The Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-04-11, Page 1y . . $2.00 A. Itear.--In Advance; 50c -Extra to U. S. Ae LUCK ,QW, ONTARIO, T,HURS,DAY, APRIL filth,; 1941.. MISS VIOLA.: KERRY . RETURNS FROM 'OVERSEAS GOES TO ELMI RA.* ` :LAC. :Harry Chin, son of• Mr. OF h US" 'Q 1"":HOME ..and Mrs. Charles' Chin of town, s_ :Viola- .Kerry,_ accountant .arrived in Canada -last-week 'on Mr, RQbert., e.: of town. _has • ' the Lucknow branch ;of Silver- board, the Ile de' France A t h o h purchased' the Havelock St.•'resi-' wood . , .. l h latter dence of Mrs. David :Huston, and • i • •�• Dairies•Limited, left on he. won't be home till'the - . nda for Elmira, where she part' Of the week,°Harr was in is converting it. to a duplex.; ,. • • :...., twill occupy a'sirnilarposition at touch with ;is farmly by phonoe One apartment will be 'QC - the Silverwood plant there. Al- soon after arriving, He is one ,cupied by: his nephew,, Robert :e'w s antici ated, it three' sons• ofRae,. and Mrs. Rae of Wingham, . ,though a mQv . was P , _. Mr:": -and Mrs.-. Chin and it is''ex ected it wilt be ready :. • i �ot'ce � a d' Miss who. were .i , ... '.' . •.. p a y " � , •:carne• .with litte . Xi . ere n, uliiform. Jiin:.and , • , for oceu anc ' in about a month. • ' . � de acture from' the: Vl'1= Harr " saew service `averse • .' ":p • �' K&try s p. •; ,., y service as, but Bob.� 'as ecce' ted a ostioYl.wi�th : took effect hurriedly'• V -J: • Day arrived• ;before. F, ran • h. ..p p • : :. age- kr,� h n d. _ .. is the Rae And d Porteous `firm .an •'M.is�s K•er. ry ;lolned the Silver -' :had a: chance to leave 'Canada., • . • > . • . ' . wood. firm, at the ';Cargill ' plant • has ' been on the ".job here for a • " couple of weeks. file • 1927, and came•to Lucknow. in . MOVES TO TOWN a • p S'eptember, :. 1931, :and in. '• the Ills wife was formerly' ;Marione e .; . i .,- Mr.. .: , P mm ; • dau •hter of Mr.: and Mrs: intervening, years has..conscien.Sam. Gibson, loco- Massey -Y a • g , . sl and untiringly served' this' Harris•, agent, has moved to the Harold Victor 'P.ymm of Wing- tiou y yham. i She was ' a .•faith ful . mem:- Melvin Reed property. on .'.the firm, . � • e Luc knFow United t e.d southern outskirts., of the Village, • bar of the 1{ h , • and was ` articularl in -±,which he bought :'from M'r. Reed Move' . To Kinloss Church. p y. °some ,time , a .-. reste and active', in the • Choir go,,• and:. which Was Mr. and `lVirs:.Ira Dickie. and to d , . tenanted b `' •'Mr: a '� .. and the 'Eve?ning. Auxiliary : _,; •: . y :and Mrs. Matt son. Denver of, Collingwood 'have ' Gaynor, On takin •.oyer .fhe Mas- moved'to Mr. Rod.' MacDou a'il's :Miss � KerrY s .mother, .who • :has . . g .. . Kinloss,." g:. se -Harris basin ss farm,' COM._ 'inl which 'the , . :. . _ Y ._.... ...... e_ ._.. Saris.;._ .is used._. _---......., K..___9�s�mwh home :with her,. p . ..._. been- matin he>'.� Y, remain here- until, livin' of his.' farm•` in Ashfield to Eldon purchased last fall.' Mrs • Dickie`, ,....'willuntil ... g . " .., B ole ' f ' t•' . o . • . ail rs. eters-tars-re-ble a -t -;-Elmira- --•-Via,..-.-,Y o ey�,R..an w:ho � ; ug Miss Kerr y's - successor . is Mr, . Was . formerly in the R.0 A.>♦ .: L. C. 1VIc�Iver. Joseph .Write, who has been :on, the local staff'for the past weeks.ll✓I -r:.'•Writt-.was formerly c l G aceoun-tant�.at.. ..Cargill... He served few • overseas as an •R C.A F. pilot,and Si On:49 srafter ,receivinghis discharge ser �{ • :ved for :a couple -of; months with the head 'Off ice' audit department 'atl,olidon, , before coming to the Lucknow • plant . ._ • 'and W'.i r tts. Wife a fe. d youing.• • .,,,daughter, Joanne, are at' present;. residin'at Cargill until they can i g gt,ey TO MAKE DUPLEX The "Village,; Council held a special session on Friday 'even ing'to'deal with • the, local' housing 'situation- which is ;:becoming ;pro, gressively . worse. In• addition to local „residents ee a •e a el n :.a'. .: . e .• • .o., quarters, • there are several new omers=to town -who -ar-e-unable Took Over An e c g y to obtain housing accomodaton An - dver't"' - ___._a , isement nova► b-eing-.f-o>-�their-famll,ies.; -Lucknow -:•In Carried in • in : The ° Sentinel ,' an- dustries Limited alone hasan pounces a• ch...an. p that took_Placed vr lnf...dc. a d .f or Ox..twelve. some 'timeo 'Whereby the , w; by . apartments ,or- `homes, and :has Agnew '..Insurance . 'A enc now.' ;even resorted :to .an effort to: ob • re . ,. re encs .. ani er1: T_ _ p a 11 cn.�p .�s-fortis, y tarn , ricorb-yt_saamrxler.:cottages,=,.in.. served by the Geor e 1 �` ,... g , .H..Smith order t ,bilis 'key -men' .to� this' and S g. agency. �' ' plant, . which has ' reatl stepped p g y �Pp u roduction ••arid has a ,resent P P, p. D.D.G.M . -VISITED . payroll of• fifty, -which would be. 'rapidly inereased if housing -was. _ 40. OLD LIGHT LODGE .• availa Prior to Friday •,night's riieet= •.r • • , eeve •.� ,e -Deput .Grand Master.aH. A. Mc contact Wartime l;iousing Limit and Burne�of Teeswater paid. his 'of • ed., • to obtain .particular's, .in :re - , 're /�► ficial. visit: to' :