The Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-02-21, Page 7TOURS', FEBRUARY 21st, 1946
Thursday; Friday,,. Saturday .
February.. -114,._.
From ' ;;.the. .horse—and-buggy,
days 'to ',the autei bice. and
ro lane °in :the`dramatic
story. of , Captain' ;Eddie Rick
at x.30
on�ary; 'rues+
d ";edne
'Eadie:. Was A Lac
a, n d
• EYE:•
Serious Situation:
Tara'•s •fire truck is out of corn
:mission' because. someone forgot
todrain the radi for and.fill .`-
a • , l_ �t
with anti. freeze. The block, was,
badl dam '
y , .aged .and so.far; r-eliaitrs.
haven't been; available: • T h
Villages only •firerotection at
esent is. a'• snnal ..
pr, 1 chemical' out-
The LuckfiC r: 'Sentinel;
•L A
.:Mr. Jaynes Scott of ' London
spent last weelr ith .friends at
Mr. and, Mrs. • Elmer Huffman
Spent Sunday'wrt1i Mr and Mrs:
Russel Ritchie. •
Mr, A. • Moore ; of - : Wingham
spent Sunday with Mr: and Mrs.
#Io . Huffman. .
Mr;' Jim Richardson and Mrs,
Charles Elliott and Henry atten.
ded the funeral On :Thursday, et.
Dungannon of Mr, Elliott's bro-
tier James, Mr, Elliott returned
home:' with'them,
Mr, :fi enry'..Elliott a ompan-
ied Mr:•• Irvine • Reid o• ' visit.
friends ,at Owen.. Sound : on Sun
day, \ .
On .Tuesday; Mr. Jatnes,. M,orit-
son, recently, returned -
seas; ° •returneftom (ker.-
to Toronto:. and is
having, an� operation' on his hand
in Christie -St: ;Iospital;• Toronto
Mrs. Morrison,: returned on.
'day to to: Toronto.,
A r large .number, • of. 'folks •froin.
this eornrixunityattended the- ,hoe. -
day .evening..
' Mr, and Mrs, ",Orville Tiffin,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tiffcii and
Joan,,,and Mr.. and, Mrs. Dan "fir:,
'fire and"""bol °y°of Whitechurch vis r
ted on ..Sunday '..with'Mr: and..
Mr's.' Wesley` Tiffin:,,
...The` funeral.' of the 'late Mr.
Robert Orr was held on Saturday
with bitFfel s Cemetery:
This, community extends; their
sympathy to hs,brother
it ?. af- -Ilk rs 'corninunity,
Ow, 011tArtIO
'Whitehorse, Y.T:,
February 14, 1946
Mr. -Campbell :Thompson,;
Editor, The Sentinel,•
Lucknow; Ontario. •
Dear Campbell: A
.The Sentinel is thoroughly en-
joyed -"even .though it `arrives,,
pretty late, .at'times, _ It travels to
Vancouver, then upthecoast, by
boat' to ;Skagway and into -White-
horse by, our 110 -mile narrow
gauge railway::(Airmail eons by
plane .daily from Edmonton,, first
'class mail by lus. over the Alaska
Highway twice a, week)„, What
prompts'', meAo . write.. tonight . is
the :fact: that' 'I have. ' ut'retur..'ed
from. Dews -Oh Cityand by a
strange e coincid nce m
g -;_ coincidence et :a :chap.
there, who knows ,Lucknpw well
I: believe. •my, letter- might -have
sorne interest` for readers if you
•1bo1-11d have' room for some
tulle. •
One of the interesting things
- 1„n, Da..wso lis tie-rLewhr dPVP�c-
ed'. handcraf t:..awork with native
ivpry and .gold. Shap�i:n�g.'delic.ate
dogwood blossoms.frem mastodon
ivory :was ' Mel Sziaith ''He wa
using an ele iric� t1rill-tea r
g d i>� ri'
,unlike • •a' dentist's..' .Two:. others
were busy, on gold • casting and
assernbling ,I bought a • east•.god
tie :pin, a., man driving four dogs
hitched, Acr a=-sle'd=a-•-puri-wh-ich-
Mel Smith had -designed. Here
:the act arntanceaf'. Mel ander”
rriight have '.ended ::had ,we'• not
both been- invited:'to dinner'.:et
*the same.' home that '.eve,rang :'
Some o
h w the conversation ;got
around do Ontario,' Bruce; County,
fixiall_y to the Grey. Ox___then West:
down the: Fourth Concession un-,
'til I was able say "Why you
, Maggie-MacDorfaldson
and ck"
a ; ;nephew ' of ` Jaek,s ,an3•
Bill's.', So' there we were .:Mel- had
spenta.'good,many summer holi4.
s -at
t -his' grand-
father, . Angus 'MacDonald. We
went u:p,Nand:downthe- concession.
from farm to 'farm, my informa-
l?ti ils P
can fib': play' Hooke' P y Y and:
loaf without punishment...So So long
s, ' hey_ don't interfere wh' the.,;
freedom of others...they break [no
'titles -because` • there , aren't any:
rules: Read .about.' -`-there : DO -As,
You Like -Schools, in . The Amer
lean'. .Weekly
'Wee y wrtli this Sundays
(Februar !24) issue of The : De
tieit Sunda '
. y . �rrrr-esz-.'
• •.•;-.
i Vered°:.Its Lucknow
tion of :.most:.people being more
up: to 'date, than his. It was very
pleasantto go: back ::told the. fourth
concession together. --.nn these manly manly;miles. away: Mel came
4o-the.--Yukon-witht the. -Mounted
-Poli_.-ee..__lie,.;avinrtl1::oxs he lis
goziP i,oto_:a partnership on.;:net-
ive' handicrafts. -
Mel is 'very artist4c _arid ,:the
goo 1 and ilydry work is.'of . very
expert craftsmanship. It may''•be
of interest Ila,. -know: that ''these,,
mastodon Musks are from ianimais
which died -at: least 50,000 .yea°i's
.agb. The. tusks frozen deep,
in' the ground. They -are xbrought
op=tr`I• the, diggirii' for gold. The
gi:ound:.,ahead ' .9f. the , dredges.
racist. be 'thawed, .This is quite a
job, generally'. the :ground being . nese:' .
thawed a year::''ahead.• Holes are
•rK I N L Q -
The` service for the Wornen's
World. Day of Prayer, March '8th,
will be held in the Presbyterian,
church this_ year withMrs_• Wm.
Wall as key -woman. Q1
Mrs: John. Sturgeon °returned.
to the village after spending
past month• in Toronto. '04,4'
Mrs, Wm. Kaake who is spend-
ing the winter'months• with her
daughter, 'UV.. Huntley at 'Put -
"nam, celebratd her 91st birthday
on. February .4tti..We wish:' her
many happy returns of the day.
Church. Annual Vestry Held '
The annual' vestry meeting of,:
the Church of .the Ascension, Kin-
lough,, ;attracted a large attend-
ante of members .who heard en
'couraging reports on r the . year's
activities The rectorr, thee'?. e
_. ,. R v.
L: , W., Owen presided` and con -
_ducted Opening. devotions: -1,Miss
Edna Boyle was `reelected as
vestry clerk; ,Leaders of the
c h u r c h' organizations, Senior
Auxiliary, Girls'. W, , A.:, , Little_.•'.
:Rein o l,,,, fi.erzzie,e -:Cu
day School, presented reports de.
noting. favorable' progress • HoW-
Ward 'Thompson was: r e-ap,,pointed•
rector's warden and -Milton Walsh
lwaa elected people's' warden' with"`
Wesley Boyle ,lay delegate. tot e
synod. Conim•ittees were ,elected:
board of .management, the. ward-
ens, Mrs. Karl Boyle; Mrs. James.
Hodgins,;, Joseph: Wall, r: Bert;
Mclean;;; rectory committee; iVirs,,
JW J: c can, ,..•and Mrs: Vt1m:
Co; Bert McLean; . b.uilding coir,
mi-ttee,. Karl Boyle, Thos Hod
gins, Medford Wall, -.Jas.• Hodge:
The' other.cixrcies i�t
he parish,
St .- :John' ,, at Berve and St. Mat,.
thew's at. Kingarf also enjoyed.
.goodyears . despite' y r , espte' .the, °fact that
for aart of ' 19451 they ., „ t ey were
:witho = t, : settled - aster 1 '-over-:
sight Mr.: Owen h tassu•nned : his: dut
there' wit ri e• .y
h. :e w year,.
Mrs Jackson,, of Kincer-
diiie visitedZiurin-g-t.h .week�wi
Mrs• George Haldenby, .
Miss Marville1 Scott :has return-
ed homeafter spending a_few
ys 'in T -0.r -onto.
Mr and. Mrs; Howard McGuire.
of Olivet spent. Sunday with rela-
tives here. T, `
The Anglican Young, People's
will hold-their;_grganization . mbet-
ing at e e tire on.:Monda.
evening Everyoneris cordially •tri
vited:_ • .
Miss Ethel '.Haldenl'4y. of Walk.,
erton spent the Week -end i at . here
FR I., SAT. & MON.
.. a we're rtlinnmg Friday
In' decor*eons Technicolor
Starring Rita Haywol'th,.
Gene felly
with : Lee, Bowman.
You'll love it. Ne are• proud
AO present this film ''for your
enjoyment:.. Two solid hours
.of splendid entertainment.
ColUli4G .:
For Chicks that pay
04 4
United Church 147:' A.
r '
_e Fekiru y' , meetng
hof'; the' •
McNa '
b Murdie • group ,Was 'held
W dnesday, ..'February`
the home, me of Mrs: Ilaryey' Trelea-° ,
-v n
s pture ;lesson: ` taken ;from:
Proverbs was read by 1VIrs
McNab. Th
e guiest speaker . was
Miss -Hazel Webster=who- - - e
home here: .^
an`d Mrs. Howard:.Thump.
son 'and :Marie of'' Purple Grove
.visited 'Sunday :with Mr: and 'Mrs::
:Wesley: 'Guest. :
Miss Iona Terry ..returned to
her duties at "CKNKX after an ab-
sence ;of ;three 'weeks .due to . ill-'
and:wa: ert-": uiiipe -. doyen
all summer' icing:The •tusks are
brought up - the dredge buck-
ets, •occasionally an, unbroken
tusk will'Weigh 200 pounds: -The.
ivory is . very herd ,and takes on
a: fine polish. .
Tnc gold, of course, is from tiie
-creeks'fi:-n uggets • be'ing -•picked for
their• size and shape.. In,,the case'
of told Casting: the metal its Melt-
ed ; and poured- into pl~aster of
pak'is molds.
•:.1,il.e all 'Canadian camps,
'awson:City: hes, been veryquiet,
during .tile', ova ° years It" 'is ex-.
petted that there . will be ,here
activity this .•year . •.,Thor e-Ri•s tii-1
•jr•lenty of gold. in :the., creek df
the.:Yukon but Most: cif the
w6rkeel' gravels. sarry values". so:
Iow'''taj:they.,can be Mined ec-�
Cyno 1cally onl,,by huge dredges
p w .reel `.by h•ydro:, . The big
...dredges dges 'd'ig to they bedrock and.
a few friet' -of the beat, t
itself, on which. most of .the •
�4e�,�� nrnwipalaeeewt . mei ' '• • a! i d fe U n a.
very interesting address on , "The
World ...Betterment". Mrs. •Harold:,;
Allin .favored• 'the ;•group; with a,
piano , solo. A ver• uiterestmg.
Valentine quiz was conducted` -by ,'
Mrs. W. Anderson. Miss Jean Tre-
leaven gave .,a humorous; -reading
Lunch was 'served. and a social'
our enjoyed
half ho ed=
Dawson : City is`': now ` pretty
Much of a "ghost town'„ with only..
a small' fraction af- its once proud
25,000 p,.eople:;But, at is still ..a
very, intriguing .plac'e and tour-
ists are expected' to be coming in
again this ' year. The Yuikon' has
manyinteresting places and stet
'les. Lake ,Labarge; •Bonanza e edit
and the Trail of '98 7are names
'most people know, largely bet:,
cause Or lo'bei t —.Service's vivid
verse and because ; Of ..the fact ..
.that 45' years' ago -mien from all
over the continent were flocking r
into the .Kiondyke it a get -rich, -
quick scramble;
ITad I -travelled ,'fr orYt" Dawson
City. to Whitehorse 45 yoaf's ago,
I .yo,tild have 'come by'stage,stay-
ing overnight at • roadhou'ses, and
changing •'teams, every ..20 ,.miles,.
It 'would; have taken me at loas.t
five 'days to tra;vrl' the 350 miles.
But'taday'1 came •by•plan'e in,twq',
;hours,"", .•
Sincer el�y, •
.Iiar voy
take good' care of your•
zpresepie,i r --Remember
`care`;. today 1 means'
higher resale price to-�
W e• are , staffed a n d
equipped to handle all
maintenance and repair
"work' and all makes of
vehicles. Drive iii today!
j Lucknow
.f ;:
t .*FC 4Y�!2f[f,mati aktm kt` toott `il bit 'i�.gr•