The Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-04-11, Page 21PAGE, Div,Q --...-.r.tM1• a,ppggyyxc I ra e.r-.".. ......—.-,... • THE LUCKNOW SNI' E Ontario, , Lucknow, . , • 7 ••Established 1873 -•-, •Published Each, Thursday Morning, • .i: _ Y'ear� in c1vance—To tJ S. $2.50 Subscription Rate ^- •.$�:Oir A � ..Authorized as Second ClassMail,, Post Office D.epartment, Ottawa. A The C.W.N.. • Member of • • "` L. C. Thompson, Publisher and Proprietor x, THURSDAY;, .APRIL 11th, 1946 . ' IS YOUR WAR NOT WARRANTED . THIS • .: paling ° recent weeks there has; hies say that the. utho _ y Health r ea .. ?4_.. I ro ' fear' of cancer is more: difficult . been a loud clamour for _irnp fe • -to combat than. the ; disease it- self This startling' statement is of a disease that is curable made in a majority„ of ' cases if it is. ed • 'and treated ' early diagnosed _ :More 'enough. o,Yet, cancer kills more people' than ony other .cause,.ex-• ,rept diseases of the heart and 'is on .the increase. in Ontario. This year, unless . something is done, '7,000 men •and ' 7,000 women in Canada we`ll-clic of, •cancer. . 'Something can ' be ,'done, and will, be ' done..to, fight :cancers -if • rin you � make• it your, , :war.:.I�u g - the onth df AprilTa: war :'againnst, m cancer is being waged, all over C anada• and the U nitea•�,'"States: Ontario's battle is being ;.earried. i b '•'`the Ontario Cancer ' Treat, • Q by -the And Foundation. Ment ,You d ' iiway s o a. making connections ' 'for Toronto. ervice:. on the , three �uoW, Ontario MARCH HIGH WAS .r14► POUR DEGREES :SHORT,UF'"PJ4 'March 1946 was an unusually mild, and sunny month, although' the high temperature for 't e month fell four degrees Short l year's T .. al -time of reaching las s: this far a locality was concerned. • On Friday, March 29,, the mer-. cury ,, climbed ' to 74 degrees On' March 26th, 1945, a record' was Set, ' when it reached . 78 degrees. The low last month• was. • 10 de= green on March,, 10th. 'Rainfall was 'almost nil at „62. inches and snow-, '� reached -the ". e , railway, fall, . tea • lines a into F lmerston inches. branch total of 2, , Tn oon trast io•' the overeast days the limp e •• reason'. was unusually sunny.. ere Match ' high, so ? -� r .. ~•ts voice .. . • - 'Mar �. l�didn't:.add it's ,. nd Fe., uarY, .� • q The Semen, of January ,,'a. for h 1 ..e soul Th were to this plea; • that the: service desired didn t strike us as• feasible or -reason- able.: • "7 Th e, travelling public ' h a s quickly returned', to', the Motor•• Only four days of the'thirty;ione. that Were.. wholly cloudy. There were .seven days ;of complete sun- shine, 'and 20 day's when 'Old Sol shin ,, _, burst forth at, least part of • the.• slccIt THURSDAY, APAR, l th, 1946 .14:001(1141.7,c..0 A. �,� 'R D 'HRQUJC,�I-, Tki SENTINEL • FILES: Sixty Years. Ago Thomas:..Cain ;' purchased . Mr. Willi m's: interest• in the ,> seee House 1Vlr Williams • went to hitechurch Commenting on the purchase The =Se•ntinel said: "Mr. • amain is a gentleman well and car ' as wartime, restrictions are.day. lifted ::and we believe• that there . is no service that•.the C;N:R could • ' si l : ";offer`, that would 'entice �posby stiffrcient patronage' to give.. the Service e m, .. ce`ofbein service even, a semblance g profitable ve even wthmod „ Tram=�tra , ern. :coach ',.coYnlforts• will; still be h 'too slow. to Toronto, •, and much Research, if'rail 'speeds'Were to, be• stepped. ked to assist the m.p to with„motor: traffic, will be• as_ up to co . pe .: • oundation in raisin g'a'"rn n mu n new roadbeds would' be.-'uiper- f $2,000,000,' You. may :be • help- ative to: Palmerston at least, or ing ' to .save ydurself, or 'someone rail patrons would. have quite a u-t-Rc-rf it�ir,:.-sats. ;- ftr =e�r�o sly -ell rng t -t six to. 'eight persons now living Mixed train travel 'is a grue- 'must expect to dire of. cancer: some =experience, but..we're not •• The . Foundation. has blue -print ;convinced that :under any condi- ed, a three=year plan'•to. fight this. dons Tail `, patronage would dread 'Scourge... ' provide warrant two."straight passenger ' fullY=e urpped cancer Clinics and • iis trains., daily,•both , nontha nd at strategic' branches. : points : throughout thle . Province, ement ` is to;' be; • Some .� improv •La• idlaw-McGlynn .tai and�give .partial financial aid to' : a> to and ar- ; . ,un' m in The' treas , J" , McBain ,: conductor; . Ynade=on the dep i' rover to a fur eek who need _.assista those w w are s no H HBanner.--.Gordon: — a d of COUNCIL will erect two large stoics, this is:one though. ,o e o£ the, finest. lousiness stands in the- village t.' has.. never been built upon, and now that. Mr. Anderson • las se= cured, it, the new' buildings will certainly add' a great (161. to the appearance of our. Sia lit street", favorably known • in this section' ; Mernbers of the Presbyterian° and • no: doubt ' will final a the, "Pascoe" One of the most pop- ular t ousel in the 'village". .h A; nee Ida ' Mrs.' G, A. '• Sid�dall• •(.... Rookiidge.) : was• - . improved \ in f er :.being ,so ill with health, after erysipelas that her life was des- paired of. ' ▪ fourth department artment Pupilla in the fou - , P: of'.Lucknow Public 'School_ were . Treleaven, A. Boyd,. S. Barber, K _. E. Patterson, M:' Graham, L. Mc- Dougall, M. McPherson, F. Mc Intosh, •,N • ,'Grundy,. ,4: McLure; B. Hamly. Fifth :' ' -Department'. 1 pupils • were J. Lyons, W. Trelea MINUTES •`.: KINLOSS'.TOWNSHIP. Couneii.,..met in the''hall March. 18, `1946 as'per •adjournment• members : present but Councillor „McKinnon. .The minutes of the `la t' regular 'meeting. were ' : ap- proved and ;signed, ;. The ::;treasurer's ,.bond , was . re- newed ' with :Mr. 'H. ''C. ivleLean Grundy. A feature:number:. of • �. was a harmonica. of Wi;ngham, agent for' the .Gen •••• meeting ven,'L... 'Murdoch, K. McNabb, W.. ow n F. Wheeler, A."McMil McG a, ...� lan, Firidl'ater, E -M. -,cLaren; W. Corrigan., D. Ross, :R. • McCoy,' Officers of L' P.S titerary--Soe • were elected as,follows: Pres iety , idents',: H. McIntyre; vice presi- dent; 'secretary, dent, J. H: 'Somervl , . zie 'committee, Ida M. � J. � MacKenzie; , .m Church at Lanes presented a well-filled• purse to Mr,. R. E. Lanebefore leaving.fol„ Western Canada. Mr, Thomas Ferguson.. made theb''presentati•�ln:.,The ad•, d'Iess was,'signed on "f,chalf,of `• the congregation,. ,of' East. Ash- field” by ,George - Drannen acid Thomas, Farrish • Greyhound • excursion trrp tv Detroit on June .21st was adver- 'tised a't ;$1.00 for round trip. Grana' :iii;�;1 • Mo-rrisand-anci---1 red • Twenty, Years Ago James Fisher suffered ;a 'severe paralytic stroke. The ' death, occurred .'suddenly lit ',Windsor of.:Nlr•s. •James;Patter. son in her; "55th ,year.,,She was erl Iravina �Mil:ler,•'andza- -f-oTm , ative.:of Kinloss Township lier n Son. Iii-1is of Saskatchewan; was here at'the' time with .a load of hose to; . be : sold b western; . horses:, . � •x� auction. • Don aid Io:w • of.' Kinloss had a' clearing sale of ::stock and- imple ixents 'Mrs:.Christophe' 'Carleton died Mr. les, her son• M f e at the iliome o , .•wa 81 1�ianna::•.She .s,. • '• E1 ell Webster ,• of.: Fordyce' w a snowmobile With° which built.. he • was rnaking, ft om. •20 to ` 3d1 miles an hour. • Mrs Neil Campbell,' one: of Ashfield Towns .yip s ' ear y resin n ICncarc ine`-at-thf ..died�l , dents,' age, of 75 ' No. 16 Ashfield,• Ads At. S.S , Helm- was teaching the:'following eral :-A-Ria-en-t+71°ante• , C,pi• pay. 0. . Town- e the 't tee th a ' •. �t was ag • the : f shareo .that Town- hip pay•their•third prize money.' for the Hog Grading contest:: in Bruce County. communication from.. Russell askin' " for a repair on. the 11 selection -g -by :'Dav4d Hager with accom animent on the bones by. P Master' Harry' Whitley. T em- ' Officers of the :Sons �If nce • were,. W.P , C�='. Mathie-. ,pera. son W:A:,' • Sister M • Lawrence; P.W.P., T I awrence; R.S., ' R. A.R.S., • Sister• 'Mary Murray;.. • • J. H. Soinerville; M it , It will insti . , rival times they • • � ...'nt con, uc. or•, :..gravel:. •ten er. Lute research Projects -that -may it seems 'that laid down' Sister" 'Lizzie 'Lawrence; inside scheduled, and to us m 59 and • a n i 'head to the end of this second ' ` � ct d f Sister Jeanie MCMI filler diseases )ll .Pe t of all � great k d f th 1 True 1 ti an. at - C- per y,. al is about a we can . e' . _ � ::.« , „ • this the ,roads:. was:- accepted for sentry; Through education; --- erl this �e a fine 194 g n o , /1:4 ,outside sentry, T..Lirldsay. there is • every 'reason to Ago,. •' ears A For# . Y S ,..Y.• pupils: ,t• Aldon tasty, . C---li feff desire The :Reeve,was given' authority x'• tion plans:, to teach every • :man `w nand -child in �Orrtario :.to { 11 ,a a. '4 /y ✓�. • f 4 tV" r, a • 34; . beiter service, because.. its pretty •atrocious • .fob : -thbie ' who trust train; •', u t, travel by • tr , im_. be = cannot. �1 branch. line' tray • proved to•-a,4egree:..that will make icieltl o ular to be .pro - it Sufficiently. P P _ ., „ • itable. - recognize the signs-of-cai�ceL,: and, t as we see I to substitute ..action. -for fear and ;__•�ignor.'ance opened the 1st of ...: The- campaign opened • April and all. banks are receiving centres., for donations. 'Ge in this. and. fight. ht. You, may ' save war g -self from'' -dean *HAT, WILL WE 'DO? ' Scarcely' ..a; • wee]t -goes • by but we .read of one `.'or. . more muni c alines undertakings some civie P . postwar project. In: size,. these • centres : vary ' from 'little,= more Y than. 'country hamlets to big without`exce. tion. the: towns; but, .exception. .. , undertakings are- ambitious and the' sums : rather staggering :when b e -war yardsticks. gauged ..fpr :- .• What postwar improvement ke.._-• . ,; >-:will • Lucknow-underta �..,;. A swimnirig 'pool and a roller •• skatingrink •,were:projects , that . were : drscussed .by The Clansmen .I ' tion Club some time: ago,: but .no acs , • was:taken in either instances. •., We . well recall . the furore that. was created here last fall .by'.the- • pants -navy 1 ally, adopted the of of, most r towns of observing:,the; all • othe towns;• weekly half -holiday •on Wednes day. This will abolish • the custom Of keeping �- :open''' on ::Wednesday night. It has taken 'a{ long time 7 _ `da a dvo • olI for 'the Wednesday h Y es 'to et'the majority "to see ;cat. g the light", but` there are, still a good- •.number.:. who reluctantly Make ‘the change. : Local mer.- chants rare to be congratulated; however, on so amicably accept to purchase the second' -hand ' Do•- rnzniori Road County .maintainer if •a , 'satisfactory price `cou G: ` • ' ass, oirm ill -O We e""in" '" t'erniafh, 'which. aroused many' Citizens to the:need •; . for' a community recreational centre, --for: the young '--peopl ••-Bu .. that fervor has .cooled ' and at the moment we' are going placid- ly along.' • . Its, time to give, such matters , some thought' and action. e c Presbyterian Church; -resigned - to arranged... osition at Tees meet accept •a 'similar p -Council! -adjourned to a p . Tee's - again on. Monday: -the.. 15th day of. water' and was;Succeeded by Mr, Joseph Stalker..,. Mr. R. Elliott;'"the new dray man" was .:.awarded .':the village: tree • •ary.. of •$130. John •Button.' were Mr. and Mrs._ at home' to their 'friend's :on -the hi share_• hog grad- t °occasion ' of';:' their, ', 25th wedding r Towns Mr: Mill and ing contest,': 12.34; ,•. `J:, i�,;. Lane, anniversary.. Rev.. Y .. , ' Frank proposed the health of the host. hydro . • at hall, 4;05, p P treas, Greenock, :Kin-: and ostess..Congrattilatory re - loss �' .. Spence; loss pupils; 2:50; R. J. Lovell Co. : marks' were made by .Dr. Sp A Parid: John Joynt.: supplies, 6,54; J. R. Lane, three J G Murdoch old : age pensions 46,00; -.Jr R.Lane, .. ,postage' and . telephone, 4.90, 11lrs:'. -Geo. Colwell, stamps, '4.90; Ray- •Ward: Ackert,: -wo`od at hall, 18,5.0. A.,pril~, ' 1946;••'at the usual 'time:' and place. • .Cheques issued; R. Elliott, •tele- P one a TO 1 Crozier,, Torn Anderson, France • V ,.Crozier,. Jean .'-4,nde.isori ,'Eilee re. eaBe�therirA; dile Gal ley, Anna'. Ti elavern; Coli nson Shackleton, .Go' 'Crozier, .Be -don, • Anderson,°; Freda, McQu'oi Hasty; 'Bea"tricereleavei Lorne. .Reggie Gainey ....•• Mrs. ' James McInnes& passe • aavv_ay at Langsile. fifl March 31st • marked -the. r" • of the: induction • anniversa y•, i' s. Cumming as.iPaStS R,ev.. Cha , Calvin 'Church, St, Helens. of C Kintail,;died. at 'Duluth. eorrespondej •The••. Fordyce. . con- ratulated .Milton; ' Naylor fi g 'rvice' on , that. ,roar excehent se ed at Thess= . in missed on1;V :one trip The death occurred �. ,� aloe 'of Miss' Mary MacDonald; winter, . Intosh completed d `ghter of Mr;and Mrs.Fiarol'd ''Mc eldest Lean, .premium on•• -treat.: bond;. 8:00 Miss. JeanWier, typing • threee copies auditors' report, 3.15; G R:.. sal • in the:'new System 'regardless of .. - _-ues;:Roll No, g. ., ;Highway, checiPay decision . personal opirnons. The ,.+ i 3, 1$218.62; 'J. Scott, :power snow. which' was, made unanimous,• is given a ear's trial, by' to be� Y which. tia; ie;it will no doubt have 'become an established •,practse.. plowing, 135.70; Wm: `Scott; 3.25; George 'Radford; 23.00; .Mrs. Geo, Colwell,' stamps, 4.00: •, J. R. '.LANE; Clerk - ' T»he- nnual .,High:�Schao.L.�.,Cona mencement, one of:the most "pop- 'ular events ..of the year, and . needs . ittle publicizing,. isl. which needs �_. _..P _.. � .. ida night.o in held �n:• � Fr y being• this- week... An w: effortis being made to • organize: •^a. Boy- Scout troop in Luck -now.:. This is an endeavour W; a merit, • • : which didn't, .;greatly. enhance port and encour ge • From, this point it looked as if •the,:Liberal and CCF members in the Provincial House simply went through_ • the formality of voting against the. Drew Government's new .liquor .bill;r. It was a feeble that merits everpossible t sup- effort by the opposition forces, t t Y P1 The Farmer's Advoca pert'-• ently remarks - that -the; :poolroom is the nearest thing to a coin- ' nunity centre' in many towns' and' Villages, yet-- the , old • folks-- coon plaid about.., the young 'people gadding around 'so much:..,..._ �r • ill -clothed millions; their •prestige. .' While engaged • in spring house- cleaning, it would• be; well to keep in mind that a. Natiotial Clothing. Collection 'will be lattnched in -June on behalf of Europe's WEDS N.G- BELLS: MacRAE—JbHNSTON On Saturday, April' 6th, 1946,. a quiet brit pretty eddiiig was solemnized at- the m nse of Rev: W. Hunt, ,in London when ' Beth Johnston, ;'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'Johnston of Holyrood and David MacRae, son of Mr. 8i. Mrs. John • MacRae of .Iriverness, Scotlarid, ' were united ' in•' • the bonds orf• holy matr. intony. Miss Jean , Johnston, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, while Mr,, Duncan Macrae. -atten ded the groom. After the. ceremony a number of friends and relatives gathered, at the home of the groom's bro- t2 en where a lovely 'dinner- was 'served.. ,• Mr. and Mrs. Mace will re-, side on Maitland St..' in London. au - ,_.. : Guel Thomas MacDonald; -•formerly: of I three -months . course-" a Thom , , tion h. e ar.- ' was in her 24t y Kinloss: She w , rUnder...the caption -"Bought The this item: "Reeve Cartier",s was. J. G. Andersonhas, purchased from Miss' Campbell, the corniet- • o si . O.AC. anl' took a. p Si'lverwood's • Creamery. ober , Carrick, a daul . Mrs. R �• and N ter: of the late • Rev, a ,. shfield., died on Al' Grant o,f A ' .. •, � the age of fly. ,..' • ' Office and 1st at the lot next to the, Post ,may Presbyterian W. ' M. S. ' The. monthly meeting of the Presbyterian .W.M.S. Was -held -in the home .of Mrs. Will MacKen- • ' `o. nesda : April 3rd with ��Ie-on Wed Y, , p Mrs. Mullin'' presiding. During the 'business period\Mr,s, C.; II...Mac- Donald and. Mrs. McFarlan 'were appointed as a committee to visit PP the Sick • during the .',next three 'months:.. The Bible study for the day was Acts 15 and the topic' on: Africa ar�d_:life of Robta Mot- , ....,..,Orland wal_ •� Lockhart. Mrs. Bill Douglas read,] place, . which fat was given by _Mrs. 'Grace 'afternoon.' It Was dcciddd to., Rev. N rnerro Of ' Winghain to. guest . 'speaker • or . the ._Ea' Thankoffer.ing 'to be held in' ` -4. • evening. Bought Ashfield rarin ' Mr. • Orland. Richards -:of P; nt has plrchased,.the fart mou he 'Ash' Johnston on the side,. of •the road, ,and ., o rmerlY owned by Melvin I f d; Poor health -made it'. War � . �• .f o .tl�ispose• of canary for Russ '1 tit an inspiring poem and the - curs rent 'events` groin -Glad, Tidings prepared by Miss • Pearl' 1.lender son, were read by ,Miss; Gretta Campbell, A, pleasing,Ffc. tttre of the meetmeetingwas a •. Soioub, Miss Nellie Rinker of Kincardine, who ,,p'layed` her own accompaniment 'and, also acted as pianist for. the a .grass farm; Bays Restaurant d , that W, We understand i "Curly" Stevenson, whofor ed with the Luckiww ti a past ,.winter. has Iiou giit Maurant business in Mt P his home tovwn ' -