The Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-04-04, Page 6is PAGE SIX W fTEOHURCH • • ice:_"�ancl Mrs, Y .Gros o!rth anud; family spent' the week -end wit n� relatives':,at Toronto, M • �rs. Bert Eynon and family spent the week -end sat London./ Mr, and Mrs. • Harry •Tichborne of . Goderich spent Sunday with her .mother, Mrs. David Kennedy; Miss Tillie Alexander who has sent, the winter months with iVir. p and Mrs. Thos. Moore. had a very successful sale of her' household. furniture 'at, her farm on •the 9th . ono . _ . Her'. • Waw'.,..,. Con. 0 fw e st o, farm has `been .Sold. • it r.ed Mc.Cleiiaglaan re ,Miss .Mrd , d ' to.' Guelph' ,on Saturday. turne • Mrs. George".McClenag1' an,: Mrs: -Lorne' 'Johnson; and .Miss Olive' Terriff;''spent the day there. Mr. and -Mrs, Thos. Morrison • and ' family' 'spent Sunday'', with •lt The Luow Sentinel, jucknow, Ontario iced Church are having their. first FATHER. OF LOCAL- SAWYER Meeting on. April 10th.. . PASSES AT STRATD, - BOT r :fo - 4Qndon: sent Oa es oc- 11�T�'.•.�rmnxo :.� P , � Thea death of Samuel _ k- the week -end with her: parents, y • ' a tin. curved .at Strathro . on Thursday. Mrw and Mrs.. Charlie M r . I lis visited on He was in his 89t Year. na v Mrs,. Thos, ng . of ,coronae Township he was 'act. Thursday with her old neighbor, • • ive in � " e affairs of the Township Mrs. David Kennedy,' � avid upon ,moving to Strathroy Mrs Wakeling and little son of ,over twenty years ago; ;continued London' spent a few.' days last his • municipal interest :and ?served week at the Home of Mr. and Mrs., as `councillor, deputy reeve, reeve James 1. mes McInnes 'and , Nr. Wake- and mayor• .of that..town. ng spent the week-en•d , there. In addition to farming, he :own ro rain arid • a .hard -time ed . a sawmill business, ,and had A p g. dance: were held.in the Institute been a thresherman for a long • 12 last Friday' ` ever;�ing,• 1 rs.. period.' His •wife predeceased hire. .ba ii James received first prize .23 years' ago, and a son : William. 'ctor less than a month. her costume and is •Vr assed away . forp more received second prize. ago: Sole survivor is. 'Walter Case The, ra ram included a ;mixed Oakes of Lueknow,, head .,sawyer`, program, Messrs. Dustan. Bee- at • the Lucknow 'Sawmill Corn - quartette by M , - , •croft, James'Falconer, Mrs. •E party's plant. ' under• Miss Susie Carrick; The funeral4 service,and Sholtz• and Mrs.,, .. • .__ i "-' • h'll Hel masonic aus ices, was held at the I stallation of fighting„heating readings by Currie Burc r ,, Mason P on water systems:; electrical aids;, en Walters and Cecil Falconer; . family residence id ,Strathroy ed b Rev Rcy w 'Min machines, cream Separ- accordion soli) . y Kenneth aur , anon 'pumps, mo What Can Ready Money Mean To The 04 -Ahead Fernier? ' It can mean the iff erenee be- tween, just, getting by atRrd ,ling. really .successful in his enterprise it -an" enable' him to. achieve I,.q. Cr his ambitions, to make' hi ,farm' more' productive, ,more.:Pxofitable, more ;comfortable. • For the' go-ahead farmer, 'whoa may be •short of:, ready' money,. many modern farm improve= merits are:0.now within' easy•reac .with. a B of M loan. .`THVRSDAT; APRIL '4th, 1946 9THERS ARE ASKING Q --I arrr a veteran and unae. qualnted with rental regulations ,,which went into` effect after- I went overseas. °I returned about 6 months ago and rented •.a house, Now' I' find out that I, have been paying more `than the ceiling rent, What should I do? 'r A --You should - con uit' the rentals officer in your nearest Wartime Prices • and Ti &de Boarcd office regarding this matter.•Give h; them the full facts and, they will direct. you as 'to the proper pro- cedure. Q—To settle an:'argument ument will • You, please,.te11 me what is meant. • "n ' that the price ,by sayt g h p. ce ceiling:. .. on certain goods and-service.s'has • been suspended, '- . . . A -It. means `that price, regtita. tions ; haven been. removed :from these: goods and services 'but if • the prices show too high an in- crease. without regulations, these` will be re -'imposed. Q ---I am a farmer and wi:11 have. maple syrup this year. How •shall` ',know what price •to',ask for it? •A . - eiling ' prices .. on rriap/e. syrup .are determined according r des -are --se •-b T �to grade. G a t,. y the departm'eft .of, agriculture ani'i.. Wartime Prices the VVa. t and not• by .. Trade . Board. H'oweveri, local, of- fices of the Board• will .have col- orimeters and :you pray have .the grade—of—y o ur-�-syr ti p -de term -i tied- by testing with the, : colorimeter;' Q --.How, Much Canadian butter is exported Overseas? •:A -Canadian. butter is not .be ing'exported:.The shortage; is due to..a drop in production. Y >- Q - —A ; neighbor of mine` gave me' some ';sugar coupons because_ �OBF 7C 1�1,O1 M N MnFFATT- zhe clidn't p d them and mL Robert Norman Moffat, life.- 'grocer refuses to• take them. He -- long. res_dent of Carluke, :passed, says I'm ; breaking the law, :just, suctdelily on M ch -1-9. havin. ahem. Is he. right'" A=Yes. The' possession •o pose couporns 'is illegal' and no•, dealer may accept them if you}' neigh- bar dc�es not,require-}ger coupons . . Strav'therYr. Here's ..a partial check' list” of • improvements for which' ready.. "• *unprov- ed v money: 'is •avai]lab'le• new . p.. • ed agricultural, implements, and equi 'merit; • :new • livestock ^' for. 'build ng` up the• herd; .farm, .btiild- ings, -repairs and: extensions; new electrical• systems; fencing, • drain-. age .and land improvement•, in- • her sister, .Mrs: Gilbert Hamilton 1 b K nneth Ross S t day conducte Y } - k was ser- of the United Church. : ators, r efriger p • Mot - Take � f near Luc h t 1 Lunch Conner t y. arc • Take •ad�•antage of • .the • ready and: Mr: Hama on o. rte and' a short pay. o _ • .:ors, milking • machines,. 'e c. now., :. 1. ved followed b d rng to d g Mr. Rodger M•cClenaghan of ,Rock • - . n:a . •.ria a °NicCle h Montreal to help you 'pay for .such - ' fice-- At- Brussels, , Opens 01 R. S. Hetherington, K;.C., M•H•E ' E ractis . has ,oaken over the law p, of Elmer Bell 'at 'Brussels Thom son; manager of the Ban vim: be, open :'two days. a week Will f" d -I he- knows and, understands ',the mer's roblems and ,th t: he is he.in L' ucknow 'ere days a :week. far p recently entered a legal part- to Mel you g� ahead and He eager• p, get your full, share of the ..re- 'wards that, -lie 'in high agricultur a�l production;-=-(Advt.)'. "• and son fzn's:, orchestra. Y --r money. available .'at--the—Bank-of- ` 'Ohio spent a ' day last [ - ' . Creek 'Qhr "t' with,the formers • • Clarence 'Hooey's , farm ,on Cori. Boug ht Huron Farm week visiting ' Carruthers has . bought. brothers, Messrs. 'Ben. and .Robert Elliott Carru , I1lfcClenaghan 'dere will be` Sunday School next Sunday'' in the;Presbyterian h after being Closed for the chu�cc 'Winter months,;. . - le of the Uh_ �.k .. • : .:;, The Young PeoP � • • rownsh p, -a. h li east :of Pine. River cheese factory. He 'gets possession at'once,'and Crawford, K.C. Mr. • Hooey held, a clearing sale l nership .with. J. H. m. last; Friday. of Wingha,.. 1 an wall also . of Montreal. You wr 'find that there Mi.'. Hetherington improvements. • ' C• a 11o'n Mr:. fit•• i r•}: OB ITU AR away ver while atter His passing attack, .de ling an auction sale. was due to, a heart Mink 'health being- re ing a year ,ago: D.eceased'. was , the second son 1of7the :late 'John Allan -"and Marl .garet ' .Stewart Moffat and. was born in 1894:• A' faithful .member, of St. Paul' Presbyteriafl church, he served for; a number' of. years .on • tIce-7,13...pardtaf----41,1anagersand was" a former secretary=treasurer • of the church. He was associated, 1 iton and. Salem. • ri, ar; ,t. • • • 5.i F • , r 4, ff 4 n:. J' • /4 . YAMS GALS • • l` once and for all when you are building ' r�ie`te� salYethe-servant problem rich . • Tfie`t� your home. The greatest.modern .'domestic servant is elect e or •"modernizing" . How. well and to what extent 'electricity can.' serve you, now and in the future, - depends , w well our "servant's entrance": is designed .. .: how wisely depends on ,ho Y . • . . Going to St.,Catharines'` Rev.-' Duncan: McTavish of Cal- vary, United Church, London, has resigned this '`pastorate to `accept a• call to St.' Paul's ,Church, 'St, Catharines, ,and•' *ill take , over his new -,charge the. first of July. -A: -native ot-'--Hu-i=oto.1Q, nstu Rev. McTavish has preached at London, Port Hope, Exeter, CI -ed. with Seymour. Lodge A.F. Edna Pentland of Dungannon,: he i leaves 'to mourn, ' four 'brothers, 1 A11an; . S. Moffat, Brantford; Manley Moffat, Carluke;__. Lalter.. T.Mof your home is wired., _.._, q_.... ds4or1.:_to_rnefficient opera •a, Inadequate wiring�lim�ts�the use -of.- electricity. lt:•. ea Y wire service to�the ,. tion of lights and appliances. But adequate' wiring ... threeeI never ceom � ° ;r -proper size .circuits in the home. and plenty of outletsy ... house, with . 'overcomes these difficulties, and gives:you full use of these modern servants. , increased rapidly in'number arid variety before the `.. ,Electrical home appliances p Names es that were • • " War. They are now reappearing and will continue to multiply. years o should now be rewired to suitthe wonder- ' :... wired only•for the needs of 20 49 .; . f ul new "electrical servants"`to come.:' ' e enables.you to use these modern;servants Hydra's low-cost service . Y ' d for them, :In planning your new home, put adequate 'to the full if you have • • wiring �'at'tie' top of your list.. r e' ask your Hydro for the book- • � `�' ' If you are improving or building d team , ,a the: Postwar. Electr.c Homes of Canada." , ; lets "Adequate Wiring ,for • .OBITUARY. "MRS: ;D. A, DOWNEY ; --Old-.fro%eiads wr11;•::b'e grieved t• Moffat arid..Frank D. -Moffat learn of the 'death of Mrs. Davi of Hamilton; ,five sisters,' Mrs: G , A. , Downey, :•which" occurred `1' Frazer Buzza . (Annie) Of :Buriing , .Drayton on•• Saturdy; March .2', .'Bruce James-'{Margar�:�- e was: formerlyuEthl ton; Mrs. Mrs::Down. Y et); of Hamilton, Mrs. William :Jane Wheeler and grew to your Hunter (Mary) of Dundas; Alice 'womanhood here. She was:in;hE and Catherine Moffat of Hamil- 67th year:: , tbn, A ': daughter, of' the. hate Ale •. 'The• funeral was held•on friday l ander' Wheeler `and Selina •Tr `afternoon'from his late residence' leaven she was t Pari - pts die "hC Cern:: are -� hurc her ite� C t p a'l ke :Wh b "t Cru o' etery . for interment.• The multi - tilde who : attended, the .services and who , called at . the' home ` tp I home, .of Mr and' Mrs Thom pay their `last :respects: to'a life,j Treleaven:'; that had been• characterized by On August 29th, 190.6 she w its: noble qualities'and unselfish married at Lucknow to -her• nc devotion ;to duty -"bespoke the bereft husband, by. her'' , uric place ,he filled with' his friends On •Walter • Treleaven T•1 and' in the cornxriuriity.. ' t young' couple resided at Stitt -. for' seven years arid have sir :Z I 0 then lived at Di a i�t'crn; w�� Mrs .. ;.Downey was . d—t1 Mr. and Mrs. :Albert Alton, workerwof `the United•Church; l Misses Bernadean, Betty and 1 of the . Women's mini the ch Marjory : Alton ' of Belfast visited many,y&ars- she sant Mr , and.. Mrs; John • Campbell at being possessed of .a , Mery sir Mrs.. Jacob' Hunter's, also .Mrs. alto voice. • , Cha... Ritchie on Wednedsay last. . 'In '"1941 Mrs. Dost ii'C\' sufff Mr=, and Mrs, :Kenneth. Laidlaw a • severe'. stroke and ' `vh 1e spent -the "week -end with' Mr. and , in ruggedthealth had progress Mrs. • James Laidlaw,; .Wawanosh. ly • ,improved, and her dc.; Mr.. and:Nlrs. Alex Hackett and to a heart attack raiirC sand; th • liittle ;son Wayne . of Belfast •visit- and unexpected}y ed M �. and rMrs , ' 'Alfred Sun- t . Besides het'. ty1Cl she is vived by .a son 'Santotd o1 D 'clay p.m.. • .,:. ,. ' • Mr. and Mrs, ' Alfred" sEit ited ton, a daughter,. Nnr r sh 1 and- Billie of Ltzcknow ' visited of Toronto and: a g•1'andson Sunday' .with M rs and Mrs: 'Ernest She was ` predeceased. . Ned' a, I Gardner. "Herold in 1943,^ and by Mel Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Dickson: then Ford`, in'" /911 arid • family, Dungannon,. were The. funeral . service w,as: --gue§ts with Niro and .Mrs.• Cecil in Drayton Urii.:ted Church ..ar >�zer, interment in, Drayton Coro( 10 .born: a •OntaiiO. ' .}i parents and rr,1i c When " ;she 'was 'young •of her• girlhood was spent at t!