,tives 1 -To organize. and ,operate fully equipped tcancer clinici at suitable Centres, ' where:' people may be. ev- I' amined, and, if . necessary, treated according to the mot scientific methods. To pay. a portion sof the cost of treatment of 'cancerfor those needing financial help, ' • trapelliirg. expenses. to aiid from clinics if' needed 4,-4o„ conduct an'_ energetic ... ro rani o .. cancer research. program,' .. : To'<carry out this �roram' the first .• need is . Y. g > money Your; donation will :definitely help: to reduce the number of deaths from, cancer i :this province. It will hei j hundreds.:of ,: people to be medically examined in. time and to escape from the deadly' clutches.: of cancer,. Iiy may;weII1 1p research-scien `ists t'o cover `a cure for cancer. acid :so f � e mankind forever from •tlie .dread scourge of cancer. • This ,appeal` is fon objective of $2,004,000 to 'provide for a three-year program of ' cancer research, treatment and province -wide service. TAR.1'O C•AN,CERFOU NDATI1O`N This ortianized'drive against cancer is a: joint effort of The Ontario Cancer Treatment end Research Foundation and; The Canadian Cancer Society, ' . • Leave-. Your. I oiriatio s ,A►t Your Local Bank t, , •.r y ' •. • �.ra.'�� °"�% ���ilfit�'�tii�"_� � ��It;�'(�'"'` �;r+it"..:'Zvety"!I■I:a'1�^'.+'�+�a..y�rn����r.e-•..:r